Chapter 101.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:50:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Without any preview, at this moment, almost out of instinct, the members of the Special Intelligence Service, with red eyes and clenched teeth, stood up and saluted.

Compared to Sheng An and the others, perhaps it was not standardized enough, perhaps not neat enough.

But that raised hand was their will at this moment.

Even Long Tianyu, a guy who thought of “rebellion” every day, had red eyes at this moment.

Previously called them “heretics”, which is not a derogatory term, refers to them and ordinary people are not the same, even to Han Shuang highlights this name, the focus is also the country’s attitude.

Back then, Sheng An had said that the country would change.

They never knew when the country would change, nor did they care when it would change, after all, the country’s attitude towards them was here, and so was their treatment.

The name calling, then, was not important.

Li Wan Yun never thought that the change would be at this moment, in front of the whole country, to change “Heresy” to “Fire Seed”, to formulate the “Fire Seed Program”.

Tell the people of the country that they are the hope of mankind, the hope that the country values.

The leaders are saluting them.

Everyone in the room is saluting the Special Intelligence Service.

This was on behalf of the country, on behalf of the entire nation, honoring them.

Jiang Yu held back his tears.

Even if it was a lord like Gu Qiansheng, at this moment, he also felt from the bottom of his heart – with such a trust and respect, with such an honor, it was already not worse than what he wanted to do as a city lord.

Lou Mingwei clenched his teeth.

He thought that he could not live up to this expectation.

Qiu Yu exhaled softly.

She looked at Sheng An with her remaining light and realized that the other party was calm and unsurprised.

Qiu Yu was in a bit of a trance.

Yes, she seemed to understand why she didn’t officially change her name until now.

If the concept of “Fire Seed” was explained to these reborn and supernormal abilities from the very beginning, it would be a moral abduction to put them on a pedestal, and might not be able to get them to return to the center of their hearts.

The state chooses to gather them together first, and tell them through action that–

Under the state apparatus, there is nothing to hide, and the state can control them.

After they realized this and accepted it completely.

Then it came to the present informational meeting.

The [Disaster Preparedness Program] is not only for the people of the country, but also for them.

Let them see how far the country can go!

Let them believe in the country.

And only then did the country bring out the Spark Program, bringing the country’s genuine sincerity and regard.

Not only for them, but also for all the Exalts that would appear in the future.

-There were some calculations, but it was a deployment that the country had to make for the greater good.

Sheng An had always known that, so even if there were any other way, Sheng An, just like her, took more powerful actions to deaden the Fire Sparks.

Autumn Rain had a complicated mood.

People’s hearts were completely gathered at this moment!

Informed that it would come to this point in the [Fire Seed Program], countless people’s fears faded and even began to hotly discuss it-

“Alien! Shit, this is too strong, right?”

“Damn, if I can become an alien, I won’t be afraid of the end times.”

“What to do? I’m kinda looking forward to it.”

“It’s over, what if I’m not a shifter? I don’t feel like a Shifter!”

“It’s fine, then be an ordinary person, there’s still the country anyway, and with the abilities of a shifter, there must be more dangers as well, an ordinary person might even be better.”

Fear has disappeared for the most part, instead, the discussion centered around the “end of the world”.

And at this time.

On the screen, the general base chief’s voice changed: “In addition, there is the biggest crisis need to inform the whole country, at the same time as the emergence of supernaturals, there is also another kind of existence that needs to be alerted, that is, the fae …….”

The sharp and heavy tone, the murder case of Fae Zhang Jia Liang, and a description of the Fae, emphasized to the nation – the crisis of the Fae.

In an instant, everyone’s hearts sank.

The people outside the screen turned pale.

The Chief Base Commander’s voice was serious: “The chaotic world uses heavy punishment, if you kill at will, you will be treated as a ‘Fae’ and have the right to be killed directly!”

As everyone was jittery, he soothed, “I know everyone will panic, but you’ve already seen the strength of the xenos, believe in the country, believe in the soldiers, and believe in the Special Intelligence Service.”

The camera cuts to Sheng An and Qiu Yu.

Sheng An stood up, a military uniform, sharp eyebrows full of sharpness, his voice calm: “The Special Intelligence Service promises to do its best to clear out the xenos, search for the cause of the xenos’ appearance, and solve the xeno crisis.”

Autumn Rain’s eyes were like knives as she slowly spoke, “We will always fight on the front line, and purge the Fae at all costs.”

The camera cut back to the leader.

He didn’t say much more on the matter of the Fae, the End of Days was an extremely scary thing, and some fearful emotions needed to be digested by the people themselves.

And a resilient nation will continue to survive, even if it’s caught between the cracks.

Chief Baseman: “There are only five days until the end of days, and the last five days are the days when the entire nation must act. From today, the role of currency is temporarily abolished in favor of a points system, all private factories are converted to military factories, large supermarkets are converted to official supermarkets, all employees who are working, their wages are switched to points issued into their ID cards, all ……”

A new rule system, announced at this moment.

Chaotic world heavy rules, under the meteorite disaster that destroyed the world, all people must accept with gritted teeth and adapt to the new system.

They listened to one rule after another and watched the entire informational meeting with a heavy heart.

The informational session ended.

The content of the entire session was sent to everyone’s hands by text message and other means, and in front of the screen, everyone looked at the informational session that was being played in a loop, and all of them fell into silence.

Finally, someone spoke blankly, “The money can’t be used, then there is no way to grab the supplies, and the work doesn’t have to go, so what do we …… do next?”

Everyone was silent and bewildered.

In the next moment, someone said angrily, “Why did you suddenly abolish the currency? My hard-earned savings don’t count anymore? How can I buy supplies then? How can I survive!”

His anger was the anger of many people at this moment.

“Huh? Wait, look carefully at the documents, everyone has a base of 300 points, and 90 survival points will be given out for free every month, and for the elderly and children under the age of twelve, there are ten more points!”

“Oops, yeah, you guys look at the list of shopping points, wow shit, so many shopping points, there are three within a kilometer.”

“Here’s the link, look at the pricing, these 100 points, the purchasing power is still okay!”

“Look at the cell notice! The state has issued a doomsday preparedness kit, tents, food, canned food, medicine, clothes, etc., all for one person, milk powder for those under five, and sanitary napkins for women, all for free!”

“Look at the recruitment, construction sites, factories, and other odd jobs, all settled on the same day points, go go go, go get a job first.”

Inside a certain small area.

Chu Juan looked at her husband and gulped, “I seem to understand why it was only previewed twenty minutes in advance, it was because they didn’t want people to go out and snatch it up, they didn’t want to create chaos.”

Her husband froze for a long time before holding her hand, “The country has such preparations, we will surely survive, the disaster preparedness package will be sent out at night, there is still a whole day left today, go to work first, the last few days of work points are very high, earn some points, it is more assured to stock up on food with the points.”

Chu Juan nodded, and the two of them went out in pairs.

–As long as one is still alive, then one day is one day.

The new order needed time to adapt.

The sense of urgency brought about by the five-day disaster prompted people to not dare to stop for fear that if they did, they would be left behind by the upcoming new order.

The whole society, like a giant rolling wheel, went into motion.

And once people got busy, the panic disappeared into thin air.

It was a worldwide disaster, everyone was the same, everyone was adapting, and thinking this way, the most bewildered went with the flow, following in the footsteps of the others and adapting.

A billion people went into disaster preparedness programs, and it was a terrifying force.

People got busy.

The country only got busier.

One of the biggest problems facing the Special Intelligence Service was-

The new members that were about to be accepted.

Once the informational meeting came out, those hidden fires gradually came out in front of people, towards the Special Intelligence Service.

Li Xin was very much a conscious member of the Special Intelligence Service at this moment.

Hearing that Lou Mingwei and Ruan Zifeng were waiting at the entrance, he hurriedly dragged Wu Buye and ran out-

“Shit, we absolutely can’t be preempted by Group A. We’re so much stronger than them, we can’t be overtaken.”

Qiu Yu was an alien after all.

Without even knowing it, those who joined the xenos would be more inclined to join Group A and be led by the xenos rather than being managed by ordinary people.

This was Sheng An’s disadvantage, and it would be difficult to change it until she was awakened.

When Li Xin arrived at the door, it was also a coincidence that someone happened to come to report, and there was more than one person.

On the left was a burly man.

On the right was an old man, and Ruan Zifeng was about to go forward to communicate.

Li Xin’s pupils shrunk, crossing over the big man to pounce on the old man-

“One group of one, don’t even grab it!!!”


Based on his experience of reading novels and anime, he wasn’t going to choose a guy like the lanky big man who looked like a great guy.

He was going to pick the old man!

–definitely a sweeper.

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