Chapter 9: A Year of Growing Up

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:56:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the following days, first of all, both the Huaxia Country and the HR Alliance swiftly sent some of the airship wreckage from the ruins of the ancient civilization, and some of the strange fragments swiftly to the large warehouse of the factory more than a hundred kilometers away from Yangzhou City, in the middle of the wilderness area! And after that, Babata put these materials into storage space.

Luo Feng had a space ring! However, Babata also had a storage space of it’s own, when the storage space could only store inanimate materials, corpses, and so on.

But apparently, the Baba Tower’s storage space was very large! It went so far as to start building a spaceship within the huge storage space, through intelligent control tools!

Intelligence, machinery, energy, and so on, were all non-living, so it just started on building it within the storage space!

“Babata, how big is your storage space?” Luo Feng had asked, “I had taken in the Meteor Ink Star before, my space ring couldn’t even store the Meteor Ink Star! Now, it’s using that as a factory to build spaceships! How much space is there?” Luo Feng was always curious about Babata’s “personal vault”.

“Bigger than yours.” Babata was dry.

“Bang with a long time to build an airship?” Luo Feng asked.

“Five or six years!” Babata said.

“Jesus, five or six years? You’re not the most powerful intelligent youngest, why does it take so long?

Babata was disgruntled, “That’s building a spaceship that can travel through the universe! Not a model spaceship! And it takes a lot of precision tools to build a spaceship, and I don’t even have the tools, I’m penniless, I’m starting from scratch! How long does it take to build an aircraft carrier on your planet? This is a thousand times harder than building an aircraft carrier, five or six years is fast!”

“Alright, I’m not in a hurry anyway.” Luo Feng stopped arguing.

“Hmph, having me help you build it is considered good. Otherwise, with your earth’s technology, even if it’s a hundred or a thousand years, at most you’ll enter the universe.

However a galaxy is just 100,000 light years in diameter! Wanting to do intergalactic shuttles, your Earth wouldn’t be able to build one in a thousand years.” Babata was very proud.

Luo Feng’s knowledge was actually considered “illiterate”, he really didn’t understand how many difficulties were involved in a small boat that could travel between galaxies in the universe! This is a spaceship, not a model.

It’s incredible that it worked in five or six years.

Babata, as the top intelligence, could easily create a “primary intelligence” to preside over the building of the ship.

Instead, it was supervising Luo Feng’s cultivation!

“Don’t be complacent, the musculoskeletal system of planetary level one can withstand 1000 times the earth’s gravity! It’s just that your internal organs and meridians are weaker, so you start with 100 times earth gravity at first. Taking 28 days to adapt to 1000 times Earth’s gravity is nothing to be proud of!” Babata’s roar echoed in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.

Inside the gravity chamber.

Wearing only pants and bare feet, Luo Feng stood within the gravity chamber, his entire body had hidden beads of sweat rolling down from time to time in drops! The display next to him read – “1088g”!

More than a thousand times the gravitational force, acting on Luo Feng’s whole body body subtle every cell, this 28 days of adaptation, fully tapped the potential of planetary level powerhouse, every time you cultivate and absorb the “Wood Saeki Crystal”, organs and organs are crazy absorption constantly improve!

“Okay, almost there. Start absorbing the Wood Saeki Crystal.” Babata even said.

Luo Feng immediately sat on his knees, a Moksae Crystal appeared in his hand, the scent of the Moksae Crystal made people drool, under the induction of the genetic energy, a stream of energy quickly surged into Luo Feng’s body, the Moksae Crystal energy was different from the genetic energy, the Moksae Crystal energy was very pure and refined! In terms of quality, it’s extremely high! And it’s full of life! It’s very spiritual! Once it was incorporated into Luo Feng’s body, Luo Feng’s body grew as if he was a watered grass, his body evolved rapidly!

At the same moment!

Luo Feng’s consciousness entered the virtual space, according to Babata, when a person’s consciousness enters the virtual space, the physical body still has a subconscious mind, after special training, Luo Feng’s subconscious mind was still able to carry out one simple thing even when his consciousness entered the virtual space – absorbing the Moksae Crystal!

“Begin martial artist training, first body stance, begin!”

In the virtual space, body technique training started again, in the virtual space, Luo Feng’s physical quality was only kept at the level of “junior warlord”, the same as when he entered the virtual space at the elite training camp.

Five months later.


Wearing pants and naked, Luo Feng stepped into the gravity room and then closed it.

“Babata, major in Control Chapter today. Help me test how it’s going.” Luo Feng said.

“Taking the initiative to ask? Looks like you’re confident.” Babata hemmed and hawed with a strange smile.

Luo Feng smiled.

First press the side of the gravity, input “1910”, at once the gravity room quickly start up, vaguely heard a very low sound, at the same time a terrible gravitational force instantly acted on Luo Feng’s whole body, Luo Feng the whole person can’t help but slightly sunk, knees slightly bent, and then stood up straight.

“Whew.” Luo Feng took a deep breath.

“It’s starting.” Luo feng raised his right hand slightly harder, on his right hand was the “red mixed copper mother” blade fragment, this red mixed copper mother fragment, on earth there was more than a ton, and in the gravity chamber 1910 times the earth’s gravity, it instantly exceeded two thousand tons! If it was a god of war, it wouldn’t be able to lift it at all.

Even Luo Feng, it was more of a struggle.

Luckily, this weight was only inside the gravity chamber. The gravity chamber was assumed to be “5 tons”, so if the gravity inside the gravity chamber was even bigger, it wouldn’t have any effect on the outside world! Even if someone enters, the gravity inside the gravity chamber reaches tens of thousands of g …… but the pressure of the gravity house on the house remains the same. What was consumed to maintain the gravitational magnetic field was energy.

“Start.” Babata said.

“1 channel!”

Luo Feng maneuvered a stream of spiritual thoughts to roll the blade remnants.

“2 channels!” Luo Feng controlled another stream of mental thoughts that acted on the blade remnants.

“3 channels!”

“4 channels!”

The blade remnants levitated.

“10 channels!” Luo Feng continued to increase a strand of spiritual nimbus.

Before getting the inheritance from the meteor ink lineage, Luo Feng could control 18 strands of mind power, but these 18 strands of mind power had to control 18 items separately. There was no way for Luo Feng to make the 18 strands of thought power join together without affecting his combat prowess, once they united, they would affect each other.

Also, when Luo Feng’s spiritual nian force, it was very ineffective on the combat suit. It was because of the subtle manipulation of the thoughts that the combat suit had very small holes, it was easy to drain off the thoughts.

But now it was different!

“19 Dao!”

Luo Feng shouted the last one.

“Huh, you’re now able to have 18 channels of nian force, gathered together without affecting each other?” Babata was surprised, “A while ago, weren’t you only able to do 18 dao?”

“Progress.” Luo Feng hemmed and hawed.

“Very good. With nearly 2000 times the earth’s gravity, you can still make 19 strands of thoughts gather together without affecting each other. You’re considered a minor success in the ‘Condensation’ technique of the ‘Control Chapter’.” Babata complimented, “Behind the Basic Nine Techniques of the ‘Control Chapter’, there are another eight techniques ‘Disperse’, ‘Sharp’, ‘Tough’, ‘Softness’, ‘Rigidity’, ‘Dance’, ‘Illusion’, and ‘Fusion’. ‘, since the first trick, ‘Condensation’, is a small success. Now start the second, ‘Toughness’ trick!”

Five months ago, Luo Feng controlled at most 18 strands of limit thoughts, and five months of bitter cultivation made himself control at most 19 strands only!

However, the first trick alone was a minor success, Luo Feng’s combat power jumped several times!

According to the requirements of the nine techniques of the “chapter of control”, once all nine techniques are completed! Spiritual thoughts can form “iron plates” to smash people in general, and “needles” to pierce each other’s weapons and people in general! According to reason, the idea power will be directly integrated into the physical body, but after the nine skills are completed, it will be condensed beyond compare! Sharp and sharp! Completely capable of being used as a weapon! But without enough method tricks, it’s hard and difficult for a person to fumble around.

January 12th, 2060, morning.

Luo Feng’s house, the gravity room on the second floor of the martial arts training hall.

Under the pale yellow light.

Under the yellowish light, a young man covered in a layer of blood red battle armor was sitting cross-legged, around his body there was a piece of “blade debris” flying around, suddenly he opened his eyes. Suddenly, he opened his eyes. The display screen next to him showed a line of numbers – “3100g”. Most planetary level powerhouses on Earth would instantly die a violent death once they entered!

Whoosh! Wordlessly the layer of blood red battle armor on his entire body quickly merged into his skin and disappeared, revealing his lean body!

He stood up!

Compared to a year ago, the whole person was even thinner, and even his height seemed to be a few centimeters shorter. Even standing there, he had a feeling that was even more palpable than a king-level monster!

“Numinous cultivation is really harder than martial cultivation, only today did I cross over into planetary level third stage.”

“Luo Feng, don’t be narcissistic! This cultivation is supposed to be easy in the beginning and difficult down the line! Look at Hong and Thunder God, the further you progress the harder it gets.” Babata said.

Luo Feng smiled.

As early as four months ago, he had crossed into the “planetary level three” as a martial artist, and only today, he had crossed into the “planetary level three” as a ninjutsu.

“Now I’m a martial artist ability, I can defeat the third speaker!” Luo Feng was confident.

The foundation was incredibly solid! In terms of efficiency of his thoughts, he was much stronger than the fourth speaker. Because the foundation was solid, the “recluse shuttle” and “arc blade disk” could be easily maneuvered, and Luo Feng’s trump card stance was – “red mixed copper mother fragment Luo Feng’s trump card is the “Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment” and the “Mo Yun Vine” that has woken up, before the blood red battle armor, it was the Mo Yun Vine that was formed.

Nowadays Luo Feng ……

has undergone a complete metamorphosis from the inside out! The current him was qualified to say that he was a Meteorite Ink Star heir!

Suddenly, the cell phone rang outside the gravity room.


Luo Feng walked out of the gravity room and directly picked up his cell phone, a glance at the caller ID, it was Xu Xin! Xu Xin was now starting her own business, and the location she chose was Yangzhou City. This way, the two were often together.

“Hey, Luo Feng, I’m almost there. I just bought groceries.” Xu Xin’s voice came.

“My parents went out for a trip, and the nanny I told her to go back, I don’t say, are we going out to eat today?” Luo Feng said.

“I learned something from the TV, today I personally cook, let you taste, this is my first time cooking ah. Well, I’m already in the neighborhood!”

Luo Feng even walked to the window to look out.

Sure enough ……

A curvaceous white coupe slowly drove into the neighborhood, with Luo Feng’s eyesight he clearly saw Xu Xin in the driver’s seat, wearing a white sweater with a happy smile on her face.

“Xu Xin cooking?” Luo Feng took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and secretly said, “Even if it’s hard to eat, I have to eat it and make an excited expression and praise her!”

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