Chapter 46: Sublight Speed

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:58:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The media personnel in Freedom Square, as well as the large gathering of people couldn’t help but rub their eyes and stare wide-eyed at the landing figure.

Yes, there was no mistaking it!

It was him! The man that had been shown on TV time and time again!

“It’s Luo Feng.” A slightly stuttering voice rang out.

“Luo Feng!”

“It’s Luo Feng.”

“Luo Feng!”

“Luo Feng!”

The entire Freedom Square was completely abuzz!


One of the eight heroes, Luo Feng, that magnificent supreme genius that countless people worshipped, was actually still alive! At this moment, I don’t know how many people were thrilled, the top brass of each country were shocked, and some ambitious people and power holders were even more upset. A strong person like Luo Feng doesn’t need an army, he is unstoppable by himself!

At the time, Hong and Thunder God were above all countries.

With the fall of the eight heroes, the status of the three great powers has increased a lot. Although Atkin was more powerful, he was not as untouchable as Hong and Thunder God.

“Brother!” Luo Hua was thrilled.

“Little Feng, Little Feng.” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan’s couple looked at the silhouettes that appeared on the live broadcast screen, and even more tears flowed down their faces as they cried with joy.

In front of the desk.

Xu Xin looked at the computer screen live broadcast, that appeared so that she dreamed of the person’s silhouette, could not help but be overjoyed, stroking the wire ring, incomparably happy. At this moment, Xu Xin felt like she had come to heaven.

The global public boiled, and in the United States of America, Washington base city, Freedom Square, HR Alliance Speaker Atkin was thrilled: ”Mr. Luo Feng, when I learned that you didn’t die, I was so excited that I couldn’t help but let the world know the good news. But …… now that I can see Mr. Luo Feng with my own eyes, I’m really, really excited.”

“I, Atkin, hate myself for not being able to build on the battle of the Devouring Beast!”

“And now, although the Devouring Beast battle has passed, the threat of the sea monsters still hasn’t been eliminated. And with Hong and Thunder God gone and no one to lead them, the global experts are like scattered sand. Now that you’re back, Mr. Luo Feng, it’s simply great. I hope Mr. Luo Feng can lead us and continue to protect humanity against the sea monsters.”

“I would like to follow Mr. Luo Feng and fight together to build up humanity!”

Atkin looked at Luo Feng sincerely, his voice was even spreading along the microphone, spreading to every ear in Freedom Square, spreading to the ears of countless people in front of the global TV sets and the internet.

Luo Feng looked at Atkin.

Cold smile in his heart, this Atkin if he wanted to escape, with Baba tower connecting to the satellite monitoring, with his own speed chasing after him, Atkin is simply nowhere to escape. And now, he even made such a scene to …… obviously want to be in front of billions of people around the world, letting people know, how much he Atkin respects and worships Luo Feng. Wanting to follow Luo Feng to fight for the cause of humanity!

“Mr. Luo Feng.” Atkin manipulated the cosmic energy to isolate the sounds around him, a hint of shame and embarrassment appeared on his face, “I admit, I took the wrong path in front of ambition and desire. However, I still ask Mr. Luo Feng to give me a chance, I will return the Mok Sae Crystal and the Spirit of Grass and Wood that Sago Nehru took away from Mr. Luo Feng’s house. I only hope, give me a chance. And with Mr. Luo Feng’s return, even if you give me the guts I wouldn’t dare to mess around.” Atkin’s posture was low.

In Atkin’s heart, he was saying, “The only way out, put it to death! It was broadcast live globally, billions of people were paying attention! Under the media’s propaganda, Luo Feng’s image was incomparably glorious and perfect! A hero to the people! And I respect and admire him, how can he lay his hands on me?”

“Laying hands on me would be destroying his perfect image.”

“Laying hands on me would cause countless people to question him.”

“Atkin.” Luo Feng spoke.

“Mr. Luo Feng.” Atkin bowed slightly, appearing respectful, looking at Luo Feng with a hint of respect and admiration in his gaze!


A blade cut through a stream of light, in close proximity, instantly cutting into Atkin’s forehead, even the black leather membrane that surfaced on his scalp – the ‘black god suit’ – was directly sliced through, and after piercing into the inner cerebral shell, the sea of consciousness collapsed the soul and the blade flew away, and the blade flew back along the original The blades flew back quickly along the original wound.

The speed was so fast that no one in the room could see it.

“Uh-” Atkin’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe that Luo Feng dared to kill him on such an occasion.


The entire person fell to the ground with a loud bang, blood seeping out from his forehead position.


“Dead man!”

The entire Freedom Square was in a state of shock, and the people in front of the global TV broadcast and webcast were so shocked that they even “rewound” back to the previous scene and slowed down the playback, and the general TV function slowed down the playback limit by 100 times, before they could barely see a wisp of shadow! It was only after slowing down and replaying the scene 100 times that they could barely see a wisp of shadow stabbing into Atkin’s head from Luo Feng’s place, and then quickly flying back.

“Mr. Luo Feng, you, why did you kill Speaker Atkin!” The reporters looked back down at the slow playback and quickly identified the murderer.

“Mr. Luo Feng!”

“Is it Mr. Luo Feng?”

“How could it be?”

“If it wasn’t Mr. Luo Feng, who could have easily killed Speaker Atkin?”

The square was in chaos.

“Mr. Luo Feng, can you explain why you killed!” A blonde female reporter didn’t seem to believe that her adored hero would do this.

Luo Feng’s icy gaze swept around.

The invisible pressure on his spirit caused everyone to quiet down.

“Him.” Luo Feng looked down at Atkin’s corpse, “Scum, deserved to die!”


With that, he rushed up into the sky and quickly disappeared from the live feed.

A group of reporters were dumbfounded, they quickly reacted.

“Viewers in front of the TV, Mr. Luo Feng suddenly struck out and killed HR Alliance Speaker ‘Atkin’. Afterward, he just said ‘scum, deserve to die’ without any detailed explanation. Regarding the details of this matter, this station will track the report!” A blonde said to the camera.

“Oh god! It’s true, you read it right, Mr. Luo Feng killed Speaker Atkin. All that was said was ‘scum, deserve to die’. Although what Mr. Luo Feng did was very violent, however, I, Black Jack, am a loyal admirer of Mr. Luo Feng, I believe that that Atkin must have done something very abominable, detailing some big secrets, Black Jack will definitely bring you all to explore.”

Ever since Luo Feng disappeared from the screen, every live TV station or network, started a detailed report on the matter discussing it!

Luo Feng flew high in the sky with his feet on the recluse shuttle. Overlooking the endless sea, Luo Feng had a rare smile on his face.

“You’re still in the mood to smile? Luo Feng, you just killed Stay Gold, that ruined your perfect image. You have to know, as the eight heroes of you, and being called a supreme genius, before amongst the humans of earth, almost 100% of the internet reviews were worshipping you, your image was absolutely perfect ah. Now, your perfect image is gone. What a pity.” Babata said.

“Perfect? I wasn’t perfect in the first place.”

Luo Feng smiled blandly, “Didn’t want to be a perfect person either, if this person deserves to be killed, I’ll kill him!”

Babata couldn’t help but secretly say as he listened, “Oooh, this Luo Feng taking over the body is really affected by the golden horned beast bloodline, the tyrannical killing intent is much thicker than it was in the past! But …… hey, I like it.”

The blazing sun of June couldn’t stop people’s enthusiasm at all.

Yangzhou City, many people gathered on the streets outside the Mingyue neighborhood, they all tilted their heads and waited …… for Luo Feng to appear! Even many of the residents within the Mingyue neighborhood were excitedly waiting for Luo Feng’s arrival.

Perhaps in foreign countries, there were people who questioned Luo Feng for killing Atkin.

However, within China, which treated Luo Feng as its pride, there was no doubt that almost everyone was on Luo Feng’s side!

“Luo Feng!” A teenager with extravagant binoculars shouted.

Instantly, the countless people clogging the streets, even the people standing on top of their cars all of a sudden cheered and boiled.

Only to see a silhouette come swiftly from the sky and land on the lawn within the Bright Moon neighborhood. One could only see Luo Feng glance in the direction of the streets outside the neighborhood and smile slightly, then he walked directly in the direction of his home.

This one smile, even more so, caused countless people who worshiped Luo Feng to cheer and fluctuate.

The entrance of the home.

Father Luo Hongguo, mother Gong Xinlan, wife Xu Xin, younger brother Luo Hua were all there, as well as the twin children who were already on the ground and able to stand.

Luo Feng walked step by step.

The families’ eyes were moist.

“Call daddy, call daddy.” Xu Xin held the two children, the two children who looked almost identical looked at Luo Feng and opened their mouths, “Dad, dad, dad ……” Luo Feng was excited and joyful.

Since Luo Feng’s return in June, the original global situation of dark currents had come to a standstill all of a sudden, and those ambitious people no longer dared to make the slightest move! The Thunder and Lightning martial arts school and the extreme martial arts school once again resumed their normal operations, it was as if the globe had all of a sudden become incredibly united, no one dared to make a move.

This was Luo Feng’s deterrent power!

After Luo Feng returned home, he first went to pay homage to his five best friends who had gone to their deaths together in the first place – Merhandsen, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov! And then he went to the headquarters of the extreme martial arts school, where Naihong and Thunder God were still in slumber.

After that.

Luo Feng then made up his wedding with Xu Xin!

Everything was peaceful, and the globe was calm under the shock of Luo Feng, a super powerhouse.

Winter 2061.

“Pingping good boy, come, have another bite. Hmm, so good!” Luo Feng carried a small rice bowl and went to feed his other son, “Xiao Hai, come on, good boy, yes, have another bite. Don’t be naughty, brother ate three bites. You’ve only had one bite. Come.” Luo Feng looked at his son favorably, coaxing and feeding the child.

On the sofa next to him, Xu Xin was knitting a sweater with her own hands, smiling from time to time and glancing at the place.

“Luo Feng, Luo Feng.” Ba Ba Ba Ta’s voice rang out in the sea of consciousness.

Luo Feng’s hand holding his rice bowl gave a slight start, “What’s wrong?”

“That Black Dragon ship is all done except for the one auxiliary power system that’s still missing. Although it’s still unable to perform cosmic shuttles. But, it can at least reach sub-light speed – 100,000 kilometers per second!” Babata said, “Inside my storage space right now, I’m repairing the auxiliary power system, but the Black Dragon ship itself is functional.”

“Didn’t you say that the metals collected on Earth were too little to carry out some of the cultivation of the ‘Golden Horned Beast’? In particular, the ‘Origin Heaven and Earth’ can’t be practiced at all.”

“With the Black Dragon Airship, even though it’s only at sub-light speed, within an hour, you can reach Mars.”

“You can totally have breakfast in the morning, set off for Mars, come back from Mars in the evening, and come home for dinner!” Babata said.

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