Chapter 228.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:57:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Instantly, everyone in the room sat up straight and looked serious.

All the Special Intelligence Service members were related?

In other words, they might have found the root cause of the early awakening and rebirth of the Special Intelligence Service members!

Long Tianyu frowned, “We already have a guess on this point, it’s Sheng An’s Time Ability.”

After a pause, he added, “There’s also the anchor point set by Qi Lingmu, as well as the loopholes in Shanhua’s rules, causing us to be reborn and awakened early.”

“That’s the appearance.” Song Linwei shook his head, “We still don’t know the underlying causes, for example, why you guys?”

Why them?

Why are they almost all spread out in and around the capital?

Why were they all many times stronger than in their previous lives?

All of these doubts remained.

Hao Jingye pushed his glasses and stated his guess, “Because there is a problem with their death memories, in their last life they …… may not have only lived until the second year of the end times.”

Academician He nodded without hesitation, affirming the guess.

He slid the screen, interlacing the Special Intelligence Service’s character relationship chart, the current strength level chart, the last life’s strength prediction chart, and the timeline chart, all on top of one large chart.

Academician He took a deep breath and slowly said-

“Because, your memories came to an abrupt end at the end of the second year of the End Times, and we can reasonably surmise that Team Leader Sheng, and even the State, officially came to the forefront at the beginning of the third year of the End Times, to fight hand in hand with you.

“All the way back to the fifth year of the End Times, time went back in time, so your strength is not at the level it was at the end of the second year of the End Times, but at the fifth year of the End Times.”

The crowd froze in place.

Their strength was stronger than in their last life, but it was because they had lived for more than just two years?

Strength wasn’t acquired out of thin air, but in their last life, they reached this level?

Lai Wan Yun muttered, “No wonder my memories came to an abrupt end, the cause of death was that I died with Lou Mingwei, but after I was reborn, I didn’t hate him much, nor did I want to retaliate, and I couldn’t even recall the exact details of my death ……”

Because at that time, she probably didn’t die!

Instead, since then, she came into contact with Sheng An and joined the national team.

Her moves that she did out of instinct were taught to her by Sheng An and Team Qi themselves after the end of the second year of the end of the last life.

It was!

She and Lou Mingwei were both masters in their last life, and he came to rob her and fought, and they died together?

It was hard to survive until the end of the second year of the end of the end of the world, they didn’t love life that little.

If instead they lost both of them and came into contact with Sheng An afterward, then everything would make sense!

There was also their strength that was stronger than their previous life that could all be explained.

Long Tianyu had a doubt: “Wait, since Sheng An and Qi Lingwu are alive, and even the country has people alive, why is there no news from the last life?”

Dr. Yan: “There must be some reason why they chose to stay hidden behind the scenes, and the country is not non-existent, in fact, the end time tabloids, and even the existence of Wu Buyi, could be related to the country!”

Old man Qin lowered his eyelids and played with Qin Xuan’s fingers.

Wu Buye looked up somewhat blankly.

Gu Qian Sheng suddenly realized, “Yes, I’ve always found it strange, how come, according to the memories of the reborn, once the end came in the last life, order collapsed and the state didn’t exist? It turns out that the state might be behind the scenes!”

Of course, without advance warning, and with the fae stirring things up, the country in the last life must have been miserable.

But not so bad that they didn’t exist at all, not so bad that they instantly collapsed and disappeared.

They were behind the scenes.

And looking at it that way, a lot of Wu Buye’s behavior could be explained.

He had gathered almost all of the information on the Exalted, attracting their resentment and reducing the internal struggles of the Exalted, while at the same time, releasing information from time to time, so that the Exalted didn’t have the heart to struggle.

–The xenos that Wu Buye had taken action to rectify were most likely to be hidden xenos again.

The people of the country had not come to the front of the stage, but had been behind Wu Buye, influencing the xenos.

And when they decided to come to the front of the stage, they collected all the nearby xenos in the fastest and shortest time possible.

Everything, all explained.

Dr. Yan: “In your last life, from the third to the fifth year of the End Times, you would have fought alongside your country, and would have been teammates with Team Leader Sheng, Team Qi, and Shanhua.

“Back in time, and perhaps with your help, Team Leader Sheng and Team Qi chose you, not randomly, but, rather, as you should have been.”

Why only the capital city?

Because, Sheng An and the others were in the capital.

Lai Wan Yun, Long Tian Yu, the members of the Special Intelligence Service, were all in the vicinity of the capital, and the only ones who were far away were Zhuang Fan, Jiang Ling, and Nie Chang Sui.

And it was really normal that the three of them, who were exceedingly strong, would enter the capital from their hometown location in the third year of the end of the last life.

Aside from their strength, in that kind of scorched earth post-apocalyptic world, it was too difficult to go from one place to another, and the distribution of the fire seeds around the capital city was also rationally explained.

Ben was the team that had coalesced from the capital and its vicinity with Sheng An as the core.

Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun looked at each other in a bit of a daze.

–It was Sheng Xuan.

–But it wasn’t exactly Sheng Xuan.

They were originally teammates.

They were teammates in their last life, so the world reopened and it was still them.

Sheng An had chosen them, and it was also them who had chosen themselves.

Hao Jingye muttered, “M won’t allow everything to go smoothly, at the time of Sheng’s retrospection and Qi’s team anchoring, M must have done something, like cutting off memories, the best cut off point, is the third year of the end times ……”

It was only in the third year of the end times that Sheng An came out in front of people and made contact with others.

Don’t want Sheng An to pass information through time regression, then cut off the memories of all of them.

The end of the second year of the End Times, the best entry point.

Song Linwei analyzed, “Sister Sheng time backtracking, the King’s Anchor anchors time, calibrates memories, and locks in strength from the loopholes in the rules, this step is hard and difficult, so some people have memories, and some people don’t have memories.

“We can envision that Sheng An and Qi’s team started with the goal that must be all reborn and with strength, but the opponent, i.e. M, will definitely interfere, so only very few people still have memories and cut off from the end of the second year of the end times.”

“M succeeded.” Dr. Yan smiled bitterly, “None of you know the information that Team Leader Sheng wanted to pass on, you really know the useful information from the third year of the End Times, but, the memory is cut off from here.”

Instantly, the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit dull.

Some confusion was explained, but they, their assessment of M’s strength, had to be raised again.

This was not good, and it also made people feel depressed.

Li Xin muttered, “I really want to know what happened in my last life ……”

Lou Mingwei carefully glanced at Sheng An and weakly raised his hand.

The others looked at him.

Lou Mingwei gulped and pointed at Jiang Yu, “What about her? Why is her memory only up to the first year of the end of the world, and there’s also Wu Zhi who is also a reborn person, his memory stays on the day of the end of the world ……”

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