Chapter 9

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:50:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Eno Commercial Plaza was located at the junction of three neighborhoods.

The little fat man and the white girl did not enter the western side of the Ino neighborhood and went to the southern side of the Calais neighborhood.

After a few minutes, the girl walked to the door of a gray-roofed villa and waved goodbye to Little Fatty.

The little fat man stood in the doorway giggling as he watched the girl go home.

The girl entered the door for a few moments before the little fat man turned to leave.

After walking a few steps, he found a black Harley motorcycle in the distance, and a black-haired youth on the side of the car looked at him with a smile.

The little fat man hesitated for a while, perhaps because he was a thief, and took the initiative to show a smiling face to greet him, “Wow Wow, what a coincidence, why are you here?”

Luke lit a cigarette and took a drag, “Is that your girlfriend?”

“No, we’re just classmates, don’t talk nonsense.” The little fatty immediately denied it.

“I saw you guys drinking milk tea with the same straw, you and your classmates do that?”

Little Fatty said angrily, “You stalked me?”

“Looks like I guessed right, you really have a girlfriend.”

“You’re scamming me?”

“I’m concerned about you, you’re too young, falling in love now will affect your studies.”

“I didn’t hear it wrong, you actually care about me, the sun came out of the west?”

Luke exhaled a puff of smoke, “Watch how you talk, I’m your older brother.”

“So what? It’s not like you’re my guardian.”

“You’re right, I should tell mom about this and congratulate her in advance on her grandchildren.”

“We’ve only just been dating, we haven’t done anything like that yet, don’t tell mom about this.” The little fat man’s tone had a few moments of prayer in it.

Luke also didn’t want to make too much of a scene with his brother, after all, he still had to stay in that home temporarily, “OK, if you want me to keep it a secret, you have to promise me a condition.”

“Yea, I get it.” The little fat man showed a look like he knew it was coming, and fished out a handful of money from his pocket and handed it to Luke.

Luke looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“Come on, this is all the pocket money I have left.” The little fat man planted the money into Luke’s hands despite his face, his movements were so skillful that it hurt.

Luke counted it out and it totaled $126.

“We have a deal, uh-huh.” The little fat man shrugged and turned to leave.


“You cheated me out of all the New Year’s money Dad gave me for New Year’s, and this is all I have.” Little Fatty’s eyes reddened and his voice choked.

Luke pulled out another four hundred dollars from his own pocket and planted 526 dollars together in the little fat man’s hand.

“What do you mean?” It was Little Fatty’s turn to be confused.

“Returning your year-end money.”

“Are you serious?”

“Don’t forget it.”

“No No No! I’m just so surprised.” The little fat man took back the money in his hand and counted it carefully, “You only took three hundred dollars from me, why did you give me an extra one.”

“That’s for your pocket money.”

“OuBaiKa’s, I’m not dreaming.” The little fat man slapped himself, the ‘pop’ sound was crisp, and there was an additional visible red mark on his face.

“Not dreaming. I still kind of can’t believe it.” Little Fatty froze for a while longer before he remembered something, “You just said you wanted me to agree to a condition, what was it?”

Luke said, “Don’t ever call me an asshole again.”

“Oh …… how did you know?” The little fat man was a little bit weak, since he was cheated out of his year-end money, he did call Luke an asshole behind his back, but he was just afraid of getting beaten up and never said it to his face.

“I’m a police officer.”

“I can guarantee that the words brother and asshole are like two parallel lines that will never cross again.”

Luke put on his helmet, “GOOD, get in.”

“I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time, and this is the first time you’ve invited me.” The little fat man got on the back of the motorcycle, the tires noticeably flat.

Luke twisted the throttle and the Harley made a sort of roar.

The little fat man had a look on his face that said, “You know what? I’d rather drive the Harley myself than sit on the back.”

Luke laughed, “You keep thinking about it.”

Saturday morning.

Detective Bureau.

At nine a.m., Luke arrived at the Robbery and Murder Division on time.

The atmosphere in the office was somewhat depressing.

David glanced at Luke, “I thought you wouldn’t come today.”

Normally, if there was no urgent case on hand, an agent could take Saturday and Sunday off.

If there is a case to investigate, they can only take the day off in reverse.

Luke did agonize about whether to come today or not, and I don’t know if it was out of a sense of responsibility as a police officer or simply an interest in the case, he came anyway.

“No new cases last night?”

David shrugged, “No news yet.”

Lieutenant Vince said, “No news is good news.”

Ramon looked at the clock on the wall, “The first two ‘Taser Robberies’ were both Friday night crimes, and the crimes occurred before one in the morning.

But there’s been no calls today, is it possible the suspect didn’t commit the crime last night.”

Lieutenant Vince picked up a comb and gathered his thinning silver hair, “The suspect left ‘youlike’ in blood at the scene is obviously provoking the police, and there’s absolutely no way he’ll stop easily.

He will definitely commit another crime.”

Luke said smoothly, “Could the suspect have changed the time or method of committing the crime?”

Lieutenant Vince thought for a moment, “The suspect’s modus operandi is so obvious that I personally think it’s unlikely to change.”

Jenny turned the carbon pen in her hand, “There’s also the possibility that the suspect committed the crime again last night, only that the victim didn’t choose to call the police for some reason.”

Lieutenant Vince snapped his fingers, “Colorado, I think that’s more likely.

The suspect chose isolated locations when committing the crime, and it’s likely that the victim wasn’t discovered by anyone else before she woke up.

Moreover, although the suspects snatched all the belongings and clothes, the financial loss was actually not that big, and most people wouldn’t have too many belongings on them.

Instead, being stripped naked is more unacceptable.

Some women are too ashamed to talk about it after it happens to them and may choose to remain silent.”

Jenny said, “Although I am also a woman and can understand their situation, I still feel that they are condoning the crime.”

“Cackle ……”

The door to the Robbery and Murder Division’s office was pushed open and Marcus, a black man, walked in, wearing a gold necklace around his neck with his badge hanging flirtatiously below it.

“Hey guys, I’m coming!”

Lieutenant Vince pointed to his watch on the wall, “You’re late.”

“Come on, I was up all night working on the case. That’s no way to treat someone who works hard and gives everything to the police force.”

Lieutenant Vince grunted, “Smooth talker kid, you better bring useful clues.”

Ten minutes later.

The conference room.

Captain Susan sat at the main seat of the conference table and asked with a serious face, “Marcus, tell us about your investigation.”

Marcus took a big gulp of coffee, put down his coffee cup and said, “Jenny, next time put two sugars in for me, please.”

Jenny gave a middle finger right back.

Marcus hemmed and hawed, “Yesterday, I contacted some friends in the gang and asked for their help in investigating the ‘mailman’ lead.

This kid is godforsaken and very hard to find.

I spent a lot of money to find out about him, he is a firearms expert, pistols, rifles, sniper rifles, and tasers can all be modified.

This guy is simply a genius.

I showed him photos of the modified Taser, and he admitted that he had modified this gun, and had modified a total of five Taser guns and put them on consignment at three gun stores.

Jovi’s Gun Shop was one of them.”

Susan asked, “What is the ‘mailman’s’ real name? Why wasn’t he taken to the police station for investigation?”

Marcus said, “I promised my gang friends I wouldn’t touch him before I could pry.

If I arrest him, no one will help me in similar situations in the future.”

Susan pressed, “How do you know he’s telling the truth? If he’s cheating on you? It could even be an accessory.”

Marcus said, “I follow the rules and so does he. If he’s lying, he’s going to die a horrible death.”

Susan frowned slightly, and the atmosphere in the conference room was a little awkward.

Lieutenant Vince whispered a reminder, “Captain, the point now is to catch the killer.

This is not the Internal Affairs Department …… If you insist on those rules and regulations, it will only make the investigation of the case more difficult.”

“I know this is not the Internal Affairs Department.” Susan asked back, “Then do you have any idea why the Director asked me, the head of Internal Affairs, to take over the captaincy?”

The words hit Lieutenant Vince’s soft spot, “I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”

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