Chapter 143.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:53:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The fae didn’t say anything, his body shook, his eyes were gloomy, staring dead at Sheng An and Qi Ling Mu.

Wu Buye shook his head.

The heart sound was chaotic, a mishmash of sounds, unable to hear any useful information.

When he experimented in the core refuge, the fae’s heartbeat was different from that of ordinary human beings, and only occasionally could he hear a few sentences, but most of the time, what he could hear was “chaos”, “blood” and “madness”. “This is especially true of this one.

This one is especially bad.

There was no message other than chaos.

Sheng An lifted her chin, “Do you want to leave?”

The fae stared at her intently and spoke slowly, as if squeezing a sentence out of a torn throat:

“You will let me leave?”

Sheng An nodded: “I’ll let you go if you cooperate with us, on my word.”

–After letting go, didn’t say that he wouldn’t chase after her.

The man stared at her closely.

After a moment, he suddenly raised his head and let out a hiss, “Ho–”

This sound was so penetrating that Qi Lingmu subconsciously frowned.

Wu Buye was a returning mutant, his five senses were fully enhanced, at this time, his ears moved, then he transformed into a birdman and flew up high into the sky, and fell down again at speed.

Wu Buye’s expression was grave, “There are many fae rushing in.”

The crowd frowned.

“Spirit system ability, can send out mental fluctuations and transmit information, he might be the leader of this fae operation.” Song Linwei analyzed.

Hao Jingye sighed, “It seems that we can’t know the inside information from the fae here, we can only go back and deduce it again.”

He looked down at his communicator, after the death of the phantom fae, there was an intermittent signal, and there were quite a few messages sent to them from the side of the core refuge.

Only one was received.

Hao Jingye was a smart man, and he could deduce quite a bit from that one.

He raised his head, “The fae are tuning in, the core refuge came under attack while we were trapped here, but luckily it’s all been resolved.”

After knowing that the other party had summoned the fae, no one mentioned anything about leaving.

This was the best time to annihilate a large number of fae.

Not afraid of the fae coming, but afraid of the fae not coming.

Lai Wan Yun stared closely at the yelling fae, he had overdrawn all of his abilities with this cry, and when his voice landed, he collapsed in a straight line, completely out of breath.

From the beginning of the siege of Sheng An and the others, he and the illusionary fae had continuously consumed their fae energy, and after the death of the illusionary fae, he had no power to resist.

Now this roar, cutting off his own life.

Lai Wan Yun looked at him, then at the fallen woman, and suddenly cried out in shock-

“It’s them!”

“Who?” Hao Jingye and all of them looked at her.

Long Tianyu frowned even more, “You recognize?”

Lai Wan Yun exhaled a breath and slowly said, “It’s the famous Fae in the last life’s end times, they didn’t even operate around the capital city in the first year, but in the south, and the group wiped out several bases.”

Long Tianyu’s pupils shrunk and reacted violently, “It’s actually them!”

He was in a trance and muttered, “Yes, a combination of illusion and spirit system, a man and a woman, killing people invisibly ……”

Wu Buye was puzzled, “What’s the situation?”

Long Tianyu looked grave: “These are two fae that caused trouble for one side in the end times, not only are they capable, but they are also very adaptable, in the last life, rumor has it that it was they who joined forces with the fae to take out Qiu Yu.”

Qiu Yu had repeatedly suicidal attacks on bases occupied by fae, and they were the leaders in occupying the bases, so in the end, it was also them, who contacted the fae to finish off Qiu Yu.

Lai Wan Yun added, “At the end of the second year of the End Times, when I died, they were still alive.”

Hao Jingye and Song Linwei looked at each other and saw the same speculation in each other’s eyes.

Song Linwei: “He and the illusionary fae are two fae that appeared in advance, just like Zhang Jia Liang and Mr. Xu.”

Hao Jingye nodded: “So they are far beyond normal strength, manipulating the fae to gather in the stone city, grabbing the meteorite fragments, turning the tiger away from the mountain, and attacking the core refuge to grab the fragments ……”

Qiling Mist: “They are from the south, why are they here?”

This question was crucial.

Even if it was for the meteorite fragments, the south side was there.

Hao Jingye frowned.


“Bang bang–”

The fae arrived one after another and surrounded them.

The fae at the beginning of the End Times weren’t too strong yet, but in large numbers, they were still troublesome.

Ji Yani’s scalp was numb, she really didn’t expect that there were so many fae around the capital!

Long Tianyu moved his neck and his body disappeared into place, leaving behind a sentence-

“Time to work!”

The more that came, the more they could clean up the fae around the capital, and the safer the capital would be, not a bad thing.

Long Tianyu flashed next to a fae and directly cut the other’s neck.

Lai Wan Yun sneered, “We know, we don’t need you to remind us.”

In the next moment, the space blade struck out, harvesting lives.

Wu Buye turned into a birdman, his sharp claws crushing someone’s head with every strike.

Ji Yani held her dual swords in her hands, and was extremely fast, capturing opportunities where she could strike.

Song Linwei enchanted Yu Feng to join the battle.

Zhuang Fan stood still, and when a fae attacked him, he stared at the other party’s eyes and unleashed his special ability: “Explode!”

“With a bang, the fae exploded.

But the fae energy consumption was too great, and his face instantly turned white.

Ji Yani appeared next to him and lifted her chin, “You assist, I’ll kill.”

Zhuang Fan nodded.

He no longer wiped out the fae directly, but changed from “explode” to “stop”!

The moment the opponent stopped, Ji Yani had already struck.

Qi Lingmu, on the other hand, maneuvered the entire situation, her powers covering, shot after shot, noiselessly finishing off the fae.

Only Sheng An, who stood with Shan Hua on her shoulder, didn’t move.

Her gaze went to the two year old doll in the dead woman’s arms, the other party’s eyes were open, staring blankly at the sky, with all this commotion, he didn’t cry or make any noise.

This doll had appeared together with the Illusion Fae and Spirit Fae.

She would not ignore any crisis that might arise.

At two years old, or even less than two years old, it was hard to determine if it was a fae or not, Qi Lingmu didn’t see if it was a fae, Wu Buye had just walked next to it, and there wasn’t any abnormality either.

–They couldn’t tell.

It could be human, it could be fae.

Sheng An stared closely at the child and raised his voice, “Lai Wan Yun, tranquilizer gun!”

Lai Wan Yun threw a gun over towards Sheng An between battles.

Sheng An caught it and fired without hesitation.

–It doesn’t matter if it’s a human or a fae, get dazed first.

The anesthesia needle pierced into the doll’s body, and he blinked his clean eyes before slowly closing them.

Sheng An was about to switch guns to attack the fae.

From time to time, his body suddenly rolled with heat, and a wave of dizziness nearly caused him to fall to the ground, at the same time, in front of his blurry eyes, a few fragmented images flashed, and his body became more and more unable to hold on, shaking, and the sky was spinning.

Core Refuge.

Zhao Zhicheng: “The scientific research group is fine, they still have quite a few people alive, the rescue helicopter is returning with people, Zhang Kun and their injuries are serious, the shelter hospital has been prepared, it will definitely save their lives.”

Li Xin breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s good, they’re adepts with strong physical qualities, they can’t die.”

Gu Qiansheng nodded, also relieved.

Jiang Yu patted his chest, his expression relaxed, “Sister Sheng and the others are so timely, great, this crisis is finally over, now we’re waiting for Sister Sheng and the others to come back.”

Zhao Zhi presented himself next to them and nodded, “Yeah-”

His hand snapped out, he was still three meters away from Jiang Yu from a safe distance, but that hand extended infinitely, and when everyone didn’t react, he pinched Jiang Yu’s neck and twisted it fiercely!

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