Chapter 7

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:29
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Jovi’s Gun Shop.

A Dodge Challenger pulls up in front of the store and two men step out of the car, a balding white man and a young brunette.

It was David and Luke from the ‘Robbery-Murder Division’.

The two men entered the gun store one after the other.

The room was filled with all types of guns, handguns, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, and more.

Luke, dazzled by the sight, walked up to the counter and flashed his badge, “Which one is the owner?”

A bearded middle-aged man was polishing the rifles on the counter, “I’m the owner of this store what’s the problem?”

“I’m Detective Luke and this is Detective David.” Luke pulled a picture of the suspect, Tim, out of his pocket, “Seen this guy before?”

The boss took a look, “No.”

Luke pulled out another picture of a modified Taser, “Does this gun look familiar?”

The owner put down the cotton cloth and scanned it, “The X26-C Taser, I still have a few in my store.

Sir, if you guys want it, I can discount it by 95%.”

“This is not an ordinary Taser, the gun’s voltage and magazines have been modified to be much more powerful than an ordinary Taser.

Last night, the man in the photo used this gun to commit a robbery, and according to him the gun was purchased from your store.

You have several modified Tasers in your store, and I need the list of customers who bought this gun.”

The owner was silent for a moment and shook his head, “I’m just a gun salesman doing a legitimate business. There are no modified tasers in the store, you’re looking in the wrong place.”

Luke looked around and pointed to the overhead camera, “Pull up the surveillance, I want to check it out.”

“Sir, I’m more than willing to cooperate, provided you have a warrant.”

David got a little impatient and moved up to the counter, “Hey, if you wait for me to come in with a warrant, it won’t be as simple as checking the surveillance.

Would you prefer a cease and desist or a visit to the police station?

It’ll definitely make you feel at home.”

The owner was a bit offended but wimped out, pointing at the camera, “That’s fake, I have so many big treasures in my store, I don’t need that kind of shit.”

“Then we need to talk alone.” David checked the camera and pointed to the waiters at the counter next to him, “Either make them leave or come with me to the police station.”

The owner turned to the two attendants selling guns, “Go to the back and organize the inventory.”

David tapped his finger on a picture of a taser on the counter, “I need the list of customers who bought this gun.”

“I told you, no modified tasers are sold here.” The owner’s tone was firm.

David picked up the rifle parts on the counter and started assembling them, “The civilian version of the M16 semi-automatic rifle, the magazine can only hold 10 rounds, it’s a little bit less, but it’s enough to put a dent in your store.”

“Are you scaring me?”

“I’ll shoot you when I’m done assembling it and you still don’t tell me.”

The owner looked over at Luke, “Sir, I’m being threatened, won’t you stop him?”

Luke hesitated.

According to the rules of the police department, he should indeed stop David to prevent a bigger mess.

But reason told him not to do so.

As a partner, even if you don’t agree with David’s way of investigating the case, you can’t start an argument in front of the investigated officer …… This moment must also support him.

“You have so many guns in your store, it’s normal for them to go off occasionally.

We also heard the gunshots and came over to help, if you’re hurt I’ll call 911 for you,” Luke said, crouching down and plugging his ears.

“This asshole is capable of anything, help yourself.”

David assembled the gun, loaded it, pointed it at his boss’s head, and

“Time’s up!”

The boss held up his hands, “Don’t shoot! I said. But out of this door, I won’t recognize it.”

“I just want the client list, I don’t want to be involved in any other shit.”

Fine beads of sweat covered the owner’s forehead, “There was only one modified Taser in the store, and I sold it to only one person.”

“Why the lie?”

“I didn’t want to get into trouble.”

“Where did the modified Taser come from?”

“It was put in the store for resale by a man nicknamed ‘The Postman’.”

“Why sell them for him?”

“Regular tasers go for a thousand dollars, modified tasers go for three thousand, I just wanted to see if they would sell.”

“I want his real name, contact info?”

“I’m not sure, he reached out to the store.

We deal in cash, he’s a little known for his gun modifications, people call him ‘The Postman’.”

“If you dare lie or hide something ……”

“I swear to God, that’s all I know.”

David wiped the grip of the M16 with a cotton cloth and put it back on the counter, “Word of advice, surveillance is still a must.”

Luke and the two men left the gun store.

Getting into the car, Luke put away his pistol and leaned back in the seat and let out a long breath, “You passed.”

David filled half a bottle of mineral water, “I know guys like that, he wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t.”

“You’re too aggressive, there are other ways. I don’t want a firefight in a gun store with a Glock, makes me feel like a fool.”

“It’s the fastest way.” David finished and gave Luke another look, “You’ve really changed.”

“One must always mature.”

Luke as a former Chinese criminal police officer was very uncomfortable with this way of investigating cases.

For the first time in his life, he was negotiating with someone in a room full of guns and ammunition.

He’d been worried that two store clerks would pop out of nowhere and fire away with semi-automatic rifles.


Next time never go on a mission with this lunatic.

Luke got out of the car halfway.

His legs were still a little weak from walking, and it was an unpleasant feeling.

The Fly Bar.

Open from eleven in the morning to two in the morning.

Luke entered the bar, the lobby was empty, there were more waiters than customers.

Danny the bartender was a little surprised, “Luke, this is the first time I’ve seen you at noon.”

“Me too.”

“What can I get you?”

Luke sat down at the bar, “A curry chicken and rice.”

“And a drink?”

“Don’t tempt me to make a mistake. If I get fired from the police department, I won’t be able to take care of your business.”

“You came all the way here for chicken curry and rice?”

Luke pulled a scratch-off from his pocket and put it on the bar, “Cash it in before I finish lunch.

I want cash.”

“Wow wow, you actually won eight thousand dollars!”

“Is there a problem?”

“No, it’s just that in all the years I’ve been playing scratch-offs, I’ve never won more than five hundred dollars.

Man, you are so lucky.”

Luke also realized the problem, winning the lottery was something that was fine once or twice, but more often than not, it was easy to be targeted.

Luke needed long-lasting and reasonable channels to realize his cash.

After eating, Luke got the money without any problems.

This idea was even stronger.

The eight thousand dollar winnings only amounted to about seven thousand dollars in Luke’s hands.

Lottery winnings were taxable, and the higher the winnings, the higher the percentage of taxes.

To be precise, what Luke needed was a long-term liquidity channel that could reasonably avoid taxes ……

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