Chapter 96

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke shot down one of the suspects and morale on the police side was boosted.

David shouted again, “Hey, this is what happens when you shoot at the LAPD, the rest of you surrender immediately or you’ll be just like him.”

“FUCK, you fucking LAPD, go to God.”

“Ta ……” came another burst of strafing.

David shouted over the intercom, “Option one.”

Luke said to Blackie and Jenny, “Use the concussion bomb.”

The concussion bomb would emit a loud sound, which was used to shock the robbers, causing them to temporarily lose their hearing and sense of direction thus losing their ability to resist.

“Ta ……” David and the others shot on the other side to attract firepower.

Luke, Jenny, and Blackie pulled out the shock bombs, yanked open the pull ring, and threw them in the direction of the suspects.




With three explosions, the ground shook with them, and three white smoke rings appeared in the sky.

The police started to attack strongly.

Luke also rushed up with Jenny and Marcus.

Marcus rushed at the front, he was holding a shotgun, which was good for close combat.

“LAPD! Drop your guns.”

“Throw your guns aside and get on the ground!”

“Put your hands up ……”

The two suspects were already shaken up and had no power to resist.

Luke and the others quickly subdued them.

The police searched the garage once more to see if there were any leaks.

David walked up to the killed suspects and looked at the gunshot wounds to his ankles and throat, looking at Luke with some surprise, “You did this?”

If the first shot to hit the robber might be luck, it is impossible that two shots in a row are luck, the first shot to the foot and then to the throat is obviously calculated.

Luke said lightly, “Any questions?”

“You could enter the Bureau’s shooting competition.” David praised, it was good for him that his partner was a good shot.

Luke smiled, he was able to shoot accurately because he had just used the ‘Accuracy Card’, using this card could increase his shooting hit rate by 50% within three minutes.

In fact, his second shot still missed a bit, aiming at the suspect’s head but hitting the throat.

To put it bluntly, the precision card could increase the hit rate by 50%, also on Luke’s own marksmanship.

If the user’s marksmanship was too poor, using the Accuracy Card would also be an ineffective shot.

Thinking about it this way, Luke felt that he was okay.

Luke and the others escorted the suspect back to the police station for arraignment.

Inside the interrogation room.

A man of Mexican descent was sitting in the interrogation chair, about forty years old, with a scar on his face, looking a bit fierce.

Luke and David walk into the interrogation room.

Luke placed the information on the table and sized up the Mexican man, gender, height, and age all matched the shoe print suspect’s data.

“What’s your name?”

“Martin Tracy.”

“How much do you weigh?”

Martin Tracy froze, seemingly confused by the question, “Overweight is a crime?”

“Answer honestly.”

“Probably around eighty kilograms.”

“Be more specific.”

“I don’t know, women are the only ones who weigh themselves every day, what are you guys trying to do?”

David looked at Luke a little puzzled as well.

“I was just kidding.” Luke turned the tables, “Do you admit to the charge of extorting ransom from Maguire Hari with the video?”

“Would it help if I didn’t admit it?”

“Answer positively.”

“YES, I admit it.”

“Where did the video come from?”

“It was found in a Mercedes.”

“Where was the Mercedes?”

“The same one you found at the garage.”

“Where’s the license plate?”

“I don’t know, there was no license plate when it was found.”

“What about the locator device on the Mercedes?”

“It was removed when we saw it.”

David interjected, “Don’t lie, I’m afraid the average person wouldn’t know where it was, let alone remove it, tell the truth, did you remove the locator device.”

“I swear, I’m telling the truth, the locator device was gone by the time we found the Mercedes.”

“You recognize the person in the video?”

“YEAH, Riley Hare, a big shot who liked to give speeches, I saw on the news that she was dead. But her brother was a rich guy, so I tried to make a buck with the video.

I didn’t realize the asshole wouldn’t keep his word and called the police.”

“Have you ever met Riley Hare?”

“Does TV count?”

“Where were you on the night of March 30th, between 11:00 and 2:00 a.m.?”

“Wait, what do you mean? I was just trying to extort some money to spend, never meant to kill anyone, and I had nothing to do with Riley Hare’s death.”

Luke stood up and placed a surveillance photo on the interrogation chair, “On the night of March 30th, the suspect killed Riley Hare in this very same Mercedes Benz that was found at your garage.

Not that a lack of connection explains it.”

“Hey, I run a garage and occasionally acquire old cars, but I’ve never killed anyone. This car was also sold to me by someone else, that’s all, and I had nothing to do with Riley Hare’s death.”

“Who sold it to you?”

“Porter Michaels. He brought me a phone call saying he had found an abandoned limousine and asked if I wanted it. I then rushed to the abandoned car site.”

Luke made a mental note of the name and continued, “Where were you on the night of March 30th, between 11:00 and 2:00 a.m.?”

“Come on, there’s that question again, I told you it had nothing to do with me.”

“This matter is not up to you, if you want to prove your innocence give a serious account, the police will only count if they verify it, understand?”

“I was at the garage that night, and both Mario Carr and Phyllis Mendin can prove my innocence.”

“Who is Phyllis Mendin?”

“The unlucky man you beat to death.”

After the interrogation, the group split up.

Blacky searched for Porter Michaels, the first person to spot the Mercedes.

Luke and David escorted Martin Tracy to the location where the car was found.

The location of the abandoned car was on the outskirts of Los Angeles, in a somewhat remote location with a thick wooded area along the side of the road.

Martin Tracy got out of the police car, pointing to the woods not far away: “It was found in that area, the car is 80% new, the positioning device was also removed, I thought I picked up a great bargain.

Who knew I’d been punked by that asshole Porter Michaels.”

Luke looked at Martin Tracy and asked, “Honestly, did you find any bodies around the Mercedes?”

Martin Tracy frowned, “What bodies?”

“It’s the black man you saw in the video, he was Riley Hare’s driver, and since the car was robbed by the murderer, it’s assumed that he’s also dead.

The killer probably buried the body near where he abandoned the car.”

Martin Tracy blushed a little and shook his head, “No, I didn’t find out.”

Luke didn’t expect to get any new leads out of him.

The patrolman was in charge of watching the suspect, Martin Tracy.

Luke, David Raymond, and Jenny searched around the site of the abandoned car, if they did discard the body, the best way to do it would be to bury it, and there were some differences in the color of the freshly dug up dirt and the old dirt, which could still be seen on close inspection.

“Hey, I got something on my side!” Ramon shouted, crouching down to check the dirt on the ground.

Luke and the others walked over as well, the dirt near Ramon’s feet was darker in color and looked wetter.

Ramon pointed to the ground with the difference in color, “Someone must have dug in this area.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” David turned around and went back to the car to get his tools.

Several people then started digging.

The dirt in this area with the difference in color was obviously looser than the surrounding dirt, further confirming Luke’s suspicion.

The three of them took turns digging, and after about a few minutes of digging, Luke smelled a rotting odor.

The further down they dug, the heavier the smell became.

David seemed to have made a discovery and picked up his shovel, saying, “There’s something down there.”

The group peeled off the top layer of dirt, a black plastic sheet, and cut the strings binding the plastic sheet to reveal a male body.

The right hand was missing a middle finger, the body had begun to rot, and it was no longer possible to see the original appearance, maggots crawling out of the eyes ……

One thing is certain, however, he was not the black driver, Bardman Pool.

Rather, he was a man of Mexican descent.

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