Chapter 83: To withdraw or not to withdraw?

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:59:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light


Various base cities on Earth, countless people were quiet.

Paris base city in the European Union.

A marching crowd looked up at the screen with anticipation. Yes, they were indeed protesting the abandonment of the executives, who were demanding that the Earth’s executives choose to cooperate with the Nolanzan Family from the Universe. But that’s because – Earth can’t resist the Nolanshan family!

No one wants to be a slave or a servant, unless they are psychopaths!

Their group of protestors didn’t want to be slaves either, if …… they could gain freedom and life without submitting to the Nolanshan family, of course they were willing to do so.

“Luo Feng!”

“Surprisingly, it’s Luo Feng. Looking at this video, it seems like this group of aliens, the ‘Nolan Mountain Family’, are also from that Black Dragon Mountain Empire.”

“This Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it’s a kingdom in the universe?”

“Luo Feng is an earthling, how did he become a planetary lord of a kingdom in the universe? Or the lord of our Earth?”

“Who knows.”

In terms of intelligence, Earthlings weren’t stupid.

From this speech Luo Feng gave to the global broadcast, they could easily judge …… that the Black Dragon Mountain Empire was a powerful cosmic kingdom, many, many times more powerful than this seemingly incomparably powerful Nolan Mountain family. And Luo Feng, the pride of their Earth, became the planetary lord of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.


If Earth was going to integrate into the universe and someone was going to be the planetary lord, of course the people of Earth would want it to be a native of Earth! What’s more, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God had long been deified, and there wasn’t much resistance from Earth humans for any of these three to be a planetary lord.

“I wonder if Luo Feng’s words are useful.”

“This Nolan Mountain family doesn’t know, whether to retreat or not.”

People were worried about ……

The six survival bases on Earth.

“This planetary lord status of Luo Feng, is it useful or not?”

“Cosmic kingdom, it can’t be exactly the same as us on Earth …… can’t eat it!”

“Watch, there will be results soon.”

On Earth, no matter if it was the hundreds of millions of ordinary people, or the Earth executives were waiting, waiting to see how the Nolan Mountain family would react.

The flying general that Luo Feng and the others were traveling in was still rapidly advancing in the dark universe.

Virtual universe, Black Dragon Mountain island.

Inside the restaurant box.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were all looking at the screen that appeared out of thin air in front of them, keeping the call with Xu Xin.

“Xu Xin, how’s it going?” Luo Feng even asked after him, “What’s the reaction of that Nolan Mountain family, did they retreat?”

“Satellite monitoring shows that those two battleships are still parked over the Pacific Ocean, they haven’t moved.” Xu Xin was also anxious, “Maybe the Norrashan family is also discussing it.”

“Not moving?”

Luo Feng frowned.

“They don’t dare not move.” Beside him, Thunder God’s eyes glowed, “If they don’t leave, we’ll film their behavior and transmit it to the empire’s headquarters, and they can directly be ruled as ‘star pirates’. The Black Dragon Mountain Empire belongs to a very strong country with a medium universe civilization! It definitely won’t allow such a family to get away with it!”

“If it was a super great family, it would be hard to say.”

“But the Nolan Mountain family, to empires such as the Silver Blue Empire and so on, is a difficult bone to chew on. But to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it’s a mole cricket!” Thunder God was confident.

These words also caused Hong and Luo Feng to nod slightly.

“It’s useless to say more.” Luo Feng frowned, “Let’s see what they actually choose!”

Luo Feng’s trio maintained contact with Earth, silently waiting for news to come from …… side!

Earth, over the great flat ocean.

Two giant interstellar battleships were parked in mid-air, inside one of them, in the control room, the eight pro-disciples stood there, the atmosphere was very oppressive.

The “shocking joy” of the strange giant orb they had discovered earlier had long since been put behind them, and now their hearts were troubled beyond measure.

“Earth Lord?”

“This Earth actually has lords?”

“What about these?

The atmosphere was incomparably depressing.

Everyone knew that once the Nolan Mountain Family did not evacuate Earth, it would be an absolute felony! If the Earth had a lord, then the Earth was someone’s private property, their territory! Violating the territory or even looting the territory, this kind of behavior was absolutely not allowed by the imperial constitution, and would be directly characterized as “star pirates”.

Star pirates, also known as star robbers. All the major empires hate them, and they are absolutely quick to kill them!

“Come with me to meet the Matriarch.” Pula said in a low voice.

“Yes.” The other seven responded.

This kind of thing, the only way to answer the judgment was to let the Matriarch do it.

Just half a minute later.

Virtual Universe, Black Dragon Mountain Island.

In the hall of a luxurious residence, the eight great personal disciples stood side by side, and in front of them, a screen appeared out of thin air, and there were two people on the screen, namely the contemporary patriarch, “Mikko Nolanshan”, and the old patriarch, “Derwin Nolanshan”.

“Sensei, Old Patriarch, this is the video that was shown publicly on Earth earlier.” Pura said respectfully.

At once the video was played.

When they saw the proof of ownership of Earth granted by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the two patriarchs’ faces became very ugly.

The video in particular, Luo Feng even took out the imperial constitution and read it, making them even more furious.

“Disappear from my territory immediately! Otherwise, your Nolan Mountain clan will be conquered by the Black Dragon Mountain Imperial army as ‘Star Pirates’!” The last sentence of the video made the two patriarchs not know what to do for a moment, obviously there was a huge treasure on Earth, all of a sudden Earth became someone else’s territory!

“Earth, is this Luo Feng’s territory?” Mikko Nolanshan couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, teacher. I just checked, the records from the empire side are indeed available, Luo Feng should have just become the Earth lord today.” Pula added.


Imperial Ke Nolanshan clenched his teeth in anger.

“Who is this Luo Feng? Which clan?” The old patriarch beside him frowned in dissatisfaction.

“He’s one of the three greatest experts amongst the humans of Earth, he should be at planetary level nine now, presumably.” Pula respectfully said.

“What, Earth humans?”

The old patriarch’s eyes widened.


A “native” within an indigenous planet had transformed into an Earth Lord? One must know that when purchasing a planet, even if the person who discovered the planet could purchase it at a discounted price. However, with the standard of “the highest specification life planet” like Earth, it would still cost three trillion Black Dragon Dollars to purchase! No ordinary person could afford it, which was why he asked which family!

“Yes, it’s from Earth.” Pura nodded, “It should be that there is some treasure on Earth that he got and sold to make money.” “Earth treasure?”

The two patriarchs’ hearts clenched in pain when they thought of, that one Mechanical Race spaceship! That was a Mechanical Race spaceship, the lowest of which was D grade. It was much more expensive than their entire Nolan Mountain Clan assets! For this kind of spaceship to be opened and conquered, judging by that entrance attack, at the very least, a Universe Class 5th and 6th ranked powerhouse would have hope.

“Teacher, what should we do, retreat or not?” Pula anxiously said.

“Old Patriarch, are we withdrawing or not?” The other pro-disciples, too, were anxious.

“We don’t have too much time to hesitate, staying on Earth for a long time will also get us judged as ‘Star Pirates’.” Pura said anxiously.

Patriarch Mikko Nolanshan gritted his teeth in anger: “Bastard! That Luo Feng, I’m going to kill him!”

“Retreat!” The old patriarch grimaced and bellowed.

The eight protege hands were stunned.

“Old patriarch!!!” Mikko Nolanshan looked at the old patriarch in shock, “We’re just going to give up?”

The old patriarch angrily rebuked, “Mikko, have you lost your mind? So what if we don’t give up, even if that Mechanical Race ship is expensive, so what? Once it is designated as a ‘Star Pirate’, it will be no trouble at all for the imperial army to destroy my Nolan Mountain Clan. Is it possible that because of the Earth treasure, we have to let our entire family be buried with it?”

“We, we ……” Mikko Nolashan hesitated.

“Yes, it is possible to escape. But the entire Nolashan Clan was created by the ‘Clan Ancestor’ after so many years of hard work. Could it be that you want to let the Clan Ancestor’s hard work go to waste?” The old patriarch angrily rebuked.

Mikko Nolashan was quiet.


At first, the clan ancestor, that is, the founder of the clan, “Nolashan”, was the one who started the Nolashan Clan alone, and with his name as the family name, after tens of thousands of years of reproduction and strength, only then did the Nolashan Clan flourish to its current state.

“Retreat!” The old patriarch ordered, and Mikko Nolashan let out a low sigh.

Pula and the other eight personal disciples, looked at the two patriarchs before respectfully answering, “Yes!”

On Earth, with the order of Pula and the other eight great disciples, all of a sudden, the members of the Nolashan family who were originally scattered all over the Earth, quickly converged towards the two fleets. For the fleet to withdraw …… since rut away, Nuolashan family of course will not cover up, but instead take the initiative to show, to let the “Lord of the Earth” have no excuse to go to the cosmic empire court to prosecute.

The six survival bases.

Through the satellites, the Earth executives could clearly see that a large number of people from the Norrashan family were rapidly converging on the fleet.

“Haha, retreated.”

“Really retreated!”

“They’re all starting to gather their men.”

“One by one all into the warship.”


“We won!”


The excited Earth executives shouted with abandon, sending out their joy! And this news also quickly passed through Xu Xin, allowing Luo Feng’s trio in the dark universe, which was incomparably far away from Earth, to learn the good news as well.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God looked at the video, the scene of that Nolan Mountain family people rapidly converging from all directions and entering the battleship.

“It really looks like they’re retreating.” Thunder God’s eyes glowed.

“Don’t be in a hurry.” Hong stared at the screen, “Wait for the fleet to fly away from Earth before saying that.”

“It’s going to work.” Luo Feng also waited with bated breath.

Waiting for the moment those two battleships took off and left Earth!

“Rumble ……”

The two giant interstellar battleships, tracked and photographed by Earth’s many satellites, finally began to accelerate and fly towards the top, soon entering the atmosphere.

This scene was directly relayed to the TVs and computer screens of households in all countries and all base cities on Earth.

“A day that took our breath away, a day that terrified us, a day that made us despair! We had already despaired, thinking that, in the future, all of us would be ruled by this ‘Nolan Mountain Family’ from the universe, but, when that huge three-dimensional virtual projection appeared in the sky and saw that silhouette …… I thought of the time when, that unhesitatingly The figure that went into the bottom of the sea to fight the Devouring Beast to the death. Yes! I was conquered by him, he, is a hero! Yes, hero!!!” In the television, that host’s tears flowed directly down uncontrollably.

Every TV station, every country, played those videos, but they spoke in their own language.



“We won.”

“Haha ……”

Some of the people who were sitting still in protest jumped up and hissed wildly in excitement at the sight of the two giant interstellar battleships leaving in the air on the plaza’s giant screen.

“Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God, ever since the three of them learned of the news of the Nolan Mountain family’s imminent arrival, they ignored the danger to their lives and entered the universe to fight for the last shred of life for us Earth humans. They succeeded, yes! All three of them succeeded!” In the television, a video of Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God incomparably excited and rejoicing together was also played. This video was sent by Luo Feng’s trio through the virtual universe network.

“It’s so exciting, I’m going crazy.”

In the control room of the spaceship, Thunder God was wild with excitement, “Truly, when I saw the entire Earth, various base cities, various places, countless people fluctuating and chanting, some kneeling down to kiss the earth. I’m just excited all over the body trembling, I know …… this is the race, this is the root, they are all my compatriots, my compatriots ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Yes, it worked, it worked.” Hong again calm, at this moment is also wet eyes.

“I can’t even stay in the virtual universe network anymore.” Luo Feng’s emotions were also incomparably exuberant, “Looking at the scenes from across the globe coming from over there, I feel like my head is going to explode with excitement.”

“I want to go home, back to Earth.” Luo Feng shouted from the ship’s control room, “I want to go back to Earth, back there now!”

“Me too!” Thunder God even nodded his head.

“Yes, go home.” Hong also nodded his head.

Excited as hell!

The cosmic adventure ship kept moving in the dark universe, moving towards the dark universe coordinates that Earth corresponded to.

Contrary to the people of Earth, and Luo Feng.

The atmosphere within the two battleships of the Nolan Mountain family was incredibly depressing, in the battleship at the head, the eight pro-disciples were in the control room, the eight didn’t have the slightest smile on their faces.



“How could this happen?”

“This Luo Feng, how did he become an Earth Lord, how did it happen so fast?”

The atmosphere was cold and depressing, making people want to go crazy.


Pula frowned slightly, the other pro-disciples all looked at him, Pula whispered, “The patriarch wants to see me.” Saying that, he immediately walked towards his cabin.

In the virtual universe network.

The current Patriarch “Mikko Norashan” and the old Patriarch “Derwin Norashan” were both standing there, respectfully, and next to them, there was a man with an incredibly lean figure, eyes like a scorpion’s and pointed ears, and he was wearing a dark green color. Combat uniform, in his chest there is even a strange giant axe medal.

“For the family?”

“For my consideration?”

This man’s anger was sky high, “What’s a family, back then I started from nothing and created a family! I’ll be able to do the same in the future! The most important thing is strength! It’s strength, do you understand? Right now, I’m already at the ninth stage of the universe level, and I’m only a little bit short of being a domain lord! If I have incomparably amazing wealth and can hire an immortal powerhouse to guide me, I’ll be able to cross this threshold, and at that time, I’ll have a lifespan of 100 epochs, and the future Nolan Mountain Clan will be even more glorious!”

“Conquest? Joke!”

“The family elites will directly take airships, cosmic shuttles, big deal, leave the Black Dragon Mountain Empire!”

“Those planets, just throw them away!”

“In the future, when I become a domain lord, the Nolan Mountain Family will be a hundred times stronger than it is now!” The man said in a cold voice, “What’s more, looting the planet, it’s not as if I’m going to hitch my Nolan Mountain Clan, after all, there are so many planets, so it’s a strange waste to abandon the roots directly.”

The two patriarchs, in front of the “clan ancestor”, did not dare to return a word.


A prompt sounded.

“Oh, the little guy commanding the fleet over there is here.” The man then revealed an icy smile.

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