Chapter 165.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:54:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Sixty kilometers away from C9.

It was a city ruin, filled with collapsed houses, messy smoke, and a lot of places burning like they had been through a war.

The land was scorched black, and thick smoke rolled out.

And behind a collapsed wall stood three people who stood quietly as if they couldn’t smell the smoke.

One of them, a middle-aged woman, frowned, “Where are the others?”

A man in his twenties shook his head and replied, “Could they have been killed? That group of Special Intelligence Service aliens may have already arrived at the C9 refuge.”

Another middle-aged man sneered, “Dead is dead, that’s because they’re incapable.”

The younger man retorted, “Prisoner, don’t underestimate the group of people from the Special Intelligence Service, and don’t forget the previous incident in Stone City, three high-ranked xenos, all of them killed, anyone of us who bumps into them is dead.”

He was very jealous of those people from the Special Intelligence Service.

Prisoner took a deep breath and stopped retorting, even if he boasted of being strong, he was still very clear that he was still far from the three that died.

The woman gritted her teeth, “No wait, first take the energy source and go, otherwise we may not be able to leave!”

Prisoner didn’t hold back in the end and bristled, “Isn’t there still your supernatural power of concealment? No matter how strong they are, they won’t be able to find us ……”

He licked the corner of his mouth, his eyes bloody, “I was so busy grabbing energy sources today, I didn’t even kill many people.”

Which of these three people were ordinary humans!

They were clearly fae!

“Wait until you get stronger, there will be plenty of time to kill, now hurry up and go.” The woman lifted her foot and left.

She was smart and cautious.

Prisoner still wanted to retort, but the woman drank, “Said to listen to me, if you don’t leave, hand over the energy source and stay by yourself.”

Prisoner’s face changed and he let out a low curse, but in the end he said nothing.

The fae were in a relatively violent mood.

When the three came together, they also disliked each other, plus the fact that the other party’s blood was unattractive to them, it was even less favorable.

Just as they raised their feet to leave, the sound of stumbling footsteps rang out.

The three were stunned, and almost instinctively, the woman concealed the three traces.

A teenager appeared.

He didn’t have the smell of human blood on him, his eyes shone with golden light, his face was pale and beaten, and he couldn’t tell what he originally looked like.

He muttered, “Why is there nothing?”

At that, the woman showed up with the two men.

The prisoner stared at the teenager, his eyes puzzled, “Who are you? How come I haven’t seen you before?”

The teenager gave a friendly smile, scratched his head, and replied nervously, “My name is Dull Melon, I’ve been hiding amongst the humans before, and I came to help out when the fight broke out earlier.”

The trio frowned at the thoughtlessness of this statement.

The teenager, however, didn’t notice, as if he thought of something, he hurriedly pulled something out of his pocket.

Two silver-white shards fell to the ground.

He stammered, “He, they’re dead, killed by that, that’s the guy with the wings, gave me this and told me to come to you.”

The three frowned.

What kind of retard was this, he couldn’t even express himself clearly!

However, they barely understood – it was their companion who had been attacked and killed by that bird man, handing the pieces over to the teenager, allowing him to escape.

The three of them stared at the fragment on the ground with greedy eyes.

The teenager had already picked it up.

He stretched out his hand and handed it to them, “Here you go.”

The three: “!”

What kind of dumbass is this?

How dare he be willing to give them the energy source?

The prisoner’s eyes were greedy, and he looked at the teenager with an unkind look.

The woman said indifferently, “Put it away yourself, Prisoner, this is a companion, although stupid, it’s still a companion, no laying hands on him.”

Prisoner grunted and did not reply.

The woman told him to put it away, mainly because there was no way for the three of them to split the two pieces, she wanted it, but there was no way the other two guys would let it go.

At this point, it was still the mission that mattered.

In that case, it would be better to let the stupid teenager put it away first.

The young man was more sensitive and always felt that something was wrong.

He looked the teenager up and down, and really didn’t notice any abnormality, thought for a moment, and asked: ”What’s your name? How did you run away from the hands of the Special Intelligence Service? They are not simple at all, and also, who gave you the energy source?”

He stared at him intently, trying to figure out the questions in the teenager’s eyes and answers.

Teen: “My name is Nerd.”

After thinking about it, he shook his head, “It just ran away, that bird man was so mean, especially hateful and scary! Oh, he was the one who gave it to me, telling me to run away, the bird man is still chasing me-”

The three people looked stern.

The woman incredulously plucked up her voice: “What? The Special Intelligence Service birdmen are still chasing you?!”

Teenager: “Huh? Yeah, he’s chasing, he’s got a man and a woman on his back, both still powerful.”

“Shit, the Special Intelligence Service guys are here! Or the murderous ones!” Prisoner cursed, “This dumbass, no wonder he’s called a dork, not saying key information, almost delayed here.”

The woman droned, “Hurry up and go, it’s hard to grab so many fragments, we can’t afford any more mistakes, otherwise even if we survive, the Lord will kill us.”

Hearing the word “Lord”, both of them changed their faces and ran wildly.

The teenager followed them.

The four of them sped along, obviously with a goal in mind, not stopping for a moment.

The woman’s ability was stealth, covering the remaining four in it, but still careful to go only in the darkness, and it was a good thing it was the latter part of the night.

The teenager was a slight step behind, running just as fast.

Wu Buye was hovering in the distant sky, seemingly scouting, and the woman, with her powers at full power, silently went out from inside his scouting range and ran a little further.

The four of them stopped panting.

The young man exhaled, “Finally escaped.”

He looked at the teenager with doubtful eyes, “You’re quite capable of running, very strong, why haven’t I heard of you before?”

He was still somewhat suspicious.

The teenager sniffed with a blank expression.

Then, he revealed a bright smile, dumbfounded, “I’m strong? Really?”

The three: “……”


Even Prisoner averted his eyes, really not wanting to bother with this guy who insulted the fae’s intelligence.

The woman thought about it and said, “Forget it, the nerd is so stupid, if he didn’t have the strength, he would definitely have been discovered by the humans a long time ago. Let’s continue our journey and go back first, I’ve consumed a lot of my alien energy, if I’m caught up again, I won’t be able to hide.”

The teenager interjected, “Sis, do you want me to carry you?”

Fae don’t have feelings, they won’t feel touched, she sneered, “Mind your own business, if you fall behind no one will save you.”

After saying that, she continued to run forward.

Prisoner and the others all followed.

They ran until they reached the bottom of the mountain far away, the fire engulfed the whole mountain, the blazing fire burned and lit up the sky, and they were at the foot of the mountain, next to the fire.

The woman took a deep breath and whistled into the fire.

The prisoner and the young man are exhausted and sit on the ground to catch their breath.

The young man broke out into a smile, “We accomplished our mission perfectly this time, grabbed so many energy sources and got rid of that group of guys from the Special Intelligence Service, hahaha.”

Prisoner snorted, “Didn’t see how strong they were either?”

He licked the corner of his mouth and said with bloodlust, “One day, when I’m strong, I’m going to kill them and suck their blood, I don’t know how fragrant ……”

The young man also laughed, and even the woman relaxed.

No one noticed-

The young man’s eyes with golden light flashed.

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