Chapter 129.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:52:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After a moment of confusion, there was great anger.

What kind of group of people were they?

The current strongest people in this world!

All of the early awakened adepts were high-ranked powerhouses, representing the strongest fighting force, and together, their group was an existence capable of intercepting meteorites.

Surprisingly, someone stole something from under their noses?

This was provocation, right?

Gu Qiansheng’s expression chilled down, his eyes cold: ”Is it a newly awakened alien? Ignoring the rules of the Special Intelligence Service and giving us a war cry? Really looking for death.”

A person like him who had a lordly temperament had become low-profile when set off by the group of people around him.

Who was it that was so arrogant even now?

Qi Lingmu walked next to Sheng An and shook his head, “I didn’t detect any abnormalities.”

The words landed on the ground, and in an instant everyone’s hearts sank.

Sheng An narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Previously, Qi Lingmu’s supernatural energy had consumed too much, so she didn’t turn on her supernatural energy when she came back to rest, and the two of them, due to their years of habit, maintained instinctive vigilance even when they slept.

In just now, she intuited that something was wrong, so she sat up.

Qi Ling Mou is originally a spiritual system of supernormal ability, in her slight movement instantly, immediately perceive that something is not right, use supernormal ability.

Didn’t notice the abnormality, means he didn’t find anything wrong even when he used his psychic ability.

The [King’s Anchor] was directly covering an area, so if he couldn’t detect the abnormality, was it possible for others to find it?


How powerful is this thief?

Long Tianyu: “Could it have left already?”

Song Linwei had a headache and rubbed his brow, “Even if it’s already left, it’s still terrifying, and besides, what kind of abnormality can move an entire iceberg?”

He pointed at the large empty basin in the center.

Wu Buye suddenly said, “Could it not be human?”


Wu Buye: “Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun said that anything can happen in the end times, radiation-mutated cockroaches, birds, and other mutated creatures.”

The meteorite destroyed the world, but it didn’t make it so that there were no more creatures out there other than humans.

Other than humans, other creatures suffered the same crisis in the midst of the end times, with many kinds of organisms going extinct all together, especially plants, the scorched earth world simply didn’t have the nutrients they could absorb.

Radiation and strong ultraviolet rays, many creatures directly extinct, the ecological chain completely collapsed.

Of course, there were no “survivors”.

Like humans, those who survived the catastrophe and didn’t die would undergo some unexpected mutations, but they would be extremely rare.

It’s possible, but–

Lai Wan Yun: “Then tell me, mutated creatures stealing things to eat is normal, what’s the point of stealing ice?”

Wu Buye: “……” That’s true.

He couldn’t help but pick at his head with a great headache.

Hao Jingye, who sat up and didn’t say anything the entire time, raised his head and pushed up his glasses:

“I’ve just sifted through the abilities of all the psychics in the core refuge, and there are none that match the situation, and those who can make ghosts under the eyes of the Special Intelligence Service, either their psychic abilities are so powerful that they exceed ours, or their psychic abilities are so special that the QI team can’t find them. But, at least from the list of xenos, there are no matches.”

Ji Yani looked at him and sighed, “Assistant Hao, this head and execution power of yours, even if you don’t awaken your psychic ability, it’s still not in the least bit worse than awakening your psychic ability.”

Hao Jingye rolled his eyes.

This compliment was not as good as not complimenting him, poking him right in the sore spot.

Sheng An stood up from the ground and straightened her clothes, “Long Tianyu, go to Team A and borrow Ruan Zifeng, the others check the villa, Hao Jingye, Song Linwei, check the surveillance.”

She lowered her eyes slightly, “Whatever it is, it has to be found.”

Whatever it was, it was obviously highly capable.

Then she had to turn it out and add another member to their B team.


It was also almost time to sleep, so when they answered, all hands went to work.

The two groups AB and AB worked alternately, group B rested, group A was on duty, especially Ruan Zifeng, who was the busiest one, and it was hard to sit down and rest, the cup was only brought up when the person disappeared.

The air left a sentence: “Lend your people a hand!”

Lou Mingwei: “?”

Xiang Hanxiang: “??”

Taking a deep breath, Geng Leqian twisted her head to look at Qiu Yu: “Team Leader Qiu, our group is just going to be borrowed by Team B?”

It was almost like a joke, Group B entering Group A was like entering their own backyard.

They were two opposing groups!

Qiu Yu had a calm face, “When it’s our turn to go on a mission, go borrow Group B’s space alien, Lai Wan Yun.”

Instantly, Group A was satisfied.

Qiu Yu asked again, “No space alien yet?”

Gu Cheng shook his head, also regretting, “Not yet.”

What a hell!

Qi Lingmu didn’t find any anomalies, Wu Buye didn’t hear any heartbeats, and Ruan Zifeng likewise didn’t find anything, checking the surveillance outside the villa, there were no creatures coming in or out except for them.

Inside the villa, there is no surveillance, of course, even if there is probably can not check.

Qi Lingmu and Ruan Zifeng plus Wu Buye were more powerful than any surveillance.

Sheng An frowned and tapped his fingers on the back of Qi Ling Mou’s hand with a deep thought.

Qi Ling Mou glanced at the time with her other hand, it was almost dark and they were going out on a mission.

“That thief shouldn’t be malicious.” Qi Lingmu shook Sheng An’s hand, “There’s no rush, take your time to find it.”

Sheng An: “I’m curious, how did the thief get rid of that whole block of ice?”

She shook her head and retracted her thoughts, “Let’s get down to business first, Hao Jingye, have someone set up the surveillance, also, everyone be careful, whatever it is, be safe.”

The others nodded breathlessly.

Not finding it was a bit heavy after all.

Especially for this group of “Sons/Daughters of Heaven’s Destiny”, it was as if their faces were being rubbed on the ground.

Just after opening his eyes, he heard this sentence, Li Xin’s eyes were sleepy and his face was confused: “What happened?”

Wu Buye: “Sometimes I really envy you, ignorance is also a kind of ease.”

Li Xin: “?”

Old man Qin and Qin Xuan had woken up long ago.

Hugging Qin Xuan tightly, Old Man Qin weakly said, “I’m going on a mission with you guys today.”

Long Tianyu frowned: “Why are you going out? It’s not like you have the ability to defend yourself, adding to the trouble?”

Old man Qin justified, “There are unknown thieves infesting this place, I’m afraid.”

Lai Wan Yun: “…………”

Convinced this old thing.

Couldn’t find it by all means, so he had to let it go for now, Sheng An led the people to leave the villa.

Before leaving the door, Ruan Zifeng looked back at the empty basin.

He frowned and muttered, “How come it feels like there’s a little more water?”

In the distance, Lou Mingwei shouted, “Ruan Zifeng! Are you leaving or not, so reluctant to leave Group B? Are you going to join them?”

Ruan Zifeng: “Coming!”

He hurriedly ran outside, not forgetting to say to Sheng An, “Sister Sheng, I think that basin for ice seems a bit strange, I’m not sure, you guys look more!”

Since awakening his probing ability, when the experts gave him training, they told him in his ear –

No detail should be spared, even if you vaguely feel that it’s not right, you have to say it, you’d rather be wrong, you can’t miss it, that’s the main point of using the Scrying Ability.

Sheng An turned back violently, looking towards the basin where the ice was placed, narrowing his eyes, his eyes deep.

The construction of the base in the capital city continued, and at this moment, communication had been restored for the most part, at least, contact was made with most of the first level shelters in the country.

The capital city was a safe zone, but other cities were all over the place because of the meteorite’s descent, the first thing to do was to extinguish the fire, relief and rescue, real-time intelligence was gathered towards the core shelters.

Real-time dispatch from all over the world, everything is still under control.

There is strength in numbers, and the national order is still in place, enlisting the hearts and minds of the people in the first place, so both ordinary people and xenos are contributing, and the situation everywhere is much better than expected.

Only the hard-to-prepare-for fae crisis brought trouble from time to time.

The daytime temperature was too high, and safety was the primary concern of the shelter before the end of the day, but the resources that should be there had been stockpiled, and while the base was being constructed tonight, solar power panels had to be installed on the shelter to keep it warm.

Even the roof of Sheng An’s villa is covered with power generation panels, so they no longer need to borrow ice from Han Shuang.

At the same time, they have to prepare for the start of the underground and above ground factories.

Everyone is busy, in this scorched earth, human beings are like a small ant, with extremely terrible speed, building a large base to protect human beings in the future.

Qi Lingmu stood at the highest position in the core shelter, her powers fully open.

Sheng An, on the other hand, was at the Wasteland Planting Research Institute.

“Where’s Jiang Yu?” She asked.

Academician Zhou: “Planting.”

Saying this, he pulled a bell, the ringing was extremely penetrating, and Sheng An covered her ears.

Jiang Yu appeared out of thin air, covered in dirt, her feet covered in mud.

As soon as she came out, she cursed, “Old man Zhou, what are you doing? Let me finish planting and ripening all of Lot 1 today, so don’t bother me!!!”

She was an angry fish at this moment.

When she saw that Sheng An was also there, Jiang Yu screamed and wailed-

“Sister Sheng! Are you here to take me back!”

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