Chapter 75

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:53:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Telson Manor.

David heard the gunshots and, worried that Luke was in danger, rushed in with his men at the first opportunity.

“Luke, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, the suspect has been caught.” Luke had handcuffed Cole and was stopping the bleeding.

David looked at Cole and Cindy, who were on the ground, and his face had a lot of expression, “Wow…… you caught two suspects at once, great job.”

“YEAH, the ‘Kuta’ was delicious, you should have come along.” Luke smiled, it was a complete coincidence that he was able to spot two suspects this time.

David turned to Cole and asked, “Why are you guys here?”

Cole glared aside at Cindy, “She hid the Schild Hazen painting here.”

“No, I don’t even have that oil painting and was lying to him.” Cindy defended.

Luke didn’t want the two to conspire and have the L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies send Cole to the downtown Heim clinic for treatment.

“Cindy, did you hide the painting?”

“No, I didn’t.”

“Then why did you lie to Cole?”

“If I hadn’t said that, he would probably have killed me already, and it was the only way I could stall for time.”

“Then why did you say it was here?”

“He pointed a gun at me and my mind went blank and all I could think of was here.”

Luke continued, “What is your relationship with Tony?”

“He’s my boyfriend.”

“This morning, when we went to your house to make a statement, why did you lie and say you didn’t know Tony?”

“I was afraid that you guys would suspect that I had something to do with the ‘Telson Manor Disappearance Case’.”

“Then what do you have to do with this case? Think about it before you say anything.”

Cindy sighed, her voice hoarse, “Yes, I have something to do with this case.”

“Related to what?”

“I killed Mrs. Anna …….”

“Killed how?”

“It was an accident, I didn’t want to kill her, never did.”

“Who all was involved in the ‘disappearance of Telson Manor’?”

“Me, Cole, Lawn, Tony.”

“Who’s the mastermind?”

“There was no mastermind, we didn’t try to kill anyone, it was a complete accident.”

“Then what was your purpose?” Luke sat down on the floor and tried, “Mrs. Anna fired you all, so you hold a grudge and want to grab a fortune to make up for your losses.”

“No, it was an accident from start to finish, it shouldn’t have happened.” Cindy was caught up in her memories.

“Twenty years ago, Mr. Hans lost money in business, and he and Mrs. Anna often quarreled over money, and Mr. Hans even dismissed many servants, Mrs. Anna was very upset about it.

She decided to leave Mr. Hans.

Once, when Mr. Hans was out of town, Mrs. Anna found me and asked me to help her pack her things and leave to live in Los Angeles.

There was too much stuff for one car to haul, so I was asked to help find a car, and I found Tony to help.

Cole was the estate’s chauffeur, also paid off by the Lady.

Lawn was Madame’s lover and had been in contact with her, and also came from the city of Los Angeles to help with the move.

Things were packed and moved into three cars, and at this time there was an accident ……”

Cindy sighed softly as if she didn’t want to keep remembering.

Luke pressed, “What accident?”

“It was raining that day, and as Tony and Cole were carrying the boxes, their feet slipped and they fell, and the contents of the boxes fell all over the place, big handfuls of cash, jewelry, jewelry, and everyone froze.

The whole atmosphere was just off at that moment.

Tony and Cole’s eyes changed.

Mrs. Anna also had more than a hint of worry.

The young master, who was newborn and the box belonged to him, gave Tony and Cole a scolding, although Madam stopped the young master’s action, the conflict had already happened.”

Cindy pointed to a place not far away, “I remember, that’s where they fell at that time, I can’t forget it for the rest of my life, and it’s also the first time I saw so many treasures.

Madame also had a preconceived notion about Tony and Cole and didn’t trust them.

This was evident from the car ride.

Madame, Mademoiselle and Lawn in one car.

Cole and I in one car.

Young master and Tony in one car. Her Ladyship was already wary of us. And thus the antagonism arose, which led to the accident that happened later.

After that, the three cars left the manor.

Lawrence’s car was at the front of the line, he was familiar with the road to Los Angeles.

Tony and the young master’s car was in the second place.

Cole and I’s car was in the third place.

Some distance out of Hemlock, Tony and the young master had a confrontation in the car when the young master asked Tony to stop the car and Tony refused to do so.

The young master then turned on Tony, calling him poor, a lowlife, and trying to steal their family’s money.

Tony and the other man argued and the young master again told Tony to stop the car.

Tony ignored him.

Then ……

Young Master jumped out of the car, his body rolling on the ground, his head hitting a tree.”

Cindy sobbed softly and choked, “No one expected this, and Tony didn’t mean it, he was scared silly and rushed to get out of the car to check on the young master’s condition, but the person was already dead.

Mrs. Anna got out of the car, she was anxious and angry, hugging the young master and crying.

Tony also said sorry one after another.

Mrs. Anna felt that Tony had killed the young master, and took out a pistol from her handbag to kill Tony.

Tony was already scared silly.

I hurriedly persuaded Madame to stop, but she refused to listen.

I grabbed the gun for Tony’s safety.

As a result, the gun went off and hit the madam …… she too ……”

“Oooh ……” Cindy let out a loud cry, “I swear, I didn’t do it on purpose, I just wanted to save Tony and wanted to grab that gun, I didn’t think that I would hurt the madam.”

Luke asked, “Since it was an accidental killing, the sentence won’t be too severe, why didn’t you call the police.”

“Easy for you to say, both the ma’am and the young master are dead, it’s the first time I’ve ever been in that situation, I was scared to death, I lost my mind a long time ago.

That’s when Cole suggested dividing up the belongings, it would benefit everyone.

Lawn also agreed.

I was afraid of going to jail and agreed too. That’s how it happened.”

“How exactly did you split the belongings?”

“Cole split the most cash, about two hundred thousand dollars.

Tony and I wanted some of the cash and jewelry.

Lawn wanted some of the cash and paintings.”

Luke asked, “Why so much cash?”

“Hans business business was losing a lot of money and Mrs. Anna took all the cash out for fear that her husband would use his money and that the account would be frozen.”

“How did you and Tony separate?”

“Since that happened, Tony has been blaming himself, he feels that things are because of him, if he had stepped back that day, the young master might not have jumped out of the car.

If the young master hadn’t died, Mrs. Anna wouldn’t have died, and we wouldn’t have become murderers.

He had been suffering from a guilty conscience, drinking, taking drugs, and becoming more and more disheveled as a whole.

One day I realized that I couldn’t stay with him any longer, that he would not only influence me but also harm my daughter.

Three or four years had passed by then, and the ‘disappearance of Telson Manor’ had subsided.

I took my daughter back to Haymarket.”

“Why did Cole kidnap you?”

“Cole used to run errands for Madame during that time, and the day of the accident, he was also seen by a neighbor and investigated as a suspect, Cole ran away, afraid of being recognized by people back home, and never dared to come back.

Later, he knew the value of that oil painting, his heart was very unbalanced.

Feeling that he had taken the blame and got the least amount of belongings instead, coupled with the fact that he had already squandered his money and was having a bad time, he thought of snatching back the oil painting.” Thinking of this, Cindy’s voice choked and asked in a trembling voice, “Did Tony …… get killed by him.”

Luke nodded, “Yes, he killed Tony and attacked Lawn as well.”

Cindy clenched her fists and cursed, “That heartless bastard, no one owes him anything, he was the one who offered to split the money in the first place.”

Luke continued, “What did you do with the body?”

“I’m not sure, Cole took the money and ran, Tony’s whole body was stupid, I was in charge of taking care of the Mrs.’s youngest daughter, Lily, and the body was disposed of by Lawn.”

“Do you know where the body was buried?”

“Not sure.”

“Where is Anna’s youngest daughter, Lily?”

“Lawn took the baby.”

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