Chapter 120.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:51:57
A+ A- Turn Off Light

What supernormal ability?

Sheng An froze, then, she shook her head, “I don’t know.”

Her feeling was no different from the previous days, a little feverish, but it didn’t affect her thinking.

Just now, she also fainted because of the tightness of her spirit and the meteorite affecting her body, otherwise, she would have stayed awake as she did in the previous days.

As for the supernormal ability ……

She actually didn’t feel anything.

Sheng An looked at her hands, and a few doubts surfaced in her eyes.

Dr. Yan let out a long sigh and spread his hands, “That’s why we’re guarding you here, because we also don’t know what kind of alien ability you have.”

The crowd was startled.

Long Tianyu immediately frowned, “That’s not right, aren’t you guys able to name the powers?”

If you don’t know what kind of supernormal ability it is, just like Qi Ling Mou, you can give it a name, Qi Ling Mou can even give it a domineering name, Sheng An, no matter how domineering it is, it’s also a matter of course.

How is it not known?

Another researcher shook his head, “No, it’s not that we don’t know the name of Team Leader Sheng’s ability, but even what her ability looks like, we don’t know!”

To set a name, one must at least know the ability.

Dr. Yan explained, “The special substance active inside your blood is currently the most numerous one for an alien, more than Team Qi, logically speaking, your alien ability is very strong, however, we can’t monitor your alien ability, you’re not the same as all the other aliens.”

Whether it was an early awakening or one in the process of awakening, she was different, unique, and without any reference data.

The crowd frowned.

Lai Wan Yun: “What do you mean?”

Dr. Yan looked at Sheng An: “That’s why we want to see if you know your powers and if you can use them.”

Sheng An shook his head, “I can’t.”

Not knowing about the alien ability and not being able to use it.

–She didn’t think she had any special abilities.

Dr. Yan sighed softly, “True enough, we also guessed that you might not be able to use your psychic ability.”

“What do you mean? So Sister Sheng has psychic abilities?” Li Xin was bewildered.

Dr. Yan’s tone was certain, “Yes.”

He laid out a thick pile of various data in his hands and added, “She must have psychic abilities, and like the original Special Intelligence Bureau’s analysis, her psychic abilities should be very strong, and before Team Leader Sheng woke up, we also analyzed it with many people.”

After a pause, he looked grave, “We feel …… like Team Leader Sheng’s alien ability is overdrawn.”

“Huh?” Ji Yani was bewildered.

Wasn’t this just an awakening?

How is it overdrawn?

Ke Jiaxue was puzzled, “Even if it’s overdrawn, you shouldn’t be unaware of your alien ability?”

Dr. Yan shook his head, “In her case, it’s like she overdrafted to the point where her supernatural ability was fragmented, so she repeatedly awakened many times before the end of the day, all of which ended in failure, but then again, she does have supernatural ability, and she didn’t awaken out of it the next time, and the next time, she awakened.”

Upon hearing this, everyone’s brows furrowed to death.

Hao Jingye pushed up his glasses, “How could this happen? Then what is Sister Sheng going to do about this? Can the supernormal ability still be there or not?”

Sheng An’s supernormal ability was crucial.

But the problem now was that they couldn’t even figure out what kind of alien ability she had!

Moreover, she couldn’t stay like this.

“The fact that she will have fever over and over again means that the supernormal ability is still there, just like a big tree that has died, but the roots are still there, now that the meteorite has descended, bringing with it the special substance that prompts everyone to awaken their supernormal ability, under the influence of the substance, she might slowly recover, and of course, we’ll help her to recover as well.”

Dr. Yan organized the information in his hand and looked at her, “We do have two very extreme guesses towards the absolute two sides.”

Wu Buye immediately pursued, “What are they?”

However, Dr. Yan shook his head, “Both of these guesses are too unbelievable, before determining what kind of psychic ability Team Leader Sheng has, we won’t publicize the two speculations, for everyone’s sake, and for Team Leader Sheng’s sake as well.”

“We can’t even tell our own people?” Lai Wan Yun frowned.

Dr. Yan: “We can’t, because both speculations are hypotheses, hypotheses that are shocking and unbelievable even to ourselves.”

He looked into Sheng An’s eyes with a complex expression, “We look forward to Team Leader Sheng knowing about his powers soon.”

Sheng An slightly lowered her eyes.

After a long time, she slowly spoke, “Good.”

Looking at her reaction, she seemed to have guessed something!

Hao Jingye looked at Dr. Yan and then at Sheng An, falling into deep thought.

The others were baffled.

Li Xin scratched his head, “Why are you only saying half of what you’re saying? This is too appetizing.”

Wu Buye had long ago quietly touched the side of Dr. Yan.

At this moment, he was in a trance, his pupils were seismic, and he looked at Sheng An in shock, then, as if he hadn’t heard anything, he retreated back.

Only, the expression became more and more trance-like.

Zhuang Fan saw it and looked at him a few more times.

Li Xin still wanted to break the pot of sand and ask to the end, and Old Man Qin weakly interjected:

“Can we eat now? Didn’t you say that we’re going to act again later?”

The Special Intelligence Service was the most important and powerful force at the moment, and the higher-ups had a lot of arrangements for them, and Qiu Yu had already braced his body for action.

Sheng An was still unconscious from earlier, and the others had to rest as well, which was why they stayed in the Core Refuge.

Although the capital was considered a safe zone, there were many problems.

When Sheng An woke up, he had to take the Special Intelligence Service to deal with the problems that the others couldn’t solve, as well as to launch a rescue, they had to completely clean up the capital as soon as possible.

Long Tianyu death gazed at him, ”What does the Special Intelligence Service’s actions have to do with you? You old man is just a dry eater!”

Old man Qin shrunk his neck.

Qin Xuan blinked his innocent eyes, his tone innocent: “I can help too, grandpa and I are not dry eaters, uncle, do you want me to prophesy you?”

Long Tianyu: “……”

The corner of his mouth twitched, “Forget it, I don’t want to know when I’m going to die. Also, call brother!”

Sheng An had already unplugged the various instruments and gotten out of bed.

Her body was still slightly warm, but she didn’t take it to heart, straightening her clothes and looking calm, “Time is running out, let’s get ready to go.”

The ground shook, another wave of earthquake.

She stopped, as if she thought of something, and suddenly said, “Call Little Fish, that secret of hers, she’s been hiding it long enough.”

Jiang Yu said yesterday that she would tell her the secret after the meteorite rain.

Sheng An hooked the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Yu was carried here.

Seeing this, everyone froze.

Sheng An immediately frowned, “What’s wrong?”


Wasn’t Jiang Yu being protected?

Before the person carrying her could say anything, Jiang Yu poked out her red head and smiled like a two-timer-

“Sister Sheng! I’ve awakened my powers!!!”

The crowd was shocked.


Jiang Yu had actually awakened her supernormal abilities?

Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun looked at each other and both saw shock in each other’s eyes, if you didn’t have supernormal abilities in your last life, can you still have supernormal abilities in this life?

Sheng An was also surprised.

She was puzzled, “What supernormal ability?”

Jiang Yu’s round face was red, smiling out two rows of white teeth, stretching out his hand, trying to show them his alien ability.

However, it was still in the fever stage, not yet fully awakened, and after holding it for half a day, nothing came out of his hand, but a small flower emerged from the top of his head, and shook it, as if greeting Sheng An.

Jiang Yu touched the small flower on top of his head and grinned:

“Plant-based psychic ability.”

Sheng An raised his eyebrows.

The plant faculty they had been waiting for appeared.

It was Jiang Yu himself.

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