Chapter 98

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:55:12
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke dragged Blacky outside the house, “Marcus, why did you hit him?”

Luke was a bit surprised by Marcus’ actions just now.

If it had been David, he probably wouldn’t have been too surprised.

But Marcus was different, he was unreliable but rarely showed a violent side.

Marcus sat on his ass on the steps, “That bastard deserves a beating.”

“Tell us your reasoning.”

“Laura came to ask for money and that asshole wouldn’t give it and beat Laura. Jaden saw his mom getting beat up and came over to help, so that bastard beat up Jaden along with him. Shouldn’t someone like that be punched?”

“He should be punched, there are plenty of ways to teach him a lesson, but you chose the dumbest way.”

“I couldn’t stand it, you didn’t see his face just now, it was disgusting.”

Luke nodded, “I don’t like him either, but I’m not going to risk getting sued by punching him. I didn’t realize you had such a sense of justice before.”

“I know what you’re trying to say …… I admit I’m an asshole and unreliable …… but I really want to help Jayden and his mom.” Black rubbed his face, his voice choked with emotion.

“I saw my old self in Jaden and had the same experience as him. Watching my mom get beaten up and not being able to do anything about it, no one helped me back then.

I swore that when I grew up, I wouldn’t let anyone bully my mom anymore.”

“SORRY, David and I misunderstood you.”

Black shook his head, “It’s none of your business. I’ll report this matter to the captain, and whatever the punishment is, I admit it.”

“Cackle ……”

The door to the room opened and David stepped out, tossing his backpack to Luke, “Take the money and let’s go.”

“What about that guy?”

“I talked to him, the money was deposited here by Badman Quarrel, he didn’t know there was a problem with the money.

Besides, he’s a little hurt from his fight with Laura Quarrel, so he’s not coming out to see us off.”

Luke smiled, “Looks like you guys had a nice chat.”

David shrugged, “Sure, I’m always affable.”

Three hundred thousand dollars was no small amount of money, and Rob Kuhl couldn’t explain where the money came from legally.

He thought his sister, Laura Poole, had called the police and was very vain.

David made a deal with Rob Coil that the police would not pursue him about hiding stolen money as long as he did not prosecute Blackie.

Rob Coil’s matter was not serious; he was not personally involved in the case, and it would be difficult to convict him as long as he balked at the fact that he didn’t know the money was stolen.

However, Rob Kool was not aware of the seriousness of the matter, and finally agreed to the program under David’s coercion.

It was also considered to be a combination of two benefits, and no one suffered.

David hadn’t done this kind of thing too often, so he was very good at talking about it.

Blackie reacted: ”He’s not going to prosecute me?

David patted his shoulder, “Don’t be stupid in the future, no one can help you all the time.”

“Thanks.” Blacky breathed a sigh of relief.

The three returned to the detective bureau to turn in the stolen money.

The police would surely still be talking to Laura Pool.

The issue of the money was complicated, and it was not yet possible to qualitatively divide the attribution.

I’m afraid that only when the case is finished can a reasonable distribution plan be given.

It was almost eight o’clock in the evening when he got home from work.

Luke put hot water in the bathtub, got a bottle of red wine and a fruit plate.

Lying in the bath, while soaking, drinking red wine and eating fruit.


A familiar voice rang out, [Congratulations to the host for successfully detecting the ‘huge extortion case’, successfully arresting two suspects and killing one, rewarding twenty draw opportunities].

This case wasn’t complicated, but the process was rather thrilling, and the rewards were quite good.

A menu of options appeared in his brain, and on the left side was the warehouse interface.

On the right side, there was an additional lottery interface.


The pointer turned.

Random stop, selected area lights up, one thousand dollars.

Continue drawing ……

After 20 consecutive draws, 18,000 dollars and 2 cards were obtained.

An appraisal card and a precision card.

The system warehouse now has 8 reserve cards and 18,000 dollars.

Chance card, 3 pieces.

Precision card, 2 cards.

Bulletproof card, 1 piece.

Detection card, 1 piece.

Appraisal card, 1 sheet.

After realizing $71,000 last time, Luke paid off his car loan and David’s money, and rented another house.

Now there was 57,000 dollars on hand.

He wouldn’t be short of money for a while, and he didn’t plan to liquidate for the last while.

He would liquidate it all together when he had more reserves in the warehouse.

He had been studying long-lasting channels for realizing money and had come up with a few ways to do so, but he just needed time to try them out.

It would be put on the agenda when he was busy after this period of time.

The following morning.

Detective Bureau conference room.

Everyone was sitting around the conference table for the usual morning meeting.

Luke took a sip of his coffee, having become accustomed to this.

For a police officer, besides going out to investigate cases, meetings were also a daily routine.

Investigating a case relies on teamwork, no matter how strong a person is, they still need help from others, and there are always places they can’t take care of.

Meetings can summarize the clues and intelligence in a timely manner, and share the progress of the case investigation.

Sometimes, meetings are also a kind of collision of ideas.

After everyone arrived, Susan put on her glasses and organized the documents, “Let’s have a meeting.”

The vice team asked, “Captain, has the identification report of the male corpse found yesterday come out yet?”

“I’ve been to the Technical Division in the morning, the identification report wasn’t out then, but I guess it’s coming soon.”

“OK, then let’s wait while we meet.” The lieutenant stood up and walked over to a whiteboard off to the side of the room.

“The deceased, Riley Hare, was killed in the early morning hours of April 1, today is April 5, last night, I summarized the clues in the case and roughly analyzed the suspect’s motive.

The biggest development in the case is that we have clarified the relationship between the deceased Riley Hare and the driver, Badman Pohl.

Badman-Poel was not only the congresswoman’s driver, but also her assistant and lover. The two had a close relationship, and it brought a lot of uncertainty.

I think the cause of the case, most likely stems from the fact that they were caught cheating on each other, and thus were blackmailed, which triggered some series of bad consequences ……”

“Creak ……” The door to the conference room opened.

Deputy Reed walked in and silently sat down at the end of the conference table.

Although he tried to relax his hands and feet as much as possible, his status was there, and he still attracted the attention of the crowd, “SORRY, I’m interrupting your meeting.”

The lieutenant was disgruntled, “You should have come earlier.”

“I’d love to, but I just got off the phone with the director and extended the case’s investigation to half a month.” Reed had a look on his face that said come on and compliment me.

“GOOD,” the lieutenant picked his thumb and was about to continue, but then paused for a moment, “Damn …… where was I?

Right, blackmail.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

According to the deceased’s brother, Maguire Hari, the day before he was killed, the deceased had asked him for a sum of money amounting to 400,000 dollars.

The reason for asking for the money is not clear to Maguire Hari.

But from the known clues, the deceased was probably blackmailed.

And the reason for the blackmail is likely to be the same as yesterday, stemming from that video.”

The Vice Squad put the video on the projector and played the clip, “This video was obviously being filmed surreptitiously, and the location of the surreptitious filming would have been outside the window of the deceased Riley Hare.

The surreptitious filmmaker used the video to extort four hundred thousand dollars in cash from the deceased.

The deceased is not in a position to pay the ransom in person, and the best person to do it would be Badman Pool, the driver who clapped for love with her.

This kid is also a little resourceful.

Previously he had assisted the deceased in directing herself to be shot, and that incident had gained the deceased a good deal of sympathy and a higher degree of fame and support.

According to my analysis, the last time the gunman was hired it was also the deceased’s brother, Marquel Harry, who put up three hundred thousand dollars.

But the gunman, Bowen Cano, only received two hundred thousand dollars.

The other one hundred thousand dollars was probably withheld by the middleman, the driver, Badman Pool.

Of course, there was also the possibility that the hundred thousand dollars was hush money given to him by the deceased.

Whichever possibility it was, Badman Pohl had gotten a taste of it from this incident.

With the first, there would be a second.

For this ransom transaction, it is likely that Bardman-Poel once again withheld a portion of the money.

In other words, he didn’t pay the ransom in full, and the blackmailer became enraged and took out Bardman-Poel.

In order to avoid the deceased Riley Hare calling the police, he infiltrated Riley Hare’s home again and took her out as well.

At the same time, this explains why the killer rummaged through the deceased Laili Hari’s house; he was not faking the scene of the robbery but was really looking for the ransom again.”

Afterward, the killer abandoned the crime Mercedes and also left that video in the car.

The purpose may be to interfere with the police investigation line of sight.”

“Snap ……” Reed slapped his palm, “Vice squad, your reasoning is still as brilliant as before.

However, I found a small loophole in the form of three fingers in the dead man’s mouth.

One of them proved to be Badman-Poel’s finger, this to no problem.

But what about the other two fingers?

No other bodies were found at the crime scene, suggesting that the killer cut off the fingers of two other people before killing Riley Hari.”

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