Chapter 117.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An’s head was running at high speed as she stared intently at the screen, commanding the members of the Special Intelligence Division for this battle.

She was going to lead them through the mission, and must not fail.

–Here, it was her battlefield.

The last step, the most crucial step.

In the moment of their last interception, in the moment of hearing Sheng An’s voice ……

The shaky Wu Buye once again let out a long whistle, and with a shock of his wings, he shook off the three weak people on his back, and caught Lai Wan Yun, who had been sent by Long Tianyu.

Without stopping for a moment, putting his best foot forward, he brought Lai Wan Yun from under the meteorite and rowed to the right side at an extremely fast speed, the fire brought by the friction of the meteorite igniting the feathers.

And at the same time, Nie Changsui’s wind swept up Ji Yani, she stepped on the wind and paddled to the left with Zhang Kun at an extremely fast speed.

They only had a second and a half.

This second and a half was what Li Xin, Lou Mingwei, and the others had exchanged by depleting their alien energy.

Sheng An stared tightly above.

In this second and a half, everyone’s blood seemed to boil.

The meteorite’s speed was minimized after multiple interceptions.

Liu Yue and Geng Leqian, the two fire-type adepts who hadn’t made a move, simultaneously snuffed out the fire around the meteorite.

Lai Wan Yun and Zhang Kun passed by like stumps, one on the left and one on the right.

–The large crumbling meteorite, into the space!

The area of Lai Wan Yun’s space emptied out just for today.

All the people in front of them have used up their powers just for today.


The three people who fell Li Xin, tangled in their hair, hanging below the airplane.

Many people were exhausted, their alien energy depleted.


“Watch out!” Yu Feng, who was piloting the helicopter, exclaimed.

With the large meteorite collected, the killing power of the small meteorite falling on the ground was greatly reduced, but also because of this battle, a piece of the meteorite that they had shattered changed its direction and smashed into the capital!

Absolutely not!

Qiu Yu’s face changed.

Sheng An’s body shook and instinctively raised his hand, but he only felt blackness in front of his eyes and high body heat.

Zhuang Fan’s pupils shrunk.

The Speech Spirit Alien had little role to play in this welcoming battle, and he stood inside the airplane, watching his teammates fall one by one and watching them fight to the best of their ability.

At this moment, he looked at the meteorite that smashed into the capital ……

Zhuang Fan rose red in the face and roared-

“Disappear immediately!”

This was the first time he had uttered four words without stuttering.

It was also the first time he had used a speech spirit supernatural ability with such a large effect.

The harder the content of what he said, the higher the consumption of the psychic energy and the less likely it was to succeed.

Making the meteorite disappear was much harder.

Zhuang Fan’s body went limp and his eyes blurred.

But he held on for dear life, endeavoring to see the meteorite with its fiery light – disappear.

Zhuang Fan finally let out a sigh of relief.

Sheng An also let out a similarly long breath, his body braced against the screen in front of him.

Countdown: 0 seconds.

The meteorite rained down on the world.



Destructive sounds resounded on this planet, the entire planet was shaken, the meteorite that smashed into the sea set off a tsunami, and some of the land, instantly disappeared.

Even the areas that hadn’t been hit by the large meteorites were also experiencing strong earthquakes.

Human civilization, was collapsing.

The land became smaller in the tsunami, and the dense primitive forests were directly engulfed in half, fires started, and wild animals fled in all directions.

Tall buildings fall like dominoes.

The city was leveled.

The ground moved with smoke and soot.

The magnetic field was once again unstable and collapsed so badly that all the airplanes in the sky fell.

Lai Wan Yun and Zhang Kun collected the large meteorite.

On top of this map of China, with the capital city as the center of the circle, they had a huge piece of safety zone, the small meteorite could not destroy this entire safety zone.

This will be their hope, the last pure land of human civilization.

The ground was shaking, the planes descending.

Sheng An gave the command, “Return to the ground.”

“Jiang Ling!” Qiu Yu shouted, pulling Sheng An to jump off the plane.

Jiang Ling’s hair wraps around everyone, and then, she hangs onto Wu Buyeo, who is descending, pulling her scalp and grimacing.

Jiang Ling: “F*ck! It hurts like hell, after today, half of my mom’s hair has to be missing!”

Wu Buye; “……”

His wings were vibrating so much that they were hairless, and he still couldn’t stop the descent.

The last bit of Nie Changsui’s alien energy slowed them down in an attempt to reduce gravity.

Li Xin gouged his eyes open, “Are we going to land in a box?”

Long Tianyu pushed his head down, “You might as well be dizzy.”

While falling at extreme speed, Sheng An revealed a smile.

The ground was shaking, for a moment, almost everyone was unsteady on their feet, the table was secured but the chairs rattled in the shaking.

The communication that had just been restored collapsed again, and Million Yuan sat in the communication department, standing in front with his gun.

His voice was hoarse, “Keep debugging.”

Even if it was shaky, they had to do their best to debug the communications and resume monitoring as soon as possible.

This was necessary work.

Today, everyone was putting their best foot forward to fight for a future.

And right now, they had something even more terrifying to do –

The moment the meteorite smashed into the ground, it brought a terrifying energy, wrapped in a special substance that instantly dispersed all over the world, infecting everyone silently as the wolf smoke moved the ground.

Some people were feverish and collapsed.

There were also people whose bodies convulsed and whose eyes gradually changed.


“Dad! Something happened to my dad!”

“Be careful, run!”

“There’s someone abnormal here too, quick, tie her up first!”

“All get out of the way, don’t come any closer, the patrol is coming!”

The core shelter.

There are not many people here, but more of the country’s managers as well as staff and researchers, several major research institutes, the Waste Land Cultivation Research Center, and the Communications Headquarters …… are all here.

They are the backbone of the country, and the key to maintaining order in the last days.

In the midst of the earthquake, everyone was insisting on working.

There were also people who were busy shuttling.

Fae, just because they were the core refuge, wouldn’t stop appearing.

Tang Fang and Lu Ming were the two medics who were in the core shelter, ready to reinforce the other shelters.

When the earthquake was at its most violent, Tang Fang leaned against the wall next to him, waiting for the most powerful wave to pass.

Lu Ming was just like him.

Lu Ming: “I wonder how the ground is doing? The underground always feels unsafe, I’m very afraid that it’ll all collapse in an earthquake.”

Tang Fang: “It must be bad, it’s the end of the world, however, underground shelters are still safer than the ground, a big earthquake will cause cracks inside, and with houses collapsing and smoke rolling, it’s easy to create chaos. Underground shelters are specially built by the state, and reinforced by gold aliens, they definitely won’t collapse.”

He exhaled a breath, “Shit, this earthquake has at least eight magnitude, I am almost shaking and vomiting, this is still the result of the Special Intelligence Service’s firebenders after dealing with the large meteorite, I dare not imagine if the large meteorite is not dealt with ……”

He recited, but realized that there was no sound around him.

Tang Fang was stunned and looked over furiously.

The person beside him stiffened and didn’t move a muscle.

Tang Fang’s pupils shrank, and before he could escape, “Lu Ming” had already pounced over, his expression bloodthirsty and vicious.

His movements were sudden, vicious and fierce, almost impossible to escape.

Tang Fang stiffened, shivering as he clenched his teeth.


Before he could even get next to him, or even if there was just a movement, Lu Ming had already collapsed and wasn’t breathing.

Tang Fang was bewildered.

Then he reacted violently.


The Special Intelligence Service still had the Anchor of the Spirit System Ability King, and today, he was guarding the Core Refuge.

Tang Fang instantly relaxed and became at ease.

In a position that everyone couldn’t see, Qi Lingmu stood quietly, his eyes closed, covering the entire core of the refuge.

A huge sniper rifle in the void, silently firing shot after shot.

These people were the backbone of the country, vital.

But the Chief Basemaster had said that once someone turned into a Fae, they were to be killed immediately, including the Basemaster himself.

The Fae’s transformation time was short, and he needed to capture that short time.

The ground was Sheng An’s battlefield.

–Here, it was his battlefield.

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