Chapter 100.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:53
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The screen switched back.

“At present, the food we have stockpiled is enough for the whole country to consume for seven years, and if we can finish making some food that can’t be kept fresh as soon as possible, the bottom line is enough for everyone’s rations for ten years.”

“Salt, sugar, and drinking water, the stockpile exceeds ten years.”

“In addition, several new waste land planting research bases have been established, that is, the devastation and desolation of the country, as long as there are still people alive, hope will continue.”

There was no pause.

The large screen interface switched to the second preparation – the shelter.

Picture after picture, a safe selection of sites, an underground base …… at this moment, all displayed in front of the people of the country.

“Scientists, based on the memories of the reborn, as well as the latest technological calculations, determined the meteorite landing range, selected a safe zone, and set up shelters.”

“The shelters are divided into three levels, the third level shelters are distributed in townships and counties, smaller in scale, and are only used for the first three days of the doomsday, when the meteorite rain is over, all the residents will be transferred to a safe zone.”

“Level two shelters are the largest in scale, they can be used as temporary bases, and are a safe fortress for our entire nation until the ground bases are built.”

“Level 1 shelters are medium in size, distributed around all Level 2 and Level 3 shelters in the country, with one Level 1 shelter configured for every two Level 2 and five Level 3 shelters, serving as a dispatch center and core resource allocation depot.”

“After the informational meeting, all levels of government will notify everyone, adopting the principle of proximity, and informing you of which shelter your place of residence belongs to.”

“The shelters have not yet been fully constructed, but there are still five days left, so believe in us, believe in you, and believe in the speed of our country.”

At this moment, the streets.

The shocked crowd was about to open their mouths when the scene had switched.

It was the country’s third preparation – the armed forces.

“Hello people of the nation! This is a level 3 shelter, we will lead the township police and armed forces to defend the safety of the shelter!”

“Hello people of the nation! This is a Level 2 shelter, we will lead the special police and armed police to defend the shelter!”

“Greetings, people of the nation! This is a level one shelter, we will lead the garrison to guard all the surrounding level two and three shelters, ready to provide reinforcements!”

Dressed in uniforms of various colors, they stood straight and raised their hands in salute.

A single action made the originally restless crowd inexplicably red-eyed.

The scene was still switching.

One by one, military garrisons, beside the prepared missiles and weapons, stood a general with a weathered face, but all solemn, raising his hand, saluting-

“Report! Radar systems are closely monitored in the air, and interceptors will do their best to intercept as many of the meteorites that hit Earth as possible!”

The switch continues.

In the middle of a huge laboratory underground, in the center of a signal light, Million Dollars salutes in his military uniform-

“Greetings nationwide! This is one of the communication hubs of the shelters, after an intense setup by a group of experts, we will ensure the communication after the meteorite hits the Earth, linking all the shelters in the country, and not letting any of them fall into the desperation of being out of contact!”

Switching back again.

The leader was still standing in the center, looking serious: “The above are the nation’s reserves for the apocalyptic natural disaster, and below, I will relay to you the three filed scenarios developed by the nation ……”

Shelters, supplies, weapons, communications.

Three kinds of disaster preparedness programs!

Every aspect has been thoroughly considered.

At this moment in time, the state’s preparation is like a well thought out barrier that is spread over the entire nation.

It’s like a barrier over the whole country.

Don’t be afraid, the country is here.

The endless trepidation, anxiety and fear about the end of the world faded by half in this instant.

The end times are a natural disaster.

It is an endless sorrow that the world is going to end.

But fortunately, they still have the country, and can still retain the hope of life in the midst of such thorough preparations.

As long as there is still hope.

Who would want to die?

Sheng An is right, as long as there is a backbone, the hearts of the people of the country will not be scattered, and their strength will be directed to one place.

The big leader finished his speech.

Pursing his dry lips, he revealed a smile:

“Five days from now, mankind will enter a brand new era, all the rules and order, will be changed in an orderly manner, and my position will be formally renamed ‘Chief Base Chief’, and in the future, our country will be handed down one base after another.

“The end times are not all desperate, the appearance of heretics not only informs us of the end times in advance, allowing us to prepare in advance, but also brings us hope, their special ability is the hope of mankind.”

He held out his hand.

The camera switched to the bottom.

Elder Zhang and Elder Li were sitting in front, followed by Sheng An and Qiu Yu, and behind them, the entire Special Intelligence Service.

Elder Zhang stood up and saluted.

He was wearing a military uniform, and the rows of badges in front of him were symbols of his selfless service to his country.

And just seeing these made one solid and at ease, trusting every word he uttered.

“All of our disaster preparedness programs are designed to keep as many people alive as possible; Armageddon was a catastrophe, and the natural disasters that immediately followed were just as constant. But again, it’s not all catastrophe that meteorites bring, there’s also an evolution.

“I’m sure that everyone is curious about the Special Intelligence Service, which manages the Exalted, in their previous understanding, right?

“The Special Intelligence Service has non-exceptionalists and exceptionalists, and the non-exceptionalists are the country’s top talents who are valued by the country and possess superb ruling, coordinating, and special abilities.

“Alterans have superpowers, unnatural energies that break through limits, and are the greatest hope for the future of mankind.”

As Elder Zhang spoke, the screen switched, a resume, with a video.

[Sheng An]: former national special operations officer, now head of Group B of the Special Intelligence Division, has performed many missions for the country, and has been awarded first-class merit six times and second-class merit twelve times (recorded in top-secret files).

Qi Lingmu: former national special operations personnel, now one of the members of the Special Intelligence Service Group B, with the psychic ability “psychic ability: King’s Anchor”.

In the video, Qi Lingmu is standing on the training ground.

Six lab animals pounced on him, he stood still with his gun in his hand, his eyes looking at them ……

“Bang Bang Bang!”

Continuous silent shooting, the lab animals fell down.

He didn’t even shoot!

[Autumn Rain]: Former National Special Warfare Officer, Special Intelligence Division Group A leader, with the ability of “puppet ability”.

In the video, several lab animals attacked her.

She looked solemn, and in the next instant, the animals stiffened in place. She raised her hand, and as if pulled by invisible threads, the animals turned around at the same time and arranged themselves together.

[Lai Wan Yun]: reborn high-level spatial system alien, now one of the members of the Special Intelligence Service.

The drone flew over.

Lai Wan Yun lifted her hand as if something had sliced through it, slicing the drone into several pieces.

With a wave of her raised hand, the sliced drone disappeared without leaving any trace.

[Lou Ming Danger] ……

Name after name, bringing their terrifying combat power.

Before the screen.

Countless young people’s eyes sizzled.

The end is coming, they were originally full of apprehension, fear and anxiety, after the country’s disaster preparedness program, apprehension and anxiety dissolved a lot.

But the display of the strength of the supernaturals had turned half of the fear in their hearts into excitement!

Sheng An, an ordinary person with extreme super strength, they couldn’t do it.

But awakening the supernormal ability, bending the road to overtake the car, it is not impossible.

If the natural disaster has become a fact, then, the possibility of having supernatural ability let their hearts lit up the fire, let their hearts become hot.

Such a powerful strength also makes people more and more at ease and have a bottom line for the future.

Elder Li: “[The Disaster Preparedness Program] is the first stage, and after that, when the end comes, the second stage will be officially opened.

“Adepts are one of the hopes for the future, their distinctive abilities not only increase the survival rate, but also protect more people in the midst of a disaster. They shoulder the future, they are the hope of humanity.

“Therefore, the second phase is centered on the special abilities of the adepts, and the people of the country are working hand in hand for – [Fire Seed Program].”

Elder Zhang: “We formally announce the change of the ‘Heretic’ designation to ‘Fire Seed!

“All members of the Special Intelligence Service (SIS) are human kindling, and we hope that all awakened heretics will actively join the SIS to become the core force of the nation and become the end-time kindling.

“The Fire Seed Program, officially launched, on behalf of the nation, I salute the Fire Seed!”

He and Elder Li, as well as the General Base Chief, raised their hands and saluted the members of the Special Intelligence Service.

Sheng An, along with Qiu Yu and Qi Ling Mist, stood up at the same time and saluted back-

“The Special Intelligence Service will live up to the country’s expectations!”

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