Chapter 112.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At those words, everyone shuddered, and a chill ran up the back of their scalp, giving them goose bumps.

Lou Mingwei was so frightened that he almost dropped his bowl.

He stammered, “You, you you speak clearly, how do you know?”

Long Tianyu pursed his lips, his voice dry-

“The location where the portrait is located may be relayed through Qin Xuan, the painters may not be able to draw it with complete precision, and Qin Xuan may not be able to describe it with complete precision, but ……”

He gulped, getting hoarser: “Just looking at this picture, it’s very much like the place I went to before I died in the second year of the End Times, a place with a lot of fae, and the picture I saw at that time was a lot better than this portrait, which depicts the likeness of the world for at least another two or three years.”

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air.

Two or three years!

Reborns and early awakened adepts, in their previous analysis, had all used the end of the second year of the End Times as the dividing line.

They had had many analyses, such as saying that ‘He’ had only given them two years of memories.

Another example was that something big happened at the end of the second year of the End Times, so the world was destroyed, and the people who had lived the longest in their previous lives had only reached this point in time.

But now–

This picture conveyed information from much later!

Hao Jingye pursued, “Which place?”

Long Tianyu: “Stone City.”

The crowd took another deep breath.

Stone City, this was a very special place.

Like the capital, the high-density fire region, the first two fae to appear were also in Stone City, which was completely destroyed by a meteorite in the memories of Lai Wan Yun and Long Tianyu’s previous life.

Lai Wan Yun shook her head violently, very puzzled, “But neither Long Tian Yu nor I have memories of Sister Sheng.”

If Sheng An was a strong person who had lived until three years after the end of the world, why hadn’t she heard of her in her last life?

Knowing that Qiu Yu, Long Tianyu, Wu Buye, Gu Qiansheng …… and all of them were strong people who died at the end of the second year of the End Times, how strong did one have to be to live until two or three years down the line?

That was the end of the end of the world where the crisis was heavier than one day.

Gu Chisheng: “There is also no Qi team or 0 team in your memories.”

It was only after contacting Team 0 that he realized how strong they were.

The Qi team, not to mention, he has awakened the [Spiritual Force Ability: King’s Anchor] of the top experts!

It wasn’t hard to understand when they didn’t have Team Qi or any other strong person in their memories.

Song Linwei’s voice was obscure; “Moreover, it was analyzed before, your memories may not be without problems ……”

The crowd’s brows furrowed even tighter.

“You guys say that …… this prophecy is from a previous life? Or in the future?” Lai Wan Yun suddenly said.

“There’s a process of rewinding, the probability is that it’s your last life.” Hao Jingye shook his head, “But it doesn’t matter, no matter if it’s last life or later, it’s a predicament that Sheng will have to face in the future, and what she faces is what we, all of humanity, will have to face.”

As if he thought of something, he suddenly looked at Wu Buye:

“Lai Wan Yun, Long Tian Yu, in the end times you remember, did most of the channels for obtaining information come from Wu Buye’s end times tabloid?”

Lai Wan Yun and Long Tianyu nodded in unison.

Immediately, the two looked at Wu Buye suspiciously as if they thought of something.

Ji Yani slapped her thighs, “So, in their memories of their previous life, Wu Buye might have known Sister Sheng and Team Qi, and even concealed information about them?”

The more she said, the brighter her eyes became and she plucked up her voice, “Yes, don’t forget that Wu Buye’s mind-reading technique doesn’t work on Sister Sheng!”

Hao Jingye: “Don’t rule out this possibility.”

“That makes sense, if I can’t read Sister Sheng’s mind, I will definitely follow her.” Wu Buye smiled slightly, “But I’m not a reborn, I don’t know anything.”

Jiang Yu grumpily scratched his head, “Damn it, why did you choose to be not a reborn person!”

Wu Buye, as the “First Dog Boy of the End Times”, he had the most information in his hands, but he didn’t have any memories of the End Times, he just awakened in advance.

For a moment, everyone was silent once again.

Qin Xuan’s prophecy didn’t seem too auspicious, but it did convey a lot of information-

One: Sheng An lived until three years after the end of the world and encountered something that made her break down and go crazy.

Two: Sheng An must have powerful supernormal abilities, and there were some speculations that she might be able to break through to a new direction after her supernormal abilities were awakened and identified.

Third: the stone city is very important, the picture of Sheng An’s hand unknown “ball” is also very important.

Four: Qi team …… is not good ah.

Five: can make Sheng An into this picture appearance, the future will happen, I’m afraid it is very bad.

These five points of information, there are good and bad.

But the bad has completely overwhelmed the good.

Old man Qin was right when he said that this painting was like a “desperate known doomed ending”, a prophecy that spoke of the future, a future that seemed to be doomed.

If this prophecy is about the last life of the reborn person, it is difficult to change the ending without finding the cause.

If this prophecy is the future of the present, then it is even worse.

Long Tianyu was in a heavy mood.

He sighed lightly, “The meteorite natural disaster, the catastrophe that destroyed the world, and all the current kinds of things seem to be telling us – no matter how much we struggle, it’s all useless.”

He was somewhat deflated.

Those who hadn’t been reborn might not understand, but Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun looked at each other and both saw despair in the other’s eyes.

They had worked hard enough in their last life.

Yet they only lasted for two years.

That powerful ability, that hard struggle, was only two more years of living.

If it was an already doomed ending, did they have to come back and repeat it again?

Wouldn’t it be easier to die on the day of doom?

Sheng An, who was the centerpiece of the prophecy and represented the symbol of the desperate ending, however, suddenly laughed lowly.

The crowd was stunned.

A pair of eyes all looked at her.

The smile at the corner of Sheng An’s mouth became more and more obvious as she turned to look at the person beside her and tilted her head, “Team Qi, Li Xin’s metal ability is being used very well now, let him make some unique metals out of it and rebuild a completely different sniper rifle for you, okay?”

Qi Lingmu froze.

With his perennial tacit understanding, he suddenly understood what Sheng An meant.

With that, Qi Ling Mu smiled faintly, handed the gun over to Sheng An, and nodded, “Good.”

This sniper rifle that he had never left his hand was a reward given to him by the state, representing the glory of his first twenty years.

But glory was written in the bones, not above the external objects.

At this moment.

This gun had its more important value.

Without hesitation or reluctance, Qi Lingmu handed out this gun.

“Sister Sheng?” Jiang Yu was puzzled.

At this time, Sheng An stood up in everyone’s puzzled gaze, without hesitation, bent down, and vigorously slammed that gun hard into the ground, her arm using all her strength, bringing up the wind and lifting the hem of her coat.


The hard gun, was violently destroyed.

The crowd were all stunned, staring at her in disbelief.

Sheng An took the ruined gun and slowly stood up straight, her body was like a pine standing on a cliff, tough and unmoving, she smiled slightly at the crowd, her eyebrows were like the flowers of a cliff, extremely blooming.

Her voice contained a smile, yet she was calm and composed:

“–Now that the gun in this prophecy is gone, who says that the future is destined to be unsolvable?”

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