Chapter 116.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:42
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The moment Sheng An’s words landed on the ground, a large black bird swept by, carrying Sheng An toward high altitude.

At the same time, several helicopters that were circling were heading straight towards ten thousand feet in the air.

The closer one got to the high altitude, the more powerful pressure could be felt.

When the big bird was approaching the airplane, there was a flash of shadow, and Long Tianyu brought Sheng’an into the middle-most helicopter, and at this time, there was only Qiu Yu inside, except for Team 0’s Jiang Ranshu, who was piloting the airplane.

And Long Tianyu did not stop, will be on another airplane Lou Mingwei sent to the back of Wu Wuyi.

They were all dressed in combat uniforms and their battle spirit was high.

Lou Mingwei: “Combat-wise, it’s true that we still have to rely on our A group.”

Wu Buye scolded, “Shut the fuck up, be careful I’ll throw you down!”

Lou Mingwei wimped out in seconds.

The monitor was still snowed in, Qiu Yu: “Didn’t the communication department prepare for this earlier? Why would they still lose the signal completely?”

Sheng An: “Wan they need debugging time.”

She stares at another screen.

The magnetic field was interfering with the signal and airwaves, however, this screen display was zooming in from above, she reached out her hand and adjusted the direction and size, staring at Long Tianyu and the others.

Qiu Yu’s voice was cold, “I need to manipulate them.”

Sheng An didn’t even raise his head, “I won’t allow it.”

This was not the first time the two had issued this conversation, from the beginning of the deployment, Qiu Yu had repeatedly applied to manipulate the alien’s actions, and Sheng An had refused.

And at times like this, the top chose Sheng An.

This also had to do with the fact that once upon a time, they were positioned for action, and since childhood, Qiu Yu had always been Sheng An’s aid.

In this operation, Sheng An was also the first person in charge.

At the time of the big event, Qiu Yu didn’t and didn’t want to fight for this position, but she wanted the right to manipulate the aliens.

She didn’t trust these guys who hadn’t experienced years of training, nor did she trust their will, fearing that at the most critical time, someone would back out, and one wrong step would result in a total loss.

She would not allow anyone to back down!

However, Sheng An refused her requests for manipulation time and time again.

Autumn Rain’s hand clenched into a fist.

Her eyes were glued to the screen.

Countdown: 3 minutes.

The meteorite was getting closer and closer, and they could already see the red light in the sky.

Countdown: 2 minutes.

Several airplanes shook slightly, and the people inside tensed up, their alien powers active and stupid.

Countdown: 1 minute.

The largest batch of meteorites touched down on the atmosphere.

At the same time, Sheng An droned, “Wu Bu Bu, Lou Ming Danger!”

The airplane amplified her voice.

Wu Buye let out a long whistle, his wings tensed and closed, like a phoenix in nirvana, stepping on the wind boost sent by Nie Changsui, and rushing up ten thousand feet into the air with Lou Mingwei on top of him at an extremely terrifying speed.

The bird feathers on his body fell downwards, but he didn’t care at all.

Even Lou Mingui, who had never been stoic, looked serious at this moment and raised his hand.


He hissed with a fierce expression, his entire body looked as if it had been electrified, and the thunderstorm in his palm emitted a blinding light, and lightning bolts came out from his palm like two giant dragons, pulling the thunderclouds to collide with each other.


The thunderclouds collided, producing astonishing lightning.

And these lightning became his weapons again, chopping at the meteorite, pulling the thunderclouds to overlap, the large meteorite that smashed into the ground with terrifying swiftness, its speed plummeted.

The friction between the atmosphere and the meteorite was so intense that the storm that had been set off by the helicopters that were vertically below it was crushed to pieces.

The sole pilot had been prepared and had parachuted out.

These planes do not carry people, was originally used to prevent the destruction of the aircraft, and make the members of the Special Intelligence Service did not have a landing place, every pilot of this operation, represents the highest level of the country!

Lou Mingwei is undoubtedly strong.

Early awakening is a senior alien, but pulling the thundercloud, with the help of friction lightning, so that the thundercloud overlap to slow down the speed of the meteorite, each step is a huge consumption.

In the instant the meteorite slowed down, Lou Mingwei fell down foaming at the mouth.

In the next instant, Long Tianyu flashed to catch him and brought him back inside the airplane.

And at the same time, Wu Buye’s back was replaced with Ke Jiaxue, Huang Weiyang and Xiang Hanfeng.

Two water systems and one ice system.

Countdown: 30 seconds.

The atmosphere was gas, Ke Jiaxue and Huang Weiyang used their powers at the same time, changing the atmosphere wrapped around the meteorite back to water, and the next moment-

“Ice Seal!” Xiang Han Shuang shouted.

The large ice seal slowed down the meteorite’s speed, trying to make it stop in the atmosphere.

However it was only for a second.


It was the sound of ice shattering.

Xiang Hanfeng’s already pale face turned even whiter.

Qiu Yu’s face changed as he jerked forward two steps, gritting his teeth, “It’s getting close!”

Sheng An was similarly gloomy.

This action was one that had gone through countless pushes, from thunder and lightning to the atmosphere turning to water and ice, every step had been rehearsed over and over again, but the time for the ice to break up was fast!

Every step that followed would be affected.

The shattered ice and meteorites came down like rain, Wu Buye hissed and dodged, and the airplane did its best to avoid it as it staggered.

Sheng An did not hesitate, “Li Xin, Yang Chuan!”

The ice failed to freeze the meteorite, only slowing it down again, and the moment she shouted out the names of the people, Long Tianyu sent the two of them onto Wu Buye’s back, while taking away the shaking Ke Jiaxue and Huang Weiyang.

Countdown: 20 seconds.

Metal elements and earth are the main components of meteorites.

Li Xin had studied for many days, and finally, today, it came into play!

The meteorite that had been slowed down had completely shattered the ice seal, crossed the atmosphere, and was about to fall again, having just shattered the ice seal, it was the moment when the meteorite’s speed was at its slowest.

The next instant!

Under the role of foreign energy, the speed is reduced again!

Li Xin and Yang Chuan acted at the same time, and the large meteorite shattered at the same time.


Two people’s bodies were soft, lying down, broken open meteorite and a few pieces still large, especially in the edge of their control range of the meteorite, just scraped off one-fifth of the size.

And after that-

It smashed into the ground again.

The plane shook, the meteorite was too fast!

Autumn Rain: “No, we need to stop it again!”

In her hand, puppet silk shot out.

Sheng An stared tightly ahead, his voice obscure, “Don’t maneuver, strengthen.”

Qiu Yu was stunned.

Almost instinctively, the puppet silk tied on the three, draining the empty alien energy to strengthen them.

Puppet manipulation was never just manipulation.

She was also able to superimpose the strength of her own alien energy on top of the puppets, causing them to utilize alien energy that exceeded their own abilities.

In the next instant, however, she saw Li Xin roar, “Damn it, I buried my head in hard studying for ten days, not to not be able to stop the meteorite! Yang Chuan, don’t be a wimp!!!”

He didn’t even have time to stand up and unleash his supernatural ability again, his eyes, the corners of his mouth, his nose, and his ears, were all overflowing with blood.

It was almost instinctive.

Yang Chuan, who had also fallen, instinctively activated his powers when he heard the words “Don’t be a wimp”, his face whiter than paper, almost losing consciousness.

Xiang Han Shuang climbed up.

The minors were fighting, was she going to back down?

“Ice Seal!”

The instant she was frozen, she completely fainted.

In just an instant, Qiu Yu’s supernatural energy was drained.

However, she did not disconnect the threads and allowed her face to become whiter and whiter as her body staggered.

Her heart was shocked and complicated.

They were all just newcomers ……

But they were fighting to the death, Sheng An, from beginning to end, believed that they would do their best.

There was no need for a puppet to manipulate them, they voluntarily fought to the death.

Was that why Sheng An didn’t let her manipulate them?

She’s always believed in everyone.

Countdown: 10 seconds.

It was also this instant that Sheng An didn’t split her mind for a second as she shouted, “Last step!”

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