Chapter 82

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:54:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the end, Thompson won the bidding for Warehouse 94.

Boret led the many bidders to the next warehouse.

Thompson and his companion began packing up the warehouse as Luke stood watching.

Thompson approached and questioned, “Hey, what are you staying here for? Not convinced? Trying to get a fight.

Come on, I’m not letting you off the hook this time.

Kapoor, get us on video, I’m going to teach Andrew how men should fight.”

“I’m not here to fight, I just want to see what you do with all that crap you paid five hundred dollars for. Your intentionality is really ridiculous.”

Thompson lectured, “Kid, we’ve been in this business longer than you, don’t underestimate us.”

“Then we’ll see.” Luke’s purpose was simple, he wanted to stay and make sure that there were no items in the warehouse that Anna had lost.

Thompson’s companion said, “Man, I don’t care what kind of grudge you have with Thompson, but this warehouse belongs to us now, you better stay away.”

Luke stepped back a bit and stood in the doorway of the other warehouse.

Thompson’s companion grumbled, “What are you doing messing with the police for nothing?”

Thompson gave Luke a look and wondered what the other man wanted, “Don’t mind him, we’ll clean up ours.”

There was a 24 hour time limit, and the two didn’t make any delays as they began to move the contents of the warehouse out, categorizing the items according to their usefulness and value.

The two men worked together to move out the gray box, which was covered in a thick layer of dust, luckily the two men wore masks beforehand.

Thompson deliberately swept the dust in Luke’s direction.

Luke also puts on his mask and takes two more steps back.

Thompson rubbed his hands together, “OK, let’s see what treasures are in here, I can’t wait.”

Thompson opens the lid of the box and pulls out a delicate jewelry box with a small lock hanging from it.

Thompson directly knocked the lock off and opened the jewelry box.

“Wow wow …… look what we found!” Thompson’s voice was full of surprise.

His companions also came over, their voices changing, “A pearl necklace, diamonds, and a ruby ……

Thompson, we’re rich.”


Thompson shouted out in excitement, hugging his companion’s head and kissing him hard.

“Boy, did you see that? Look what we found in the warehouse.” Thompson pointed excitedly at Luke, “These should have been yours, but you were too inexperienced to hold on to them, so now they belong to me.

I’m going to teach you a lesson, remember this lesson, you can’t just rely on brute force to solve problems, you have to use your brain.”

Thompson and his companion, happy and oblivious, looked at Luke with a smug look on their faces.

He was glad that he hadn’t kicked Luke out just now, highlight moments always needed an audience.

Luke was now their audience.

Thompson was like a general who had won a battle, and he was already thinking of how he would describe his valor today at the dinner table, so that his son would know how he had defeated Luke, the asshole.

Not only were these two men happy, but Luke was too.

He had seen that pearl necklace and red gem in the dossier and was basically certain that the items stored in the warehouse were the items Anna had lost.

These were the stolen goods from the ‘Telson Manor Disappearance Case’, and from now on they belonged to the police department.

Luke called Susan’s cell phone and asked her to rush to the scene with a tech team and, in addition, to call another ambulance.

Hanging up his cell phone, Luke turned to the two Thompsons and said, “Hey, can I have your attention?”

“Boy, are you going to die of jealousy? Is it regret to cry, cry if you want, we are not going to laugh at you, haha ……” Thompson laughed happily, he finally raised his eyebrows and was able to straighten his back in front of his son.

“I just want to tell you guys that the most important thing for people is to be happy, it’s normal to have ups and downs, don’t expect too much from anything. These things are just out-of-body things, they don’t come with life, they don’t come with death, don’t look at them too heavily.” Luke began to build up the two men’s hearts, fearing that they wouldn’t be able to bear it when they learned the truth.

“What the hell are you talking about, pissed off.” Thompson had a disdainful look on his face, he was already completely immersed in the joy of obtaining the treasure.

Luke shook his head, that’s why he bid down the warehouse, he knew beforehand that the warehouse could be stolen goods, even if he bought it at auction he could still keep his usual mind.

But these people do not know, in the mood of full of expectation to obtain the treasure, if the treasure is taken by the police, it is absolutely a sad ……

Learning that the two Thompsons had found the treasure, more treasure hunters gathered around them, but everyone tacitly kept a certain distance.

A voice rang in Luke’s head, [Completed an encounter experience, encounter card activated, used].

Half an hour later, an ambulance sounded.

Susan arrived with people.

David looked at Luke with a complicated face, “You borrowed money from me just to bid for the warehouse?”


“You’re a guy who can really mess things up.”

Luke spread his hands, “It’s not me that’s screwing things up, it’s the two of them that are screwing things up, if I could bid on the warehouse, there wouldn’t be any of this shit.”

Along with Susan arrived, in addition to the scene survey team there were also patrolmen, who were responsible for maintaining a vigil and dispersing the treasure hunters.

Seeing the situation, Thompson and his companion were confused, “Luke, did you call these people? What do you want to do?”

Susan said, “Mr. Thompson, we got a tip-off that the suspects might be hiding the stolen goods in Warehouse 94, and I sent Luke to acquire the right to use the warehouse by bidding.

I heard that you blocked him from bidding properly because of a personal grudge.

This behavior of yours made our investigation very difficult and exposed the police operation. Please give me a reasonable explanation?”

“WHAT? “Thompson was dumbfounded, “You’re saying that the stuff in the warehouse is stolen?”

“That’s right.”

Thompson revealed an angry look, “I don’t believe it, the things in this warehouse are mine, no one can take them away. You guys are a gang, you must be trying to cheat me out of my treasures, I won’t fall for it.”

Susan seemed to have prepared for this and took out a few old photos, “See for yourself if these photos are the same as what’s in the warehouse.”

Thompson picked up the photos and looked at them carefully, “Gray boxes, pearl necklaces, red gems ……”

Thompson’s face grew harder, “What will happen to these?”

Susan said, “These are all evidence for now and will be returned to the victim’s family afterward.”

Thompson questioned loudly, “What about us? We paid to bid on these things!”

The lieutenant said, “There are no explicit rules for bidding on warehouses, but I have encountered something similar in my police career, when the LAPD compensated the auction buyer with twice the auction price.

Afterward, you can apply for this compensation from the LAPD.”

Thompson was disgruntled, “These things are worth at least a hundred thousand dollars, and you’re compensating us five hundred dollars, are you guys kidding?”

The lieutenant said, “It’s better than nothing, isn’t it?

Most cases where stolen goods are purchased are simply confiscated, and not a single compensation payment is made. You guys are lucky enough.”

“FUCK……” Thompson became hysterical, unable to accept the result, all these treasures were supposed to be his, but now he only got five hundred dollars in return.

Thompson and his companions were ‘persuaded’ to leave the warehouse and the police began to take over the scene.

Luke shook his head, “Poor guys, I talked them out of it.”

Marcus’ surprised voice rang out next to him, “Hey man, look what I found!

A journal that belonged to Tony Smith.”

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