Chapter 133.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:52:34
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sheng An and Qi Lingmu were the first to arrive at the kitchen, Long Tianyu with Gu Qiansheng, Ji Yani with Lai Wan Yun followed, followed by the others who arrived one after another.

All waiting to catch the thief, naturally reacting quickly.

The kitchen was a mess.

The cabbages on the ground were torn apart and thrown all over the place, as if they could feel the anger of the guy who threw the stuff.

Sheng An and Qi Ling Mu squatted on the floor, as if rummaging for something.

“What’s wrong?”

“Is it that thief who appeared?!”

Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun spoke in unison.

Song Linwei sighed, “Most likely it appeared, just not caught.”

Gu Qiansheng frowned and shook his head, “I used my supernatural ability, if the thief is not stronger than me, he has a special supernatural ability and my ability is useless against him.”

Everyone’s hearts sank.

How could Lai Wan Yun not be angry when she rushed so fast and still didn’t catch it?

She stormed out, “Damn it, what kind of person is it? This is a naked provocation, first stealing something, then using my towel, and now starting to make trouble ……”

She twisted her head to look at Wu Buye and gritted her teeth, “You use your mind-reading technique to sift through the people one by one, let’s check all the people in the core shelter!”

At that, Wu Buye shook his head, “Can’t find them.”

He pointed around, “The doors and windows are all closed, Sister Sheng and Team Qi reacted fast enough, yet they still didn’t catch it, so there’s a high probability that the thief is still in the villa and we can’t see it at all, sifting is useless.”

Zhuang Fan: “Hmm.”

Wu Buye translated, “He said that based on the analysis of years of creative experience, that guy is so wild that he must still be inside the villa, and, most likely, has always been there.”

“What do you mean?” Li Xin was puzzled.

Gu Qiansheng took a deep breath and slowly uttered a creepy sentence:

“-The burglar may have been at the villa all along, not just yesterday and today.”

As the words landed, Ji Yani and the others rubbed their arms.

Long Tianyu: “Goosebumps are rising, this is too scary!”

Li Xin: “Is it invisible?”

Song Linwei looks at Sheng An and Qi Lingwu, who are wearing gloves and are checking out the crushed cabbage leaves piece by piece.

He was a bit puzzled and continued his analysis, “It might be related, but I have a hunch that it’s not ordinary invisibility, or else why didn’t both Team Qi and Ruan Zifeng find it? It’s really strange.”

Ji Yani sighed and said sadly, “How on earth can we find it? I get the creeps when I think of someone living inside the villa and we can’t see it.”

She sighted around, only to feel that nothing looked quite right anywhere, her scalp tingling.

Old Man Qin was cowering behind Li Xin with Qin Xuan in his arms.

Li Xin rolled her eyes and ignored them, frowning, “It’s very powerful, whether it’s a special ability or very strong itself, it’s very difficult to deal with.”

They couldn’t see that person, while the other party could appear next to them without a sound, was it possible that as long as the other party held a knife, they could easily wipe out their necks?

Thinking of this, Long Tianyu and the others subconsciously touched their necks.

Lai Wan Yun was furious but could do nothing about it and deflated, “F*ck, I didn’t expect to awaken in advance a more powerful psychic ability than in my last life, and gather so many experts, but there are still people we can’t deal with?”

Old man Qin spoke quietly, “It may not be a person ……”

The crowd looked at him in unison with skeptical eyes.

Song Linwei: “What do you mean?”

Could it be that this old man knows something?

Old man Qin looked scared, “Maybe it’s a ghost? A Villa Paranormal Incident …… Why don’t we live somewhere else?”

The crowd:”……” simultaneously retracted their eyes, their eyes disgusted.

Song Linwei looked at Sheng An again, more and more curious, and was about to open his mouth-

Qi Lingwu suddenly looked up, raising a leaf in his hand, “Found it.”

Sheng An also had a piece in his hand, and immediately looked over at the words, revealing a smile, “Enough.”

Lai Wan Yun was bewildered, “What does it mean?”

Long Tianyu was equally puzzled, “What the hell are you guys doing? The cabbage was moved by that person? What are you looking for in him?”

A bunch of cabbages, what can you be looking for?

Sheng An stood up and gave him a sidelong glance, clearly not saying anything, but letting Long Tianyu truly feel that his IQ was disliked ……

Hao Jingye wrapped himself tightly and came in from outside, covered in sweat, his tone eager:

“Sister Sheng, it’s ready.”

Sheng An handed him the transparent bag with two leaves in it, her expression light –

“Send it off for a DNA test.”

Crowd: “??”

Sheng An looked at them and smiled slightly, “Who says there are no clues? Trust in the power of technology for a bit.”

She wasn’t prepared to directly catch that guy from the start, if she could, she wouldn’t have hidden it for so many days.

Whatever it was, there was always food.

Emptying the food inside the villa, only leaving a pile of cabbages that the other party probably wouldn’t eat, and they were still raw, so as long as the other party got angry and touched the pile of cabbages, it would leave traces.

Probably too angry, the other party seems to have bitten ……

That would be too good to be true, and it would be immediately clear exactly what it was.

Hopefully her guess was right.

Crowd: “????”

-Fuck, it’s even possible!

Hao Jingye put the bag into his suitcase and hurried out again.

Sheng An glanced at the time and lifted her chin, “There’s still an hour to wake up time, sleep some more, there’s still quite a lot to do today.”

After saying that, she lifted her foot to leave.

Qi Lingmu followed noiselessly, no one noticed.

The crowd was still in a bit of a trance, staring blankly at the broken leaves on the ground.

Lai Wan Yun gulped, “After the DNA test, can we find it?”

Ji Yani: “You’re suspecting Sister Sheng?”

Lai Wan Yun: “……”

She turned away, “Sleep! When I catch that pervert, I need to punish him severely.” If it’s a male, just castrate him!

Sheng An has already made a move, no matter who it is, odds are that he won’t be able to run away.

Let’s get some sleep first.

All of them went back to their rooms, and when they reached the second floor, Long Tianyu passed by a room and was slightly stunned when he saw that the door was half-covered.

He gently pushed open the door of the room, inside the bed, the quilt folded into tofu blocks, a little crease is not, just like no traces of living.

Long Tianyu puzzled: “Qi Lingmu where?”

Just got up in such a hurry, he even had time to fold the quilt?

Wu Buye passed by and spoke quietly, “Probably protecting Sister Sheng.”

Long Tianyu: “????”

As if he thought of something, he gritted his teeth, “When did this guy go?!”

Didn’t they all go to their respective rooms yesterday?

Moreover, Sheng An didn’t need Qi Ling Mou’s protection, and even if he did, that supernatural ability of his was long-range and didn’t need close guarding at all!

Lai Wan Yun gave him a disgusted look, “You’re just sour.”

She shook her head, “Single dog, what do you know.”

Long Tianyu: “……”

Lai Wan Yun were gone before he came back to his senses and scolded, “Aren’t you also a single dog? A bunch of single dogs, who dislikes who!”

He stood in place luck.

How about ……

go and knock on a door?

Just after thinking so, he felt that he seemed to be locked by something ……

Long Tianyu silently returned to his room.

Sheng An wanted the results, and the Institute side quickly fed back.

However, in an hour, the sun had just gone down, and by the time everyone woke up one after another, the report was sent to Sheng An’s communicator.

Her eyes flickered slightly, and she sent a few more messages to Hao Jingye-

[Bring something over ……]

Coming out of the room, the others had just gotten up as well.

Lai Wan Yun got up the earliest, as soon as she saw Sheng An come out, she immediately asked, “How is it? Any results yet?”

Long Tianyu looked at Sheng An, and then looked at Qi Lingwu …… who had just come out of his own room with suspicious eyes.

Qi Ling Mu expressionless back to look at him.

Line of sight touching, Long Tianyu silently retracted, looked at Sheng An, a serious: “Is it a pervert? How else would you hide it and steal it to use with a human towel?”

If he was a serious person, he would have directly joined the Special Intelligence Service.

How could he hide his head?

Sheng An shook her head.

She revealed a smile, her voice containing laughter, “No, not a person.”

“Huh?” The crowd was bewildered.

Hao Jingye came in with a quick step, Sheng An reached out her hand and took the bag he brought, taking things out one by one and laying them on the ground, piling them into a small mountain.

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