Chapter 91 – Golden Horned Beast’s Strongest Stance

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:00:11
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“Rumble ……”

“Rumble ……”

The strengthened Golden Horned Beast’s strength had clearly skyrocketed, each hoof and claw stomping and clawing, the swinging of its tail, and the fluttering of its wings were much stronger than before. The three squads no longer had that “game” feeling at the beginning, but rather felt overwhelmed, and both sides were in a state of complete parity.

“Captain!” Arman and Ablut shouted, relying on the Force to transmit every word.

The principle of voice transmission by the Force (Genetic Force Energy) was very simple.

It was to bring the Force to the effect of a telephone line, so that the sound would spread quickly to the desired location, a common trick used by martial artists in the universe. For the psychic numinous masters and martial artists who possessed the numinous power and the Force, they naturally possessed some techniques that were different from those of ordinary humans, and Force Sound Transmission was one of them.


There was a color of excitement in Tuo Lei Wu’s eyes, and that pure and powerful stellar power ran through his entire body, even to the point of merging into that battle axe in his hands.

“Understood!” Arman and Ablutt were also excited.


It was time to start the strongest stance!

It was difficult for the fifteen Nolan guards to make a collective and powerful attack, whereas the three of them, Toremu, Alman, and Abrote, could form the best effect and execute the strongest attack. With Aburot and Alman as aids and Torevu as the tip of the blade, the strongest terrifying strike was executed.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The three eye-supporting streams of light were as if they had become one, and then a dazzling blur of golden battle axe slashed directly at the Golden Horn Beast.


The Golden Horned Beast didn’t dodge at all, and directly stomped on it with its thick and powerful hooves and claws that looked like pillars in the sky! And Tuo Lei Wu and the others didn’t seem to bother attacking anywhere else at all, or maybe they were worried about killing the Golden Horned Beast, so they directly chose …… to go hard! The golden giant axe and the hoof claws clashed together!

“Oooh-” Angry agonizing screams rang out.

Blood sprayed, the scales on the hoof claw shattered, and a huge wound appeared at the location of the meat pad at the bottom of the hoof claw, almost splitting the entire hoof claw in half.

“The big guy scale armor defense is very strong.”

“Give it a few more hits.”

“Beat it painfully, then capture it alive.”

“Haha, do it.”

The three captains such as Tuo Lei Wu were excited, and the 12 Nolan guards suspended in the seawater in the distance were even watching the show. And the injured Golden Horn Beast swept a trace of indifference amongst its eyes, its mouth opened again, only to see a smudge of an object wrapped in the Force fly out, that is …… some kind of mutilated blade?

No, it’s Luo Feng’s strongest weapon, the Red Mixed Copper Mother fragment!

The Golden Horned Beast in the “natural enhancement state”, because of the mysterious golden secret pattern amplitude, no matter whether it’s speed or other aspects, and even the soul attack power has soared by a level. The strengthened Golden Horned Beast with the “Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment”, in the end, how powerful will it be?

Swoosh swoosh swoosh ……

The spinning and fluttering Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment was like a flash of light that instantly swept past the three captains, including Tuo Lei Mo.


Tuo Leiwu’s eyes rolled round, and that flash of streaming light had already reached his eyes, and his hard brain shell was directly cut open, followed by the heads of the two captains next to him, which were directly cut open, and they directly perished.


The three captains died in a single glance!

This scene caused the 12 Nolan guards in the distance to be completely stunned.

“Oh my god!”


“Run away!!!” One of the Nolan Guards turned his head and fled, and the other Nolan Guards were also awakened and chose to flee in all directions without hesitation.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh ……

A streak of blood-red flowing light, fast to the extreme. Much faster than the Nolan guards ran, turning into a bizarre arc, as if stringing sugar gourds, scurrying past the heads of each Nolan guard. In less than 0.001 seconds, the heads of all 12 Nolan Guards were penetrated, dead beyond death.

The ice-cold eyes of the Golden Horned Beast, which was as huge as a mountain range, swept over a set of corpses, and the wounds on its hooves and claws of bright red muscles continued to extend, recovering rapidly.


The Golden Horned Beast disappeared.

A black-haired man wearing a blood-colored battle suit appeared out of thin air, as the disappearance of the Golden Horn Beast’s massive size caused a large amount of seawater around it to madly surge towards this.

“The test was quite successful.”

“The strength of the Golden Horned Beast, I have a clear position in my mind.”

“Hmm, the Golden Horned Beast in its strengthened state combined with the strongest weapon, the ‘Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment’, it’s really ridiculously strong.” Many thoughts swept through Luo Feng’s mind before he instructed in his mind, “Babata, turn around and slightly camouflage the Red Mixed Copper Mother remnant, at least make it unrecognizable as a Red Mixed Copper Mother.”

After commanding.

Luo Feng, who was in the middle of the raging seabed, swept a glance at the surrounding corpses of Nolan guards, only the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. This battle already had a predetermined outcome before it even started!

Virtual universe.

Pula was standing respectfully and excitedly in front of the screen, on the screen, were the three patriarchs of the Nolan Mountain clan ever. The clan ancestor “Norrashan”, who was currently wearing a dark green battle suit, had excited flames in his gloomy eyes: “Alive? That Golden Horned Beast cub is actually alive? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure, this is the video that Tuo Lei Wu and the others just shot, Clan Ancestor please look.” Pula replied in a loud voice.

The video played.


Nolan Shan, and the other two Clan Ancestors stared.

“Yes, it’s the Golden Horned Beast, two unicorns? Looking at the length of the unicorn horns, it should be of the Stellar Rank 7.” Nolan Shan nodded his head, “A Stellar Grade Seventh Order Golden Horned Beast, 15 Nolan Guards joining forces can definitely gain the upper hand!”

“Clan Ancestor.” The two Clan Chiefs, Mikko and Derwin, both looked towards the Clan Ancestor, of which Derwin Nolanshan couldn’t help but say, “Weren’t the Nolan Guards able to capture the Golden Horned Beast alive?”

“There is hope.”

Nolan Shan nodded his head and took a deep breath, forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart.


This was a Golden Horned Beast, the peak bloodline in the universe, in terms of numbers that was rarer than an immortal. A Golden Horned Beast cub, even an immortal powerhouse would snatch it up! He, Nuo Lanshan, a cosmic level ninth stage, can only be considered as an inconspicuous character in the universe, but he even has the hope to obtain the Golden Horned Beast cub?

It was too …… unbelievable.

“Hmm! If the Golden Horned Beast is obtained, with my Giant Axe Martial Artist title, I can sell the Golden Horned Beast Cub through the side of the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium and obtain amazing benefits.” Nolan Shan had already thought about how to deal with the Golden Horned Beast cub in the future, to the average person, this kind of treasure was definitely a hot potato.

Universe level powerhouses would have a hard time dealing with the Golden Horned Beast cubs.

Nolan Mountain, on the other hand, had a very safe channel!

“Contact the various team members on Earth immediately.”

“I want to question them personally.” Nolan Shan ordered.

“Yes, Clan Ancestor.” Pulla respectfully said, “I’ll contact each of them now, once the battle is over, they’ll immediately enter the virtual universe network.

Pulla even began to contact the 60 members of the team on Earth.

Tick! Tick!

“How come no one is responding?”

“Even if we’re fighting the Golden Horn Beast, but there’s no need for the Stellar Grade 7th and 8th rank team members to participate in the battle, right?

“Quiet.” Clan Ancestor Nolan Shan gave a low hum.

Time passes second by second, the three patriarchs and Pula are waiting anxiously, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes …… Clan Ancestor Nolanshan’s face, from the beginning of the strong excitement, to the frown, and later the face becomes more and more ugly, and then later it is more iron-blue, and finally expressionless eyes to devour as if it were a human being.

“Don’t connect, dead, they are all dead.” Nolan Shan said in a cold voice.


Nolan Shan himself disappeared on the screen, apparently leaving the virtual universe network.

The two matriarchs and Pura had ugly expressions.

Yes. They all understood that those people were dead.

Because of Pula’s call request, those people simply didn’t dare to not answer it, and secondly, even if they went to capture the Golden Horn Beast alive. Those stellar level seventh order and eighth order didn’t need to participate in the battle at all, but those people didn’t reply …… indicating that the seventh order and eighth order were all dead. As for that group of ninth rank Nora guards, even if they fought, but the strong ones fought for a very short time.

For such a long time, not a single person has an echo, obviously ……

They are all dead!

This time the plan, failed!

Vast black dragon mountain star field, in more than five hundred belonging to a very strong belonging to – caro empire, caro empire occupies twenty-six galaxies, know, many weak universe primary civilization empire only two galaxies! The Silver Blue Empire is considered one of the stronger ones.

Within the territory of the Karo Empire, there is a very famous planet, the Ice Arashi Planet.

Planet Ice Arashi was the lair of the Nolan Mountain Family. More than three thousand Norrashan guards were gathered here, as well as the ordinary thirty thousand Ice Arashi guards, and the entry condition for the Ice Arashi guards was – they had to be at the stellar level! In other words, the number of Stellar rank powerhouses on the entire planet was as many as tens of thousands.

This force, it was too terrifying.

The third family of the Karo Empire!

To be called the third strongest, it wasn’t just relying on Nolan Shan alone, Nolan Shan alone, no matter how strong he was, was after all just one person. What he relied on was the large army under his command! Directly overseeing more than 1,000 life planets, with an army of stellar level powerhouses, their power intimidated tens of thousands of life planets around them, and they were a dominant force in this galaxy!

“Hoo hoo ……”

The cold wind whistled.

Planet Ice Arashi, was known for its coldness, in which in the uninhabited extreme north region of Planet Ice Arashi, there was a black mountain range, where the temperature was even lower to a shocking degree.



Two silhouettes broke through the air and flew towards the black mountain range, one of these two had pointed ears and was a member of the Nolan Mountain Clan. The other was wearing a black robe, only vaguely with a small, curved and slender horn growing on his forehead. The duo flew directly into the middle of one of the caves in the Black Mountain Range.

Deep within the cave.

The man wearing a dark green battle suit with a cold aura permeating his entire body sat cross-legged on a black rock.

“Clan Ancestor.”

“Teacher.” These two men bowed respectfully.

“Derwin, Hundred Carrolls.” The man sitting still on his knees opened his eyes and swept his gaze over the duo, there was a rare trace of gentleness in that gaze, “You all know the matter, your goal is Earth! The first target is that Mechanical Race ship. As for the Golden Horned Beast’s cubs …… let’s see the luck.”

“Clan Ancestor, we still have hope of catching that young beast.” Derwin even said.


Clan Ancestor Nolanshan shook his head slightly, “The Golden Horned Beast is highly intelligent and cunning, after it experiences this danger, nine times out of ten it will leave Earth! By then, it will be drifting in the universe, so when you arrive on Earth more than two years later, how will you find it without any target?” Finding a target in the universe?

The two were silent.


“Bring back the Mechanical Clan Flying General, and the Golden Horned Beast Hatchling is up to luck.” Clan Ancestor Nolanshan said.

“Yes, Clan Ancestor (Teacher)!” The two universe level powerhouses respectfully answered the order.

Virtual universe, in the corner of a noisy bar, Luo Feng sat with his eyes closed.

“Luo Feng, I’ve placed an order. Ordered a large batch of satellites about planetary defense equipment, alerts and so on, when the time comes it will form a very tight defense system within the entire solar system! Those spaceships can definitely easily be detected first if they appear in the solar system again.” Listening to Babata’s words, Luo Feng was satisfied.

This hijacking was considered to be over, from Xu Xin and the others who were once taken hostage, they learned that this group of people originally totaled 80 people with four captains. One of the detachments went to the universe because of the coordinates Luo Feng said, the other three detachments were killed by Luo Feng. For the remaining one detachment, Luo Feng can’t be a threat, but …… can’t be careless! Earth, has suffered enough from technology not being as good as others.

So, Luo Feng was going to purchase a whole set of planetary defense systems! This kind of thing is very money consuming, the average planet in the universe is at most equipped with a low specification planetary defense system, while Luo Feng chose to indeed have a high specification. By the time it was spread throughout the entire solar system!

The entire solar system, would be completely under surveillance! This was first class belonging to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, those spaceships stealthy and so on, when the time comes, they simply can’t be hidden, they will all be visible.

“Also, I hope that around that wormhole, I can also place an alert monitoring system, once a ship passes through that wormhole, I want to be the first to know.” Luo Feng said, “That group of people from the Nolan Mountain family probably won’t die.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve already considered this.” Babata shouted.

Everything was prepared.

Earth was no longer a security threat, and when the planetary defense system was ready, Luo Feng could rest easy. As for that Nolan Mountain family, even if they did send someone, it would be two years and eight months later.

“Lao San.”

“Third son.”

Hong and Thunder God both entered the bar and walked directly towards Luo Feng’s here, before that, the duo had long been notified by Luo Feng, knowing that the trouble had been lifted, and Luo Feng had also agreed on a meeting place.

“Eh?” Luo Feng took a look and was startled, these two big brothers of his felt a bit different from the past.

“Where have you guys been? It feels like you guys aren’t quite the same as in the past.” Luo Feng was a bit hesitant.

“Haha, I told you, the third son has very sensitive senses, he must be able to detect it.” Thunder God laughed.

“I thought I felt it wrong.” Luo Feng looked at the duo curiously.

“Yeah, it was to a very special place.” Hong also laughed.

“What place?” Luo Feng was curious.

Hong and Thunder God looked at each other.

“Don’t sell out.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but prod.

Hong revealed a smile and said word for word, “The killing …… field!”

Luo Feng furrowed his brows in some confusion and muttered, “Killing field?”

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