Chapter 75: Survival Base

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:59:29
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Riding in the Black Dragon ship, through a cosmic shuttle, he arrived at the Bran Star, 11,800,000 light-years away from Earth, on the same day.

Bran Star, extremely cold area.

A large warehouse base was scattered in this extremely cold zone, and a black universe ship slowly landed in front of a castle in the residential area inside one of the super large warehouse bases.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God quickly jumped down from the hatch, followed by four Blackmoon bodyguards.

“Master!” The 101 slave guards stationed at the Bailan star all stood outside the castle, respectfully welcoming press Luo Feng’s arrival.

“Big brother, second brother, follow me.” Luo Feng walked towards the castle.

Walking on the rotating staircase of the castle.

“Third son, this is nice of you.” Thunder God through the staircase window, glancing at the ice covered earth outside, this is the first time he left earth to other life planets in the universe, “It’s the first time in my life that I’ve left earth, surprisingly I came to …… all of a sudden hey, is it how many light years away from earth?”

“11,800 light years.” Luo Feng was somewhat speechless.

Because of the Nolan Mountain family, he was under a lot of pressure, but this second brother of his was just starting to get nervous, but now he was relaxed instead.

“11,800,000 light years, how far away.” Thor marveled.

“It’s a good place to land.” Hong nodded slightly.

“Big brother, second brother, you guys aren’t in a hurry at all?” Luo Feng pushed open the door and entered a parlor. The three brothers sat on the sofa separately.

“Anxious? In the face of a crisis, it’s useless for you to be in a hurry.” Hong’s gaze was calm, “Whether it’s the ancient yoga meditation that Lao Er is proficient in, or the internal way of guarding and nourishing the spirit that has been passed down from ancient times in our Huaxia country, it’s all very beneficial to one’s state of mind cultivation.”

“State of mind?” Luo Feng was a bit puzzled.

However, the meteorite ink star lineage, or other cultivation, most of them have requirements for “skill”, “realm” and so on, the realm here, and “state of mind” are two different things.

A person with a poor state of mind, evil madness, can still become a strong person.

“Could it be that …… “In the intelligent space, Babata’s blood red eyes are glowing, “This is the reason why Hong and Thor have realms at the planetary level? On Earth, the most powerful people come out of the Chinese and Indian countries! And many of the masters are at the ‘Realm of Intent’ level of the realm, which is quite a bit higher than the average level in the universe.”

Realm, the main division was Foundation – Realm of Intent – Realm – World, four major levels.

Further up, immortality was involved.

“Not talking about this.”

In the parlor, Luo Feng said with a solemn expression, “Big brother and second brother, all the way on the ship’s journey to Bailan star I was thinking that …… the previous plan was a bit risky!”

“Risky?” Hong and Thunder God pondered slightly and both nodded.

“What can we do if we don’t take risks?” Thunder God said helplessly.

“There’s no way for us to be accurate to every second, once the Nolan Mountain family fleet arrives on Earth, I’m afraid they’ll immediately capture and control some important people.” Luo Feng’s gaze was like a sharp sword, “No matter what, I absolutely don’t want to risk my family. The two elder brothers, you don’t want to either.”

Hong nodded his head, “Didn’t we leave the other ship on Earth?”

The C class airship that the cosmic adventure squad brought earlier was parked right behind Luo Feng’s family castle, it was so that Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God’s family, and some important people could escape at critical moments.

“Nah! That airship is too small, how many people can live in it?1,000 people?3,000 people I’m afraid it’s all full, what about the stockpile of supplies? What will they eat and drink?” Luo Feng shook his head, “Worst case scenario, just saving a thousand people, I’m afraid it’s even difficult for the race to reproduce.

“Then you want to ——”

Hong and Thunder God looked at Luo Feng.”

“Buy a survival base!” Luo Feng said.

“Survival base?” Hong and Thunder God were puzzled, not sure what that was.

“Generally developing primitive planets, or developing important mineral planets. All will build a survival base on that planet!” Luo Feng explained, “Survival bases, small ones can be inhabited by tens of millions of people, large ones can have billions of people living in one survival base. Survival bases can guarantee air supply, water, food, and so on.”

“Oh?” Hong and Thunder God’s eyes lit up.

“Let’s go to the virtual universe network and look for people selling survival bases.” Luo Feng smiled.

Although that Nolan Mountain family fleet arrived three months later, it wasn’t detailed to whether it was 88 days later, or 89 days later, or …… In short, the time wasn’t detailed enough! In order to prevent accidents, it was better to build a sturdy survival base. This is very safe.

Virtual Universe, Black Dragon Mountain Island under the jurisdiction of the Qianwu Continent.

The Black Dragon Mountain Island, even though it was an island, was millions of times larger than all the land areas on Earth combined.

In a restaurant box.

“Even though it’s said that this is a virtual universe, the flavor of the dishes and such is just like the real thing.” Thunder God tsked and praised, “And the price is still very cheap.”

“Don’t eat, later on the supervisor of that ‘Tieluo Company’ will arrive.” Hong said.

Luo Feng’s brows however had a hint of trouble.

Just now, he had relied on Babata to check the price of the survival base, causing his previous good mood to instantly fall to the bottom.

“Bang, bang, bang.” A knock sounded on the door.

Thor took the initiative to get up and went to open the door.

The person who walked in was a tall man, about two meters six, with brown skin and three lines on his left and right cheeks, this person was the second level supervisor of the branch of the universe’s large company “Tieluo Company” in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, this supervisor had a smile on his face and slightly bowed: “My name is Lodi, I am very pleased to to meet you three. The amount of money involved in the survival bases that the three of you requested to purchase is really huge, so it’s better for us to meet and talk about it.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng nodded slightly. The supervisor placed the black drawing board in his hand on the table, and a survival base instantly appeared on the screen of the board.

“Look, there are big and small survival bases, and of course the prices are completely different.”

“This is the cheapest level A. For just one hundred thousand Black Dragon Coins, you can build a survival base with a length and width of 10 kilometers and a height of about one hundred meters, the survival base is divided into 30 floors, which is enough to accommodate a population of three hundred million people. There are even bigger ones!”

“Three guests you asked for a strong defense, this is a B6 level, the price is much more expensive, same size as above, need 90 million black dragon coins.”

That supervisor smiled and spoke eloquently. Both Hong and Thor looked at the price of a survival base.

“I need survival bases that can withstand the attacks of universe level first order powerhouses.” Luo Feng said directly.

More than forty stellar level ninth rankers joining forces was also almost equivalent to a cosmic level first ranker.

“Oh? That’s expensive!”

Supervisor Lodi’s eyes lit up, “This is a C5 level, capable of accommodating 300 million people, and it costs 98 billion black dragon coins.” Luo Feng’s brows bulged.

He had sold the arc blade disk at first and had 18 billion left over, then he bought the blue wave marrow, the slave guards, the expensive metals needed by the golden horned beasts, and the violet light dew, and now he only had 1.7 billion black dragon coins left over. Placed on those ordinary planets, it was definitely a richest person. However, it was far from enough to purchase a super large survival base that could withstand the attack of a ‘Cosmic Level 1’.

“I need a C3 level.” Luo Feng directly said.

“A C3 level is cheap, one that holds 300 million people only costs around 51 billion.” Supervisor Lodi said.

“Smaller.” Luo Feng frowned. “This is the one that holds the standard thirty million people, it only costs 8.9 billion.” Supervisor Lodi continued to smile, “Nothing smaller?” Luo Feng asked.

“Nope.” Supervisor Lodi’s expression was slightly ugly, he cursed in his heart, did these three people deliberately amuse him?

Luo Feng pondered in his heart, the so called living standard of this kind of survival base was a per capita living area of 10 square meters. And the earth critical moment, if more people are stuffed, 30 million people standard can fully live 100 million people!

“We searched for messages, your company can customize the survival base right.” Luo Feng said, “Customize?”

Supervisor Lodi glanced at Luo Feng “It’s troublesome to customize according to your requirements! That’s why customization is a privilege granted to large orders that exceed 10 billion black dragon coins. Ambiguous, you three, are you going to buy it or not? If you can’t afford a C grade, simply buy a B grade. Don’t look like you’re looking down on the level and think that the C grade is too big.”

“Can you talk?” Thunder God eclipsed, opening his mouth to speak a mouthful of Chinese.

Nay ……

Supervisor Lodi couldn’t understand.

“Yo, angry?” Lodi touched his big nose and snorted, “Being in charge of this side of the Virtual Universe Network, you’ll often encounter rotten people like you! You simply can’t afford it, but you’re still asking questions on purpose, wasting my lord’s time! Do you think the virtual universe can’t teach you a lesson, so you dare to amuse me?”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were stunned.

How did this supervisor look like a businessman?

“What’s wrong? Not convinced? What’s wrong with scolding you guys? In the real world, grandpa will definitely teach you guys a hard lesson.”

“Che, three poor guys!” Lodi disdainfully stood up, phew, disappeared into thin air, obviously directly leaving the virtual universe network. Inside the box, Luo Feng, Hong and Thunder God were all furious. Poor ghosts? Being scolded as a pauper! “If I knew how to speak universal universe f6, I would have scolded him severely.” Thunder God couldn’t help it, “What’s the point of scolding him.”

Luo Feng’s elf-like “Babata” on his shoulder laughed disdainfully, “It’s very simple, you guys will directly become a big customer of Tieluo company, then directly complain about this ‘Lodi’s’ very poor service attitude! This kind of branch department, or second level supervisor little guy, will be directly dismissed, he will definitely regret to death!”

“Big customer?” Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were all stunned.

“But we don’t have that much money.” Thunder God said.

“That’s simple.”

Babata casually said, “Luo Feng don’t you have the ‘Black Dragon Mountain X81 airship’, this kind of old antique luxury item is definitely the favorite of airship enthusiasts, take it out and there are airship enthusiasts who go to collect and buy it.”

“Selling airships?” Luo Feng was shocked.

“In terms of performance, the spaceship of that adventure squad you captured isn’t much worse than this one of yours. After all, that was also a C-class spaceship. It’s just that the material is alloy, that spaceship is worth a few hundred million black dragon coins, and your black dragon spaceship is just worth over ten billion black dragon coins. Other than that, there was no difference in performance. Sell the Black Dragon Airship and you can just use the other one for now.”

“What’s more, when you get the account your teacher left you, you can buy a better one than the Black Dragon Mountain airship, so what do you care about this?”

Luo Feng instantly laughed.


After he reached the stellar level, he could naturally buy a new airship again!

“How do I sell the Black Dragon airship?” Luo Feng asked.

“Simple, you contact that Gao Sheng directly. He’s an airship hobbyist, people like him and with status must know a large group of people who share the same hobby and have money and status. They can offer a very high price.” Babata said directly, “Sell the Black Dragon airship and build a few survival bases for Earth humans! That’s what would be a big contribution to Earth humans. And you can also teach that dog-eyed guy a lesson as a big customer.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Immediately, he asked Babata to contact Gao Sheng, while doing so, Luo Feng and the others sat down to eat.

“Hey Luo Feng, it’s been a while before you contacted me.”

A screen floated in front of Luo Feng and the others, the chubby guy appeared on the screen.

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