Chapter 6 Secret Laws

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:27
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Luo Feng looked at Babata in shock.

Inherited soul seals? He himself didn’t feel it at all!

“Why are you so surprised!” Babata waved his hand, a recliner appeared next to him, and then Babata directly lay on it, comfortably rocking back and forth as if it was a rocking crib, “Master he’s an immortal, the inheritance soul seal he created was silently integrated into your soul, allowing you to discover …… is that still called an immortal? With master’s achievements in the Soul Seal one, even if he backstabs a sector lord, the sector lord won’t even notice, let alone a planetary level little guy like you.”

Luo Feng was helpless.

Facing that “teacher” who had paved the way for him before he died, he indeed didn’t have the ability to resist at all!

“Luo Feng!”

And today, it is to finalize your future path!”

“You should know …… that no matter what you do, first set a good route and then move forward step by step, so that you can go far. Blindly burying your head in bitter cultivation without a purposeful plan is a waste of time.” Babata said, “I can only give you advice and not make decisions for you!”

Luo Feng nodded, “I understand, what advice do you have?”

“One, martial cultivation you must pay attention to, you can’t put it down!”

“Two, the master left behind the ‘mastery chapter’ and ‘illusion chapter’, both are foundations, you must learn them all. And the ‘Miscellaneous Chapter’, it is the essence of my Meteorite Ink Star lineage, you are my Meteorite Ink Star heir, these precious secret methods, you are definitely going to learn them! Whether you take the ‘Control Master’ route or the ‘Illusionist’ route in the future, you choose!”

“Three, take out some more time, you learn the ‘universal language of the universe’ from me”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded to hear this.

Babata said three suggestions, but the first and third of them were both ‘must do’, the second of them was just letting himself choose whether to take the ‘master controller’ route, or the ‘illusionist ‘ route.

“This universe universal language?” Luo Feng just spoke, “Isn’t there translation software?”

There was translation software on Earth, how could there not be any in the universe? Is there a need to painstakingly learn a language? Truth be told, Luo Feng’s least favorite language to learn, when he first went to school for cultural classes, in which English, a foreign language, although twelve years of study, mostly understood, and could stutter and speak.

But and other students than, foreign language is Luo Feng’s weak point.

Fortunately, the college entrance examination, does not specialize in foreign languages. However, the college entrance exam Luo Feng is still a tragedy.

“Must learn.” Babata even said, “In the vast universe, although it is said that you can use translation software, but …… if anyone doesn’t know the universal language of the universe, they will be looked down upon! People will say that you, came out from some barbaric, backward place. But where there is a bit of status, who is not fluent in the Universal Common Language? You’re a descendant of the Meteor Ink lineage, how can you not speak Universal Common Language?” Babata’s pair of blood-red eyes were about to glare as if they were going to come out of their sockets.

“Wha, okay, I’ll learn!” Luo Feng even nodded. “Hmm.”

Babata nodded in satisfaction.

“Babata, this martial arts cultivation, I’m a spiritual ninja, just cultivate a strong body. Other aspects …… are at most body techniques to cultivate. The rest is unnecessary, right?” Luo Feng said.

“Short sighted!” Babata was so angry that he smashed half an apple in his hand on the ground.

“I’m telling you!”

Babata said solemnly, “There are two main factions in the universe, one is the martial artists and the other is the spiritual minders! There is no definite conclusion as to who is stronger and who is weaker between the two, it’s just that Spiritual Numinaries have more complicated and bizarre means. If a martial artist wants to break through and improve, they must emphasize ‘spirit and will’, and if a Spiritual Nihilist wants to improve, they must also emphasize ‘body and genetic original energy’.”

“I can’t see it now!”

“However, universe level, especially domain lords and sector lords. The requirements are high in all aspects such as spirit, will, original energy, body, and realm!” Babata said, “A wooden barrel that wants to store more water is looking at the shortest plank! Therefore, martial artist cultivation should never lag behind. You’re too weak and feeble in terms of martial artist right now, your body strength exertion is only 3.5?Blade techniques and body techniques are still all basic?”

Luo Feng even said, “My blade technique is already at the ‘specialized’ level, and my body technique is at the perfect level!”

“That’s your earth’s saying!”

Babata raised his head in disdain, “According to the division in the universe, your blade technique and body technique can only be considered to be in the ‘basic realm’ belonging to the lowest one. Your body strength is only 3.5, which is even more pathetic. In my Meteorite Ink Planet, the average level of an apprentice’s ninth stage is to have a hair power of 10!”

“10? “Luo Feng was a bit surprised.

This was even higher than Thunder God!

“And there’s a big problem with your Earth’s cultivation!” Babata said, “Let’s say brute force is 1 million kilograms, and hair power is 3 times that, your attack impact is 3 million kilograms, and your speed can be increased drastically! So why can’t defense be amplified?”

Luo Feng frowned slightly.

Attack and speed could be amplified, on defense …… Earth martial artists had been researching, just that there had been no way to do amplification on defense.

“Martial practitioner cultivation, turn around and slowly research yourself, ask me if you don’t understand.” Babata waved his hand, a gorgeous bar shaped glass table immediately appeared in front of Luo Feng, beside the glass table there were six chairs, all the books on the distant bookshelf that were suitable for Luo Feng’s “martial cultivation” when he was at planetary level flew onto the table.

“These you study slowly.”

Babata waved his hand again, and all the books on that level about spiritual chanting masters flew over as well.

“Of course your focus is on these!”

“Especially the miscellaneous chapters!” Babata said, “The miscellaneous books must be studied carefully, the miscellaneous books …… each have a golden cover and are very conspicuous.”

Luo Feng swept his gaze.

There were indeed more than ten books in that pile that all had golden covers, the rest had black covers.

Randomly picking up a book with a golden cover – “Soul Seal”! Above the book were two small, inconspicuous words ‘Miscellaneous Pieces’.

Pick up another golden book – ‘Tower of the Void’! Next to it were the small words ‘Miscellaneous Pieces’ as well.

The third book – ‘The Taking of Containment’

Fourth book – ‘The Six Mangles’

Fifth book ……

“Each book is profound, for example, ‘Soul Seal’, the reason why the master can control the nine immortal slaves is by relying on this ‘Soul Seal’ secret method, and the ‘Inheritance Soul Seal’ that he left for you is also by relying on this secret method. The Soul Seal is very mysterious, what you have is just the foundation. When you learn it, I will give you the second book of Soul Seal.” Babata said.

“This is my Meteor Ink lineage’s unique secret method, it is absolutely not to be spread out.” Babata said proudly.

Luo Feng couldn’t help but even pick up this Soul Seal book.

This was a treasure!

Controlling a slave, and also allowing the slave to have self meaning and self cultivation, marvelous!

“Tower of the Void”, it’s even the supreme secret method of soul defense of my lineage of Meteor Ink, it’s the previous master’s personal disciples, only one of them got to pass it on. When the master was alive, these secret methods are rare only to impart one to the personal disciple, and also will not be a secret method all imparted, you are lucky, all the secret methods have, and still all!” Babata said.

Luo Feng was happy in his heart.

Teaching a disciple to starve a master, this teacher of his own when he was alive might be rare to only teach one secret method, but after knowing that he was bound to die, of course he would leave all the secret methods behind.


This is the real treasure!

Although the “Control Chapter” and “Illusion Chapter” are also very important, other immortal powerhouses also have them, but the various unique secret methods in the “Miscellaneous Chapter”, or defense, or attack, or illusion, or the method of fighting for one’s life, or controlling and enslaving …… are all very mysterious and bizarre! If you want to get this kind of secret method in the universe, you need great luck or countless treasures to exchange.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, got a bunch at once!

From planetary level to realm lord, the entire lineage of meteorite ink was all complete.

After flipping through the books in virtual space for a long time.

“Eh?” Luo Feng felt a stabbing pain in his consciousness.

In the cultivation room, Luo Feng’s body became blurry before disappearing into the virtual space cultivation room.

“Oh, it’s been three hours, fusion to the last step” Babata hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe.

Tianjin city, the second floor of the villa where he was temporarily living in the martial arts training hall, snow was flying outside, however, a shocking change was happening in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.

In the sea of consciousness.

In the vast sea of consciousness, there was only a “miniature planet”, a miniature planet with a halo of light, this miniature planet was a planet formed by dense transparent pyramid crystals! It was a perfect whole, and the entire miniature planet was emitting an invisible strange fluctuation.

The inner core of the miniature planet!

A prismatic blood-red crystal was at the very core of the miniature planet! Invisible blood-colored threads were spread throughout the entire miniature planet with this “prismatic blood-red crystal” as the core!

“Snorting ……”

Countless blood-colored threads continued to merge into the entire miniature planet.

There was a tingling pain that was the soul trembling!

Only to see the entire miniature planet to the naked eye visible speed, quickly began to gradually change color …… from the previous nearly transparent, gradually become light pink, light red, soaked through the entire miniature planet of red, until finally became and blood red crystal exactly the same ‘blood red! ‘.

The miniature planet, in its metamorphosis, seemed to have shrunk by one.

“Whew, so comfortable.” Luo Feng was soothed.

“Luo Feng, congratulations on getting through the hardest level! Ordinary spirit numismatists can’t perform the secret method of my Meteorite Ink lineage, they must first change their numisma. In the past, in the Meteorite Ink Star, it was all on your own for a long, long time. You, on the other hand, have the master’s help to get through this hurdle.” Babata was overjoyed.

“Babata, my soul core, that blood red crystal hasn’t disappeared, what’s going on?” Luo Feng asked.

“That’s the inheritance soul mark! The master thought that future disciples would be stronger, but you’re only at planetary level one, the inheritance soul mark has been fully converted without consuming it all!” Babata even said, “Now, you have been initiated! But you’re still only an apprentice 9th rank martial artist, so …… before it’s too late, you’ll step into the ‘planetary star level martial artist’ level first.”

Luo Feng was overjoyed.

He himself was a planetary level first rank spiritual numinous master, but yet he was just a peak wargod martial artist.

“You have enough consciousness and spirit, and your body is at the peak of apprentice 9th rank, it’s easy, a few breaths of effort and you’re done.” Babata even said.

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