Chapter 150.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:53:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Lou Mingwei was so angry that his teeth cackled, his eyes widened and he stepped forward, “What are you guys complacent about, so what if it’s 9 stars? Isn’t it still unusable and unplayable?”

Sheng An looked at him.

Lou Mingwei jerked back, just took a step forward, at this moment, he took three steps back.

It was just a look from Sheng An.

Even the people in Group A were speechless.

Lou Mingwei also noticed that he overreacted and was about to salvage ……

Sheng An’s voice was still not fully healed, his voice was a bit muffled, but every word was clear:

“The thunder system is very strong, I’ve seen your battle within the base a few days ago, the speed of the kill is very fast, when you skillfully master the thunderstorm ability, the attack power will go up to another level, thunder and lightning are not separated, you can master thunder, sooner or later you can also master electricity, your strength is indeed far more than 5 stars.”

Crowd: “?”

Both AB groups were stunned.

Sheng An actually complimented Lou Mingwei for his strength?

Seeing that they were all filled with shock, Sheng An took the water that Qi Ling Mou handed her and took a sip before faintly saying, “I’m just being honest.”

Crowd: “??”

They looked at Lou Mingwei again, and the other party was also in the middle of a daze.

But soon, his face changed.

Like a chameleon, he brushed his face red, even the roots of his ears were red, he wanted to say something, opened his mouth, and froze.

Then, as if he was shy, his head twisted, stifled back to his own table, lowered his head to pick up rice.

The whole time without raising his head, only the roots of the ears are red.

Crowd: “……”

What the fuck is this new type of trick?

Isn’t the killing power too great?

Group A was all silent, even Group B was all silent.

Group A: F*ck, Team Leader Sheng is too scary!

Group B: Why is Sheng praising him? Does he deserve it!

Sheng An’s ears finally cleared and he continued to eat.

There were a few fresh shrimps inside the dinner plate, this kind of thing would only become less and less in the future, after all, the ocean changes more than the land.

She clips one of the shrimps to Qi Ling Mu.

He looked at her with gentle eyes, “You eat it, I have it here too.”

Sheng An didn’t raise his head, “This is your favorite food.”

The corners of Qi Lingmu’s mouth rose, her eyebrows filled with smiles.

After eating the meal.

Hao Jingye’s communicator lit up, he scanned it and looked up, “Sister Sheng, we have a mission!”

Sheng An’s eyes snapped, “Meeting.”

Group B left, Group A was still eating, Lou Mingwei still had his head down.

Geng Leqian was speechless, “What are you doing? Still haven’t come back to your senses?”

Lou Mingwei raised his head, with a slutty face, “She complimented me hey!”

Crowd: “……”

-Fuck, the killing power of this move is fucking horrible!

Conference Room.

“The capital was already a safe zone, and you guys intercepted the first batch of large meteorites, making the capital even safer, since the end of the day, the capital has been guarded by you guys, and coupled with the clash with the fae won some time ago, the capital will be relatively safe for a period of time.”

Zhang Lao’s voice with sadness, “But there are still many places in the country where the situation is very bad, especially the region near the sea, as well as the southwest and northeast regions, the situation is not very good, and the regions that have not made contact with us until now, I am afraid that it is very difficult to wait for the signals ……”

Communication is gradually restored, there are many places contacted, found that the situation is very bad.

For example, in the southwest and northeast, there are serious fires, magnetic field disorders, as well as earthquakes, and outbreaks of fae ……

The western highlands are not good either.

The UV rays are too strong, so strong that just getting caught in the sun is highly likely to kill you.

Not to mention the coast.

The people who relied on the sea were all relocated, but the tsunami range was bigger than expected, and with the chain reaction that was triggered, even the offshore areas became dangerous.

Hao Jingye was puzzled, “What happened to the helicopters that were sent out earlier?”

Zhang Lao shook his head with a heavy expression, “All crashed, no survivors.”

This world has made going out extremely difficult.

Sheng An: “What do you want us to do? Where to go?”

Zhang Lao slid the screen, the picture was changing, and he had a worried frown on his face:

“A few days ago, we sent a fleet of airplanes to the Southwest, and only just officially entered the Southwest, they all crashed, before they crashed, one of the pilots made contact with a certain refuge in the Southwest, and urgently sent back some information when they crashed.”

Even if they died, they didn’t forget to pass the information back ……

The hearts of the crowd sank slightly.

On the screen, were the three messages that the pilot had sent back.

Sheng An sat up straight for an instant.

One, all the shelters in the southwest are in bad shape.

Two, there are a lot of meteorite fragments in the southwest.

Three, they have a Healing Alien.

The Healing Alien that Team B had always wanted had finally appeared.

The other party was in the southwest.

Even Hao Jingye and the others got serious and stared at the screen tightly.

Dr. Yan interjected at this time, “The last xenomorph operation not only revealed that the xenomorphs were organized, it also established that they were robbing the meteorite fragments, and the institute believes that we should collect all the fragments and see what those fragments can spell out.”

This time the country was prepared, much better than Lai Wan Yun and their previous life.

Various intelligence was brought together, and by integrating the information, more important conclusions could be drawn.

The meteorite fragment, was one of the conclusions.

Ji Yani was surprised, “The fragments can be spelled out?”

“I don’t know.” Dr. Yan was very frank, “Right now, we have a good number of fragments on hand, but it’s only a very small part of the whole batch, so it’s hard to draw any conclusions.”

Sheng An understood.

Reconnecting with the information she had just received, she looked at Elder Zhang, “We’re going to the Southwest region to pick up healing adepts and meteorite fragments, and by the way, bring back some fragments from other sanctuaries?”

Zhang Lao nodded.

His eyes were a little worried, but more determined, “You must make a trip to the Southwest, there are many dangers out there, so be well prepared this time.”

Song Linwei was a bit puzzled, “Or is it our Group B that’s going on the mission?”

It wasn’t that he was unwilling, but he felt strange.

Zhang Lao sighed, “Because Old Li doesn’t support this operation, he wants more xenos, and with the fragments scattered throughout the country, there will be more xenos, he doesn’t see the need to collect them.”

Qi Lingmu disagreed, “With more xenos appearing, there will also be more fae appearing, which is not a good thing.”

Dr. Yan nodded, “Yeah, we’re already researching how meteorite fragments create xenos and fae, so it’s safer to wait for the results of the research and then awaken them on a wide scale.”

After a pause, he added, “It’s hard to collect all the fragments, moreover, the air is full of special substances ……”

Collecting fragments was actually more about research.

Sheng An nodded, “Okay, we will return as soon as possible.”

Zhang Lao uneasily urged, “You must be careful on this mission, you will leave again when we are fully prepared, if you still need others, we will transfer them all for you.”

Sheng An: “Having the full team B is enough.”

Zhang Kun’s eyes brighten, “Can I go?”

Zhang Lao: “Yes, we have found three more space adepts, although they are not as big as your space, they are enough to use after you leave. You and Lai Wan Yun have two spaces, one for offense and one for defense, it’s best for both to go.”

Jiang Yu rubbed his hands together excitedly:

“All of group B hey, can I go too!!!”

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