Chapter 119.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:54
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The sky was filled with smoke and dust, the sky was densely scratched with fire-like meteorites, and the ground trembled with the occasional sound of a building collapsing in the distance.

Against the backdrop of such an extreme disaster, Sheng An carried her hand firmly with a post-battle wound.

After her, Qiu Yu, Zhuang Fan, Lai Wan Yun, Long Tianyu, and Nie Changsui …… one by one braced themselves and stood up, and in the half bright, half dark, blood red world, they were like distinct banners.

No matter what the world was destroyed into, no matter how violent the meteorite rain was, no matter how many times they fell, they would still stand up.

Standing in the world of heaven and earth, in the world of disaster.

-like for this country, sounding the horn of victory in the first battle.

And this report, this one image, appeared on top of every screen that gradually restored communication, informing everyone who was apprehensive.

The general base chief looked at the big screen and wet his eyes.

Qi Lingmu was in the corner of countless people, slowly revealing a smile.

Jiang Yu had already come out of the space, and she rubbed her forehead as she cried.

Ruan Zifeng stopped patrolling and revealed a bright smile, Gu Qiansheng and Zuo Fan, a Group A power alien, were in the inspection team and laughed out lowly.

Song Linwei weakly hooked up the corners of his mouth inside the half-dazed, half-awake hospital room.

And Hao Jingye, who had come to pick them up, brought Old Man Qin as well as Qin Xuan, standing not far away, watching them.

With that–

Then he saw Sheng An faintly smile and fell down with a reassuring smile, his body planted straight down.

“Sister Sheng!”

Hao Jingye’s footsteps were hurried and he entered the communication department.

This was the most important department at the moment, with countless people busy inside and many people traveling back and forth.

Wan Wan: “How is Sister Sheng doing?”

Hao Jingye: “Just sent to the hospital, she’s in a special situation and the experts are studying it.”

After a pause, he sighed, “Sister Sheng doesn’t know what’s going on with this psychic ability, she’s had a fever since five days ago, and the situation is complicated now, it’s different from all the people who have awakened their psychic abilities.”

“How many people in Team 0 have awakened their psychic abilities?” Wan Wan asked.

Hao Jingye: “Currently, only Yu Feng is awakening, however, according to the previous information, awakening psychic abilities is not just for today, every day from today, there is a possibility of awakening psychic abilities, it’s just that today has the highest number.”

Wan Wan paused slightly, then his voice was soft, “But- Fae as well.”

Hao Jingye’s heart tightened.

He shook his head, “Take your time, how are the communications now? And what’s the situation everywhere?”

Although the communications department reported news all the time.

However, Sister Sheng was still fainting, so Hao Jingye was a little worried, so he ran to split his mind.

Wan Wan sniffed and looked solemn: “The capital and its surroundings are several times better than what Lai Wan Yun, Long Tianyu and the others remembered, and much better than what we had preset, but there are some places where the situation is worse than what was preset, and communication hasn’t been fully restored yet, and there’s no way to get in touch with all the shelters.”

The meteorite had changed the sun’s magnetic field and the Earth’s magnetic field, and it would take time to get in touch with all the shelters.

But one can also imagine the situation elsewhere.

Outside meteorites were still slamming down, occasionally interspersed with a larger one.

The fires, smoke, and earthquakes accompanying the meteorites are affecting all shelters, large and small, across the country.

Right now, at least a small half of the country was burning.

Hao Jingye took a deep breath and let it out again in a long exhale.

–Whip out.

In this current situation, what the core shelters could do was to share information in real time, synchronizing the latest situation as well as the crisis to the other shelters, which was why the communications department was important.

The communications department was a myriad of machines, and from the moment Hao Jingye came in, alarms were constantly sounding.

There were also countless places with flashing signal lights.

Someone looked up and shouted, “Brother Wan, the hills around the capital are burning!”

Wan took a deep breath and ordered, “Report it first.”

He let out a long sigh, “Not to mention the fires elsewhere, right now there’s no time to worry about the mountain fires in the capital, all the firefighters are cleaning up the fires around the shelters.”

After the meteor, the temperature had been rising, before it was still 15 degrees, now it was 27 degrees and the temperature was still soaring.

As if he thought of something, he pursed his dry lips and twisted his head to ask, “The two Fire Exalts and two Water Exalts, what’s the situation now? Can they act?”

The Special Intelligence Service’s fire and water systems were already high-level psychics, capable of playing important roles.

“The alien energy is depleted, they are still resting, they need to wait a little longer before they can act.”

He shook his head, “Still too short of people, alien energy awakening needs time, the stronger the alien, the longer it takes to awaken, the alien who just awakened on the side is still weak ……”

Wan Wan: “It’s not bad, an alien is a battle force, I wish there were more water and fire aliens now.”

He pulls on his collar and looks at the temperature again.

Oh exempt, it’s 30 degrees.

Hao Jingye: “No matter what kind of alien, one more would be good.”

Wan Wan touched his head and shook it off.

“Is it that hot?” Hao Jingye instinctively stretched out his hand, then his eyes widened, “You’re at least forty degrees right now, you’re awakening your powers!”

“Huh?” Wan Wan froze.

Hao Jingye hurriedly greeted the people to get him to the side, and sure enough, it didn’t take long for Wanyuan to start running a fever.

Looking at him, Hao Jingye frowned.

Team 0 already had two awakened psychic abilities, as well as strong people like Team Qi, as well as Sister Sheng, who was in a special situation like this, so what about Lai Wan Yun and Long Tianyu in their last life?

Sheng An didn’t stay unconscious for long.

Many people who were in the process of awakening their psychic abilities woke up only after the fever had subsided, or even after the fever had subsided.

Only Sheng An, who had an overly strong willpower, was clearly still feverish, but had opened her eyes and stayed awake.

She had just opened her eyes when she saw Dr. Yan with a group of white coats surrounding her.

Sheng An tried to get up.

Dr. Yan held her down and shook his head, “You lie down again.”

Sheng An’s voice was hoarse: “What time is it?”

Dr. Yan: “Don’t worry, you’ve only been unconscious for an hour, Team Leader Sheng, even though I know you won’t perform, I still strongly suggest that you rest and rest more.”

Sheng An did not respond.

At this time, Hao Jingye rushed over.

His voice was excited, “Sister Sheng!!!”

Looking behind him, most of the members of Team B who had just changed their clothes and had pale faces had come.

Lai Wan Yun, Long Tianyu, Wu Buye, Li Xin, Zhang Kun, Ke Jiaxue, Liu Yue, Ji Yani, Qin Xuan and old man Qin, and Zhuang Fan.

Sheng An: “Where are the others?”

Hao Jingye immediately replied back, “Team Qi is guarding the core refuge, Gu Qiansheng and Ruan Zifeng are inspecting the capital refuge, Song Linwei, Yu Feng, and Wan Yuan are awakening their powers, and Jiang Yu should still be hiding in the safe house.”

Sheng An nodded.

Hao Jingye excitedly looked at Dr. Yan and asked the question everyone was most curious about, “What kind of alien ability has Sheng awakened?”

From the beginning before the end of the day until now, Sheng An had been awakening her supernormal abilities for too long.

Very strong supernormal abilities all take time to awaken, five days is not the longest, but you have to know that Sheng An was five days before the end of the day!

Awakening alien abilities in advance were all very rapid, and Sheng An was so long that it was bizarre.

–This was still something that had never happened before.

Dr. Yan, however, did not answer.

He looked at Sheng An, “Team Leader Sheng, do you know what kind of alien ability you have?”

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