Chapter 66 – Luo Feng’s Future Residence

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:59:06
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Galaxy, Bran Star.

As the planet with the lowest survival conditions among the millions of living planets in the Silver Blue Empire, the “management” assigned to this planet is definitely considered to have little background in the Silver Blue Empire.

The northern part of the Bran Star, the extremely cold area.

A large warehouse base was scattered on this cold land, and each warehouse base was very beautifully constructed. At this moment, in front of one of the larger warehouse bases, there was a silver-white airship parked.

“Director, when will that guest arrive, we’ve been waiting here for half a day.” Inside the airship, more than ten personnel were all sitting together.

“I say, Director. Actually, the contracts have all been signed, and he’s paid. There’s no need for us to personally come out to greet this guest at all, wouldn’t it be fine to have some of the personnel below receive him? It’s too much to look down on him for our entire department to come out, isn’t it?” Another middle-aged man with a hot drink said slowly.

Their group of people came out all traveling in airships, which was considered a very extravagant treatment in Bran Planet, seeing how high the status of these members was. And this director was even one of the few bigwigs of the entire planet.

“What’s the hurry?”

The fat-headed director of the division angrily bellowed, then lowered his voice and said, “You bunch of idiots, to prevent you from causing trouble for me when the time comes, I’m going to make it clear to you now. Do you all know …… that in the virtual universe network, I make a contract with this guest, and the virtual universe supervision takes effect. Do you guys know which bank the other party’s money came from?”

“Which bank?”

“The Norte Bank?”

“The Brae Galaxy Bank?”

The others reported some of the more prestigious banks in the galaxy.

“It’s the Cosmic Star River Bank!” The fat-headed director whispered.


The group of personnel who were originally sipping hot drinks in a loose manner all froze and looked at their Director in shock.

The Cosmic Star River Bank!

That is absolutely for the upper class social personnel and powerful martial artists in the universe, and the threshold for wanting to open an account in the Cosmic Star River Bank is …… a deposit of at least 100 million black dragon coins.100 million black dragon coins, converted into silver and blue coins, can be more than 100 billion silver and blue coins. Some ordinary planet’s richest man is also over 100 billion silver blue coins, and the rich property of the Bran Star is just over 60 billion silver blue coins.

Therefore, the Cosmic Star River Bank is usually located in the “Cosmic Primary Civilization Empire”‘s imperial capital star, and the “Cosmic Medium Civilization Kingdom”‘s important planet, “Gnarled Dragon Star” and other planets, and the “Cosmic Kingdom”‘s important planet, “Gnarled Dragon Star” and other planets, and the “Cosmic Kingdom”‘s “Cosmic Kingdom”‘s important planet. There were branches in a large number of planets in the “Cosmic Kingdom”.

“Cosmic Star River Bank?”

“Oh my god.”


This group of personnel looked at each other, all a bit dumbfounded. The richest property of their White Orchid Planet didn’t even qualify to reach the minimum limit of the Cosmic Star River Bank! But that richest man had already caused quite a few of the planet’s management’s bigwigs to enthusiastically and incomparably kiss their asses. Being an administrative officer or an army officer, no matter how much money you rake in, it’s still not as good as a planet’s richest man ah.

“So each and every one of you be careful!” The division chief droned lowly.


“Don’t worry, Division Chief, we will definitely make our guests incomparably satisfied.”

“Absolutely no problem.”

The originally scattered group of people were all in high spirits.

“Dropping! Director Bart, the guest has arrived. The communication is directly transferred over!” A voice rang out from within the airship.


The fat-headed director stood up at once, in a serious manner.

“Director Bart of the White Orchid Star, hello, I’m Luo Feng.” The communication voice rang out.

“Hello Mr. Luo, this is Bart, I’m currently outside the warehouse base you bought.” The director of the division had a smile on his face and even said, “And Mr. Luo, you don’t need to park your ship at the planet’s mooring port, as a guest who owns an industry on this planet, you can directly fly to the warehouse base in a flying general.”

“I’ll be right there!”

The communication ended.

“Hurry!” The Division Chief snapped and looked at the group of men around him, “Hurry up and get off the ship and greet Mr. Luo.”

“Yes, Division Chief!”

Regardless of whether they were big-bellied or old and decrepit, the group of loose lords all had high fighting spirit at the moment.

On the open ground outside the warehouse base.

Eighteen top executives of the Planetary Commerce Division Department, including the Director, Deputy Director, and sixteen important members, were wearing thick clothes under the freezing cold weather and were looking forward to it! It was important to realize that the temperature in this hellhole was almost ninety degrees below zero.


The eighteen people’s eyes glowed.

In the distance, a black airship appeared and flew in front of the warehouse base almost instantly before slowly descending.

“The hull pattern of this airship is a black dragon, could it be a spaceship produced by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire?” As the management of the Silver Blue Empire’s backward planet “Bailan Star”, they would naturally feel a sense of humility when facing a big shot from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

“It’s from the Black Dragon Mountain X series!”

“Pure black? Isn’t it the symbol of the luxury model in the Black Dragon Mountain X series of ships?” One of the young members exclaimed, “The cheapest of the Black Dragon Mountain X series is more than 600 million black dragon coins a ship, and it is said that the price of the luxury model ship is even as high as 10 billion black dragon coins! Pure black! Noble pure black color!”

This airship enthusiast, although poor.

But he couldn’t stop his love for all major series, all expensive and extravagant airships.

“Ten billion black dragon coins?”

“This airship is worth ten billion black dragon coins?” Each of the other members were stunned.

“Ten billion? Or Black Dragon Coins?”

The fat-headed director also couldn’t help but swallow hard!


Even in the Silver Blue Empire’s richest, most prosperous, and most powerful place, the Imperial Capital Star! I’m afraid that those who could ride on a ship worth ten billion Black Dragon Dollars would only be able to afford it by the topmost gentry, some of the cosmic big businessmen who had broken into the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. That kind of character, any one of them could easily make the poor management of a backward planet like Bran Star step down.


The outer hatch opened!

The eighteen Bailan Star personnel even stood straight, the most standardized and enthusiastic smiles appearing on their faces as they looked at the hatch expectantly.

Whew! Hoo!

The neatly organized personnel flew out in a line, and the entire airship continuously flew out this kind of strong people.

“This, this ……”

“All of them are planetary level ninth-order spirit numinous masters.” Looking down at their auxiliary light brain detection, they were all somewhat stunned.

The vast entire 1000 planetary level ninth rank spirit masters all flew out.


“This can all easily sweep across our Bran Star.” The division chief and the others felt their calves shaking and their hearts trembling.

The strongest person on their planet was a Stellar Rank One martial artist. However, even if he faced a siege of 1,000 planetary-level ninth-order spirit numinous masters, he would surely die.

“Stellar grade first rank, one, two, three ……”

“Look, Stellar Rank Fifth Order.”

Another group of people came out.

These thousand or so people split into two rows, as if they were guards, waiting in silence for their masters!

And after that-

The simply dressed Luo Feng flew out of the hatch, followed by three Stellar Grade seventh rank bodyguards.

“Seven, seven, seven, seventh rank????” Stellar grade seventh rank? And a spiritual necromancer?” Those members looked down at their auxiliary optical brains and all felt their throats dry up. A full three stellar level seventh rank spiritual ninja masters as bodyguards …… What is this young man who is only at planetary level eighth rank?

Luo Feng flew down the hatch and looked at the eighteen people that greeted him.

“Which one is Director Bart?” Luo Feng said.

“It’s me, I’m Bart, the director of the Bailan star commerce division department.” The fat-headed division director even stepped forward, incomparably humble.


To be able to go out and bring such a terrifying guard, there were also a full three Stellar Grade Seventh Order Spiritual Nihilists! Even the royal family of the Silver Blue Empire didn’t have such a high treatment.The shock of 1000 planetary level ninth order to them was far less than the shock of these three stellar level seventh order. After all, the hiring price of a Stellar Grade 7th Order Spiritual Numinous Master was far more than those 1000 planetary grades.

“Mr. Luo, let me introduce you to some of the functions of this warehouse base.”

“Mr. Luo please look, the entire warehouse base is solid and firm, comparable to the defense level of an interstellar battleship. Even if there is an earthquake and so on, it definitely won’t damage the warehouse base in the slightest.” Director Bart introduced enthusiastically, jokingly, this warehouse base was originally made from a large amount of battleship wreckage.

The degree of solid defense, of course, will not be bad.

A huge warehouse that was 98 kilometers long and 61 kilometers wide, about six thousand square kilometers! It was indeed shocking.

In the center of the warehouse base, there was a residential area that was about three kilometers long and wide.

“This is ……” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“This is the residential area, if the warehouse base wants to hire workers or have someone stationed here. It’s possible to live here! This residential area is very old, Mr. Luo can completely push it down and rebuild it.” The fat-headed director even glanced towards the back, and a fair young man behind him even stepped forward and pressed the auxiliary light brain on his own wrist.


The virtual projection appeared in mid-air, a projection of a villa.

“Mr. Luo, you can pick any villa you need.” Director Bart said enthusiastically, “The villas are all of the detachable kind and are sturdy and warm, just transport the various parts of the villa here, and they can be assembled into a set of villas in just a few moments.”

“Move, disassemble, install?” Luo Feng was a bit moved.

On Earth, there were also movable homes. But it was far inferior to planets with a high level of civilization.

“Is there a bigger residence?” Luo Feng said as he looked at the virtual projection.

“Bigger?” The director was stunned.

The fair young man next to him, however, even said, “There are also manor series that are bigger, and even a castle series. But to ship it over, it has to come from other planets. It will take a bit more time. It’s also more expensive.”

“This is the manor series, covers an area of 10,000 square meters to cover an area of 100,000 square meters, there are, this is the main building covers an area of size, as for the courtyard …… to be how big can be expanded how big.”

“This is the castle series, covers an area from 500,000 square meters to 5 million square meters have.”

Looking at the castle, Luo Feng was more satisfied.

“Hmm, come two castles.”

“This nine story castle that covers an area of 1 million square meters, come with one each.” Luo Feng said.

The small villa he had in the past on Earth was obviously not enough.

After all, he had thousands of servants!

And building on earth was just too slow, and this kind of movable, dismantling and installing castle, one could rely on thousands of servants to install it swiftly and successfully even if one brought it to earth.

“This White Orchid Planet, is my future staging point for contact with the universe, it’s my second base, I have to keep a castle.”

“Earth is my roots, of course I have to keep a set of castles as well.”

Luo Feng secretly thought.

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