Chapter 226.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:56:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Capital City Base.

The capital city was already completely different from three months ago.

The entire capital city was loaded with everyone from the capital and several neighboring cities, and even foreign migrants, so many people, and with order well maintained by the Special Intelligence Service, could focus on building the base.

The speed of their infrastructure was already terrifying, and this time, they also added countless alien energy users.

In just three months, the prototype of the capital city base had already appeared.

The entire capital city looked like a fortress of technology on top of scorched earth, from a distance, it was countless inverted bowls, layer after layer of protective measures, covering an extremely wide area.

Six floors on the ground, and six more underground, in the middle of one inverted bowl, is a shuttle road intertwined, at this time the lights are bright, seems to be able to light up the whole piece of sky.

The capital base had six entrances and exits, two were underground exits outside the base, and four were ground exits, distributed in the four directions of southeast, west, and north.

The one facing south was the main entrance.

Tall buildings, technological silver walls, guarded biplane watchtowers, and several aerial monitoring stations, as well as the reassuring four big words –

Capital Base.

For the first three months after the fire first burned, the sun was so hot that people were out by day and night.

But since three days ago, the black clouds that appeared due to the burning covered the sun, and even during the day, the visibility was decreasing.

Everyone knows it’s going to rain soon.

Recently, the infrastructure has been working in two shifts, and many people are working day and night, but no one is complaining.

No one complains, because what they are building is their own home.

At a construction site in the south, people were working while looking to the south.

“Special Intelligence Division Team B is coming back today?”

“That’s what it says inside the broadcast, it’s so good, after they come back, the capital base will be safer.”

“I heard that they also brought with them yin and yang eyed xenophiles that can screen for fae, and Team Leader Sheng has also formally awakened the arcane time xenomancy, and there are even mutated plants ……”

“It’s really great, I can finally feel more at ease in the future!”

“If we can grow plants, there will really be hope for the human race in the future, I always felt worried before, but now I’m much more relaxed instead, and I can feel at ease building the base.”

“If I were resting now, I would definitely not sleep and go to the gate to pick them up!”

“I asked my dad to take my son there, they sleep in shifts, just in time to go and watch, I hope my son can learn from those firebrands in the Special Intelligence Service.”

“Get to work get to work, we have to hurry up and get the base built before the acid rain hits.”

“Yes, all work hard, Special Intelligence Service B team is back, we will always see them later.”

They discussed while concentrating on their work.

And the southern gate.

Many people who were resting in shifts came out to receive the convoy.

As they watched the convoy approach, cheers rang out, and the crowd stood on both sides of the gate, their eyes wildly watching the team.

And the people who were being watched, got off at the entrance of the base, and in the midst of all the attention, walked towards the base in large strides, all with their heads up and chests out, with a righteous look on their faces.

In their ears, the murmurs of the people on both sides rang out-

“Is that Mutant Little Golden Man Li Xin?”

“Ah – that’s Space Killer Lai Wan Yun, recently there was a batch of supplies improperly stored and something went wrong, if she was there, the supplies would have been well preserved.”

“I saw the speed alien Ji Yani! My idol, I’m also a Speed Alien, but nowhere near her.”

“That’s Silence Alien Gu Chisheng, right?”

“Hiss! This one flying up is the mutant birdman Wu Buye, right?”

Long Tianyu who was holding his head high: “???”

He looked at Wu Buye, who suddenly flew up, and cursed in his heart: f*ck, what’s the point of having a face? How dare you fly up directly?

However, sensing the fervent sight of the people around him, as well as a wave of praise for Wu Buye ……

Long Tianyu soured.

In the next moment, there was a commotion on both sides, and someone cried out in shock.

Long Tianyu froze, subconsciously looked to the side, originally flat, at this time slowly raised, which saw the whole picture clearly.

A huge golden man appeared, as if a steel giant.

Around him, a pair of eyes became more and more frenzied, he could hear someone shouting Li Xin.

Long Tianyu: “……”

After a short period of silence, his figure disappeared in place, and with a few flashes, he quickly entered the base.

After coming in.

He raised his head and revealed a smug smile.

–Golden Man and Mutant Birdman, can they be compared to him, the godly flashing Fae?

Now, it was time to move the attention to him.



Long Tianyu looked at the scattered few people, and then looked back towards the direction of the main entrance, the clamor that was faintly coming from ……

He flashed away, and he couldn’t hear others praising him ah?

More so, he couldn’t feel the fervent, worshipful eyes ah!

Long Tianyu was confused and stood in place dumbfounded.

And the main entrance.

Lai Wan Yun looked at the direction where Long Tian Yu disappeared and silently spat out two words:

“Silly X.”

She lifted her chin, still posing her high and lonely face, and in the gaze of the crowd, she walked through in big strides, the pride and complacency in her heart was probably only known to Wu Buye in the sky.

Jiang Yu was flinging vines in her hands, with a mutated Folding Ear Root standing on her shoulder, her face blossoming with smiles.

Liu Yue, Ji Yani, Zhang Kun, Ke Jiaxue, were quite embarrassed, but a pair of eyes had no malice in them, and although they were embarrassed, they all tried to remain calm and stride forward.

Gu Qiansheng very much enjoy this state of affairs, he dreamed of the “kingpin” goal, is to want this kind of worship eyes, and now, is also another form of realization.

Old man Qin was holding Qin Xuan at the back.

Hao Jingye and million yuan, Yu Feng, Jiang also book pressure fundamentally did not get off, not to join in the fun.

Lou Mingwei wanted to join in the fun, but he was in Group A. He could only stay inside the car!

He can only stay in the car, grunting in aggravation, “Why is group B so rowdy …… Damn it!”

Jia Guangliang collapsed, he also did not want this card face ah.

He is the most natural, after all, he has not seen this kind of scene, the problem is – he did not wear a cloak, is chubby look!

Jia Guangliang’s toes snapped to the ground, almost instinctively ducking behind Song Linwei.

Song Linwei was speechless.

How could he possibly cover Jia Guangliang’s figure?

Looking to the side again, Song Linwei couldn’t help but whisper, “You learn from Zhuang Fan, you see how high and cold people are, without a slanting eye, truly seeing the outside world as nothing ……”


Wu Buye: F*ck, Zhuang Fan can you stop calling for help! Old me mind reading is a passive skill, my ears are going deaf from you!

After they left.

The crowd was still in the middle of the clamor, and there were also people asking, ”Where is their group leader Sheng An? I really want to meet Team Leader Sheng with my own eyes, I heard that she awakened the Time Ability …… and the King’s Anchor Qi Lingmu, where did they go?”

“Right oh, where are they?”

“That yin and yang eyes also did not see, I do not know which one ……”

At the same time.

Inside the base.

As the caravan approached the capital base and swaggered in, Sheng An stood with Shan Hua on his shoulder, Qi Ling Mu brought along Elder Chu, as well as Qiu Yu and Qu Yi, and they entered the base office building silently.

The base executives were standing together, waiting for Sheng An to return with them.

Chief Base Chief: “Come in soon, right?”

“Uh-huh.” Elder Zhang nodded, “This time, they had a close call and were in danger, but the harvest was great, this trip was well worth it.”

The Chief Base Commander glanced at Elder Li.

The latter really had a complicated look on his face.

Elder Zhang, Sheng An’s immediate leader.

Elder Li, Qiu Yu’s immediate leader.

They often had conflicting attitudes and completely different viewpoints, with Elder Zhang being more moderate and Elder Li being more radical, and after the end of the world, they were in charge of two completely different directions.

Elder Zhang was in charge of the Meteorite Research Institute, trying to find out the truth about the end times and solve the human troubles.

Elder Li was more concerned about the Altered, accepting the survival of the fittest, and was in charge of the Biological Research Institute.

This time, Special Intelligence Division Team B’s big credit was equivalent to Zhang Lao’s correct decision.

Sheng An was outside the door, his voice was very, very soft, as if dissipating into the wind: “Elder Chu, who is it?”

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