Chapter 151.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:53:28
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“You can’t.” Zhang Lao did not hesitate, “Your space is going to be used as an experimental field, Old Zhou and the others are going to use it, and it’s inconvenient to go out and bring a research group with you.”

Jiang Yu: “!!!”

She huffed, “I can do my own experiments, I want to go!”

The big deal was that she worked a little harder and juggled the experiments on her own, she was usually the one who planted all the land inside the space anyway.

Hao Jingye added slyly, “Your level is not enough.”

Jiang Yu: “?”

Hao Jingye explained, “After all, you haven’t studied for long and your IQ isn’t high, so it’s hard to do a good planting research without pairing it up with a group of experts.”

This explanation, in fact, was better than no explanation at all.

Jiang Yu: “…………”

–Murdering the heart.

The meeting ended.

Jiang Yu huffed all the way out, her face bulging into a bun, full of unhappiness.

All hands on deck, why don’t you bring her!

Looking at her furious back, Gu Qiansheng was a bit puzzled, “Are we really not taking her out this time?”

If all hands on deck, bringing Jiang Yu with them, with Sheng An and Qi Ling Mu, their safety might not be lower than in the Core Refuge.

This time was different from Stone City, Group B had left, and Group A had to take care of the entire Core Refuge, and might not have enough energy to protect Jiang Yu all the time.

It would be better to bring it with them.

Li Xin thought back to Dr. Yan’s words and repeated, “But Jiang Yu has to participate in research, it’s not convenient to take a research group out.”

Sheng An nodded, “Right, it’s inconvenient to bring one, so we’ll bring two.”

Crowd: “????”

What the hell?

Hao Jingye raised his hand and his bony fingers pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose in a meaningful manner:

“This trip is of great significance, moreover, with all of Group B acting in full force, it may seem dangerous, but in reality, with so many high-level alien protectors, it is the safest trip.

“Not only is the Waste Land Planting Research Group going to follow, there is also the Meteorite Research Group that will come along as well, taking them out on a field trip is also one of the purposes of our trip.

“Staying in the capital is safe, but it’s not conducive to research, the expert group has long wanted to go out, to figure out meteorites as well as waste soil cultivation, it’s impossible not to go to the field to see.”

Therefore, this time the team traveled, the research group was already in the planning!

How could Jiang Yu not follow?

In the past, she didn’t force her space to enter people, on the one hand, she wasn’t willing to talk about it and was able to finish planting by herself by gritting her teeth, and on the other hand, she was worried that there were fae hiding and jeopardizing her safety.

But at this point, some risks had to be taken.

The land outside is getting worse and worse, the progress of the waste soil planting research is slow, it’s time to let the research group enter Jiang Yu’s space and speed up the process.

They took the waste soil planting research group out and brought the test field with them, which was more conducive to advancing the progress of the research.

Furthermore, going out, her space would be a means of protection.

After many clashes with the fae, Sheng An and the others already had a certain level of confidence that they could protect Jiang Yu’s safety.

Song Linwei and the others came to a realization.

–Tsk, that girl’s secrets are all default, and she’s the only one who still keeps them to herself.

For the sake of secrecy, she has worked hard to cultivate the land, learning everything from tractors to planters, almost catching up with an old farmer, which is not easy.

The most crucial thing is that this girl is really capable of carrying the load.

From joining the Special Intelligence Service, it has been carried to the present …….

I don’t know whether to say that she is persistent? Or to say that she is a tenacious seed?

The crowd looked at each other with deep meaning.

Li Xin was bewildered: “What does it mean? What are you guys talking about? Why don’t you tell Jiang Yu if you want to bring her?”

Crowd: “……”

Jiang Yu returned to the Plantation Research Institute in a huff.

I don’t know why, but lately, Old Man Zhou and the others were all very busy, as if they were in a hurry to arrange something.

Now too, everyone was busy as hell.

Jiang Yu huffed and puffed.

She sat on the small bench, glaring at the busy researchers, and slowly deflated again.

Yes, she was busy, but Old Man Zhou and the others were equally busy.

She was busy farming, and so were Old Man Zhou and the others.

The space land wasn’t polluted, so she planted uncontaminated land, and when there was scorched earth outside, Old Man Zhou and the others planted scorched earth, and trying to research scorched earth plants was a very troublesome process.

No matter what she planted, at least there is a harvest.

Zhou academician they but often planted shortly after the death, especially the first day is alive, Zhou academician they are very happy, the next morning up all dead.

Whenever such a time, when Academician Zhou squatted next to her and sighed, she felt a little heartbroken.

Jiang Yu regained her spirit.

She stood up and shouted, “Old Zhou, in the morning, I have planted the experimental field and the hopeful planting area, and experimental fields 1 and 2 have been hyped …….”

She dejectedly reported her work.

Twenty days ago she would never have believed that one day she would be able to say a bunch of terms that she didn’t understand before.

Of course, she didn’t do those jobs alone.

There were two other guys inside the space.

Yu Litian and Chen Jiaojiao had begged and pleaded in the beginning, but now they were like two numb old farmers, working stiffly without a bit of free time, and they didn’t even have the energy to beg for mercy.

Thinking of them, Jiang Yu was in a better mood.

The space was ripe for more than just a test field, by squeezing those two guys, she had a little extra time, and old man Zhou had been merciful lately, not letting her run out of alien energy.

Just in time, she used it to ripen the fruits she had secretly planted.

Her own space, she had to give herself a little bit of welfare, right?

Thinking about the extra land and ridges at the edge of the space, she used them all to plant strawberries, which were already fruitful at this time.

Jiang Yu exasperatedly thought, this time strawberries she won’t give to Sheng An and them, who made them refuse to take her?

–Damn it.

–She was going to withhold all the strawberries!

The corners of Jiang Yu’s mouth rose when she thought of all the strawberries she was about to have.

Academician Zhou came over long before she reported.

At this moment, he nodded with satisfaction and handed her a sheet in his hand, “This is the calculated yield of a few experimental fields, compare them at that time and see if there is any difference from the estimates.”

Jiang Yu nodded and took it.

This was normal, calculating the yield and the actual yield was originally part of the experiment.

Jiang Yu swept her eyes and her gaze suddenly stopped.

She looked incredulously at the row of text below the table and pulled up her voice, “What? Why is there a strawberry yield?!”

Academician Zhou glanced at her, very calm: “Didn’t you transfer a few statistics experts over a few days ago?”

“Huh? So what?” Jiang Yu was bewildered.

She knew about those few statistics experts, they were assistants transferred to her to help her do some statistics, and their salary was still deducted from her!

Academician Zhou took it for granted, “They have to help you calculate the output ah, based on your alien energy consumption, and your time in space, the amount of exercise that day …… calculates the output of the strawberries you planted.”

He waved his hand, “Quickly go in and collect the strawberries, see if it matches the prediction, I haven’t planted strawberries before, this is the first time, it’s very informative.”

Jiang Yu: “????”

She did not understand, “How do you guys know that I planted strawberries?”

Academician Zhou: “Wasn’t it strawberry planting you were watching the other day?”

Jiang Yu: “.”

Academician Zhou: “Go and harvest it.”

Jiang Yu: “.”

Entering the space, pumping Yu Litian and Chen Jiaojiao with vines, the three of them buried their heads in the sand for a while, collecting all the strawberries and weighing the yield ……

Very good, exactly the same as the calculation.

She did not die, and then in the space everywhere pickpocket, finally found a leakage in the ridge.

This one strawberry that exceeded the estimated output grew very small and deformed, which is why it was missed when it was harvested.

Jiang Yu stuffed it into his mouth.

The extraordinarily small and deformed strawberry tasted really average, bland and not too sweet.

Jiang Yu looked at the half deformed strawberry in his hand, and then looked back at the large space ……

Jiang Yu suddenly realized.

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