Chapter 78

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:54:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Inside the interrogation room.

Luke and Jenny arraigned Cindy Botto again.

“Officer Luke, is my daughter okay? Is it okay if I want to see her?”

“She’s also in the city of Los Angeles, but you won’t be able to meet for a while.”

Cindy’s voice choked, “She has always wanted to come to Los Angeles, but because of Tony …… I have always refused, I did not expect that it would be this way back to Los Angeles.”

“Cindy, I have a few questions for you.”

“OK, go ahead and ask.” Cindy wiped her eyes.

“Who was in contact with Shuart after he crashed the car?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You answer my question first.”

“Let me think.” Cindy recalled for a moment and said, “Shuart was in Tony’s car and after he crashed, Tony was the first to stop and check on him.

Cole and I were in the back of the car, and we were both the first to go over and check it out when we realized it, too.

After that, Mrs. Anna ran over and hugged Shuart and wouldn’t let anyone touch him anymore, and there was a confrontation after that.

I swear, I really didn’t mean to kill Madame, it was a complete accident.

I didn’t even know that Madame had a gun, much less thought of killing her with it.”

The gun was mentioned in the dossier and did belong to Anna, and Luke said nothing more about it.

“At the time, you were sure Shuart was dead?”

Cindy looked up slowly, “What do you mean?”

Luke didn’t hide it anymore, “After the coroner’s evaluation, the injuries from Shuart’s crash were not enough to be fatal, he was stabbed to death with a sharp blade.”

“WHAT? He didn’t die in the crash?”

“That’s right, and if you think back carefully, who had the last contact with Shuart’s ‘body’.”

“At the time, Tony and I were already stupid, Cole ran off and Lawn took the body.” In a shaky voice, Cindy asked, “Even so, you mean to tell me that Tony wasn’t Shuart’s killer!”

Cindy covered her face and cried, “Because of this Tony is filled with guilt and has always thought that he killed Shuart and Anna and lives in self-blame every day.

If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t have gotten drunk and high, much less left Lisa and me.

God, why did you do this to us, WHY?”

Cindy had burst into tears, as if she was trying to let out years of pent up emotions.

Luke handed her a couple of tissues and a few words of relief, there was no way the interrogation was going to continue.

The two Luke’s got up to leave when Cindy called out to them, “Officer Luke, about Tony, please don’t tell my daughter Lisa, much less let her identify the body.

I don’t want the father she sees again to be a corpse.

She …… can’t handle this right now.

It’s not her fault.”

Luke exited the interrogation room and the lieutenant and Marcus came out of the other interrogation room.

They were in charge of interrogating Cole.

Susan and Ramon came out of the observation room.

The group returned to the office.

Jenny sighed, “What happened back then? Why was Shuart stabbed to death! This doesn’t make sense at all.”

The lieutenant grunted, “Nothing makes sense. Falling from the speeding car, Shuart should have fallen very hard, and the person should have fainted, with weak breath and a large amount of blood on his body.

In that kind of emergency, an ordinary person would have been at a loss for words and would have probably mistaken Shuart for dead.

Then Anna was accidentally shot and people panicked even more.

Lured by money, the people still divided Anna’s belongings.

The belongings have changed from Anna’s to theirs.

This is the time when hearts change.

They want to keep ‘their money’.

No one wants Shuat to wake up.

Everyone has a motive to kill and could be a murderer.”

Susan said, “From what we have, Lawn is the most suspected, Ramon, you’re in charge of applying for a BOLO.”

“Yes, captain.”

The crowd split up.

The focus of the investigation now was to capture Lawn, as long as Lawn was found, the truth would come out and the oil painting worth tens of millions of dollars would be found.

No one could resist that bit.

Xiao Hei was very excited, this is his strong point, the whole person is like playing chicken blood.

He kept walking around the conference room and kept making phone calls.

Suddenly, Luke was a little envious, did he develop some informants …… himself

Just at this moment, the victim’s husband, Hans Miller, walked the office in a hurry, without even seeing Luke, and was brought into the rest room by Matthew.

Matthew then came out to pour water.

Luke asked, “What’s Hans doing here?”

“He brought some pictures of the missing property, jewelry used by the victims, and the painting called ‘Snowy Night’.

Wow, it’s really pretty, I’m looking forward to seeing it in the flesh.”

“Yeah, even if it’s a piece of shit, as long as it’s worth ten million dollars, it’s going to turn out to be something special.” Luke smiled, as if remembering something, “I remember the dossier should have that information.”

Matthew said, “You’re right, they’re incidental, the main purpose of Hans’ visit was to test the DNA.”



Eno neighborhood.

Linda’s house.

At this moment, Linda and Fatty were standing in the yard, and there were two uninvited guests standing at the yard gate.

Andrew and his father, Thompson.

Thompson pointed at his son’s face, “Hey, look at what that little fatty did to my son’s face. Is that how you raise your kids?”

Linda spread her hands, “I haven’t figured out what happened yet, so don’t start pointing fingers.”

Thompson angrily said, “What original story, things are already clear, that little fat boy rode on my son’s head and beat him up.

What do you want to do about this?”

Linda looked at Andrew and then at her son, the little fat man had a bruise on his face as well, but it was much better than Andrew who had a face full of bruises.”

“Jack, what the hell is going on?”

“He started it, he was deliberately picking a fight when I came home yesterday.”

Apparently that excuse didn’t convince Thompson, “What kind of bullshit excuse is that, my son was actively looking for a fight and you beat him to a pulp, is he out of his mind?”

Little Fatty defended, “What I said is true, he’s been picking on me lately. I’ve gotten my ass kicked by him too, I just didn’t move to call my parents like he did.”

Thompson loudly questioned, “What do you mean? You’re still justified in beating up my son. Look at him now how can he go to school? You tell me.”

Linda yanked her son behind her, “Hey, don’t yell at my son, you have no right to do that. If you want to talk, then let’s talk properly.

If you can’t talk properly, then get a lawyer and work it out.”

“OK, my request is simple, compensate my son’s medical expenses and mental damage, in addition, have Little Fatty apologize to my son, and, not appear within a hundred meters around my son.”

Little Fatty was completely enraged, pointing to Andrew at the side: “The person who should apologize is not me, it’s him. He’s the one who’s been picking on me. It’s him, this little piece of trash.”

Unlike what Little Fatty remembered, Andrew didn’t curse at him this time, raised an eyebrow, and stood behind his dad with a well-behaved face.

“SHUT UP! How dare you threaten my son, you little fool!”

Linda said angrily, “You’re the stupid one, you’re not allowed to talk to my son in that tone. Don’t think because I’m a woman I won’t dare beat you up.”

“YEAH, I’m going to be scared to death. It’s because of people like you that you’re raising your son like this.

He will go to jail sooner or later, I firmly believe that.”

“Woohoo ……” a Harley pulled up not far away.

Luke took off his helmet and laughed, “Woohoo, what a party, are you guys having a party?”

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