Chapter 19.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:46:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

No more nonsense, straight to arrest

He’s been running errands with Lai Wan Yun all day, I wonder what Sheng did again?

Sheng An: “I’m looking at the results of Song Linwei’s investigation.”

Hao Jingye sat up straight for a split second and asked busily, “Any results?”

“It’s a little strange.” Sheng An slid the screen.

She had asked yesterday to investigate Song Linwei’s living environment, family situation, relatives, and the people he had come into contact with in the past three days.

It was a huge net covering a lot of information.

But Sheng An had already sorted it out this day.

Song Linwei’s family was clean and innocent.

His parents were university professors, and now that they were rehired, they still both worked at the school.

His sister and brother-in-law were in the business, and their careers were doing very well.

He himself graduated from the best university in the country as a graduate student and is engaged in physics-related scientific research.

The family was all in the capital, and they were all busy with their own careers.

On top of that, Song Linwei also had a nephew who was sixteen years old and in his second year of high school.

From the investigation, this family has a good personality.

Song Linwei himself is very intelligent, both in school and work, can get excellent evaluation.

The living environment is well-off, the family atmosphere is good, relatives also have their own success ……

Can’t pick a single fault.

In addition, from the time he published his post, Song Linwei had not been going to work and had taken a vacation at home.

And for the past three days he had spent the rest of the time smothered in his own home, except for seeing his family.

Listening in on his calls, everything was as usual.

In addition, these three days he contacted very few people, all listed, takeaway boy, courier, supermarket salesman …… still everything as usual.

It can be said that from the results of the investigation, Song Linwei is normal to the extreme.

Hao Jingye was surprised, “Quite normal ah, Sheng sister where do you think it is strange?”

Sheng An asked rhetorically, “What kind of person do you think Song Linwei is?”

Hao Jingye did not hesitate, “A good person who is smart.”

Smart because of several contacts, and background checks.

Nice guy because he posted the doomsday preview post and wanted to give everyone a heads up.

Sheng An smiled-

“Then let’s push back, if my intuition is right and he has a problem, then not being able to find out any abnormalities at all, does that mean he’s smarter than we thought?”

Hao Jingye nodded.

“Then if that’s the case, why would such a smart person post a hint post that serves little purpose other than drawing our attention?” Sheng An narrowed his eyes slightly, with a meaningful look in his phoenix eyes.

Hao Jingye: “!!!”

Right oh, that’s contradictory.

And it’s completely possible to continue to speculate, if Sheng An’s intuition is wrong, Song Linwei is fine, he really met the “Iron Man”, a smart researcher, will he post to the netizens, or will he ask for help?

–He will inform the national “Iron Man” as soon as possible!

He would inform the country of the existence of the “Iron Man” as soon as possible.

Posting itself is a behavior that does not fit with intelligent people.

Hao Jingye sucked in a breath of cold air: ”So, Song Linwei really has a problem, then what is his purpose? And what exactly is he hiding? If that Iron Man isn’t him, who could it be?”

“Song Linwei’s investigation is still continuing, do you know what the results of today’s investigation are?” Sheng An sold a lie.

Hao Jingye shook his head, his eyes eager.

Sheng An: “Before today, his parents, sister and brother-in-law, and nephew, were all going to work and school as usual.”

She smiled, her eyes curved into a crescent moon, “But today, they all took leave to go home.”

Hao Jingye was stunned.

In the middle of the day, his brain turned and slowly spoke, “So, he only determined the doomsday from last night!”

Then, that post ……

Sheng An inclined his head and said softly-

“Yes, the Iron Man who believes in light must be someone close to him, he’s protecting that person, as for the post ……”

“Song Linwei is fishing.”

Fishing for the state.

He wanted to determine if the end was coming, as well as make contact with them for information.

After a long time, Hao Jingye slowly exhaled.

Song Linwei was really smart.

His scheming was fine, but unfortunately, he had met Sheng An.

Hao Jingye looked at Sheng An and suddenly understood why the state had made her one of the heads of the Doomsday Special Intelligence Division.

They trusted her to suppress the heretics.

Sharp, smart, and terrifying, she was already able to take down the heretics before she even had her powers.

What if she awakened powerful alien abilities?

Hao Jingye suddenly had some expectations.

Song family.

It took a day of digestion for the entire family to finally accept – the news that the end was coming.

Father Song’s brow was furrowed, and his entire body looked old.

Mother Song was equally bewildered: “How is it the end of days?”

Song Linwei’s sister, Song Linlin, asked him, “Why did you post to get the country’s attention? In case the country ……”

Song Linwei sighed and explained:

“Because I wanted to make sure there was no doomsday, and it was just a very unusual post that wouldn’t have attracted any attention at all unless the country was paying attention.

“But the fact that the country immediately came to the door means that they’ve been paying attention, and moreover, it’s not paying attention to who posted the doomsday post, it’s paying attention to who has abnormalities, and the country is looking for people with special abilities!”

Last night, he heard the answer he wanted from the state’s mouth.

A scary but expected answer.

Song Linlin: “So now the country is paying attention? Will it notice Xiao Xin?”

Song Linwei shook his head, “I don’t think so, there were no loopholes from start to finish, I only revealed the existence of people with special abilities, not exposing Xiao Xin.”


Hao Jingye: “Sister Sheng, who do you think it is?”

Sheng An’s finger pointed to a name with a calm expression, “Li Xin, Song Linwei’s nephew.”

The tone was not speculation, it was certainty.

Song’s mother was worried, “That post of yours was too specific, exposing all of Xiao Xin’s abilities, it’s still too dangerous, you can hide it well afterward, don’t let the state find out.”

Li Xin’s father, Li Huai, shook his head, “The country is looking for special ability people, Li Xin may not have to hide all the time.”

If the end was coming, compared to ordinary, it was still the special ability person who could survive better.

Song Linwei agreed, “Right, that’s why my post pointed out Xiao Xin’s ability, sure that doomsday will come, then Xiao Xin shouldn’t be the most special, but then again, there is a great deal of specialness.”

He looked towards the closed room, took a deep breath and slowly said:

“We can use this to negotiate with the country, of course, before they find out Xiao Xin, I have to probe their attitude towards special energizers again.”

Time was running out, only 19 days.

Song Linlin was a little worried, “You think about Xiao Xin, but this kid is lawless and doesn’t listen ……”

Song Linwei: “I always have to fight for his rights and interests, Xiao Xin is special after all, I think it’s not difficult.”

Sheng An: “If I’m not wrong, Song Linwei exposing his nephew’s gold system psychic ability is for the purpose of negotiating with us and fighting for his nephew’s rights.”

“Then this is a good idea.” Hao Jingye pushed up his glasses, “Isn’t it just a negotiation? Just probe-”

Sheng An interrupted him, “No, no negotiations.”

Hao Jingye froze.

Sheng An sneered, “This heretic also wants to negotiate, that one also wants to negotiate, how can you have so much free time? Enter my department, just be obedient.”

She raised her hand and tapped the steering wheel.

“Let’s go, first go back to see the results of Little Fish’s learning, and tomorrow go arrest that ‘Iron Man who believes in light’.”


Hao Jingye’s eyes rounded.

This was the first time Sheng An had used this word!

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