Chapter 88: Rescue

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:00:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the wilderness area, Luo Feng and the eight slaves under his command waited silently.

“Luo Feng, that group of scumbags should have blocked the signal and used the stealth system, they can’t be found in the surveillance systems of the various countries.” Babata looked annoyed, “Huh? Wait!”

“What’s wrong?” Luo Feng’s heart fluttered.

“I found out …… that there’s an intelligent system invading the entire Earth’s satellite network. Hehehe, it’s still a little guy!” Babata looked excited, “Mumble, I found out. This intelligence level should be a primary intelligent light brain, and the geographic location of the port where that intelligent light brain accessed the Earth’s network is in Brasilia Base City in South America.”

“South America?” Luo Feng grinned slightly, an icy smile.


A spaceship appeared out of nowhere next to him, the hatch opening automatically.

“Depart!” Luo Feng gave an order.

The eight slaves even followed into the airship.

Flying from Asia to South America, Luo Feng’s speed was fast but it would take a while, while using a spaceship that was too fast! Like the Nolanshan family people, Luo Feng’s flying general also naturally shielded signals and self stealth, in terms of technical ability, with Babata in, Luo Feng can do better than the Nolanshan family people.

South America, Brasilia base city.

About sixty kilometers away from the manor occupied by Tuo Lei Wu and the others, the airship hovered.

“Remember, everyone must not leave me by a hundred meters.” Luo Feng coldly spilled looking at the eight slaves, “At the same time, no sound shall be made, understand?”


The eight slaves answered.

“Very well, depart.” Luo Feng flew out of the hatch first, the eight slaves followed behind. The nine people quickly flew in the direction of the manor.

I’m afraid that everyone in this elite squad would never have imagined that with their technology that far surpassed Earth’s, they ended up being discovered because their intelligent light brain intruding into Earth’s system port location was discovered. There was no way, compared to Baba Tower, that intelligent light brain’s ability was too much inferior.

“It’s that manor in front.” Babata reminded.

Luo Feng and the eight slaves were suspended in midair.

However the light was strangely distorted around them, causing the nine of them to hover in midair though.

However, the people in the streets and residential areas below couldn’t see them at all. This kind of “invisibility” was purely a visual invisibility effect created by the optical system, for the strong, as long as the distance was close, they could completely sense each other’s breath.

“Babata, have you detected the situation inside?” Luo Feng asked after him.

“The range of my detection system is a radius of 20,000 meters, and you don’t see where my alert detection system came from? It was removed from the Meteor Ink Star!” Babata was confident, back then in Misty Island, it relied on this alert system to check the strength, potential, and so on of every human, and it could even check the broadness of the brain area from a distance.

Meteor Ink Star!

Hu Yan Bo’s vehicle! How advanced is that alert detection system? It was far too easy to detect a group of Stellar Grade Ninth Steps.

“Tsk tsk, to think that they even set up a defense alert? Haha, in front of me, that’s a joke.”

“Oooh, look at that. Fifteen Stellar Grade Ninth Order, nineteen Stellar Grade Eighth Order, and twenty-six Stellar Grade Seventh Order. A total of sixty people from the Nolan Mountain family. The captured …… Oh, it’s the leaders of the five major countries, as well as your wife Xu Xin, and your brother Luo Hua.” Babata easily checked everything.

As long as the distance was within 20,000 meters (20 kilometers), it could be checked clearly.

“Sixty people?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

Fifteen stellar level ninth rank, forty five stellar level seventh and eighth rank. The strength was twice as much as his own side!

Luo Feng didn’t know ……

One of the detachments, 20 people, left the planet in a spaceship and went to Luo Feng’s designated coordinates, ready to find the Golden Horn Beast corpse.

“Babata, the location of each person, the entire manor structure map and so on all give it to me.” Luo Feng was very clear, rescuing people absolutely had to be incredibly careful, otherwise if anything went wrong, it would be too late to regret.

In just a few moments.

“From now on, I will give you instructions through your auxiliary optical brain.” Luo Feng swept his gaze over the eight slaves, “Make sure to be careful.”

“Understood, master.” The eight slaves said in a low voice.

“Depart!” Luo Feng sent instructions to the eight slaves’ auxiliary optical brains through Baba Tower.

The eight slaves didn’t say anything, they followed Luo Feng and flew towards that manor, a moment later the nine of them arrived at the foot of the courtyard wall.

“You four stay outside the courtyard wall, prepare to receive.” Luo Feng issued instructions.

Four of them nodded, not daring to say anything.

“The others follow me.” Luo Feng didn’t say anything either, he just issued instructions.

Luo Feng and the other five people quietly started to enter this large manor that covered a wide area, luckily there was Baba tower’s scouting alert, everything was under control of anyone’s positional changes within this manor. Just …… Luo Feng they still don’t dare to be careless, even the heartbeat is controlled to temporarily stop beating, after all, the weakest of the other party are all stellar level seventh order.

All were very vigilant people!

A heartbeat could even catch their attention! Controlling the heartbeat to temporarily stop was not a difficult task, normally an apprentice level martial artist’s heartbeat would get slower and slower, a planetary level martial artist would be able to stop the heartbeat for half an hour, not to mention Luo Feng, a stellar level first order mentalist. He could even break the heart directly and be fine!

“Someone’s coming this way, 1.1 seconds from now I guess they’ll find you guys.”

“Someone is coming down the stairs at 52 meters to the left.”

“Ahead ……”

Babata reminded time and time again, making Luo Feng and the other five incomparably nervous and careful.

Manor, one of the buildings on the third floor of a certain luxurious room was guarded by two stellar level ninth rank martial artists outside.

Inside the room.

Sitting cross-legged in silence was Tuo Lei Wu, who was entering the virtual universe to report the situation with the clan.

“Clan Ancestor, Nolan Guard ‘Rong Zhi’ has led a small detachment that has already traveled to its destination and is estimated to arrive in 15 days.” Tuo Leiwu stood straight, his eyes had the color of excitement and worship, there was a silhouette on the screen in front of him, it was none other than the man who possessed the highest power in the entire Nolan Mountain Clan!

Tuo Lei Wu was very proud of Fluctuation.

To be able to meet with the founder of the family, what an honor. It must be known that even the elite son of the Nolan Mountain family, “Pura”, was able to meet Nolan Mountain for the first time because of this incident.

“15 days?” The corner of Nolan Mountain’s mouth turned up slightly underneath his gloomy eyes.

“Very well, you’re now the ‘First Captain’ of the Norashi Guards, right?” Nuo Lan Shan casually said.

“Yes, Clan Ancestor.” Tuo Lei Wu respectfully said.

“After the matter is done, you will be promoted to the position of commander.” Nuo Lan Shan directly said, “And grant the clan a first class medal.”

Nuo Lanwei and so on are all outsiders, so the highest status is usually the Nuo Lanwei commander! Of course,……, if you reach the “cosmic level”, it is the Karo Empire, Silver Blue Empire and so on are all grabbing for it. If you stay in the Nuolan Mountain family, you will naturally be able to obtain an even higher status, comparable to that of the Patriarch.

Tuo Lei Wu revealed a joyful expression and even said in a loud voice, “Yes, Clan Ancestor!”

“On Earth, be careful with that Earth Lord’s hostage you captured as well, don’t have any problems.” Nolan Shan reminded.

“Clan Ancestor, absolutely nothing will go wrong, I dare guarantee it with my life!” Tuo Leiwu was very confident in front of the clan ancestor.

Nuo Lan Shan nodded slightly.

He was satisfied that his subordinate was taking things this seriously.

“Luo Feng, 150 meters ahead of you is where the leaders of the five countries and Xu Xin and Luo Hua are being held.”

“It’s impossible to get any closer now, that building is the one with the most martial artists residing in the entire manor, thirty-two of the sixty members of the Nolanshan family squad are in that one building. Including nine stellar rank nine.” Babata reminded Luo Feng that the entire manor was huge and the other buildings didn’t have too many people living in them.

Luo Feng was able to keep getting closer.

“The place of confinement, the guards are two stellar level ninth rank.” Babata reminded, “Everyone else stay away from the guard rooms.”

Luo Feng’s mind moved and the Mo Yun battle armor quickly covered his face as well.

One was safety, the other was that he didn’t want the people of the Nolan Mountain family to know that it was Luo Feng who rescued them.

“150 meters, you are all stellar level 9th order, flying in cosmic space can reach 150,000 meters per second, on earth, because of air resistance, although it’s much slower. But it is also 50,000 meters per second. I am now asking you all to arrive at the room 150 meters away as fast as you can.

“Two of you are responsible for holding the guards. The other two are responsible for rescuing them.”

Luo Feng’s instructions were transmitted to the auxiliary light brain of the four.

The four slaves all nodded their heads.

“Then ……” Luo Feng looked at the building ahead, his eyes narrowed slightly, “Depart!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Four Stellar Grade 9s, and Luo Feng!

The flying speed of the four slaves was around 50,000 meters per second, although Luo Feng was only at Stellar rank 1, he could rely on his third-ranked Nian Li weapon “Heavenly Shuttle” as well as his powerful consciousness, and his speed was more than 20,000 meters per second!

In the guard room.

Xu Xin, Luo Hua, five national leaders are scattered around the room, the floor is just spread quilt.

“What are you looking at?” A guard sat on a chair and looked at the EU country leaders with disdain, pointing and snorting, “Just like you, you’re still the head of state? But it has to be said, your Earth is only such a big place, but you’ve made so many countries! Universe Primordial Kingdom, that all has several galaxies, millions of living planets-!”

The words just fell!


The wall exploded violently!

A huge man with a lion’s head in a strong body wearing battle armor rushed in first, instantly reaching the guards.150 meters away, 50,000 meters per second? What a concept! Faster than a blink of an eye!

Because it was so fast, it was many times faster than the speed of sound. When the two guards felt the strong aura, the four minions were less than 10 meters away from them, followed by an instant engagement!


Luo Hua and Xu Xin glared.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Two vine manes violently swept over the two of them, the trailing leaves wrapping each of them up.

Luo Feng controlled seven vine manes, wrapping each of the seven. He knew that the Moyun vine on Misty Island had a lot of vines back then, not to mention Luo Feng’s Moyun vine which had grown to the “stellar grade third stage” nowadays. In terms of the growth speed of the Mo Yun Vine, Luo Feng’s is indeed very fast.

At least ……

It was much faster than Luo Feng’s earthling body cultivation.

“Catch them!”


The entire manor instantly exploded with a bang, the naked eye visible shockwaves whistled and generally rolled in all directions, not only did the entire manor flatten to the ground, a large number of the surrounding residential streets were instantly shocked into muck by the waves. When the West Lake courtyard that time, the main West Lake courtyard itself has a few kilometers square. And this manor is not that big.

Plus the last time, it was an attack on the castle. Whereas this time, it was a group of Stellar Grade Nine Steps attacking each other recklessly, and some of the attacks were dodged away, so naturally, they attacked the ground.

“Capture that blood-colored battle-robed man!” Tuo Lei Wu was like lightning, rushing up to the sky. At a glance, he saw in the distance, a blood-colored war-clothed person Hugh dispersed seven vine manes, wrapping around seven people.

“No need to send them.” The sky brushed and a spaceship flew in, the hatch had opened long ago, and the blood-colored war-clothed man dragged the seven people to quickly rush into the hatch.


The universe ship instantly disappeared.

In terms of speed …… universe flying like speed, it can be faster than the stellar level ninth order by an unknown amount.

“Lure them to the Pacific Ocean waters, here’s the coordinate location.” At the same moment, Luo Feng sent instructions to the eight slave auxiliary light brains under his command.

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