Chapter 214.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:56:27
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Time was the most difficult to control and the most mysterious thing in the world.

But at this moment, Sheng An felt as if she could grasp time, and after inserting her hand into the gap, she tried to rattle time, and the already collapsed time was going backwards ……

However, a powerful force wrapped around her and pulled time back again!

The two times overlapped, and the entire space went back and forth, time fluctuating and flowing.

The black shadow’s voice rang in her ears, “Give it up, the powers you can use now are no match for mine, you can’t possibly dial time back completely.”

Sheng An did not stop, continuing to pull and play.

Black Shadow: “Moreover, even if you dial it back, so what? How are you going to kill me? The time layer has collapsed, you dialing back time is nothing more than recalcitrance, you can only barely see the past.”

Sheng An still didn’t stop.

The black shadow’s words were all right, this collapsed time, how were they going to get in?

If they couldn’t get in, how could they kill?

But –

She always had to dial back the time and try to enter again.

She couldn’t believe that she couldn’t get in at all!

There was always a way.

The game of life and death, every move, to achieve the current most desired purpose, as long as you don’t want to admit defeat, you have to go on step by step.

The black shadow’s voice was far away and close, as if compelling her, “The world that has collapsed, you can’t enter it, and you can’t change it.”

Sheng An had always ignored the black shadow screaming and mocking.

But now, she opened her mouth, “If it’s really as you say, what are you blocking? What are you afraid of?”

The black shadow gave a beat.

A moment later, the black shadow spoke again, “I’m just being honest, you really can’t kill me, can you?”

Sheng An: “Then stop and let me see if I can kill you.”

The black shadow didn’t move, yet it didn’t draw back its powers either.

Sheng An laughed: “See, you’re also afraid, I thought you were really confident that you were invincible, but it turns out, it’s nothing more than that.”

The black shadow’s breathing became rapid.

And it was also at this instant that Sheng An’s hand of time suddenly exerted force, violently pulling the image to what she wanted to see!


The black shadow pulled back again once more, and that image was only a split second.

But it was that instant that Sheng An saw, her brows instantly tightened, her face ugly.

The black shadow’s voice was cold: “Sheng An, you can’t kill me, and I …… will kill you.”

How was she going to kill the Time Fae?

Toggle time, she can only barely see the picture at that time, but can not really pull the time to the “time fae obtain immortality” moment.

That was, after all, a world where time had collapsed, and there was still interference from the Time Fae.

She had just pulled it in.

But she couldn’t enter, there was no way to get to that moment and kill the Time Fae.

She had to think of a way to enter as soon as possible!

Sheng An’s mind was awake and spinning frantically.

Shanhua was a bit flustered and looked around blankly.

The gaming of the two times against the collapsing time only added to the already shattered world, making it even more messy and unorganized.

The creatures that were inside, their bodies seemed to be torn apart.

Mountain Flower: “Meow!”

Its head looked towards Qi Lingmu with anxiety in its eyes.

Qi Lingmu stood quietly in space.

He was pondering.

The crumbling scene around him, the space that changed from time to time, the sound of the broken bellows whirring …… were all telling him that time was acting on this crumbling world.

A time?

No, like time at war.

It was easy to deduce – the other time at war was Sheng An.

Her psychic abilities had never been displayed, but the Institute had been basically certain that it was related to time a long time ago, as evidenced by the fact that he had been sent in and left open before.

Sheng An’s alien ability dried up, although it is not known how she has the time ability to play with the time fae ……

But this must be the opportunity!

Sheng An wouldn’t do anything superfluous.

But what chance was it?

Qi Lingmu wasn’t outside and didn’t know what the situation was now, but he had to know the situation, and only if he did, would he have a way to help Sheng An ……

He didn’t have the powerful analyzing ability like Hao Jingye, but he understood Sheng An as well as he understood himself.

Their tacit understanding from childhood for more than twenty years could tell him the answer.

The surroundings were still fluctuating.

The hand of time and time energy were still intertwined, one trying to rewind to the past, the other trying to pull to the present.

The one who wanted to rewind to the past was Sheng An.

The one pulling to the present was the Time Fae.

He had fired a gun before and knew that the Time Fae still had an immortal body, so Sheng An pulling back in time at this time must be because pulling back was what killed the Time Fae!

Everything was instantly clear.

–The Time Fae’s Undying Body ability had just been acquired just before this time layer.

Sheng An was trying to pull back to that time, and the Time Fae was preventing it.

Next moment.

Qiling Mist’s brows furrowed.

This world collapsed, even if it was pulled back to that time, how to kill it?

Could Sheng An come in?

Even if she came in, this world collapsed, could she still go out?

No, he couldn’t let Sheng An come in.

Then, that time fae would have to be killed by him.


How was he going to travel through time to the past?

He was in the third month of the end world, but he also had to go to the moment when the time fae gained immortality in the third month of the end world and do it.

How was he going to get there?

Why didn’t Sheng An contact him? What was she worried about?

Qi Lingmu thought for a moment and understood.

All of the Institute’s guesses were right, Sheng An’s Fae ability was time, and he was missing a part of his Fae ability, again due to overdraft.

And the part he was missing – anchoring the past.

Qi Lingmu smiled.

He looked back in the direction of the mutated plant, his voice firm, “Sheng An, leave it to me.”

Sheng An heard it!

Her face changed as the time around her distorted more and more.

The black shadow was even more ugly than her face, violently pulling Sheng An, pulling time, wanting to completely pull her “hand of time” out!

Sheng An actually understood everything.

Even if she didn’t think of it at first, she could think of it when she realized that the black shadow was scared and kept stopping her.

–She couldn’t get in, but Qi Lingmu was inside.

As long as the time fae energy is dialed back, Qi Lingmu’s [King’s Anchor], it is possible to kill the time fae that do not have an undead body.


Where is Qi Lingmu?

The “third month of the end times” was already collapsing, could he still come out from this gap after killing the Time Fae?

He still has the possibility to come out because he still dragged the mutant plant, and half of the mutant plant belongs to the “third year of the end of the world”!

Sheng An didn’t let Qi Ling Mu cooperate with her, she was trying to figure out how to get in.

However, Qi Lingmu still guessed.

Sheng An droned, “Qi Ling Mu! I’ll think of a way to get in, you come out first!”

Qi Lingmu did not reply.

He removed the three-flower cat from his shoulder and wrapped it around the three-flower cat’s body with the root system he was tugging on his hand.

Qi Lingmu’s voice was soft, “Get out.”

As the words landed, he looked at the gap and revealed a smile, his brows relaxing and the corners of his mouth rising, “Sheng An, I said, leave it to me.”

There was some regret that he wouldn’t be able to see Sheng An.

–But, she will win, and must win.

Qi Lingwu suddenly loosened his hand, this loose, loose the possibility of him leaving the “third month of the last world”.

He carried his gun and ran towards the center of the four hills in his memory.

This is a collapsed time layer, he may not be able to pass, may not still have that place, but he must try.

Sheng An must have paid a price for playing with the time fae.

She fought with her depleted fae powers, so she was afraid that she was heating up again, and maybe even her organs were hurting.

What a lack of love for herself.

But she was Sheng An ah, this was Sheng An.

Qi Lingmu closed his eyes, his alien energy is fully open, and continued to run in that direction, his slender figure is like an athletic panther, quickly shuttling, the hem of his black combat suit flips, and his long boots step on the ground.

On the shoulder, a little one fell up.

Mountain flower did not go.

It stayed, and there were loopholes that existed so that Qi Lingmu was more able to pass through time and anchor the past.

Time, loophole, anchor, Dr. Yan said long ago, they may be the world reopened complete a ring, one is indispensable.

The little cat’s paw patted Qi Ling Mou’s shoulder, and the alien ability was fully opened.

Qi Ling Mou laughed softly, “I now believe that you are also reborn, side by side in the last life, this life is the same, Shan Hua, you are a good comrade.”

The third year of the end times.

The Time Fae was almost frantically trying to pull time and get the people inside completely dead.

However, Sheng An’s eyes were crimson as she tightly grasped the Time Fae, and the supernatural abilities that Song Linwei had reinforced to her, at this moment-

All of them were used!

Sheng An didn’t want anything to happen to Qi Lingwu and Shanhua, and even more so, she didn’t want to use their sacrifice for victory.

But after so many years of cooperation, she knew too well how to not let his efforts go to waste.

She made a choice, and he had to cooperate.

And when he made a choice, she had to cooperate as well!

Sacrifice had already been set, then it had to be exchanged for victory.

So, even if reason had disappeared at this point, the body’s instincts still clasped the black shadow while pulling time.

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