Chapter 695

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The following morning, the Robbery and Murder Division.

Jackson’s entered the captain’s office and said, “Captain, I’ve found out an important clue.”

Luke pointed to the chair across from him, “Sit down and talk.”

Jackson held a piece of information in his hand, “I carefully investigated the suspect Cabinet Bess’s experience and found that he has a history of drug trafficking and theft and has been sent to rehab several times.

At the same time, I also investigated the profile of the agent, Wendell Duma, and found that he also has a history of drug use, as well as one visit to a drug rehab center. Coincidentally, the two men were in the same rehab and their schedules crossed.”

Luke asked for the information to look at it more closely, and sure enough, both men had gone to the same drug rehab in 2022.

Luke got up and said, “Pack up your gear and meet in the parking lot in five minutes.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Forty minutes later. Oswald’s neighborhood, Wendell Dumas’ house.

Three police cars were parked outside Wendell Duma’s house, the team members stepped out one by one, and Jackson went to the front door of the yard and rang the doorbell.

Immediately, the courtyard door opened and a white woman dressed as a maid ushered the group into the villa.

Entering the living room, Luke saw Wendell Dumas and a woman sitting on the sofa drinking coffee, he was a little surprised, “Ms. Rebecca Mozelle, why are you here too?”

Rebecca Mozelle got up and said, “I was discharged from the hospital, but I didn’t want to go home for a while. Wendell Dumas let me come to his house for a while.”

And then she looked over at Wendell Dumas and snickered, “Thanks again for taking me in as a homeless person, otherwise, I would have had to go out on the streets.”

“Hey, don’t say such silly things, you can stay as long as you want.” Wendell Duma stood up, patted Rebecca Mozelle on the shoulder, and asked, “Captain Li, why did you guys suddenly come to my house?”

“We found out something about the suspect and wanted to check with you.”

“No problem, I’m happy to help you guys.” Wendell Duma squeezed out a smile.

Luke took out a photo of the suspect, Kabineh Bess, “Mr. Duma, do you recognize this person?”

Wendell Duma picked up the photo and looked at it, shaking his head, “No. Is he the suspect in the robbery?”

“Yes, are you sure you don’t recognize him?”

“I’m sure.”

“But according to our investigation, the two of you were in the same drug rehab center in 2022.”

Wendell Dumas blushed slightly, “That doesn’t mean I necessarily know him.”

Luke took out a document, “This is a search warrant, Mr. Duma, we’re going to search your house, we hope you’ll cooperate.”

Wendell Dumas was annoyed, “Hey you guys can’t do that, are you suspecting me? How could I possibly hurt Rebecca, I’ve always treated her as my own.”

Rebecca Mozelle also said, “Captain Lee, have you guys misunderstood. Wendell Dumas has always been my most trusted person, he would never hurt me.”

“I hope so too, as long as the investigation is clear, his suspicion can be completely ruled out.” Luke finished speaking and ordered his men to search in the villa and in the yard.

Wendell Dumas looked furious, “You guys are crazy to think that I’m related to the suspect.”

Rebecca Mozelle walked over to Wendell Duma and comforted him in turn, “Honey, I believe you, there must be some kind of misunderstanding here.”

Looking at the loving duo, Luke felt a little zoned out and simply left the villa and went to search the yard.

After a while, Porter’s voice rang out from the garage, “Captain, I’ve got something on my side.”

Luke walked into the garage and saw Porter standing behind a red Porsche car with the trunk door open, Porter lifted the trunk mat and a black toolbox was sitting underneath.

Porter opened the lid of the toolbox and instead of tools, there was a gun and some fine jewelry.

“Take these to the living room.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Luke and his group then walked into the living room, where Rebecca Mozelle and Wendell Dumas were both still sitting on the couch, communicating in low voices.

Porter placed the black toolbox on the coffee table and pointed to the jewelry inside, “Ms. Mozelle, do you recognize this jewelry?”

Rebecca Mozelle froze for a moment, a stunned look on her face, “These are the jewelry I was robbed of, and you recovered it! Where did you find them? Did you catch the suspect?”

Luke said, “The jewelry was found in Wendell Duma’s car, as for the whereabouts of the suspect, you’ll have to ask Mr. Duma.”

Wendell Duma’s face turned very ugly and he took a step back and sat on his butt on the couch.

Rebecca Mozelle’s mouth opened wide with an incredulous look, “Wendell, what the hell is going on? Why is the jewelry I was robbed of in your house?”

Wendell Dumas lowered his head and was silent.

Rebecca Mozelle’s face was very ugly as she choked, “Oh my god, you and that suspect are in cahoots, I trusted you so much, why would you want to hurt me.”

Wendell Dumas sighed, “Rebecca, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I swear, it wasn’t supposed to be like this.

I just told him to go to your house and rob it, I didn’t think that asshole would hurt you. Knowing about this makes me angrier than you are.”

Rebecca Mozelle wondered, “Why did you let him rob my house?”

“I did it to help you.” Wendell Dumas waved his hands and said helplessly, “You’re in your thirties, you’re past your best age, you haven’t gotten a good role in a long time, and your exposure is dwindling. It’s hard to fight for a supporting actress role in a drama now.

Some time ago, Bradley Linderman approached me and said that her wife gave him an ultimatum to break up with you. He wanted me to persuade you for a peaceful breakup.”

Wendell Dumas took a deep breath, “Do you know what that means. If you and Bradley Linderman separate, without his resources and connections, it will be hard for you to even fight for supporting roles in TV dramas in the future.

“That’s why I came up with this idea.

I had expected that with the heist, you would have a conversation and exposure, and your career would have a second chance. In fact that’s true as well, I’ve already received several offers for programs. Do you know how many TV reporters are squatting in front of your house right now? You’re on fire again.”

“I don’t need to be famous that way.” Rebecca Mozelle revealed an angry look, “You have no idea what I went through that night? You have no idea.”

Wendell Dumas explained, “Like I said, I just told him to rob me, I didn’t think that asshole would hurt you. I was angry too.”

Luke said smoothly, “So, you killed him.”

Wendell Dumas hesitated and denied, “No, I didn’t kill him.”

“Then why do you have all this looted loot?”

Wendell Dumas said, “He ran away in a hurry and asked me to sell them and give him the money.”

“Where is he?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then how will you give him the money?”

“I ……” Wendell Dumas thought for a moment, “He said he would contact me again.”

Luke stared at the other man and said, “You know what? You’re not very good at lying.”

Wendell Dumas balked, “Everything I said is true, I didn’t kill him.”

And then, Luke stayed at the scene to investigate, leaving the vice squad in charge of tracking down the suspect, Kabineh Bess.

The vice squad first checked the CarLog of Wendell Dumas’ Porsche car and found that the CarLog’s connecting cable was unplugged and hadn’t been used for some time.

He then had to contact the car manufacturer to investigate the car’s GPS location system and found that Wendell Dumas had driven to Highway 1 in the early hours of yesterday morning, which coincided with the suspect Kabineh Bess’s escape route.

The Vice Squad took someone to the GPS location and found that the neighborhood was surrounded by a desert, and in the Vice Squad’s experience, the surrounding area was very suitable for killing and burying the body, although the search would be difficult and might waste a lot of police resources.

After considering the situation, the Vice Squad did not mobilize too many police forces, but called in two search dogs.

With the car’s GPS location as the center, the two search dogs searched both sides of the highway, and the search lasted for several hours.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, a police dog found an abnormality, two paws on the ground to dig soil.

And then, two officers dug down at the spot where the canine had found a shovel after digging about thirty centimeters.

The police dog was still barking. The police continued to dig down, about one meter deep, and unearthed a black bag, which was large and as long as a man. The police dug up the surrounding soil and smelled a strong odor of a corpse before they could open the black bag.

Wearing a mask and gloves, a police officer opened the black bag, which clearly contained a corpse, the very suspect they were looking for, Kabineh Bess.

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