Chapter 200.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:55:51
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the southwest, the folded ear root is an absolute delicacy.

Cheng Bai Ruo never ate it again since the end of the day, after all, hoarding goods are hoarding what can be stored, who has nothing to hoard folded ear root ah?

Two years past, long gone.

It is also the midnight dream back to crave ruthless, only in the mutant folding ear root move, the first time to find it.

Jiang Yu was shocked, “What the hell?”

Gu Qiansheng was equally speechless, “Fishy Grass? The mutated plant is Fishy Grass?”

I thought that the mutated plant could be some kind of ginseng, spiritual plant, or even a weed that grows in the cracks and has a strong vitality, or a mushroom that reproduces quickly. ……

But how could I have never thought that it would be Fishy Grass!

From the first time he heard the prophecy, Jiang Yu brainwashed “running mutant plants” is very high, rare stuff, and may even be extremely perverted.

Well ……

It is quite perverted.

The mutated animals and plants that appeared after the end of the world, such as three-flowered cats and folded ears, why are they all so simple?

Cheng Bai Ruo nodded his head, his tone firm, “It’s the Folding Ear Root, I can see it clearly.”

As he spoke, he once again swallowed his saliva.

Thinking of the flavor of the fishy grass, Jiang Yu looked complicated; “How can it be fishy grass …… Is there anything special about this thing? Because of the southwest specialty?”

Sheng An was calm, “Actually, it’s normal, Fishy Grass, anti-poison and anti-radiation, it’s reasonable to stand out from the countless plants and live in this world that was destroyed by meteorite fragments.”

Jiang Yu looked at her, his expression still complicated; “Sister Sheng, do you eat fishy grass?”

Sheng An did not hesitate, “No.”

Jiang Yu: “……”

Jiang Yu: “Then why are you so calm?”

Sheng An was expressionless: “So the only mutated plant, you want to eat it?”

Jiang Yu was silent once again.

Thinking of Academician Zhou and their wild eyes, she shivered, “No, I don’t eat it, I didn’t love it in the first place, and I can’t eat it even if I do!”

If she said she would eat the only mutated plant, Academician Zhou and the others could eat her!

She gave Cheng Bai Ruo a warning glance in passing.

Cheng Bai Ruo gulped and narrowed her neck sheepishly.

Sheng An looked around, “We haven’t found the mutant plant yet, let’s not talk about food yet, when we find it and figure out the reason for its survival, we might be able to plant a scorched earth world full of Fishy Grass, and there will be no shortage of food.”

Jiang Yu & Gu Qian Sheng: “……”

For a moment, there wasn’t much of a desire to go looking for this mutated plant.

Sheng An looked around, surrounded by mountains, but because there was no vegetation, it was a clear view, and as far as the eye could see, there were no traces of the mutated plant.

The helicopters circling in the sky did not send out any signals either, again nothing.

“Yani, what’s the status?” Sheng An looked at Ji Yani.

Ji Yani stood up, moved her ankles, and nodded: “It’s ready, start searching now?”

Sheng An: “Look around first, behind the mountain, and where the rocks are hiding.”

There were helicopters circling in the sky to check it out, and the only thing they could search was the ground.

The eight people started searching.

Ji Yani and Liu Miao, who had rested for a while, were extremely fast and searched around, Sheng An brought Jiang Yu with him and scrutinized the traces on the ground.

“This area is the last direction you guys pursued?” Sheng An asked.

Cheng Bai Ruo nodded, “We saw it run here, and then after that, when I arrived, we didn’t know which direction it ran in, but this piece-”

He circled a range, “It must be where it ran.”

“How did it run?” Sheng An asked while scrutinizing the traces on the ground, not missing a single detail.

Cheng Bai Ruo thought about it with a complicated expression, “The distance is a bit far, I can’t see it very clearly, it seems to have pulled out its roots and swung its legs on the ground to run wildly.”

His description was too very graphic, Jiang Yu was a bit unable to imagine that image.

After the end of the world, there really is everything.

After searching for a long time, Sheng An almost walked inch by inch to edge into the area circled by Bai Ruo, Song Linwei and Gu Chisheng, they were likewise scrutinizing it.

“Sister Sheng, did you find anything?” Song Linwei walked over and inquired.

Sheng An: “What about you?”

Song Linwei shook his head.

Sheng An slightly lowered her eyes, “Yeah, there’s nothing to be found, it’s as if no plant has ever appeared, there’s not a single trace on the ground.”

Since the other party’s “run” was a normal dash, not a flash, how could there not be a single new trace on the ground over a large area?

Gu Qian Sheng: “It’s special, so it won’t leave traces?”

Sheng An shook his head, deep in thought.

It was possible, after all, the mutated plant hadn’t been discovered for so long, so it must be hiding traces.

But there was also another possibility ……

Cheng Bai Ruo had been lost in thought since they started checking, after all, a “non-mainstream” teenager like him, who hadn’t studied detection, really couldn’t tell if there were any traces of plants walking by.

He held the communicator in his hand, looked down at the map, then looked up at the mountain, muttering, “It looks a bit familiar ah ……”.

Sheng An looked at him, “Do you know where this is?”

Cheng Bai Ruo frowned, his voice uncertain, “It seems to be the four small mountains near my old home, the plants burned out, everywhere grows the same, it’s a bit unrecognizable.”

“Four small mountains?” Jiang Yu was surprised, “Why is it called such a name?”

Cheng Bai Ruo raised his hand and pointed at the surrounding mountains, “Look, there are four small mountains near here, of course, you may think that this mountain is already very high, but in our southwest, it’s really nothing.”

As if thinking of something, he added, “The four small mountains weren’t special originally, but a few decades ago, a few geology experts came over and said that this place was some kind of volcano, and that they needed to line it up.”

“Volcano?” This time even Zhang Kun was surprised.

Cheng Bai Ruo: “That’s what my grandfather said, but our family has lived here for generations, and we haven’t seen any eruptions, and when the end came, the meteorite shook, and again there was nothing to affect it.”

A few mountains looked flat, otherwise he wouldn’t have failed to recognize his old home.

Jiang Yu came up next to Sheng An: “Still thinking about the lack of traces?”

Sheng An nodded.

She lifted her foot and walked forward, “Let’s go to the mountain and take a look.”

Jiang Yu hurriedly followed, the sky was already almost dark, it was getting more and more cloudy and the field of view was shrinking, if they couldn’t find any traces today, I’m afraid it would be even more difficult tomorrow.

“If only in the Qi team was there, it would be good ……” Jiang fish sighed.

Sheng An did not answer.

The group did not go far, Ji Yani and Liu Miao returned, Ji Yani is still in good condition, but Liu Miao is pale and panting, Zhang Kun handed them water.

Ji Yani unscrewed yet to drink, first reported the situation: “did not find, near a piece of no trace of mutant plants, likely to have fled, really into the essence of a mutant plant, but also can run.”

Liu Miao couldn’t say anything, but obviously, the same nothing.

At this moment, Jiang Yu suddenly pointed in a direction and exclaimed, “Isn’t that it?!”

Everyone looked over in unison.

A green plant was running on the ground, circling around the side along the foot of the mountain, stopping its feet and shaking its leaves, seemingly looking around.

The distance wasn’t too far, and the other party’s green leaves were very clear.

Only, it seems to be a bit miserable, the leaves did not have a few pieces left in total, pitted, as if it had suffered a heavy blow, the root system was also broken quite a lot, the leaves with droplets of water, I do not know whether it was dew or sweat.

It seemed to have gotten tired of running, and rooted its root system that was originally running wildly on the ground into the soil to draw strength.

Cheng Bai Ruo exclaimed, “It’s it!”

The mutated Folded Ear Root he saw was it!

Jiang Yu was ecstatic, “Sister Sheng! It’s really a mutated plant, I’ll go control it with my supernatural powers, let’s hurry up and dig it out.”

She quickly stepped over and raised her hand to activate her alien energy.

Sheng An similarly stared at the mutant plant tightly, the corners of her mouth rising.

However, Jiang Yu hadn’t even gotten close.

The guy pulled out the root system as if he was being chased by something and continued to run wildly for his life.

Jiang Yu exclaimed, “It ran away-”

Gu Qiansheng: “Chase it!”

Sheng An’s footsteps paused slightly.

–This image, Qin Xuan’s prophecy was once again fulfilled.

Prophecy, is it a prophecy of what might happen in the future, or is it a prophecy of what will inevitably happen in the future after knowing the prophecy?

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