Chapter 39: The Secret Method of Talent

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:56
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Luo Feng was in just the right mood after knowing the three talent secret methods and realizing that he would be able to go back.

“The Origin Heaven and Earth and Absolute Space?” Luo Feng immediately remembered what he had seen before, about some of the effects and cultivation conditions of these two secret skills and so on.

Absolute space was a very perverted secret skill, it was also the kind that made people go crazy in the universe, it was just that the only secret skill that could be learned was the golden horned beast.

The secret skill is divided into three layers!

The first layer, named “Arc Light”.

The second layer, named “a thousand changes”.

The third layer was called “Instantaneous Shift”.

To learn this kind of secret skill, the most important condition was – crazy practice and enlightenment! Practice more often, in order to gradually skilled experience, accumulated more …… before it is possible to understand!

This kind of secret skill is mainly about instantaneous burst of speed!

According to the principle of the secret skill – “Even if one steps into the first stage of the Cosmic Grade, suppose the fastest speed of flight can reach 500 kilometers per second. However, that would require a long enough flight distance to constantly accelerate in order to reach the maximum speed. The instantaneous burst speed, on the other hand, is far less than 500 kilometers per second.”

“When fighting, what’s more important is the instantaneous burst speed! Instant forward, instant steering, instant stopping, instant backing up!”

This reasoning, Luo Feng also understood.

Just like a sports car traveling on the highway, it might be able to reach a maximum of 300 kilometers per hour, but how much can it reach when it starts for 0.1 seconds? Accelerating to the fastest, it takes time!

Humans, faster than a sports car start.

But the instantaneous burst of speed is still far less than the maximum flight speed.

“Instantaneous movement ah instantaneous movement! Luo Feng, instantaneous shift!” Babata was excited, “Your teacher, as an immortal powerhouse, couldn’t even do an instantaneous shift!”

“So ……” Luo Feng said helplessly, “This Absolute Space is hard to practice!”

Even a powerhouse like the master of the Meteorite Ink Star couldn’t do an instantaneous shift, so you can imagine how difficult it is.

Moreover, it was also stated in the secret technique ……

The first layer, consuming long enough hard work, there was still hope of practicing it.

The second layer, in the generations of Golden Horned Beast inheritance, even if the Golden Horned Beast’s lifespan is ten times longer than that of even a human Realm Lord. However, most of those who practiced Absolute Space hovered at a certain point in the second layer, and those who could reach the second layer’s great success, “Ten Thousand Transformations”, were few and far between.

The third layer, instantaneous movement?

That’s a legend! It’s very, very difficult! Hard work, enlightenment, opportunity and so on are all needed.

“Luo Feng! You don’t understand how precious it is!” Babata said eagerly, “What kind of secret skill is this? Is it simply about explosive speed? It isn’t! This is a secret skill that goes from shallow to deep, allowing you to comprehend and experience the rules of cosmic space! Your teacher, who doesn’t have this secret skill, is burying his head in the sand and practicing hard. If he had this secret skill, I’m afraid he would be able to possess the incredible divine ability of instantaneous transfer.”

“Once you have the Instantaneous Transmission skill, shit, it’s hard for others to kill you. Your teacher wouldn’t have died if he knew this trick.” Babata even said.

Luo Feng smiled, “I said it’s hard to practice, but I didn’t say not to practice.”

“Oh haha ……”

Babata also laughed openly, “Luo Feng, and this set of secret skills, not only does it make your stance incredibly perverse. And your flying speed can also be improved! And – once combined with The Honored Heaven and Earth, oh, The Honored Heaven and Earth, this secret technique, when compared to Absolute Space, it’s even more perverted, even more perverted!”

It was perverted!

Luo Feng was well aware of the cultivation conditions and effects of The Honored Heaven and Earth. This set of secret methods was one of the famous kinds of special secret methods listed in the inheritance memories. In terms of preciousness, usage and efficiency, it was indeed stronger than the previous Absolute Space. However, the reason why the 18 “Special Secret Methods” were called Special Secret Methods did not mean that all of them were “definitely stronger than ordinary Secret Methods!”

It just means that these 18 kinds of special secret method cultivation method is very harsh, harsh in where?

1, need complex cultivation conditions, if some of the conditions are not enough, even if you spend more hard work.

2, there are shortcuts! But shortcuts are as difficult as the harsh conditions!

3, Only the Golden Horned Beast could cultivate!

If we say that the 3,199 kinds of ordinary secret methods are created by the generations of Golden Horned Beasts, or created after borrowing the secret methods of countless races such as human beings and mechanical races, the secret methods themselves are only the “Golden Horned Beasts”, which are the most important secret methods. The secret methods themselves can only be practiced by “Golden Horned Beasts”, but most of these secret methods themselves are borrowed from other races. Other races also have similar secret methods, although there are some differences, but the difference will not be too big.


These 18 kinds of special secret methods, but completely only “Golden Horned Beast” can practice! Even if they were spread out, there was no way for other races to adapt and practice them.

The “Original Heaven and Earth” is also divided into three layers.

The first layer was considered a “minor accomplishment”. The second layer was considered “great accomplishment”, and as for the third layer, it was “ultimate”.

To put it bluntly, “Original Heaven and Earth” was a special secret skill that could make the Golden Horned Beast grow larger or shrink! “Shrinking” and “growing larger” were terrifying abilities. For example, the Golden Horned Beast has a body length of 180 meters, and while the body shrinks, the weight of the entire body will not change, which will cause the density to increase greatly!

Bone density increases! Muscle density increases! Claws and horns become sharper and harder!

A fist smashed with the force of 100 kilograms.

And an embroidery needle, stabbed out with 100 kilograms of force, the power that is a world of difference!

So ……

Once shrunk, the Golden Horned Beast’s sharp claws became even more terrifying and its sharp horns penetrated even more amazingly!

This is shrinking, what about getting bigger?

The combat power will not increase after getting bigger, but …… a 10,000 foot giant casually takes a step, how can an ordinary human with the same strength run, but it can’t compare to others.

The advantage of getting bigger is–

Flying faster!

180 meters long Golden Horn Beast, after turning 1800 meters long, it was like a floating island, the scaly wings were ten times bigger than in the past! With one flap, the speed was much faster!

At the first level of The Original Heaven and Earth, the length of the body can change in size and shrink by 3 times. Strength up to 3 times of what it was before.

The second layer, it can reach nine times! Strength can jump 9 times!

Third level? It’s already reached the point where size is whatever you want it to be. Strength, however, jumps up to 36 times! Shrinking 36 times, shrinking 100 times, shrinking 1,000 times, the strength won’t change …… because the strength can explode 36 times is already an extreme of this gong method. Shrinking any further, the body’s strength would follow suit, making it impossible to increase combat power.

Of course, it is said that the size is at will, but it is not possible to infinitely become bigger and smaller, the magnitude of the body length, the limit of the legend is 10,000 times! That is to say ten kilometers long Golden Horn Beast, small becomes one meter long, big, becomes one hundred thousand kilometers long!

Of course ……

The difficulty of the third level of The Original Heaven and Earth was even more difficult than the third level of Absolute Space! According to the records in the inheritance memories, only the Golden Horned Beast that created this set of secret methods reached the third layer, the others, for countless years, generations of Golden Horned Beasts came down, none of the Golden Horned Beasts were able to cultivate to the third layer.

Most of the Golden Horned Beasts throughout history were at the first layer.

There were very few that even reached the second layer!

Because, this set of secret skills is really perverse, by the heavenly jealousy!

For example, for those who are at the ninth level of “Realm Lord”, their combat power tends to reach a limit. Most of them don’t have much of a difference, and only a few of them are a bit stronger.

However, the “Original Heaven and Earth” can make the Golden Horn Beast, on top of its original limit, soar several times again! Can it not be envied by heaven?

After all ……

The Golden Horned Beast itself has a natural secret technique called “Strengthening”!

“Luo Feng, your three great natural secret methods, one is the cultivation secret method ‘Devouring’, the second is the combat secret method ‘Strengthening’, and the third is the life preservation secret method ‘Splitting’. ” Babata said, when the Golden Horn Behemoth was seriously injured after being attacked by the ‘B6 grade Sodium Cannon’, it exerted the ‘Reinforcement’ talent, and its speed instantly skyrocketed! The Golden Horn’s attack power also skyrocketed!

Since it was a talent, the reinforcement magnitude would not change!

“The Reinforcement talent, coupled with the Shrinking of the Honored Heaven and Earth, can cause your combat power to stack twice!”

“Strengthening the talent, together with The World of Origin getting bigger, can cause the flight speed to have two increments!”

Babata lamented, “And Absolute Space is your secret method for dodging and escaping, moreover, Absolute Space starts out as instantaneous dodging and the like, but later on, it’s a comprehension of the rules of space.

As long as your comprehension goes deeper, your flying speed will also improve! The trajectory and power of the golden horn shot will also soar.”

“Therefore, the Strengthening Talent and these two secret methods can form a complement. Getting the maximum effect to play.” Babata said.

“Perverted ah perverted!” Babata couldn’t help but lament, “Too perverted.”

Luo Feng smiled.

Indeed it was perverted, which led to the two secret techniques being very difficult to practice, Absolute Space was fine, although it was difficult to practice, but most of the generations of Golden Horned Beasts, were able to enter the second layer. But the “Original heaven and earth” simply many golden horn giants, stayed at the first layer only.

But Luo Feng was also very conscious.

Too perverted, envied by heaven! So the number of golden horned giant beasts was incomparably rare, less than the number of immortal powerhouses!

And in the universe, there were a total of 12 bloodlines amongst the starry sky giants like the golden horn giants! And among the countless races, there are some peculiar beings that also have some peculiar secret techniques that won’t be worse than the Golden Horned Beasts! Even if it was humans, firstly there were a lot of them, and secondly there were a lot of secret techniques.

Luo Feng’s teacher “Master of the Meteorite Ink Star” alone, the secret method of “Soul Seal” was very perverse, able to control strong people as his slaves!

You’re gifted?

Well, I’ll take advantage of your weakness and plant the Soul Seal into your soul first, so that you can become my incredibly poisonous slave! No matter how talented you are, you’re just my bodyguard.

So ……

Luo Feng is very clear, can’t underestimate any strong person.

The Golden Horned Beast has three talents, one cultivation talent “devouring”, devouring a large amount of metal into the “internal world”, also has a certain group attack effect, weaker than their own life, can also be directly devoured to kill. However, in general, if there is a threat, the inner world will automatically stop swallowing. For example, Hong released a large amount of metal, a bundle of nuclear bombs.

Combat talent “Strengthen”, so that speed, combat power, etc. instantly soared, but of course, the cost is not small.

The life-saving talent “split”, planetary level can have a split, universe level can have a second split, sector master can have a third split. In other words,……, the Golden Horned Beast can only have three bilocations in its lifetime. And each bilocation exists separately and cultivates alone.

For this kind of incomparably rare, nearly extinct race, the universe is also very fair, will give them the gift of life preservation!

For example, the twelve bloodlines of the “Iceberg Beast”, life-saving talent is “change”, can change into any appearance.

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