Chapter 45 – Bombardment

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:58:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sago Nehru, beads of sweat oozing out of his forehead, the terrifying tyrannical killing intent in the eyes of the visitor, that sharp and icy eyes, the eyes that made one’s heart palpitate with fear, it was simply, it was simply the same as the eyes of the Golden Horned Beast that terrified the entire human race of the Earth when it was broadcasted live across the globe!

Sago squeezed out a smile, “Luo, Mr. Luo Feng, you’re actually still alive, this is simply-”

“There are quite a few scums in the world, but scums to the extent that you are-” Luo Feng’s gaze chilled, instantly a wisp of unrecognizable nian energy that was unrecognizable to the naked eye, as if it was a sharp needle, directly pierced into the middle of Sago’s sea of consciousness, the miniature planet in Sago’s sea of consciousness, as if it were Fragile tofu, directly pierced!


Sago’s eyes stared round with a color of shock, and then he directly fell softly to the ground.

Overlooking Sago’s corpse on the ground, Luo Feng’s body disappeared into the doorway with a flash.

High in the air.

Luo Feng stepped on the recluse shuttle and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the United States of America.

From birth until now, Luo Feng wasn’t some rotten good guy, nor was he some hero who did justice! Just …… he has his own bottom line in his heart! There were a lot of scum in this world, and Luo Feng wouldn’t explode with a sense of justice to punish everyone. After all, where there was light, there was darkness.

However, Atkin, Sago Nehru, Yan Hai, these three people led the forces that made Luo Nian most furious – either threatening or openly robbing the loved ones left behind by several heroes.

“Merhanderson, Easter, Tripathi Singh, Jaya, Sokolov, you died with honor.”

“And these three assholes, let you die with no peace. I will never allow it!”

Luo Feng’s gaze looked towards the direction of the United States of America across the ocean, according to Barbata’s infiltration of the global network monitoring system checking, he learned that Atkin was now in the United States of America’s Washington base city!

Washington base city, because of the time difference, it was late at night here.

The limousine was parked on the side of the street.

“He has arrived!” Hearing the voice coming from the phone, Atkin inside the limo’s eyes rolled up in surprise.

“Not good, Luo Feng really isn’t dead, he’s really back!” Atkin forehead couldn’t help but ooze out cold sweat, at the same time his mind quickly flashed through one thought after another, there was no doubt that Luo Feng had killed Yan Hai first, now he should definitely be going to kill Sago Nehru, then I’m afraid that he, Atkin, would be next.

“What to do what to do?”

“This Luo Feng is ruthless and so strong!” The more Atkin thought about it, the more anxious he became, his forehead and back were sweating continuously.


How to think was a dead end!

“Rush to Luo Feng’s house and take his family as hostages? No way, there are metal robots in his house that can block me. And rushing from the United States of America to the Chinese garden is too far, my speed isn’t as fast as Luo Feng’s, I’m sure I’ll be intercepted midway!” Atkin pondered over the many ways and quickly rejected one after another. There is no way to heaven, the earth is this big, with Luo Feng’s ability, I have nowhere to run!!!”

Atkin gritted his teeth, “It can only be done!”

With that, Atkin picked up his cell phone and quickly broadcast the call, “Give me immediately, gather the important media in the entire Washington base city with the fastest pantry, and, through our HR alliance, notify the media in every base city across the globe ……”

This night was destined to be unsettled.

The first person on Earth, the Speaker of the HR Alliance, “Atkin”, began to struggle for his life!

Washington base city’s largest square, Freedom Square, in the late night when a news media vehicles rushed to this, and that high decibel radio sound, hard to let the surrounding large number of people in the United States of America woke up from sleep, when they saw the big screen on the Freedom Square lit up, around a large number of vehicles, and suddenly attracted a lot of people to go downstairs.

“The Speaker of the HR Alliance Parliament, is about to announce a shocking global news.”

“In the next moment, I believe the ball will shake.”

“Yes, don’t doubt it, the Speaker of the HR Alliance Parliament, the number one strongest person in the world right now! He is about to publicly announce a big news.”


Various media outlets immediately reported it.

Moreover, on the big screen in Freedom Square, the scene of “Hong, Thunder God and the Devouring Beast’s death battle” appeared, as well as the scene of “Six Heroes Entering the Sea”, and the detailed introduction of each of the eight heroes.

“How does the screen display the deeds of the eight heroes, could it be that the announcement is related to the eight heroes?”

“Could it be that Hong and Thor, who turned into vegetarians, have awakened?”

The first thing that happened was that a large number of residents from one of the high-rise residential areas around the plaza all came downstairs and gathered around.

Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Africa, the HR Alliance had a certain amount of influence in any of these places, to the point of directly manipulating some of the media. And today, Atkin was even more reckless in smashing money to some other media outlets, causing a large number of media outlets in various countries around the globe to broadcast at the same moment! Various portals on the internet, pop-up windows appeared. It’s dark in the United States of America at the moment!

However, in the European Union, it is morning. China and India, it was the hottest time of the day, covering live broadcasts on TV and the internet, causing countless people around the globe to instantly know about it.

“What’s going on, what’s the big news?”

“Surprisingly, the Speaker of the HR Alliance personally came to announce it?”

All over the globe, those who were either surfing the internet or watching TV were the first to find out, and even some of those who were busy working and sleeping were notified by their friends.

Obviously, something big was about to be announced!

D.C. Base City, Freedom Square.

“Let’s welcome the Speaker of the HR Alliance Parliament, Mr. ‘Atkin’!”

Under the spotlight and the media’s long and short guns, Atkin, who looked very formal in a white shirt and black suit, walked up, and the aura formed by the manipulation of cosmic energy naturally caused the surrounding area to quiet down. This was clearly an existence that surpassed the God of War, one that the general public needed to look up to.

“Everyone, everyone around the globe who saw the live broadcast.”

Atkin couldn’t hide the excitement on his face, “Today, I will first introduce you all to someone!”

“He, with his overflowing genius, is the youngest Spiritual Nihilist to surpass the War God!”

“He, who once killed dozens of king level monsters and a beast emperor all by himself.”

“He, and the Devouring Beast finally dueled and killed the Devouring Beast, saving us humans from disaster!”

“Who is he?” Atkin fluctuated a million times.

At the same time, on the big screen behind them, the information movie about Luo Feng appeared all of a sudden when the eight heroes were there! A large number of photos, texts, and videos of Luo Feng’s glorious history from various periods appeared on the big screen one after another.

“Yes, he’s Luo Feng!”

“The most genius-ridden, greatest genius on our planet.” Atkin’s voice was impassioned.

In front of the live TV broadcasts and webcasts.

Countless people around the globe seemed to go back to the years more than a year ago, the years that made countless people fearful and feel like the end was near. For the eight heroes who passed away, in their hearts, those were the eight saviors. And among them, Luo Feng, who was the youngest and had made the final sure-fire strike, was worshipped and admired by countless people.

“I admire him and worship him. I grieve for his passing, I regret …… humanity, losing a magnificent genius!”

Atkin suddenly said mysteriously, “But did everyone realize that no one found Luo Feng’s body from beginning to end! The powerhouses that entered the seabed in the first place only saw the corpse of the Devouring Beast, they didn’t see Luo Feng’s corpse!”


The entire Freedom Square fell violently silent, followed by clamor, the sound of excited chatter that couldn’t be suppressed!

“Yes..! Your guesses are not wrong!”

Atkin’s voice was high pitched and incomparable, “The news I’m announcing today is that …… our Earth’s greatest genius ‘Luo Feng’ he’s still alive!!!! Yes, he’s alive!!!”


The entire Freedom Square boiled over!


Countries all over the globe, countless people in front of their televisions boiled over! The people in front of countless computers also boiled!

At this moment!

The entire planet was boiling as if it was boiling!

Chinese country, Luo Feng’s home first floor living room.

Next to the crib, Luo Hongguo, Mr. and Mrs. Gong Xinlan and the nanny were all staring at that TV screen.

“The greatest genius on our planet ‘Luo Feng’ he’s still alive!!!! Yes, he’s alive!!!” In the TV, that impassioned voice and the boiling sound of the scene that was like it was going to shatter the TV, caused Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan, who had long been holding their breath and getting excited in the living room, to shout in excitement all of a sudden.

“Quickly, let Xiao Xin come back.”

“Inform Xiaohua.”

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan both excitedly even dialed their cell phones. The two children inside the crib next to them, but they were grasping the crib railing, staring at the TV with wide ebony eyes, “Baba, ba ……” one of them even pointed to the picture of Luo Feng that appeared on the screen and made a sound.

Luo Hua was in front of his company’s computer.

And Xu Xin was similarly in front of her desk.

They were both staring at their respective computers.

Wei Wen, who was originally taking a nap in the hot weather, was also pulled to the computer by his girlfriend.


Wei Wen’s mouth opened wide in excitement!

At the extreme training camp, Luo Feng’s teacher “Jiang Fang” was also in front of the TV.

Janet, who had pursued Luo Feng at the time, and a young man who was pursuing her, stopped on a pedestrian street and looked up at the big screen.

Countless people around the world were watching this scene, the “eight heroes” were already like saviors, not to mention the media publicity and so on, has long been deified! And now, the youngest and most talented among them was still alive? This was also announced to the world by the Speaker of the HR Alliance Parliament.

“It’s hard to sleep with the volatility of knowing this news! So, unable to resist, I want to tell everyone about this amazing news!”

“He is a hero that I honor!”

“Immense respect!”

While Atkin seemed to be immensely fluctuating because the hero he worshiped was alive, countless people around the globe in front of the TV, in front of the computer, and in front of the street screens were truly thrilled! They didn’t suspect that Atkin was in disguise. It seemed normal to them to honor eight heroes that is.


Above Freedom Square, a stream of light quickly fell down before stopping and landing slowly. The entire square, including Atkin, went silent.

Countless people in front of TV sets and computers across the globe, were also quiet.

The entire world, quiet. Everyone looked at that figure!

He, wearing military pants, a simple undershirt, a head of short black hair, and a pair of eyes as deep as the sea. Slowly landing from mid-air, that invisible aura was felt even through the screen.

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