Chapter 13: If the Root is Dead, Can the Leaf Live?

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:46
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“It’s over” “It’s hopeless” “It’s over” Babata’s words were like a heavy hammer hitting Luo Feng’s soul, the whole person was a bit confused.

Earth is finished?

It sounds very broad.

But in the distant past, five thousand years ago, starting from a group of ancestors on the land of China, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Xia, Shang, Zhou, Spring, Autumn and Warring States, countless legends were born one by one, illuminating an era. Qin Huang Hanwu, Liu Guanzhang Peach Garden of the Three Kingdoms, the burning of the Red Cliff and so on, the two Jin and North and South Dynasties, the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing …… until entering the 21st century, mankind is living in a modernized society. During the Great Nirvana period, human beings fled until nowadays they live and work in base cities.

There was a student in a high school in one of the acropolis of one of the base cities.

His name was Luo Feng.

His classmates, teachers, his martial arts school masters and instructors! His parents and relatives, his loved ones, everyone he had come into contact with since he was a child! All of them were just an insignificant, tiny, tiny drop of water in the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation, on the other hand, is part of the human race on Earth.

Now …… finished?


Luo Feng felt a trembling, stabbing pain in his soul!

If the entire earth’s humanity perished, what was the point of living?

“Must kill it!” Luo Feng stared at the “Golden Horned Beast” framed on the conference hall screen, “It, must die!!!”

“Luo Feng, what are you thinking?” Babata asked.

“Babata, the Golden Horned Beast, must die!” Luo Feng and Babata said.

“Do you have a fever? How dare you, a planetary level third stage spirit numismatist, mess with a stellar level golden horn behemoth? You have the Meteor Ink lineage heritage, but the Golden Horn Beast also has a big background! Its bloodline is noble and its strength is powerful. Trying to kill it is simply, simply a dream!” Babata even said, “There’s no need for us to fight with it, even if it’s dangerous, when the time comes, let you hide inside the ‘Meteorite Ink Star Spaceship’, once the spaceship is shut down, it can’t destroy it even if it’s more powerful! And with the amazing weight of the Meteor Ink Star, it’s not something it can swallow.”

“No!” Luo Feng dismissed Babata’s suggestion.

“Don’t be silly, big deal, let your loved ones enter the Meteorite Ink Star ship too.” Babata said.

“Babata, are we hiding like a shrunken turtle. Hiding from this catastrophe! Then come out and take a look …… ah, the entire Earth human extinction. Those workers and neighbors that my parents knew all died. Only our family left? Is that interesting? How do you let my parents live? How can I live?” Luo Feng asked rhetorically.

Unimaginable! That scene Luo Feng couldn’t imagine, horrible! That scene was chilling.

“Can’t understand what you humans think.” Babata was dissatisfied, “Not even an opponent, and still resisting!”

“Man, can’t leave society.”

“Man, there’s no way to leave the nation, the motherland!”

“Earth if it’s all alone, just one person living. Life is worse than death!” Luo Feng’s heart chills when he thinks about it, “Babata, when a country falls, the surviving subjects have a name for it, it’s called – fallen slaves!”

The earth is one’s root!

The Chinese nation is its own root!

If the root dies, the branches and leaves will also dry up and wither!

And oneself …… is just one of the better leaves among those countless branches and leaves.

If the root dies, how can the leaf live?

“Babata, tell me how to kill it.” Luo Feng said in his heart.

“Uh, no way.” Babata didn’t mostly hesitate.

“Babata, you can build airships, can’t you build awesome weapons to kill it?” Luo Feng even asked in his mind, anxious.

“A weapon that blasts the stellar level?”

Babata also understood Luo Feng’s anxiety and said seriously, “Luo Feng! In the universe, a stellar level is already considered a party powerhouse! Cosmic level powerhouses can even rely on their physical bodies to fight with Starfleet! That is to say, it’s hard for the average starfleet to kill a universe level, and to kill a stellar level, it also requires a high power weapon.

“That kind of power weapon, the manufacture is very complicated, at the very least it will take a few years of work.” Babata said, “However, with the Golden Horned Beast speed, it will absolutely sweep across the entire planet in a month.”

Luo Feng understood.

The Golden Horned Beast leading countless sea monsters and sweeping across all of Earth’s land would indeed be fast.

“And Luo Feng!”

“It’s easy to create a high power weapon, what about launching it? It’s also difficult for you to launch and hit your target.” Babata said, “So if you really want to resist – there’s only one way!”

“Speak.” Luo Feng’s heart rejoiced.

“There are some cosmic battleship wrecks on your Earth, and those wrecks could be equipped with high power weapons! Although long time erosion has long since rendered them unusable. But if I remodel it, it might still be possible to use it again.” Babata said, “Of course it’s a matter of chance! After all, a weapon that can kill a Stellar-class is considered to be powerful among starfighters. For example – that skinny ship at your Pavilion Master’s headquarters is just a transport ship. The weapons equipped with it are generally inferior.

Luo Feng listened with longing in his heart.

To ……

Looking for the remains of ancient civilizations, looking for weapons that surpassed Earth’s civilization!

“Babata, tell me the exact strength of this golden horned beast.” Luo Feng asked in his heart, knowing the enemy is the only way to fight a hundred battles.


Babata said, “Look, next to the unicorn on its head that has tons of golden dense lines, is there a bump?”

Luo Feng looked at the screen carefully.


That Golden Horned Beast’s head, aside from the unicorn that was angling to pierce the sky, there was a bump on the side.

“The Golden Horned Beast, the strength is very recognizable! Because it has different characteristics at different stages.

‘Juvenile stage’, there is only a single horn on its forehead! ‘Growth Stage’, a second pointed horn begins to grow on the forehead. ‘Youth stage’, a third pointed horn began to grow on the forehead, and ‘prime stage’, a fourth pointed horn grew. ‘Peak stage’, grows the fifth pointed horn!”

“The further one’s strength goes, the more complex the golden dense patterns on the pointed horns become, until finally, the pointed horns seem to be golden.”

“That’s why it’s called the Golden Horned Beast!” Babata said.

Luo Feng drifted off.

“It’s second horn is only a mere protrusion, so it’s probably only stepped into the stellar level not long ago.” Babata continued, “However, its bloodline is too strong and its growth rate is amazing! During its growth period, it will crazily devour a large amount of metal and absorb it, and its strength will continue to rise. So to kill it must be killed in a hurry, otherwise it will get stronger and stronger.

Luo Feng also understood.

A fully grown golden horned beast that could reach sector lord. Of course the growth rate would be fast.

“No wonder it devours war bases, war bases are almost all metal.” Luo Feng lamented.

“Don’t worry, although it has an ‘inner world’ as a devouring beast, after all, it’s a little guy that’s only just finished its hatchling stage, its daily ‘meal’ is limited.” Babata said, “But Luo Feng, I still have to advise you …… that every single one of the starry sky giants are not to be messed with, they contain ancient inherited memories in their bloodline.”

“It’s hard to kill starry sky giants.”

“Trying to kill the ‘Golden Horned Beast’ that ranks very high among the Starry Sky Beasts is even harder!”

“Master, he once heard that there was an immortal in the universe who came across the sector lord level ‘Golden Horn Beast’ and wanted to kill it! It’s reasonable to say that it’s too easy for an immortal powerhouse to kill a Realm Lord. But …… that Golden Horned Beast was unable to fight, but it actually escaped.” Babata lamented, “This kind of incomparably rare number of the pinnacle bloodline, maybe you can defeat it, it’s hard to kill it.”

Luo Feng was silent.

“How do you know if you don’t try?” Luo Feng said, “Babata …… this war, I have no choice!”

“Either, it dies!”

“Either, if you want to exterminate Earth humans, I die first!” Luo Feng said in a low voice.

Luo Feng never thought how great and noble he was, he could watch a war base be devoured by a Golden Horn Beast. But – if Earth humans perish, if the Huaxia nation dies out.

If this branch and leaf of his had no roots, then what was the point of living? It would be better to die with a bang.

“You dead brain.”

Babata was helpless, “It’s a pity that there are no weapons on the Meteor Ink Star!”

In fact, for immortal powerhouses, those energy weapons had long been meaningless! For example, the “Meteorite Ink Star”, “Meteorite Ink Star” is constructed of red copper mother, a fragment is more than a ton, how much does the entire ship weigh? With the strength of the Meteor Ink Star, as long as it accelerates to an amazing speed, coupled with its incomparably sharp edges! Usually flying in the universe, intruding into some meteorite groups, are directly rampage, cutting meteorites like cutting tofu.

A collision!

It’s a planet that can be cut!

Killing a stellar level is like cutting vegetables.

Unfortunately ……

The Meteorite Ink Star was damaged and had no way to fly.

While Luo Feng was discussing with Babata in his mind, the others were also discussing and discussing.

“Old Wang, if it’s a planetary level 8th or 9th order monster, we still have hope. But if it’s a stellar level …… the possibility of victory is only 10% at most.” The two old men sat together and discussed in low voices.

“Oh, Old Li, there’s a result from the discussion on your side?” The low, short old man with gray hair said in a low voice.

“Before the Great Nirvana Era, there was no place to even test a ‘super large yield’ nuclear bomb. But in the Base City Era, empty tens of thousands of square kilometers are plentiful! The conditions are there.” The old man surnamed Li nodded slightly, “The detailed plan is still left to the experts of each country to discuss.

I was thinking, if it fails ……”

“You mean the national heritage plan?” The old man surnamed Wang looked at the other party.

The old man surnamed Li also looked at him.

The two of them, who had spent countless efforts to establish the base city during the Great Nirvana period and for the Chinese nation, they certainly couldn’t afford to give up their country and nation!

“The common people are now living a peaceful life, and the end is just coming?” The old man surnamed Wang closed his eyes, his eyes vaguely had tears, then he opened his eyes, his gaze was firm, “I believe that all countries are the same, the inheritance program will start secretly first! If we Earth humans really can’t resist, then we can start it on a large scale. For details, leave the virtual space to talk about it! The old man surnamed Li nodded, but he felt a kind of heaviness of Yuanfa breathing!

“Maybe …… maybe the situation isn’t that bad.” The old man surnamed Li said silently in his heart.

The entire conference hall.

Whether it was Luo Feng, Hong, or Thunder God among the martial artists, or the leaders of various countries, or some of the specially invited weapons experts, they were all trying to think of a solution.

They were part of the Earth! None of them were willing to give up!

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