Chapter 169.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:54:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Dr. Yan slowly nodded his head.

Jiang Yu opened his mouth, not uttering a single word for a long time.

No wonder Dr. Yan and the others hadn’t mentioned it before.

Just like the speculation that Sheng An’s supernormal abilities might be related to time, both undoubtedly had a huge impact.

This speculation would even give people the creeps, stopping their chills and raising countless bad thoughts.

And now, the speculation was confirmed.

Fae will eat people, but it is not necessary to eat people, and the fae will not be like vampires who have to suck blood, so what is their desire for blood, their brutal killing of humans …… really for?

A long time ago speculated that the fae can get energy from inside the blood.

Now it was confirmed – human blood was a nutrient for the fae, helping them better absorb the special substance, the energy carried by the meteorite fragments.

Gu Qiansheng looked at the fragment in Sheng An’s hand and smiled coldly:

“No wonder the fae call it an energy source, it is indeed the root of energy for fae enhancement, but unfortunately, it needs to be paired with human blood… this thing, is it really beneficial to humans?”


Even if there was some, it was far less than the crisis brought to humanity.

Zhuang Fan was a little eager, “Hmm.”

Wu Buye: “……”

He sighs and translates silently:

“He said it was like a biological invasion, a meteorite carrying debris smashed into the planet, the debris was made of a special material that couldn’t be destroyed in any way, so it could only be allowed to release its energy and create the Fae.

“The fae use human blood as sustenance and the meteorite fragments as energy source to enhance their strength crazily, compared to human beings, this bad world is prepared for the fae.

“And for humans, if there is no way to solve the fae problem from the root, then as long as there are humans, there will be fae that will never be defeated.”

Liu Yue pursued, “What good will it do to the Fae for this world to turn into scorched earth?”

There was no need for Zhuang Fan to use a writer’s mind to structure the worldview on this point, Dr. Yan answered directly:

“The fae’s dependence on the planet is not as high as that of humans, low-level fae eat to maintain their daily survival, including eating, cannibalism, killing and blood-sucking, all of which can replenish their energy, while high-level fae consume more, have a greater desire to eat, and yet have a higher level of endurance.

“But we suspect that after the fae have evolved to a certain level, their desire to eat will plummet, the same goes for xenos.

“Assistant Hao can check the report we uploaded earlier, it has a graph of the analyzed data.”

Hao Jingye scratched on the tablet, tapped into the confidential file, and viewed the report.

A data report with justification.

He took a deep breath and looked at Sheng An:

“According to the calculations, probably by evolving to 9 stars, the need for food will plummet, no, it should be said that one can directly rely on the energy released by meteorite fragments to support all consumption.”

“Then Sheng Sister ……,” Ke Jiaxue’s eyes widened.

Dr. Yan shook his head, “Team Leader Sheng has not recovered her powers, she can’t enter this stage yet, however, it’s getting more and more expected that Team Leader Sheng will recover her powers and will give us more information.”

All the institutes were hung up on Sheng An’s ability, the special, natural ability to carry countless information.

But no one felt that there was anything wrong with her alien ability appearing too late.

If it was really related to “time”, she had already done a lot of things, and it was already a great fortune that she still had her powers and the possibility of recovering them.

Li Wan Yun was in a trance.

After a long while, she tried to speak, “So, after the xenos and fae have evolved to a certain level, they can survive in the post-apocalyptic world, even if there is no food?”

The environment was terrible, but the xenos and fae were physically strong, vigorous and adaptable, and the biggest worry was the food problem, while evolving to the end – no food was needed.

Yu Feng nodded, “It seems so far.”

He muttered, “So the end times are a breeding ground for the fae, destroying humans or humans are nutrients for the fae, helping them evolve as quickly as possible to the point where they don’t need to eat ……”

He showed his teeth, “Indeed it’s very much like a biological invasion, everything is regular and conditional, humans, the creatures on this planet, have turned out to be the nourishment for the invading creatures.”

Jiang Yanshu spoke up on a rare occasion, “What about the existence of the xenomorphs?”

Gu Qian Sheng: “The mutation of human resistance? And also the planet’s final struggle?”

There was invasion, and there was resistance.

The xenos were the resistance, fighting against the fae and not letting them invade the planet so easily?

Song Linwei suddenly said, “Have you guys ever felt that …… the xenos and the fae are very similar, other than not being parasitized and not loving blood, the other characteristics are almost the same.

“Then is there a possibility that the xenos are also existences that help the fae evolve? After all, our blood smells better, and we fight and grind against them while protecting humanity, slowing down the rate of human extinction, accelerating the fae’s evolutionary process, as well as dragging out theirs, delivering nutrients on a continuous basis?”

After a pause, he continued, “This is a planned biological invasion, first destroying the world, destroying the order and environment, giving the Fae the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

“Subsequently, continually honing them and feeding them nutrients.

“Finally, waiting for them to evolve to the point where they don’t need to eat, humanity can then completely exit the stage of history.”

Crowd: “……”

After a short silence, Long Tianyu rubbed his arms and cursed, “F*ck, don’t say such creepy things!”

It was already creepy to suggest that humans were fae “nutrients” in the first place.

Then it was suggested that this was a biological invasion that would be difficult to resist.

Now, there was speculation that this biological invasion was planned? What was behind it?

Jiang Yu rubbed his arms and got goose bumps.

Ke Jiaxue also felt a bit cold and leaned in close to Jiang Yu.

Dr. Yan, however, said, “Before unraveling the truth, any speculation is possible, after all, as long as there is no way to solve the fae problem from the root, it is impossible for humanity to win.”

The hearts of the crowd sank.

For a moment, faced with an unfathomable future, they were vaguely bewildered, and were actually somewhat at a loss as to where to go from here.

Sheng An put away the piece of debris and slowly spoke, “We know more and more, and we are getting closer and closer to the truth, which isn’t a bad thing, the crisis is there, know it or don’t know it, it’s all there.”

Then in that case, it would be better to know.

Only if you know, can you figure out how to fix it.

She stood up straight, standing erect as if she would never fall –

“In any case, the Fae are our enemies, so let’s kill all the high-level Fae that appear, collect the fragments, find a way to destroy them, and I don’t believe that we won’t be able to peek at a single ray of heavenly light.”

The shards are the energy source of the fae, then they must be collected, they cannot be left out in the open.

But at the same time, shard collection could be dangerous, they had to find a way to destroy it.

No matter what unknown crisis they faced, what they had to do was all they could do right now, collect the shards, kill the fae, and execute step by step until they glimpsed the light of heaven.

Or, until death.

Man and fae was supposed to be a deadly fight.

Qi Lingmu said nothing, always standing behind Sheng An.

Long Tianyu and the others exhaled and slowly nodded their heads.

At this time.

The earth fae suddenly said, “Digging in – Huh?”

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