Chapter 70

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“From what you just said, there were others who came here to investigate?”

The white older woman was chatty, “The FBI also came yesterday and inquired about Telson Manor.”

Luke and David looked at each other, both a little surprised, “How many people came? How did you know they were FBI?”

The white older woman laughed, “I remember it seems to be a man, he did not say, but when he pulled out money …… I saw the FBI badge.”

Luke pressed, “What did he ask?”

“Just a few things related to Telson Manor, actually I don’t know much about it, I was in the city of Los Angeles 20 years ago, and I’ll tell you a secret, I almost settled there.”

Luke laughed, “Oh, then we’re still halfway home.”

The large white woman was surprised, “You guys are from LA? I’ll be damned, I’m remembering the old days again, that crazy age, that crazy city ……”

The big white mom fell into a reminiscence of the past and Luke interrupted, “Yes, I came here after hearing about the beautiful city of Hemlock and the delicious ‘Kuta’.”

The white amah pointed her hands at Luke, “You’re right, it has to be tasted. We have the best kuta here.”

“I will come.”

Luke asked for the address of Telson Manor while saying goodbye to the big white woman.

Out went the restaurant.

David was self-conscious enough to get in the cab, “You fucked with ‘Kuta’?”

“If it wasn’t for ‘Kuta’, would we have gotten the FBI lead? You need to learn to mingle with your surroundings. Don’t be like ‘I want to punch you’ all day.

No one will talk to you but me.”

“It’s because I’m with you that I’m this way.”

“Wow. I didn’t realize you could joke.” Luke laughed, then the conversation turned, “How come the FBI is here too too, should we tell the Captain?”

“Don’t worry about them for now, let’s check ours. I’ll mention it when the debriefing is done.”

Soon, the car drove to the vicinity of Telson Manor, this manor is very recognizable, in the words of the white amah, it is big and broken.

Of course, the shabby didn’t mean that the building was shabby, but it meant that it was in disrepair.

Luke’s impression of the manor was that it was big, but when he actually saw it he realized how big it was.

The Telson Manor covered an area of at least tens of acres.

The manor’s fence was made of stone, giving it an ancient and natural beauty, the shortcoming was that it was in disrepair, giving it more of a dilapidated and decadent atmosphere.

Out of professional habits, the two did not park the car next to the manor, but parked in a slightly distant position.

Found the manor in the main gate, the iron fence has been rusty, Luke pushed the iron gate, stained with a hand of rust.

Eventually, the two men went over the wall and into the manor.

The manor was full of weeds, some of which were even half a man high, and it was a bit creepy if they came in the middle of the night.

There were a total of three buildings in the manor, the main building in the center was the largest, a four-story house, and unlike most American wooden buildings, this one was constructed with bricks.

The houses on the sides were smaller, only three stories high, and were wooden structures, the wood was already starting to rot, so there was no telling when it would collapse, Luke wasn’t really too brave to go in.

Two people in the manor around, in addition to the stone paved path, the yard is full of weeds, too obscure the line of sight, and did not see a so.

The two walked to the stone house, the door was locked and the glass was sealed by wood.

The manor was in such disrepair that they probably wouldn’t find any new clues, and the two didn’t have a search warrant with them, so more was better than less.

David raised his eyes and looked around, everywhere was a desolate and dilapidated scene, the people who looked at it were also a little uncomfortable in their hearts, “Let’s go.”

“You walk in front, I’ll make it easier.” The surrounding was dilapidated and could not find a toilet, Luke did not pay much attention.

Walking to a place with higher weeds in the distance to urinate, he lifted his pants and turned to leave.

After walking not far, Luke stopped his steps, feeling that the ground under his feet seemed to be somewhat different.

Stomping hard, the ground is a bit hard, not like ordinary dirt.

Luke crouched down to take a closer look, and found that there were places the size of manhole covers that were different from the surrounding ground.

“Luke, where are you?”

David was late waiting for Luke and came back for him.

“This way.” Luke got up and waved.

Seeing him staring at the ground, David couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong?”

Without answering, Luke ran his hand over the ground and found a gray twine among the weeds, which he thought was weeds unless he looked closely.

With a firm tug, a patch of grassy ground lifted up, revealing a dark hole.

David showed a wary look and took out his pistol to be on guard.

Luke, on the other hand, took out his cell phone and shone downward, the space below was like a pot-bellied bottle, the hole was less than a square meter, the further down the hole the wider it got, the depth was about three meters, and there was a ladder next to it.

David said, “Wait, I’ll get a strong flashlight.”

Luke shook his head, “The top is narrow and the bottom is wide, it’s impossible for a strong flashlight to illuminate the situation below, I’ll go down and take a look, you cover.”

Luke shouted a few times into the cave mouth no one responded.

He then stomped down the ladder, leaning his back against the ladder, illuminating with his cell phone in his left hand and holding the gun in his right.

Soon, Luke walked to the bottom of the pit, which was about a dozen square meters and somewhat depressing.

Luke shone his light around and didn’t see anyone, but there were some items.

Some bedding and a wooden box were placed in the corner, and some mineral water bottles were scattered beside it.

Luke took a few pictures.

David asked, “How’s it going down there?”

“Fine, I’m searching.”

Luke walked over to the wooden crate and put his cell phone up to the side so that the light shone right on the crate, while holding the gun in his right hand and opening the crate with his left.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief when the crate was opened.

There were a few miscellaneous items stacked inside, a few cans of beer, bread, a dagger, and a megaphone.

A few other things didn’t surprise Luke, but how come there was a megaphone.

Luke pressed play and the megaphone went off.

“Oooo……” a suppressed cry rang out, high and low, like a woman, and like a child.

It was a dismal sound that made one’s scalp tingle.

“Luke, what’s that noise?”

“I’m on my way up.” Luke turned off the loudspeaker and checked for no other items, then climbed up.

David pulled Luke up, “What was that cry just now?”

“It was a megaphone, I guess someone was deliberately pretending to scare people.”

David scanned his eyes around, “Who would be so bored to scare people in this crumbling manor? What is the purpose?”

“Won’t we know if we come over tonight and take a look?”

“Let’s get out first.”

With that, the two of them went back to the car to discuss, and decided to stay and keep an eye out to see who would come to Telson Manor to play God.

Having to stay up late at night, Luke was ready to squint for a while.

However, just as he closed his eyes, a voice rang in his head, [Completed an encounter experience, encounter card activated, used].

No wonder he was able to discover the hole in the ground just by peeing, so it was because he had triggered the Strange Encounter Card.

Luke opened the system warehouse and there were three spare cards left in the warehouse.

Adventure Card, 1

Detection Card, 1

Bomb Dodge Card, 1.

Luke secretly said, we still need to solve more cases, the card is not enough when it comes to use.

If there is no encounter card, there is no way to discover the hole in the ground, and it is likely that he will miss a clue to investigate the case.

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