Chapter 115.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Jiang Yu was on the ground floor of the shelter, her room was not big, but it was highly enclosed, the door, which Li Xin had reinforced, was impenetrable, and above it was a piece of bullet-proof glass, which made it easy for her to look out.

To ensure her safety, she was the only one in this room.

Sheng An told her to enter the space as soon as possible.

But Jiang Yu didn’t.

She knew that Sister Sheng, as well as her teammates, were preparing for battle in their respective positions, waiting for the meteorite to descend in half an hour.

And she didn’t want to enter the space now, she wanted to guard the outside, as if she was fighting alongside her teammates that way.

Of course, she was always on guard.

At the first sign of any mishap, immediately enter space and take cover.

She stood in the doorway, looking out of the glass just enough to see the large television in the distance, which showed the meteorite and the outside world in real time.

The world was going to change.

There was no way for the country to act like a mother hen anymore, completely shielding the people under its wings and not letting them face any storms.

Everyone had to face the world.

Jiang Yu spent the end of the world in her last life in a muddled way, and the only impression she had inside her head was – disaster, destruction, death, and chaos.

At that time, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to describe it as corpses everywhere.

This time was completely different, let her clearly see the meteorites descending, those huge stones with fire, such as pouring rain across, destroying everything, every time the screen flashed, it was switching the lens, meaning the disappearance of a monitor.

Jiang Yu only felt panicked, as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

She instinctively covered her chest and muttered:

“Sister Sheng, you guys must be safe.”

In the core refuge, all areas were busy.

“B21 is being transferred!”

“C33 has been successfully transferred to C30.”

“Central Central, unexpected situation in B45, the number of evacuees has exceeded the number of evacuees, requesting to empty a cargo garage.”

Immediately, a new order was issued, “Agree to empty B45, cargo wagons to be transferred to B46 nearby.”

“Roger, B46 is ready to accept.”

“B45 commencing transfer, estimated completion in nineteen minutes.”

“All preparations have been completed at Zone A shelters.”

“Zone C shelters all complete.”

“Zone B? Zone B?”

“Zone B is expected to be fully completed in eighteen minutes!”

“Zone D. ……”


Sheng An stood at the highest detection position of the core refuge, and Hao Jingye stood next to him.

The screen in front of them was clearer than what they saw underground, and the interface was two more-

The ground was a single refuge, and an inverted bowl, firmly guarded.

The sky was a single locked red dot, approaching the azure planet at a terrifying speed.

And that’s just the large locked meteorites, there were countless more small ones that couldn’t be locked.

And every one of them that landed on the ground would bring about a huge disaster.

The interface kept flashing red alarm signals.

The sky became blood red.

The first batch of interceptor bombs launched from the ground also collided with the red dot at this moment, and on the screen, a blinding white light flashed, after which the interface went black for a full two seconds before it re-lighted.

Only the person in charge knew how many monitors they had switched in these two short seconds.

Individual red dots disappeared, there were also red dots that turned into several small red dots, and there were even red dots that did not undergo any changes.

The densely packed red dots symbolized a meteorite that was still smashing into the ground.

Sheng An and Hao Jingye were not the least bit surprised.

The role of the interceptor bombs was not to actually intercept the meteorites in the first place.

The annihilating meteorite rain, they couldn’t intercept it at all.

But as long as there was one less or a smaller one, the trauma suffered by this planet would be much smaller.

They were not the only country that kept firing interceptors.

The whole world was firing them over their own domains.

No one was skimping on resources.

Even emptying their homes would be worth it in the present.

–The world is destroyed, and nothing will be left.

A second batch of interceptors is also approaching, a third is on its way.

They couldn’t care less about what happened abroad, but the weapons at home were doing their best to defend the country.

The tablet in Hao Jingye’s hand kept switching interfaces, and he looked at Sheng An, “Sister Sheng, it’s all ready.”

Sheng An nodded.

Hao Jingye took a deep breath and counted down silently, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ……”


The fourth air defense siren sounded, and there were only twenty minutes left before the meteorite descended.

Sheng An picked up his communicator, his voice clear, “Launch.”

An audible feedback rang out-

“Roger, A1 Base Doomsday Interceptor One launching!”

“Roger, B1 Base Doomsday Intercept Two launch!”

“Roger, E1 Base Doomsday Intercept Five launch!”

Sheng An pursed his lips.

Hao Jingye’s voice was grave: “Compared to the interceptor bombs, Doomsday Interceptor One to Doomsday Ten are our most core weapons, but …… can only protect the surrounding area centered around the capital at most.”

From determining the news of the End Times to selling the news abroad for supplies, almost all of the country’s technological resources had been burned to the shelter and these ten special interception bombs.

Time was too short, and they could only modify ten of them.

All of them were in the capital city, to use the capital city as the core to intercept the killing meteorites near the capital city.

In the previous life, there were no meteorites that directly smashed into the capital, but the surrounding situation was so severe that the capital suffered the same repercussions.

Instead of letting the country be scarred all over the place, it was better to concentrate on just carving out a truly safe zone as a place of hope for this country and this nation!

Sheng An didn’t say anything.

Hao Jingye pursed his dry lips and tensed, “Sister Sheng …… you say, can the stone city be saved?”

Stone City, close to the capital, was also within the safety belt they were fighting for.

Sheng An stared tightly at the screen, and said only after a long time:

“Do your best to give it a try.”

Another ten minutes had passed by the time the first batch of Doomsday Interceptors hit the meteorite.

The air defense siren was pulled for the fifth time, meaning that there were only ten minutes left.

And with this pull, everyone acted.

The people in the shelter, even if they were apprehensive, even if they were scared, still gritted their teeth and let go of their loved ones, keeping their distance from them and crouching on the ground, lifting their faces.

It was a very strange posture.

But this posture was taught to them by the state, and if someone were to undergo a fae transformation, it would be very obvious in this posture.

They were admonishing each other–

“If I undergo a transformation, yell at once so that the police will notice.”

“Don’t forget to run away, never mind me, once you turn into a fae, you can no longer think of me as your wife.”

“Nui Nui, crouch down here, remember what mom and dad taught you, once we change, you have to run immediately, shouting for people as you run, remember?”

“Grandpa and grandma, you guys sit down in this place, never go near anything that moves differently.”

“Tie my hands, anyway, if you have legs to run, I can’t allow myself to possibly hurt my loved ones.”

And on the ground, Sheng An remained standing.

After pulling the fifth sound, she ordered into her communicator, “Second batch, launch-”

Compared to the first batch.

The second batch of five Doomsday Interceptors were even more significant.

They were able to lock on more accurately and play a greater role based on the first batch.

It was just that the countdown of ten minutes was already the earliest time for them to be launched.

It was too tense.

Hao Jingye felt like it was becoming difficult to breathe.

Within the communicator, receiving the order, the opposite party immediately replied, “Roger, A2 base-”

However, the sound came to an abrupt end.

The sky that could still see daylight suddenly went black, leaving only red in the pitch black, the communicator in front of him made a piercing sound, the screen was filled with snowflakes, and the originally solid communication signals were all interrupted in an instant!

“Zi zi zi ……”

Hao Jingye’s face turned white, “The magnetic field is out of order!”

Not only the magnetic field, the instantaneous collapse of the communication meant that everything from the magnetic field to the radio waves to the light had gone wrong!

Hao Jingye braced himself against the desktop, unable to breathe.


The second batch of the most important Doomsday Interceptor Bombs couldn’t be sent out!

As the one who gave the order, Sheng An remained in the position of holding the communicator.

Her expression did not change in the slightest, “Go down.”

The communication was interrupted, and this was said to the people around her.

Hao Jingye opened his mouth, then clenched his teeth, saluted and immediately turned around to leave.

Sheng An’s other communicator flashed, and Wan Wan’s anxious voice could be faintly heard, “Debug, debug again! It’s okay!”

In the next instant, in this particular communicator, the General Base Chief’s voice was urgent, “Sheng An!”

Sheng An slightly closed his eyes for just an instant, and then opened them again, his eyes clear and his voice cold-

“Abort planA, activate planB, Special Intelligence Division all hands on deck!”

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