Chapter 700

Release Date: 2024-08-06 11:23:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Williams Crane, the suspected murderer’s suspect, died in prison, and the deaths also occurred before the two automobile accidents, so the suspect is someone else.

Luke refreshes the relationships between the three people involved. The two automobile accident victims, Grace Doyle and Ossie Perkins, were not directly related, but they both had a “grudge” against Williams Crane.

Grace Doyle was originally Williams Cline’s girlfriend, who cheated on him and then dumped him.

Williams Crane was involved in a car accident after a DUI, and the arresting officer was Ossie Perkins. After serving a year in prison, Williams-Cline died in jail.

Luke speculated that the suspects were close to Williams-Cline and that the murders of Grace Doyle and Ossie Perkins were likely intended to avenge Williams-Cline’s death.

According to the police, Williams Cline now has only one immediate family member, his father, Heller Cline.

The next morning.

Squadron One split up into two groups, with the lieutenant leading the way to talk to Heller Kline. Luke, on the other hand, went to investigate the Kline’s Car Dealership, which Williams Kline had operated before he was incarcerated.

Kline’s Car Dealership was located on the south side of Tahime Street, a bit out of the way, but the dealership had been in business for twenty years and had a good reputation, and the dealership’s business had been good.

Luke arrived at Klein’s Car Dealership with his team, and several men in grease-stained gray uniforms were repairing cars.

Luke gazed around. A white middle-aged man approached and looked at the two cars parked in front of the entrance, “Gentlemen, what’s wrong with your cars?”

“No, we’re not here to fix the cars.” Luke flashed his badge, “LAPD.”

The white man spread his hands, “Sir, our car dealership only repairs cars and has no other business.”

“Are you the owner of the car dealership?”

“Yes, my name is Quake Hendry.” Quake Hendry’s hands twisted together, “What can I do for you?”

“Mr. Quake Hendry, you don’t have to be nervous. We’d like to find out about two people from you.” Luke asked, “Do you know Williams Crane?”

“Yes, he was a good friend and a good boss.” Quake Hendry sighed, “I was always sorry to see him go.”

Luke asked, “Do you know anything about his DUI arrest?”

Quake Hendry took a deep breath and recalled, “Some knowledge. He had just broken up with his girlfriend around that time, the bimbo to be exact, and the person he cheated on was an employee of our car dealership.

Williams was almost furious when he found out about it. He had been drinking heavily during that time and the only reason he crashed his car drunk was because of those two bitches. I’m pissed off just thinking about it.”

“Last year, Williams Crane died in prison, did you know about that?”

“Yes, I heard his father mention it. After his imprisonment, he had a hard time adjusting to prison life and was in a bad mood. I guess he probably suffered from depression.

Then I don’t know where he got the news that his ex-girlfriend was married to Marico Marquez. He had a complete emotional breakdown …… and hung himself in his cell.”

“Did Williams Crane’s father, Heller Crane, know about this too?”

“Of course, he told me when we were drinking together. He’s bitter …… He’d go to jail for his son, or even die, if it were possible. But there are no ifs in this world.” >

Luke tried, “Does Mr. Heller Klein work on cars?”

“Of course, he’s the founder of the dealership, and he’s the best at fixing cars, and only in the last few years has he turned the business over to Williams to take care of it.”

“Has he been to the dealership lately?”

“No. Williams’ death hit him so hard that he was too shattered to have the heart or energy to take care of the dealership, so he transferred it to me at a low price.”

“Do you know where we can find him?”

“As a matter of fact, we haven’t been in touch in a while.” Quirk Hendry shook his head slightly, “Why are you guys inquiring about Heller?”

“We were investigating a case and wanted to find out something about him.”

“I really don’t know where he is.”

Luke nodded and his eyes fell on the sign at the dealership, “Mr. Quake Hendry, the dealership is yours now, why haven’t you changed the name?”

Quake Hendry looked at the sign of the car dealership and said slowly, “I have been working at this car dealership for more than ten years now, and I am emotionally attached to it. Mr. Heller Klein was willing to transfer the dealership to me at a low price because of my ability and affection for the dealership. I can’t think of a reason to change the name. It doesn’t need a name change either.”

Luke left the Kline dealership without finding Heller Kline, but learning more about Heller Kline.

Heller Kline was deeply attached to his son, and the death of Williams Kline had hit him hard, as well as the fact that Heller Kline was very good at fixing cars. All of these clues further increased the suspicion of Heller Kline.

Robbery-Murder Division.

Luke returned to the 1st Squadron office and recounted the information they had obtained at the car dealership.

The lieutenant continued, “We went to Heller Kline’s house, called the door, no one opened. I called Heller-Klein’s phone and no one answered.

According to the surrounding neighbors, Heller-Klein lives alone and is not in very good health and has not been seen in the last few days. Neighbors are also worried about his well-being.

Considering the possible danger to Heller Klein, we entered the house to investigate.”

The lieutenant stood up, walked over to the projector, and set up a few pictures, “These were taken in the second floor study. One of the walls on the second floor had pictures, information and whereabouts of four people. Among them were two automobile accident victims, Grace Doyle and Ossie Perkins.

In addition to those two, there was Marico Marquez, Grace Doyle’s husband, and Tex Werner, the partner of the slain officer, Ossie Perkins.”

The lieutenant pointed to the photo on the projector, “As you can see from the information on the wall, Heller Klein blamed these four men for his son’s death. He’s the suspect we’re looking for.

Grace Doyle was hospitalized with injuries. Trooper Ossie Perkins has been killed in an automobile accident. Marico Marquez or Tex Werner could be the next target. We have to find him before he does.”

Luke nodded and organized his tasks, “I’ll take the men to protect Constable Tex Welner. Lieutenant go to the hospital and protect Grace Doyle. Marcus take the men to protect Grace Doyle’s husband, Marico Marquez. Ramon, you’re in charge of investigating the whereabouts of suspect Heller Klein.”

“Yes, sir.”

Half an hour later, Luke arrived at the southern precinct and found Patrolman Tex Werner explaining his intentions.

Tex Werner spread his hands, “Captain Lee, I appreciate your kindness, but I’m not afraid of him, I’m just doing my duty as a police officer and doing what I have to do. I am capable of protecting myself, and I will catch him as soon as he shows his face.”

Luke nodded, “I don’t doubt that. But you’re not alone, and your family could be hurt by this.”

Tex Werner rubbed his chin, his face a little grave, “You are right, I do not want my family’s safety to be jeopardized. I am willing to assist you.

Marico Marquez’s house.

Black stood in front of Marico Marquez’s house and knocked on the door, there was no response.

“Mr. Marquis.” Still no response.

Blackie took out his phone and dialed Marico Marquez’s number, “Hello, is this Mr. Marico Marquez?”

“It’s me.”

“This is Detective Marcus from the Robbery Murder Division, are you home?”

“No, I’m out on business. Detective Marcus, what can I do for you?”

Marcus didn’t answer and asked instead, “Where are you now?”

“I’m going to visit my wife in the hospital.”

“I have a very important matter to interview you now.”

“Okay, I’ll contact you as soon as I’m done.”

Auburn Hospital.

Marico Marquez parked his car in the hospital parking lot and walked into the hospital building with a food box in his hand. His wife hadn’t been able to work up an appetite lately, and Marico Marquez had specially made her favorite pasta and mushroom soup.

Marico Marquez got off the elevator from the fourth floor, greeted the nurse in the lobby, and walked towards ward 402.

He opened the door to the ward and said with a smile, “Hi honey, did you miss me today ……”

Halfway through his sentence, Marico Marquez suddenly jammed up and stared wide-eyed at a white man standing next to the hospital bed, “Mr. Heller Klein, what are you doing here?”

“I heard that Grace had been in a car accident, and I came here specifically to visit her.”

Marico Marquez looked over at his wife and noticed that the other woman’s face was filled with panic and she kept giving him looks.

“Mr. Klein ……” Marico Marquis was about to say something, but saw Heller Klein pull out a pistol from behind him and threatened, “Don’t move, don’t shout, if you make any movement, I will immediately shoot you dead.”

Marico Marquez gulped, the food box in his hand fell to the ground, and slowly raised his hands, “Don’t shoot, I’m unarmed.”

“Very well, go close the ward door, slowly. If you want to run, then let’s try to see if you’re faster or my gun is faster.”

Marico Marquez looked at the blackened muzzle of the gun, fear written all over his face, and moved a little too slowly, slowly turning around and closing the ward door behind him.

“Well done.” Heller Klein pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket and tossed them to Marico Marquez, then pointed to the chair across from the hospital bed and said, “Cuff your hands from behind and sit in the chair.”

Marico Marquez took a deep breath and advised, “Mr. Klein, please don’t hurt us, as long as you leave now, we can pretend nothing happened.”

Grace Doyle hurriedly nodded, “Yes, Mr. Klein, I was wrong about what happened before. Please don’t hurt us.”

“Don’t worry, I just want to talk to you guys.” Heller Klein sighed softly, leaning his body against the wall, the muzzle of his gun then remained pointed at the two men, and said, “Ever since Williams left, I’ve been lonely, and the friends around me have become fewer and fewer. I’m happy to see two rare acquaintances today.”

Grace Doyle’s eyes reddened and her voice trembled, “I’m sorry to hear about Williams’ death.”

Heller Crain’s cheeks twitched slightly as he pointed his gun at Grace Doyle, “Anyone can say that, but you don’t have the qualifications, you’re the one who killed Williams. It was you.”

“I never thought Williams would kill himself, never, I just ……”

“Shut up you bimbo, Williams was so good to you and you were fooling around with the car dealership employees behind his back. Do you have any idea how much that hurt him.” Heller Klein growled and snapped back to glaring at Marico Marquez, “And you fucking asshole, I recruited you to the dealership and you got my son killed over a beyotch.Fuck! It’s you that deserves to die! It’s you!”

“Mr. Klein, I’m sorry, I didn’t expect things to go this way either.” Marico Marquez prayed, “Please don’t hurt us, please give us a chance to make amends.”

“My Williams is dead, how do you want to make amends? What do you make amends with? You must die too, you all deserve to die!”

Grace Doyle whimpered and sobbed, “I’m badly injured from the accident, I’ve already been punished, please don’t hurt us anymore. Mr. Klein, please.”

“Knock, knock ……” Just then, a knock sounded outside.

All three men froze in fear.

Heller Klein pointed his gun at Grace Doyle, “You’re a smart man, you should know what to do.”

Grace Doyle took a deep breath, “Who’s out there?”

“It’s Dr. Vincent Sith, come by to check on the room, I’m coming in.” As the words fell, the door to the room slowly opened and an old man in a white coat walked into the ward.

Heller Klein carried his hands behind his back, the muzzle of his gun still pointing at Grace Doyle, at the same time,looking at the doctor who came in with a wary gaze, his first impression was that this doctor was a bit old.

It was also because the other party was very old that he was secretly relieved.

Dr. Sith looked at the three and asked, “Ms. Grace Doyle, how are you feeling today?”

Grace Doyle looked at Dr. Sith and then looked at Heller Kline, whose face changed and changed.

Heller Klein moved his pistol and said to Grace Doyle, “Grace, this doctor is talking to you.”

Grace Doyle licked her lips and said perfunctorily, “Not bad.”

Dr. Sith looked at the food box on the floor, “I just heard some noise in the ward, did you guys have a fight?”

Heller Klein chuckled, “Yes, the boy was clumsy, he couldn’t even hold a food box properly. I gave him a bad scolding.”

Dr. Sith said, “The patient needs to rest now, and I would suggest that it would be better if the two of you went outside to talk.”

Heller Klein said, “You’re right, we’ll have a few more words with Grace and then we’ll leave.”

“Do you need me to call the nurses to help clean up?”

Heller-Klein shrugged, “The klutzy kid will clean it, it’s supposed to be his job.

“OK,” Dr. Sith nodded and turned, making a move to leave. He had just opened the door to the hospital room when Marico Marquez suddenly said, “Doctor: I’d like to talk to you about Grace’s condition.”

Heller Klein said coldly, “Marico Marquez, I don’t think this is a good time.”

Marico Marquez gulped, his forehead covered with fine beads of sweat, this move was a bit risky, but he knew very well that only by messing up the situation would he have a chance of surviving. If only the three of them were left in the hospital room, he would have no choice but to die.

Marico Marquez took a deep breath, stepped away from his somewhat stiff legs, and slowly walked towards the entrance of the ward.

“I told you to stop.” Heller Klein’s tone was filled with threats.

Instead of stopping, Marico Marquez walked faster, his hands were cuffed, there was no way he could open the door himself, and the door Dr. Sith had opened was his only exit to the light.

“Fucking asshole!” Heller Klein cursed, raising his pistol in his right hand and aiming it at Marico Marquez as he squeezed the trigger.

“Bang!” With a sound, the bullet struck Marico Marquez’s shoulder.

“Ah!” Marico Marquez let out a miserable scream, and his entire body fell towards the left front.

Heller Klein aimed at Marico Marquez and was about to fire again.

“Bang!” A shot rang out from the opposite side, and the bullet hit Heller Kline’s right arm. Heller Klein screamed miserably, and the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

Only to see, Dr. Sith raised his pistol and shouted, “LAPD, don’t move!”

At the Mezique Bar, the First Squadron’s sat around talking and laughing loudly.

Jackson took a sip of his whiskey and said, “Lieutenant, tell us about your lone capture of the suspect, I’m really curious.”

“Not much to tell, nothing at all in my decades of police work.” The vice squad shrugged.

Blackie wondered, “Didn’t the suspect Heller Klein suspect you after you entered the ward?”

The lieutenant smiled, “Honestly, I think there should have been. I don’t think he’d have seen many older doctors like me, but he would have expected even less that I would be a police officer. Age gives me some trouble, but it’s also my best disguise.”

Luke picked up his glass and suggested, “Let’s toast the lieutenant.”

In that extreme situation, Luke wouldn’t have dared to say he could have done a better job than the Vice Squad.

“To the vice squad.” The crowd also raised their glasses.

The vice squad pressed their hands vainly, “Wait, you guys toasted early, I still have a very important thing I haven’t announced.”

Blackie flirted, “What is it? Are you planning to retire?”

“No, I plan to work until I die. Do you have a problem with that?” The lieutenant grunted and waved his hand, “All I have to say is that I’m getting engaged.”


“Are you kidding?”

“It’s April Fool’s Day?”

“Lieutenant, you’re not drunk, are you?”

The lieutenant looked at the crowd and squared his shoulders, “I’m sober and serious.”

Jenny asked, “Is that the lady you vacationed with on Christmas?”

The lieutenant smiled, “Yes, I’m glad someone else remembers this.”

Black frowned and thought for a moment, “I remember, and you said you would marry the lady. I thought you were joking.”

“I never joke about such things. Marriage, I’m serious.” The lieutenant sounded sincere and raised his glass, “Next Sunday, I’m hosting an engagement ceremony and would like to invite you to join me.”

“Lieutenant, congratulations. I’ll definitely be there.” Luke was in awe, this was a man who had repeatedly jumped sideways in and out of the siege, a true warrior. As for Luke, he felt he was too young to think about getting married.

Jackson clinked glasses with his lieutenant, “Lieutenant, I’ll be the first one there.”

Black rubbed his hands together, a little curious, “Congratulations Vice, can you show us a picture of the lady? I’m curious what kind of lady could have captured your heart.”

A smile spread across the Lieutenant’s face, “She is a perfect lady who is elegant, beautiful, and understanding. I’m sure you will enjoy her.”

Just then, Reed, who was carrying a glass of wine, approached, “Hey guys, what’s the chatter? So happy.

Luke said, “The engagement.”

Reed was a little taken aback, “Who’s getting engaged? You?”

Luke held up his hands in a gesture of surrender, “It’s not me. It’s the vice squad.”

Reed walked over to the vice squad and shook his hand, “Man, congratulations.”

The vice squad asked back, “I’m having an engagement party next week, will you be there?”

Reed teased, “Has there ever been a time I wasn’t there?”

The vice squad sounded certain, “It’s the last time.”

Reed laughed, “That’s what you said last time.”

“Haha ……” the crowd laughed.

“Chief.” Not far away, someone was calling out to Reed.

Reed raised his glass to the crowd, “Guys, we’ll talk some other time. Lieutenant, congratulations again. Luke, stop by my office tomorrow.”

“Okay, Chief.”

The following morning.

Detective Bureau, Director’s office.

“Knock knock ……”

“Come in.” Reed’s voice rang out from the office. Luke pushed the door and walked into the office, “Chief.”

This office was much larger than Reed’s previous office, and the grade of the desks, chairs, filing cabinets, and sofas were significantly higher.

Reed invited Luke to sit on the sofa and asked, “Has the division been working well lately?”

“Pretty good.”

Reed glanced at his watch, “I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I’ll keep it short. When I stepped down as Director of the Robbery and Murder Division, Deputy Director Magna Mette took over as Director. Now that the Deputy Director position is vacant, I’m going to recommend you to succeed me as Deputy Director of the Robbery-Murder Division. Do you have any ideas?”

“I’m honored to have your recommendation, will my job description change if I take over as Deputy Director?”

“Of course, that’s exactly what I was going to say. When you take over as Deputy Director, you will be in charge of Squadrons One and Two; Squadrons Three and Four will remain under Magna Mate. There will be less opportunity for front-line work and more co-ordination.”

“I know, I will study hard and adapt to the new duties as soon as possible.” Luke felt a wave of pressure, which was tantamount to Reed entrusting Luke with his basic plate in the Robbery and Murder Division. Of course, it was also a kind of trust.

“Very well, I trust your abilities. You can always come to me when you encounter difficulties and doubts.”

“I will.”

“Also, do you have a recommendation for the candidate to take over as the leader of the 1st Squadron?”

Luke froze for a moment, “It’s a bit sudden, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Let me know when you’ve thought of it.” Reed patted Luke on the shoulder and stood up, “Go ahead and get to work, I’m going to the main office for a meeting as well.”

Sunday, the Martina Hotel.

It was an idyllic hotel on the outskirts of Los Angeles, with beautiful surroundings and easy access to the city, perfect for events. Lieutenant Vince chose to hold his engagement party here.

On a lawn at the back of the hotel, there were long tables, chairs, and a platform embellished with flowers and plants.

It was after ten in the morning and the waiters had already started to set up the engagement ceremony site. The tables and chairs were all in white, with a circle of golden balloons arranged around them, moving with the wind. Drinks, desserts, and fruit were also set out on the tables.

Vice Squadron Vincent circled around and was satisfied with the scene’s arrangement, after all, he was an old customer of this hotel.

At eleven o’clock in the morning, guests arrived one after another.

Vice Squadron Vince had been married five times in his life and had a total of six children. Learning that he was getting engaged, several of his children also rushed to attend the engagement ceremony, and there were even two ex-wives who came along. When the vice squad found out, they were a bit headstrong and could not refuse.

After eleven o’clock in the morning, colleagues from the police station also arrived at the engagement site. The vice squad in the police station has worked for a lifetime, know the police naturally not a few, however, he is relatively bad-tempered, counted as friends are not many.

The Vice Squad walked to the door to greet him, and at the front of the crowd was Luke, the newly appointed Deputy Director of the Robbery and Murder Division. The vice squad couldn’t help but grimace, the suspect was obviously caught by himself, but the one who was promoted was this kid, hey.

After spitting, the vice squad still greeted with a smile, “Deputy Director Luke, Captain Klin, all of you fellows, welcome to my engagement ceremony.”

Luke laughed, “Lieutenant, this white suit suits you, very handsome.”

Chen Klin flirted, “It’s indeed good, at least ten years younger.”

Xiao Hei looked left and right, “Vice squad, where is your fiancée, I can’t wait to see.”

The vice squad led the crowd into the engagement banquet site, pointing to a table not far away, “There’s drinks and food there, you guys have something to eat first, I’ll call Oulinka over and introduce her to you guys.

Blackie picked up a glass of champagne from the table, took a sip and nodded, “This wine is good, the vice squad has put in the blood this time.”

Luke picked up a glass of red wine and took a sip, “Tastes good.”

The other officers from the Robbery and Murder Division also gathered around and picked up their glasses of wine, drinking and chatting at the same time.

It didn’t take long for the lieutenant to lead a white woman over, “Guys, let me introduce you, this is my fiancée, Olinka Barrows.”

He then pointed to Luke and the others and introduced them, “This is Deputy Director Lee, also my top boss, yes, the lucky guy I mentioned to you yesterday.”

Olinka Barrows smiled somewhat awkwardly, “Hello, Deputy Director Li.”

Luke ignored the old man’s flirting, or he had long been immune to it, Olinka looked to be in her fifties, wearing a long white dress, elegant, generous, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

“Hello, Ms. Barrows, just call me Luke.”

“This is Captain Chen, he is also under Luke’s charge now. I think that we should have a lot in common.”

Chen Kling: “……”

“This is Inspector Raymond, just because he doesn’t talk doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you, he just doesn’t like to talk.”

“This is Inspector Marcus, a total bad boy who loves to give me a hard time. If I ever get pissed off, he’s the one to call.”

Marcus: “……”

“My dear, I don’t have a very good memory, and I’m afraid I’ll lose track of all the people you’re introducing at once. Why don’t you sit down later and we’ll talk more slowly.” Olinka Barrows interrupted the Vice Squad, any more introductions and he would have offended people he had just met.

The vice squad laughed, “You’re right, they’re like family to me, I’ll introduce them to you slowly.”

Luke was a little surprised, yo, when did this stubborn old man become so obedient.

“Chief Reed is here!” A shout came from the crowd. The crowd looked up and saw Reed walk in through the doorway.

“Honey, let me introduce you to an old friend.” The lieutenant pulled Olinka Barrows out to greet him.

“Reed, I’m so glad you could make it to my engagement session.” The Vice Squad hugged Reed.

“Old buddy, I would have come even if you hadn’t invited me.” Reed hugged Vice.

“You guys, how did you become so carnal.” The vice squad teased and introduced, “This is my fiancée, Olinka Barrows. This is Detective Bureau Chief Reed, and my former partner.”

“Hello, Chief Reed, I’ve heard a lot about you from Vince.”

“He certainly hasn’t said anything nice about me.” Reed snickered, handing over an elaborate gift bag, “Ms. Barrows, this is my engagement gift to you, and I wish you and Captain Vince a happy engagement.”

The old man was guilty of being more serious again, “Lieutenant, it’s Lieutenant Vince.”

Reed spread his hands and looked aside at Luke, “Haven’t you told him yet?”

“Told me what?”

“Luke was promoted to Deputy Director of the Robbery and Murder Division and I asked him to recommend someone to take over as Captain. He recommended you and I approved it. So, you’re now the acting captain of Squadron One.”

The lieutenant’s mouth dropped open in surprise, “Are you serious?”

Reed shrugged, “You should ask Luke, he’s the one who recommended you, not me.”

The lieutenant looked over at Luke and asked the same question, “Are you sure you want me, an old man in my sixties, to be captain?”

“You’re not willing to accept?”

“No, of course I’m willing, but aren’t you worried …… that I’m a little old?”

Luke said, “In terms of investigation ability and experience for the entire Robbery and Murder Division, if you recognize the third, no one would dare to recognize the second. You are fully qualified to be the captain.

As for the age issue, I think a positive mindset is more important compared to physical age.

Many young people nowadays don’t have the courage to get engaged or married, they don’t want to take on too much responsibility. You, on the other hand, have the courage to take responsibility. I’m very relieved to hand over the 1st Squadron to you.”

“Man, thank you for trusting and recognizing me.” The vice squadron’s eyes were red and somewhat moved. He really didn’t think that he would have the day to be promoted to captain.

This day, he had waited for too …… long to the point that it made him feel a little unreal. This was definitely the best and most precious gift he had ever received.

Along with this excitement, the engagement ceremony of the vice team, no, Captain Vince, officially began. On the speech platform, Vince and Olinka told the story of how the two of them met, knew each other, and fell in love ……

Luke sat in the crowd and listened, envious with a hint of admiration. The Vice Squad was truly a warrior, and he felt certain that he would not have the courage to remarry when he reached the Vice Squad’s age.

“Ringing ……” Luke’s cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and pressed the answer button, “This is Luke.”

“Deputy Director Lee, this is Frank Regan.”

“Hello Director, what can I do for you?”

“I just received news that several thugs have hijacked a school bus with fifteen students being held hostage.”

Luke frowned slightly, “What are the demands of the hijackers?”

“They demanded the release of a detained felon within an hour. When the time is up, if that felon is not released, they will kill a hostage every ten minutes.” Frank Regan’s tone was serious: “This case is difficult and urgent, and the robbers are provoking the police’s bottom line. I want you to take over this case.”

Luke glanced at Reed and realized that he was also answering the phone and obviously should have received the news as well. However, the fact that Director Frank could personally call himself was enough to show his trust in him.

“Chief, where is the hijacking location? I’ll rush over right now.”

“Very well, I really didn’t look at the wrong person, I’ll have someone send you the information now. From now on, the entire LAPD will cooperate with your operation!

“Yes, sir!”

Luke stood up, his eyes looking into the distance, the road is still long ……

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