Chapter 47 Arrival on Mars

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:58:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Being told this by Babata, Luo Feng of course wanted to go.

That night, Luo Feng told his family.

December 3, 2061, morning.

The family had breakfast, Xu Xin went to the garage to drive to the company, Xi Luo Feng also greeted, “Dad, mom, I won’t be back at noon, I’ll be back for dinner in the evening. Pingping, Xiao Hai, listen to your grandparents at home as well oh ……” dotingly kissed his two sons, Luo Feng walked out of the house, his body blurred in the courtyard and instantly disappeared.

High in the sky.

Luo Feng flew into the sky, quickly rushing through the cumulus cloud layer, continuously flying higher and higher, the sunlight above the cloud layer was even more blinding.

In one breath, he flew to a height of about 8000 meters above sea level, suspended in midair.

“Babata, get the black dragon ship out, right, activate stealth first, don’t get caught by the satellites.” Luo Feng said with a thought.

“Don’t worry, the first class airship of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, if it’s discovered by your Earth, that would be a big joke!” Babata said, at the same time, in mid air next to Luo Feng, a huge black flying saucer type ship with a diameter of around 100 meters appeared out of thin air, with giant dragons with wings printed on the hull.

Luo Feng took a deep breath.

100 meters in diameter, sounds small. But in front of him it’s still shocking, in terms of size it’s a lot bigger than the average high school soccer playground.

The outer hatch opened automatically, Luo Feng flew into the laser channel in it, the inner gate also rose.

The control room of the Black Dragon ship.

“Luo Feng, Demon Baba Tower at your service!” Crisp and triumphant voice, echoed throughout the control room, and Babata’s avatar appeared on the screen of the console in front of him.

Luo Feng grinned, “Let’s go!”

“Okay.” Babata hemmed and hawed.


A very low sound, inside the airship even a strong person like Luo Feng could only barely feel a very faint hint of vibration. This was far, far more comfortable than a normal sedan.

“Do we need to turn on the exterior simulation?” Babata asked, “A simulation degree of 10% – 100% is fine.”

“Outside scene simulation?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Because of the thick metal of the ship’s hull, it’s impossible to see the outside directly with the naked eye, so it has to be simulated through an exterior view. Similar to your earth’s three dimensional projection, but the …… effect is much stronger than your earth’s three dimensional projection.” Babata explained.

“Turn on, 100%.” Luo Feng said directly.


The entire control room’s original consoles, seats, and floor all disappeared.

Surrounding it was a hazy layer of gas.

“The black dragon ship is flying through the atmosphere and will soon leave the planet completely. It has left!” Babata’s voice echoed around, and Luo Feng saw the vastness of space in the distance at a glance. Luo Feng turned his head towards behind him.

A huge azure planet appeared in view.

“Earth!” Luo Feng couldn’t help but hold his breath.

It was too, too beautiful!

Although he said that he had often seen this image on the internet and television, when he actually left the planet on a spaceship and saw it with his own eyes, the sense of shock …… simply touched his soul.

The azure planet was shrinking!

The Black Dragon spaceship and the azure planet were getting farther and farther apart.

“Earth, sun.” Luo Feng gazed at the back of the planet, far away, it was a planet that looked like it was burning with flames – the sun.

“Flying like has accelerated to 100,000 kilometers per second, it will now be at a constant speed, heading to Mars.” Babata’s voice rang out.

Luo Feng turned his head again and looked to the other side.

“How dreamy!” Luo Feng couldn’t help but sigh.

“Oh, Babata, over there.” Luo Feng pointed to the left, in the distance, the huge ice cube surrounding the gas was flying while the Black Dragon ship easily surpassed it.

“That’s what your Earth calls a comet.” Babata said.

Luo Feng looked around.

Mysterious but boundless starry sky, in the distance, there was a planet from time to time, even some asteroids, some star dust and so on.

“It’s so beautiful.” Luo Feng marveled.

“It’s beautiful, but look at it too much. You’ll feel boring and cold.” Babata said.

“10% simulation it.” Luo Feng said.


The surrounding starry sky instantly became faint, as if it was a layer of emptiness, but you could still see the earth and sun behind you, it just became very faint and faint. And the original control room’s floor, chairs, consoles, lights, etc all manifested again.

“This 100% simulation, it’s like the whole person is in the starry sky, if you don’t use your spiritual thoughts to view it, don’t use your hands to touch it, and don’t sit on a chair but levitate, then you can’t even feel the existence of the control room.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but praise, 100% simulation, very awesome indeed.

“Of course the effect is great, 100% simulation, this is a standard only for B class ships and above!” Babata said, “If it’s a primitive kind of A class airship, it’s considered good to have 50% simulation. Unless one adds their own excellent exterior simulation system, that’s a very expensive luxury to spend.”

Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “What’s with the airship class?”

Although there were inherited memories, but the Golden Horned Beast’s inherited memories, which would introduce the grading of human airships.

“Class A, can correspond to ‘planetary class’.”

“Class B, can correspond to ‘stellar level’.Class C, corresponds to ‘cosmic level’…… Class E, corresponds to ‘sector lord ‘, and grade F corresponds to ‘Immortal’.”

“Many items are divided into swallowing times.

“Like the laser cannon from before, it’s a B6 grade laser cannon. Motherships like the one we found in Ruins 12 are B-class motherships. Like this one, the Black Dragon Mountain X81 model, belongs to the ‘C5’ class ship. Because it’s a C5-class mothership, it takes a great deal of effort for a universe-class powerhouse to destroy it.”

“Also, such as energy crystals, energy crystals are the same, divided into class A, B, and C. …… The higher the energy crystals, the rarer and more expensive they are.” Luo Feng nodded as he listened.

This was a very easy division, at a glance, it was clear which level this laser cannon, energy crystal, and airship belonged to!

“Babata, then the list of needed metals I gave you before, can’t it also be divided like this?” Luo Feng awoke with a start.


“The list of metals needed by Golden Horned Beasts that you gave me can be clearly divided into five levels.Grade A metals, suitable for planetary level Golden Horned Beasts, Grade B metals, suitable for stellar level Golden Horned Beasts …… Grade E metals, suitable for sector lord level Golden Horned Beasts.” Babata made an affirmation.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

The growth of a golden horned beast was mainly the growth of the ‘inner world’, and for the inner world to grow, it needed to devour metals!

Devouring metal, there were three main types.

The first, devouring some alloys, spaceship wreckage, etc., or low-level pure metals, was the least efficient. This was also the slowest method of evolution for the Golden Horned Beast, from Stellar Level 1 to Cosmic Level 1, it would take 100 years.

The second type, devouring pure metals at this level! For example, the current Luo Feng, who was a stellar grade 3rd order Golden Horn Beast, could then go and devour a B grade metal with nearly 100% purity! If Luo Feng reached cosmic grade, he would need to devour C grade pure metal. With this method, Luo Feng’s evolutionary speed could be increased by a full double! Stellar grade first order to cosmic grade first order, 50 years would be enough. The price was a large amount of pure metals of this rank!

The third type, “metal combination”, was like a person eating different dishes, supplementing with various nutrients for optimal health! When the “inner world” grows, if you consume several metal combinations at the same time, it may have a miraculous effect! The speed of evolution would increase by one or two times to tens of times.

For example, the best combination of metals for a stellar-level Golden Horned Beast to devour is 325 types of B-class, nearly 100% pure metals! And, these 325 pure metals, there was a precise ratio.

In this way, devouring them all at once! The evolutionary efficiency increased to 89 times!

“Right now on Earth, almost all of them are very common and unimpressive metals, and only your so-called ‘gold’ is an A3 grade metal! The ‘blue gold’ metal that you Earthlings found on the moon is a class A6 metal.” Babata said, “Not a single B grade metal.” Luo Feng nodded.

This was also the reason why that golden horned beast had devoured the ‘war base’, when the golden horned beast that had reached stellar rank one couldn’t find any B grade metals on earth, so it could only eat whatever it wanted.

The alloy wreckage of the spaceship and the like, digested with the lowest efficiency, no different from eating ordinary metal, at most a little smaller in size.

“The Golden Horned Beast evolves, and the ‘metal combination’ evolves the fastest. But even if it’s ordinary metal, at least it can be cultivated. But ‘Honored Heaven and Earth’ ……” Luo Feng was helpless, the two main secret techniques that his Golden Horned Beast practiced – ‘Honored Heaven and Earth’ and ‘Absolute Space’, of which ‘Absolute Null’ relied on a lot of practice and enlightenment.

However, The Honored Heaven and Earth was extremely demanding.

The Origin Heaven and Earth was able to make the Golden Horned Beast’s body grow larger or shrink! Therefore, in order to practice, you must directly eat some “metal combinations”, eat the stomach, rely on the complex metal ratios, be absorbed by the body, improve some of the genes of the Golden Horned Beast’s body, so that the Golden Horned Beast’s body can be shrunken or enlarged!

It can be said so ……

The cultivation of “the world”, cultivation is secondary, the main thing is to eat “metal combination”, and still directly eat, is eaten into the stomach. Instead of swallowing into the “internal world”.

And one by one, the recipes of the “inner world” were even more difficult and complicated than Luo Feng’s highest recipe for normal evolution!

“Luo Feng, Mars is arriving, the ship is starting to slow down.” Babata’s voice rang out.

Luo Feng looked.

The exterior simulation was 10%, causing Luo Feng to be able to see the red planet in the distance ahead! The red color was almost orange and looked, obviously, not as good as Earth.


The spaceship quickly shuttled into the Martian atmosphere, which was clearly much thinner than Earth’s atmosphere.

“Babata, prepare to open the hatch.”

Luo Feng directly ran towards the middle hatch exit of the spaceship, while running, his body surface Mo Yun battle armor quickly extended, soon covering the whole person completely, his head also wore a battle helmet, just revealing a pair of eyes.

The black flying saucer airship slowly landed, and on the way down, the hatch directly opened.


A silhouette flew out directly, wearing blood-red battle armor all over his body, with a pair of ice-cold eyes looking down towards the bottom.

“Eh? Mars’ gravity, so small.” Luo Feng obviously felt the difference between the gravitational force of Mars and Earth, and immediately adjusted the gravitational magnetic field generated by the “miniature planet” in his body to adapt to the gravitational force of Mars.

“This is ……”

Looking down towards the bottom, Luo Feng saw at a glance the pale gravel earth, in the distance loomed tall and seemingly decaying huge buildings – pyramids! One, two, three ……

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