Chapter 23.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:46:59
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Li Xin’s confidence climaxed at this moment.

The national hot weapons could not help him, he was the superhero of this world, the top strong man!

Who doesn’t have a dream of being a hero?

And he was God’s own son, the son of heaven’s destiny!

–He could be a hero with impunity and realize his dream of being a hero.

“Hahahahahaha!!!” Li Xin laughed.

Hao Jingye looked at Sheng An and said urgently, “Sister Sheng!”

Sheng An remained calm, she loaded the gun in her hand and aimed it at Li Xin, her voice was calm-

“Li Xin, Vajra Unbreakable Body is from Buddhist scriptures, Iron Man is a western comic book superhero, don’t engage in cultural hybridization and look even more uncultured!”

As the words landed, Sheng An pulled the trigger.

This time, the sound of metal crashing no longer resounded.

What rang out was another sound-


Li Xin howled like a killing pig.

And then, along with this scream, Li Xin fell from a high altitude and smashed onto the ground.

“Bang-” There was a loud bang.

Sheng An calmly stepped back.

Li Xin held his hand and rolled around on the ground crazily, his hand was hit, his metal arm had a big hole, and it was “zipping”, like something was constantly corroding the metal.

Li Xin cried out in pain.

“Ahhhh, what is this? What have you done to me?!” His voice agonized.

Sheng An squatted down next to him and looked at him from above.

As she watched him roll over in pain, she slowly revealed a bright smile and slowly spoke, “If I were you, I would withdraw my powers right now and break the metal on my hands.”

At those words, the helmet on Li Xin’s head and the mask on his face disappeared, and the golden glitter on his body immediately faded.

A section of the mechanical arm broke off and reverted back to his hand, which slowed down.

And his appearance was completely exposed to Sheng An.

A pretty good-looking sixteen year old boy, with a childish and untamed face, glaring eyes full of anger, his hair a little long, slightly covering his eyebrows, wearing – bear pajamas.

Li Xin gasped for breath and was about to speak.

The next moment, a gun was aimed at his brow.

Above, Sheng An gave him a slight smile.

Li Xin stiffened and didn’t move a muscle.

A moment later, the place where the gun was aimed turned into metal.

He was about to resist.

Sheng An’s smile remained unchanged: “If it’s skin, this gun of mine might not be able to take you, but if you turn into metal, then this gun will be useful ……”

Li Xin froze.

The next moment, the metal under the muzzle of the gun disappeared and returned to his ordinary flesh and blood.

After all, he was still afraid of death and pain.

And around them, the SWAT officers surrounded them, their guns aimed at Li Xin.

At this moment, whether he turned into a metal man or stayed the same, he was taken.

Li Xin gritted his teeth, “What kind of gun is this?!”

Why was it able to injure him?

This couldn’t be possible.

He was clearly an invulnerable golden body that was impervious to swords and spears!

Sheng An: “Gold-type psychics can manipulate metal and also turn metal into their bodies, you’re already a gold elemental. I can tell by looking at your color, the metal you transformed out is mostly copper and gold, copper is easy to handle, gold is a bit more troublesome, and the fact that you’re confident that you’re not afraid of bullets means that your metal contains other elements to increase its hardness.”

Li Xin: “?”

What is she talking about?

Sheng An: “But it doesn’t matter, your cultural level is just like that, the metal that is melted out is mostly common elements, common metal elements are not difficult to deal with, inside the bullet is my homemade chemical, concentrated nitric acid and concentrated hydrochloric acid mixed according to the volume ratio of 1:3, commonly known as, aqua regia.”

Li Xin: “??”

His eyes were lax and he looked confused.

It seemed like she was being sarcastic, but he had no proof ……

Sheng An: “Wang Shui can dissolve most metal elements, especially if this metal shell of yours is the common elements Cu and Au, it can’t be handled any better, but where you get a bit of rare elements, that’s indeed troublesome, and you might have to dispatch a chemistry expert over.”

Li Xin: “????”

Sheng An smiled slightly and nudged his head with the muzzle of his gun, “So Junior, read more before you come out as a superhero.”

Li Xin: “…………”

— Is this person mocking him?

His brain buzzed, a little confused, and his whole body froze.

He boasted that he was the son of heaven’s destiny, boasted that his superpowers were invincible, and never thought that Sheng An would defeat him with only the most basic chemistry from junior high and high school.

Metal copper, gold, concentrated nitric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid …… so familiar content.

Li Xin s entire body was in a trance.

In front of him was Sheng An squatting, aiming that special “bullet” gun at his brow.

Next to them are the special police who surrounded them.

–He couldn’t run away anymore.

Li Xin gritted his teeth, “I won’t cooperate with you, kill me if you can!”

Defeated, the teenager was a bit frustrated, but more than that, he was angry.

He was getting annoyed and was putting up a last resistance.

Sheng An’s smile remained unchanged: “Oh yeah? You refuse to cooperate? Then I can only get your parents and family to cooperate.”

She raised her head and looked towards the door of the unit.

Li Xin was startled and looked over furiously.

The elevator entrance had been controlled by the SWAT team, but Song’s family was allowed to come out.

At this moment, they were standing at the door of the unit, looking fearfully at the scene in front of them.

Song Linwei only felt like his head was going to explode.

They had witnessed Li Xin’s arrogance the entire time, as well as Sheng An’s outburst.

If it wasn’t for the inappropriate scene at this time, he could not control himself to severely beat up Li Xin.

Of course, the ones who wanted to do it even more than him were Song Linlin and Li Huai.

“You threatened me?!” Li Xin’s scarlet eyes.

If Sheng An was the only one, he would have resisted and even considered killing this “villain”.

But there was also a SWAT team here, and they could easily control his parents.

Sheng An: “You can think that, but I think I’m analyzing the situation for you.”

Li Xin clenched her hand into a fist and cursed, “Sheng An, you’re shameless!!!”

–She is, at this moment, like the arch-villain who is blocking the hero in the story.

Sheng An: “Well, I’m shameless.”

Her smile remains unchanged: “What about when you robbed the little kid’s Ultraman hand puppet?”

Li Xin: “……”

He was inexplicably a little weak.

Sheng An stood up and looked at the Song family with a warm attitude:

“Small children or not too spoiled, will be lawless and break into a big trouble, just now it was a veritable ‘upper room’.”

Li Xin came down from the 17th floor.

And again, after provoking Sheng An, he climbed to the 11th floor in one breath, just like a gecko crawling around in front of a large crowd, and arrogantly clamoring ……

Song family members witnessed the whole process.

Li Huai was breathing heavily, and he copied a broom in his hand before coming down.

At this moment, he finally couldn’t help himself, he copied the broom and charged forward, ”Li Xin! If I don’t beat you today, I’m not your father!!!”


Li Xin let out a miserable scream, even forgetting to turn into a metal man.

“Father what are you hitting me for?”

“Ow! It’s clearly them who are stopping me from saving the world.”

“Ouch, ouch, ouch, stop hitting!”

Sheng An calmly put away her gun and stopped looking at the father and son in front of her.

She turned her head to look at Hao Jingye and commanded, “I’ll take the people away first, you do the aftermath.”

Hao Jingye nodded silently.

He had already thought of countless aftermath programs in his mind, today’s commotion is not small, aftermath is not a simple job.

Of course, this was all due to this middle-aged man who had to fly over the wall.

Hao Jingye watched Li Huai violently beat Li Xin, revealing a pleased smile.

–Want to be a superhero?

–Ask your old man first.

Li Xin was smacked, Sheng An left with a drooping head, and all of Song’s family members followed, with the SWAT team accompanying him for escort, and Li Jingye left behind with his people to make amends.

And gold system alien Li Xin’s superhero dream ……

was dashed before he even left the neighborhood.

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