Chapter 87

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:54:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the evening, Daisy’s house.

Dinner was made by Luke, he wanted to make a few Chinese dishes, but Daisy’s house didn’t have the seasonings used to make Chinese food.

In haste, he didn’t go to buy them, so he simply made a few simple western dishes.

Western food was fresh when he first ate it, but after eating it for a long time, Chinese food was more suitable for his appetite.

Luke thought that when he returned to his new home, he would purchase a set of kitchenware and seasonings to improve his cooking from time to time.

Isn’t that why people live, to eat, drink and have fun?

Eating takes the first place, we can’t lose our stomach.

No matter how delicious the food sold outside is, it’s not as good as the food you make yourself, it’s comfortable and restful to eat.

Luke prepared four dishes, fried lamb chops, boiled prawns, vegetable salad, pasta, plus a bottle of red wine.

The two of them ate while chatting.

Daisy took a sip of red wine, ”Isn’t the Bureau busy lately? And so thoughtful to prepare dinner for me.”

“With the case solved and the suspect caught, it’s the perfect time for me to relax and take care of a few things on the side.”

“The pervert who installed cameras in my house was also caught?”

“Of course, I caught him myself and put a bullet in him, the guy is still out of the hospital.”

“Hoo…… God, finally caught this asshole, I can finally sleep soundly.” Daisy let out a long breath.

Luke laughed, “Isn’t it peaceful to sleep with me with you?”

“With you there, the heart is peaceful, but …… the body is not idle.”

“Life is movement is not it?”

“Then you can’t exercise every day, I’m tired enough from working every day, I can’t wait to sleep directly on the dining table now.”

Luke grabbed Daisy’s soft left hand, “You can’t think about work all the time, you have to learn to relax yourself properly. Next week, let’s go out for a walk together.”

“Where to?”

“Doesn’t matter, as long as I’m with you, anywhere is fun.”

“We’ll see how it goes, I have to finish the case before we take a break. Otherwise, I’m not going anywhere.”

Luke nodded, “By the way, now that Cole’s been captured, it’s time for me to go.”

There were some words that one could still have room for if one took the initiative to mention them.

If it was brought up by the other party, it would be awkward.

Anyway, the two of them had already established their relationship, so the impact would not be great.

“It’s been hard on you during this period of time ……

Of course, I don’t have the intention to drive you away, if you are willing, you can still stay for a while longer.”

“I’ve rented a new house, it’s not very far from your house, about ten minutes’ drive, in the future, we can also have more than one place to date.”

Daisy gestured with her glass of wine, “Sounds pretty good, when you’re done packing, show me around.”

Luke laughed, “It’s not good enough to just look, I want to hear about your trial stay.”

Early the next morning.

A light rain was falling in the sky.

Luke looked at the beautiful person lying on his side and listened to the crisp and pleasant sound of rain outside.

Sleeping mistake.

Guess it’s time to eat breakfast outside.

That wasn’t so much of a problem.

The problem was that it was raining today, and riding his Harley to work would surely get him wet.

When the bonus from the oil painting finds its way in, plans to buy a car are going to be on the agenda, and it’s inconvenient to be in LA without transportation.

“Ringing ……”

The cell phone rang.

It was David’s number.


“Got a case, where are you?”

“You’re picking me up?”

“Cut the crap, need to get to the scene of the crime right away, the captain is pushing hard.”

“I’m at Daisy’s.”

Luke got up and washed up, woke Daisy up and said a few sweet nothings when a car siren sounded outside.

“Tick tock ……”

“I gotta go, see you tonight.”

“Got an assignment?”

“Yes.” Luke kissed Daisy’s forehead and left Daisy’s house.

It was still drizzling in the yard and the fresh air hit his face, he kinda liked this weather, perfect for sleeping in.

Luke got in the passenger side and David stomped out on the gas.

“Are you planning to eat soft food?”

“I have this capital, it’s useless for you to be jealous.”

“Advise you as a person who has been there, don’t live in a woman’s house, it’s okay for a short time, but for a long time ……”

Luke interrupted his chatter, “I’ve already rented a house.”

“GOOD, more aware than that Marcus guy.”

“Don’t compare me to him.” Luke spread his hands and leaned back in a different comfortable position, “What’s the case?”

“Riley Hare was shot and killed.”

“Am I supposed to know her?”

“She was a congresswoman from California’s third district.”

“Wow, big shot.”

“YEAH, there must have been more reporters around the scene than cops, get ready to be on TV.”

The Marca neighborhood.

This was an upscale community, the swimming pool belonged to the standard, those who could live here were either rich or noble.

Luke and David were both first-timers, but it was easy to find the congresswoman’s house, and just as David had guessed, there were already TV station cars parked around the congresswoman’s house.

Reporters with long guns were gathered around the door like sharks that had smelled blood.

The patrolmen had set up a perimeter and showed their badges before being let into the yard, and a ‘clicking’ of shutterbugs could be heard.

The yard was large, with a small garden on the left, a swimming pool on the right, and in the center was a beautiful two-story cottage with a modern design, clear of tall, floor-to-ceiling windows, and beautiful.

In the lobby, Deputy Director Reed was on the phone.

Susan was also on the phone.

The vice squad, Ramon, and Marcus were searching the scene.

Jenny was comforting an Asian woman.

The survey team and forensics had also arrived, and the whole scene was busy and organized.

Saying hello to the crowd, Luke began to check out the scene as well.

A white woman was lying on her back in a pool of blood, wearing a pair of home pajamas, her hands and feet were bound, and there was a big bloody hole on her head, which was a bit scary to look at.

The cabinets in the living room were open and a lot of miscellaneous items were thrown to the floor in a mess.

There were some muddy water trampled shoe prints all around, extending all the way to the door.

Jenny called out, “Luke, I need your help.”

“What’s wrong?”

“She is the informant Huifang Wang, of Chinese descent, her American language is not very good, she can only speak some simple phrases, it’s a bit difficult to make a statement.”

“Leave it to me.” This is the importance of knowing one more language.

Leave it to me.

“Ms. Wang, can you understand Chinese?”

Wang Huifang was slightly stunned, “Yes, you speak Mandarin really well.”

“Of course, my grandfather was from Jinguotun.”

Wang Huifang “……”

Luke saw that she was a little nervous, and wanted to ease the atmosphere, but the people didn’t understand.

“I’m going to give you a statement.”

“Okay, you ask.”

“What is your relationship to the deceased?”

“I’m a nanny hired by Ms. Riley, I usually come back to the house at seven in the morning to make breakfast, and as soon as I walked in the door, I saw her collapsed in a pool of blood, and I called the police directly.”

“Did you touch the body or the contents of the house?”

“I was too terrified to move anything.”

“Did you see anyone suspicious when you arrived?”


“Does Ms. Riley understand Chinese?”

“No. We do some simple communication in American. I’ve been trying to learn American, but it’s hard to learn a new language when you’re older.

Ms. Riley is a good person and is willing to let me work here. She was too young to die like this.

Please, you must catch the murderer.”

“We’ll do our best.” Luke made a few more inquiries and didn’t get any valuable clues.

Ten minutes later.

Reed gathered the crowd together.

“Guys, I just got off the phone with the chief, the city council executives are taking this case seriously and have given the detectives a three-day limit to solve the case.”

The lieutenant complained, “Time is too tight, investigating a case isn’t about moving your lips at the conference table.”

“I’m doing my best to fight it.” Reed shook his head and said helplessly, “But this is a joint resolution of the Director’s Council, and the Director himself can’t change it.

All leave is canceled from now on, any questions?”

Everyone looked at Luke.

Luke spread his hands, “Can we make up the leave?”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Deputy Reed nodded and continued, “Everyone has seen the scene, tell us what you think of the case.”

Jenny stared at her cell phone and said, “Matthew passed along the deceased’s information.

Name, Riley Harry.

Date of birth, April 13, 1976

Cell phone number, 626 276 4378.

Residential address, 108 Marca neighborhood.

Family status, single, both parents deceased; brother, Marquel Hare.

The Lieutenant shrugged, “46 and still unmarried, is that the standard for a strong woman?”

Susan said, “Lieutenant, this is not the time to discuss that.”

“You’re right, I was about to talk about the case.”

The Vice Squad analyzed, “The first feeling I got from this scene was very much like a robbery and murder scene.

However, mansions like this one have security systems, and once the security system is triggered, the police will be alerted and won’t even wait until the person who reported the crime finds out.

So, the murderer shouldn’t have forced his way in, it’s most likely an acquaintance who committed the crime.”

Susan asked, “What did the others find out?”

Coroner Sheila approached, “Chief, Captain, I need to talk to you.”

Reed asked rhetorically, “Finished the autopsy?”

“No, I found some peculiar conditions, the victim had three fingers stuck in her mouth, and, they didn’t belong to her.”

Reed frowned, “So, there may have been another victim?”

Sheila sighed softly, “Three to be exact.”

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