Chapter 699

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:22:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Savia Car Dealership.

This car dealership was located in the southern suburb of Los Angeles, it was also the place where Marico Marquez worked, according to Marico Marquez’s description, not long ago, he had a conflict with his colleagues at the car dealership.

Two black cars drove into Savia’s car dealership, Luke stepped down from the car and observed the environment of the dealership, which was divided into two yards, front and back, and in the front yard there were some second-hand cars in good condition, most likely for sale.

A tall Latina woman wearing flesh-colored stockings walked over and greeted her with a smile, “Sir, do you want to fix your car, or buy it?”

Luke asked, “Pretty girl, do you know how to fix cars?”

“No, I don’t know how to fix cars, I only work in sales. If you guys want to fix the car, I can take you to the backyard, where there are the most professional car mechanics.”

Luke said, “We don’t need to fix the car.”

The Latin woman smiled, “My name is Alana, I can introduce you to any type of car you guys want.”

“Sorry, we’re not here to buy a car.” Blackie flashed his badge, “LAPD.”

Alanna frowned slightly, “Sir, what can I do for you guys?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Are you Alana Juarez?”

“It’s me.” Alanna Juarez was a little confused, “How did you guys know my last name?”

“We wanted to find out something about you.”

“What information?”

“Do you know Marico Marquez?”

Alana Juarez pursed her lips, “Yes, he’s a coworker at our car dealership. But he didn’t show up for work today, so if you’re looking for him, you’d better call him directly.”

“We’ve already met Marico Marquez and now we’d like to talk to you.”

“Talk to me about what? What the hell do you guys want?”

“It’s my understanding that you and Mr. Marico Marquez have had some problems.”

Alana Juarez froze and sneered, “Conflicts? Is that what he said? If that’s the case, I don’t think there’s much to talk about.”

“Hey, who are you guys? Why are you stopping my girlfriend?” A burly white man in a blue workman’s uniform, wiping his grease-stained hands, strides over.

“Cappy, I didn’t promise to be your girlfriend.” Alana Juarez clasped her hands to her chest and rolled her eyes.

“Honey, everyone in the car business knows it’s only a matter of time. Sooner or later you’ll be my woman.” The burly white man stepped in front of Alana Juarez and turned to Luke and the others, “I heard someone was looking for trouble, was it you guys?”

Blackie flashed his badge, “LAPD. you’re Cappy Hawkins?”

“That’s me.”

You guys just tell me what’s going on. Alana’s business is my business.”

Luke asked, “Do you know Marico Marquez?”

“I’d love to think I don’t know that asshole, is that why you guys are here about him?”

“You know something happened to his family?”

“Yes. He took a leave of absence from his boss the other day, saying his wife had been in a car accident. But what does that have to do with us?”

“According to our investigation, his wife’s car may have been tampered with, which is what caused the brakes to fail and the car to go out of control. And you had a run-in with Marico Marquez and threatened to get back at him.”

Cappy Hawkins shrugged, “I …… that was drunk talk.”

“So you admit to saying something similar?”

“Look, I did have some problems with Marico Marquez, but that had nothing to do with his wife, and I wouldn’t hurt his wife.”

“What is your beef with Marico Marquez?”

Cappy Hawkins glanced at Alana Juarez next to him, looking like she was about to say something.

“I’m going crazy.” Alana Juarez grumbled and turned away.

It was then that Cappy Hawkins said, “I like Alana and have been pursuing her.”

Before, the two of us got along well, and since Marico Marquez came to the dealership, everything has changed.

Marico Marquez is a complete playboy, he is very good at coaxing girls, although he is married, he has always claimed that he is not on good terms with his wife, and has used this reason to approach Alana and trick her …… This kind of disgusting behavior is the reason why I hate him.”

Cappy Hawkins paused and continued, “I know what you’re thinking, I do hate Marico Marquez, but I didn’t put my hands on the car and I have no reason to hurt his wife.

If his wife is really dead, he’ll come back to harass Alana, he surely will. So it wouldn’t do me any good to do that.”

Luke stared at the other man, not noticing any obvious signs of lying.

From what he now knew, there was a love triangle between Marico Marquez, Alana Juarez, and Kaybee Hawkins, who was a mechanic and had skills, but who now seemed to have insufficient motive. Alana Juarez may have motive, but has no car repair skills.

Luke followed up with, “Are there any other people in the car repair business that you know of who had problems with Marico Marquez?”

“Of course there are, why don’t you guys go ask Marico Marquez.” Cappy Hawkins finished and laughed, “By the way, even if you didn’t ask, he shouldn’t say anything.”

Black asked, “Any stories here? I love hearing stories the most.”

Cappy Hawkins said with a straight face, “Marico Marquez is a playboy. You guys probably think I have a problem with him because of Alana. It’s not just that.

Because of his harassment of Alanna, I asked a friend to inquire about him. This guy has a bad reputation at the car dealership, and the reason he came to our car dealership is that he was dismissed from the previous one. As for the reason for the dismissal, he hooked up with the car dealership owner’s girlfriend.”

Xiao Hei was curious, “Does his wife know about this?”

“Haha ……,” Cappy Hawkins laughed, his smile a little odd, “He didn’t have a wife back then.”

Luke guessed, “Marico Marquez’s wife was the girlfriend of the former car dealership owner?”

“That’s right.”

Marico Marquez, that asshole, loves to hook up with other people’s girlfriends, and it doesn’t surprise me that this kind of person is being retaliated against.”

Luke asked, “Do you know which car dealership Marico Marquez used to work at?”

“Klein’s car dealership.”

“Do you know the owner of that dealership?”

“No. I heard that the owner went to jail for DUI shortly after he was dumped by his girlfriend.”

“Did the owner of Klein’s car dealership get out of jail?”

“I don’t know.”

Luke shook the other man’s hand, “Thanks for the tip.”

“You’re welcome, and I’m happy to let more people know the true nature of that asshole Marico Marquez.”

Luke made a few more inquiries before leading the men out of the Savia dealership.

Auburn Hospital, inside ward 402.

Grace Doyle was lying alone in a hospital bed, her mother having left at some point.

“Knock knock ……”

A knock sounded outside.

“Come in.”

Luke and Blackie pushed their way into the hospital room.

Grace Doyle asked, “Captain Lee, have you found out who is trying to harm me?”

“We found out some clues and wanted to check something with you.”

Grace Doyle revealed a nervous look, “My husband he ……”

“It’s not your husband I’m asking about.”

Grace Doyle breathed a sigh of relief, “I told you the automobile accident must have had nothing to do with him.”

Luke sat down next to the hospital bed and asked, “How did you and Marico Marquez meet?”

Grace Doyle thought for a moment, “On a very random occasion ……”

“Have you ever heard of the Klein car dealership?”

Grace Doyle blushed slightly, “Yes, my husband worked at that dealership before.”

Luke pressed, “Do you know the owner of that dealership?”

Grace Doyle pursed her lips and whispered, “Yes, he …… was my ex-boyfriend.”

“What’s his name?”

“Williams Crane.”

Luke continued, “Can you tell us about the emotional journey between the three of you?”

Grace Doyle sighed, “I …… am sorry for Williams Crane. He was so good to me and we dated for three years and had even been thinking about getting married.

One day I went to Klein’s car dealership to see him, he was talking business with a client, and that was the time I met Marico. He was handsome, funny and considerate to me, and more importantly, we had common hobbies and lifestyles.

After meeting him, I had a new understanding of love. I fell hopelessly in love with him, and the feeling was so special and genuine that if I missed it, there wouldn’t be a next time.

So, I left Williams and chose to be with Marico. I’ve never regretted that choice.”

Luke asked, “Where is Williams Crane now?”

“I heard from a friend …… that shortly after we broke up, he was taken to jail for DUI and I haven’t seen him since.” Grace Doyle finished and let out a long breath, “Why did you bring up Williams?”

Luke asked rhetorically, “Do you think he could have had something to do with the automobile accident?”

Grace Doyle froze and was silent for a long moment, “I don’t know.”

After the questioning, Luke immediately left for the hospital.

On the way back to the police station, Luke contacted Matthew and asked him to investigate Williams Crane’s information and the officers who arrested him back then.

Half an hour later, the Robbery and Murder Division, Squadron One office.

Luke entered the office, poured a cup of warm boiled water, moistened his throat, and asked, “Matthew, did you find out the information on Williams Klein?”

Matthew looked at the computer screen and read, “On the night of July 3, 2022, Williams Klein collided with a black Toyota while driving drunk. The officer who arrested him was none other than Ossie Perkins, the victim of another crash.”

Blackie laughed, “Right on, Williams Cline was dumped by his girlfriend, Grace Doyle, who ran off with an employee of his own.

Williams Cline got into an automobile accident while drinking to drown his sorrows and was later arrested by Trooper Ossie Perkins.

Williams Crane is now out of jail. He feels that it was Ossie Perkins and Grace Doyle who put him in jail and holds a grudge, exacting revenge on both men.”

Luke nodded, agreeing that the analysis made sense, and asked, “Is Williams Crane out of jail now?”

Matthew shrugged, “Theoretically his sentence is up.”

Black frowned, “What do you mean theoretically? What about actual?”

Matthew said, “He died last year, in prison. And dead people can’t kill.”

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