Chapter 26: “B6” Laser Cannon

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Everyone in the conference hall was completely blinded in an instant, and the silence was so deafening that even dropping a pin was clearly audible. On Earth, up to now, no one dared to say that they were sure to kill the Devouring Beast. Even “Hong” and “Thunder God”, who possessed the domain, had said that they would “fight to the death to kill the Devouring Beast”, completely fighting for their lives!

There was no certainty!

“Luo Feng!” Hong’s eyes stared deathly at Luo Feng, “You, what did you say?”

“I didn’t hear you.” The Thunder God next to him also stared at Luo Feng dead in the face, “Say that again!”

“Luo Feng, what did you just say!” Next to him, Jia Yi even grabbed Luo Feng, his voice trembling with excitement and nervousness.

“Luo Feng.”

The leaders of the countries and parliamentary powerhouses all stared at Luo Feng, as if a group of people who were about to drown saw a traveling ship. Many of them rubbed their ears, worrying if they had misheard. Some even went as far as staggering the people beside them inquiring if Luo Feng had really said it.

Nervousness, volatility, and apprehension …… all sorts of emotions filled the conference hall.

“I said!”

Luo Feng took a deep breath and looked at everyone around him, “I’m certain! Kill the Devouring Beast!”

“Really sure?”

“Luo Feng, you, what did you rely on to kill the devouring beast?”

“Luo, you didn’t lie to us?”

People of all colors and countries couldn’t help but even shout, one by one, some of them had snow white hair, but they were fluctuating with red faces.

“Quiet.” Hong shouted loudly.

The conference hall gradually quieted down, Hong said in a high voice, “I’ll ask Luo Feng, everyone calm down.” Those present were after all the elites of the earth, because the survival of the entire country, nation, and even the earth’s human race was involved before, that’s why one was so out of sorts. Hearing Hong’s words, they were all barely able to calm down as well.

“Luo Feng.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, everyone in the entire conference hall looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng looked at Hong, “Ask.”

“What did you use to kill the devouring beast, don’t tell me, you went to fight to the death.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, there were some of the world’s top experts in the conference hall, hearing Luo Feng, he knew if Luo Feng was really sure or if he was lying.


Luo Feng looked around the crowd, “Last time in the conference hall, I had asked the pavilion master for a copy of where the ruins of the major ancient civilizations on earth were!”

“I can prove it.” Hong nodded slightly, that information was indeed what he gave Luo Feng.

“That devouring beast appeared and I was anxious. When I thought about it, I thought that there might be hope of saving Earth in the ancient civilization ruins.” Luo Feng solemnly said, “The numerous ruins on Earth have been explored by almost every country. There are only three major extinct realms left!”

“Three major extinct realms?”

Many people present exclaimed in shock.

They were all well aware of how dangerous those three great extinct realms were.

“Which one of the No. 1, No. 12, and No. 31 relics did you go to?” Hong couldn’t help but ask.

Everyone on Earth knew how dangerous those three great extinct realms were.

“I couldn’t enter the silver-white pyramid at the bottom of the sea in Bermuda on the 1st and the source of the poisonous gas over at the Shenlong frame on the 31st.” Luo Feng shook his head, “The one I went in was the 12th relic, it was a black airship.”

Many people in the conference hall nodded their heads, not a few knew about this 12th relic, but all countries had suffered losses at the 12th relic there.

“That airship, able to maintain the ‘energy supply’ of the laser channel, I determined at that time that …… this flying general, the damage will not be serious. Sure enough!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, “After I entered, some weapons were indeed damaged. But one of the most powerful single attack weapon, the laser cannon, was nearly intact! I got repair robots inside the ship and they’re in the process of repairing it, I believe it’s almost ready to use now.”

“A laser cannon? How powerful can that be?” Someone seemed skeptical.

“Don’t talk nonsense if you don’t know.”

An old white man with messy hair stared at Luo Feng, “The laser cannon you got, what level is it?”

Luo Feng was slightly stunned.

Babata’s voice rang out in the sea of consciousness, “Tell him it’s B6 grade!”

“It’s B6 grade!” Luo Feng said.

“Oh my god, level B6, humanity is saved! Humanity is saved!!!” The old man with messy hair cried and laughed with excitement on the spot.

Immediately next to him, a councilor powerhouse asked, “Mr. Breckenridge, this B6 grade laser cannon, how powerful is it?


This “Breckenridge” old man looked around and said in a loud voice, “Many people here know. The laser cannon that can kill king-level monsters was created on Earth based on a broken laser cannon found in the ruins of an ancient civilization, which was disassembled and carefully studied before it was created.”

“At that time, I obtained a piece of information that knew the level positioning about the power of laser cannons in the middle of the universe.” Breckenridge said, “Translated into Earth language, it is divided into three major levels, A, B, and C.

For example, an A1 grade laser cannon can kill an ordinary planetary level first stage martial artist!”

“An A2 grade laser cannon can kill an ordinary planetary level second stage martial artist!”

“And so on, an A9 grade laser cannon can kill a planetary level 9th rank martial artist!”

“And B-class laser cannons, which are also very precious in the universe, B1-class laser cannons, can kill an ordinary Stellar-class first-order martial artist.” Breckenridge laughed, “By the same analogy, B6 grade, that is capable of killing an ordinary Stellar Grade Sixth Order martial artist! This kind of weapon according to the information, at that time, a star fleet didn’t even have this kind of single weapon.”

At once the conference hall boiled over.

“Haha! There’s hope, there’s hope!”

“No need to die, no need to die so many people.”



Many of the peak Earth elites present at the scene, however, were all excited and lost their minds at this moment. However no one cared about this either……. Losing their minds counted for nothing.

“Luo Feng.” Hong looked at Luo Feng and smiled, “Thank you!”

“Pavilion master ……,” Luo Feng was just about to speak.

“No need to call me pavilion master, look up to me, just like Lei him, call me brother Hong.” Hong smiled, his heart was indeed grateful to Luo Feng …… Even if he fought to the death, he only had two or three percent hope. If one could kill the devouring beast without dying, who would be willing to die?

“Brother Hong.” Luo Feng shouted.

“Haha, good, haha, happy, I haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Hong’s entire body was a bit out of sorts, next to him Thunder God came along.

“Right, Luo Feng.” Hong’s expression got serious and he solemnly said, “I know that the speed of the laser cannon reaches the speed of light, that devouring beast can’t escape at all! However, if one shot doesn’t kill it, that devouring beast can definitely escape to the ground in an instant and quickly find an opportunity to retaliate and destroy the laser cannon, so …… there’s only one chance to kill it.

Luo Feng was shocked in his heart.


The laser cannon, also known as a laser cannon, was fast! However, after attacking a cannon, the second attack is to be slightly brewed and prepared, a short preparation time, with that devouring beast’s incredible speed, it can definitely easily escape. Once it escaped …… the devouring beast would not give Luo Feng a second chance.

“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded.

The consciousness left the virtual space and returned to reality, it was already past six in the morning.

The window was already cloudy.

“The dark night has passed, it’s dawn.” Luo Feng stood on the balcony, the hot air he exhaled on the glass causing it to fog up.

“Luo Feng, it’s done, it’s done, wahahaha …… my Baba tower is too awesome! A laser cannon that hasn’t been used in over 800,000 years, only I, Babata, can fix it so quickly.” Babata’s smug and open-hearted laughter rang out in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.

Luo Feng revealed a joyful color, he wasn’t in the mood to blame Babata for his arrogance, instead he even said, “Where’s the weapon? Take it out and show it to me.”

“Shit, take it easy.”

In the wrist smart space, Babata stretched, “Although this laser cannon is a single weapon, however, that is also a single weapon in the universe. It still takes up a lot of space. It needs a space of six meters long, six meters wide, and three meters tall. The balcony beside you won’t fit.”

“This is called a single weapon?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Just send out a random robot, or martial artist, and they can easily carry it. Of course it’s a single weapon.” Babata said in dissatisfaction, “You don’t even look at it, that kind of large battleship shipboard weapon, the size alone is comparable to your Earth’s aircraft carriers! Luo Feng touched his head and hemmed and hawed.

Also right.

Weapons within the planets and weapons in the stars, it was right that the difference in specs was big.

“And Luo Feng, you can’t handle this weapon at all, don’t you have three maintenance robots, arrange for one to be given to me. I’ll set the program for it, it’s absolutely right to leave this kind of operation thing to the robots, even though they aren’t creative, they definitely won’t make some low level mistakes.” Babata said.

Luo Feng of course had to agree!

The three black metal robots, one of them was soon put directly into the storage space by Babata for some program settings.

“Why hasn’t the devouring beast come out from the bottom of the sea yet?”

On the rooftop of Luo Feng’s house, Hong, Thunder God, Jia Yi and so on, including Luo Feng, a total of 12 people were gathered here. At this moment the sun was already hanging high in the sky, it was past 12 noon.

“What’s the rush, it’s better if that devouring beast never comes out.” Hong smiled and glanced at Thunder God, while Luo Feng was looking at the tall black metal robot in front of him, and the huge instrument placed flat on the ground – six meters long, six meters wide, and three meters thick, and the whole thing seemed to be constructed out of crystal.

Inside the complex structure, let a person again dizzy.

And that cannon’s mouth was five meters in diameter.

“Can this cannon kill the Devouring Beast?” Mer Handerson from the United States of America was a little worried.

“Don’t worry.” Luo Feng laughed confidently, “Don’t look at the Devouring Beast’s size of one hundred and eighty meters long, but its head is only twenty meters long. A light pillar with a diameter of five meters shot over …… can explode its entire brain all together, guaranteeing that the soul will fly away and die a death that can’t be repeated!

“Well, burst its head.” Mohanderson was a little excited.

A group of people were waiting anxiously.

Only the black metal robot was motionless there, and the sunlight shone on it, barely reflecting at all.

Time passed by minute by minute.

One o’clock at noon, three o’clock in the afternoon, five o’clock in the afternoon ……

When the sun had reached the western mountains and was about to set.

“Hello.” Hong pressed his communication watch.

“Pavilion Master, the Devouring Beast has just flown out of the sea from the waters around Svens Island near Antarctica!” The voice came from the communication watch, causing all 12 people present to get excited all of a sudden.

And almost simultaneously, the communication watches of the others vibrated.

Here it comes!

The Devouring Beast had finally come out!

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