Chapter 168.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:54:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

There were more than fifty fae, Qi Lingmu resolved seven of them on the spot, and the rest were also in the midst of the artillery fire, dying for the most part.

Most of these fae had special abilities, but not all of them could carry the cannon fire, and after some bombardment, there were no more than ten left alive.

The priest was one of them.

Such a bombardment was not the same as a big fire, he could only protect himself and couldn’t care about others.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he tried to escape down the mountain.


Outside the mountain, Li Wan Yun, Gu Qian Sheng, Zhuang Fan, Ji Yani, Ke Jia Xue, Liu Yue, Yu Feng and Song Lin Wei were like a barrier in front of the fae.

Leaning against the car, Lai Wan Yun smiled when she saw them escape covered in wounds.

Her body stood straight and her eyes were arrogant, “It’s almost dawn, let’s fight quickly.”

The words landed and they pounced.

The Priestess cowered in the back, watching the fae who had managed to escape from the cannon fire fall one by one, her face showing despair.

Could it be that the group was really going to die out today?

His eyes flickered as he contemplated a way to escape.

The woman and the prisoner gathered next to him.

The woman gritted her teeth, “Priest, what do we do?”

Prisoner cursed, “Damn it, it’s all because of that nerd who brought the enemy to our big camp!”

The priest did not say anything.

In fact, they all knew that if Sheng An and the others had found this place, even if the dork didn’t bring them in, they would still have a way to get in.

But still, they would have relocated their anger to that dumbass.

If a different person encountered Sheng An and the others, not only would they not bring them in, they would also warn them in advance so that they would have a time to escape in advance ……

How could they be brought in in a big way?

Prisoner cursed again, “I really want to kill him!”

Woman: “Didn’t see him, should be already dead ……”

Before the words were finished, a metal ball suddenly rolled down from the top of the mountain, extremely fast.

The three people were stunned.

Almost instinctively, they were about to dodge out of the way, when they heard the “metal ball” make a sound–

“Priests! I’ve come to save you!”

As the words landed, the metal ball spread out, encompassing the stunned them, and then slammed hard into the stone.


The three almost fainted directly.

Immediately afterward, amidst the dizzying and violent impact, the metal ball bounced up.

A bouncy metal ball ……

And then, the metal ball flew up and crossed over the sky, as if it stunned Lai Wan Yun and the others, so much so that no one blocked it and just watched it fly over.

It smashed on the ground in the distance.

The priest was shocked to the point of foaming at the mouth and almost died on the spot.

The dullard, however, said, “Quick, let’s run, they’re catching up!”

Before the woman could regain her senses, she had already turned on her powers, dragging the priest forward with the prisoner on the left and the right, and together with Dummy Gua, they ran for their lives all the way.

Above the mountaintop.

Most of the fae had already died, and the ones that were alive also fled to the bottom of the mountain, crashing into Lai Wan Yun and the others, and there were no living creatures on top of the entire mountain.

Wu Buye landed on the ground with the three of them.

Lai Wan Yun finished off the other fae, collected the fighters that landed on the ground, etc., and went up the mountain with Hao Jingye and the others, and the two sides converged.

Dr. Yan and Academician Zhou started sampling and researching as soon as they came up.

Sheng An and the others stood quietly by the side.

Jiang Yu was puzzled, “Why did you let Li Xin take the priests away?”

This was Sheng An’s temporary arrangement and she was a bit puzzled.

Hao Jingye had already figured it out and pushed up his glasses, explaining to her, “Before, I only thought that it was a gathering of fae, so I just killed them all in one go and left it at that, but there’s obviously something else going on on the mountain.

“These fae have a new action, and it’s a dangerous action, since there’s no way to figure it out from the fae here, we’ll simply let Li Xin continue to lurk.

“Whether it’s figuring out the cause or finding other fae gathering places, it’s of great value.”

Jiang Yu came to a realization.

Yes, these fae had made some kind of blood pools and fragments, and their fae abilities had increased dramatically, which if they weren’t guarded against or eradicated in advance, who knew how much noise they would make?

This was the fundamental reason why Sheng An changed his plans after seeing this scene!

Li Xin was adamantine and could change in a thousand ways, so she could get away at any time, and it was just right to lurk for a while longer.

They were discussing her arrangement.

But Sheng An didn’t say anything, her eyes were fixed on the location of the blood pool that had disappeared, lapsing into silence and quiet contemplation.

Qi Lingmu stood next to her and slowly spoke, “You’re worried that the priest isn’t the only one?”

As the words landed, all around them fell silent.

Jiang Yu and the others gathered over, frowning.

Sheng An’s voice was certain, “It must not be the only one, the last time we fought with the fae, we won big, the high level fae couldn’t beat us, so M is bound to hibernate and cultivate forces that can fight us.”

Song Linwei took a deep breath and pointed to the location of the original blood pool-

“The first action was to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, try to fight head on, and destroy us in a group, this is the second action commanded by M, to store up power, and crazily upgrade the xenos’ alien abilities, so that they can grow as quickly as possible, and catch up with us ……”

Normal enhancement of both xenos and fae, the Special Intelligence Service, with the help of the National Research Institute, may not be slower than the fae enhancement.

So, the fae were using other methods.

Hao Jingye’s eyes sank, “‘Lord’ is M. The energy source is meteorite fragments, soaking the fragments in human blood can accelerate the release of energy and enhance the xenos!”

The crowd sucked in a breath of cold air in unison.

Even Long Tianyu reacted and pulled up his voice, “The function of human blood is actually this!”

Dr. Yan collected the samples and stood up, sighing lightly:

“In fact, we had guessed long ago, we just didn’t confirm it, the role of blood is even greater for the fae, the blood can help the fae to absorb the energy released by the meteorite fragments, and sharply improve themselves.”

This discovery of this batch of fae again verified their guesses and answered some of the confusion.

Dr. Yan commanded, “Turn the earth over, there are quite a few fragments inside the blood pool, we must collect them.”

The earth exotics immediately took action.

Ji Yani was puzzled, “There were speculations before, why haven’t I heard you guys mention this?”

The Institute had never mentioned this.

It didn’t even mention that the blood was paired with a special substance.

Dr. Yan didn’t say anything.

As if Gu Qiansheng thought of something, his pupils shrank, “Energy source! They call meteorite fragments energy sources!”

“What does that mean?” Jiang Yu was equally confused.

Sheng An held the meteorite fragment he had been playing with in his fingertips and raised his eyes, his eyes were deep, his voice cold and calm-

“The fragments are the energy source for the fae, human blood is the nutrients for the fae, the fae will not turn into humans again by absorbing the energy, but humans can turn into fae at any time.”

“This post-apocalyptic world is a world that favors the survival of the fae.”

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