Chapter 230.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:57:09
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In an instant, Lai Wan Yun felt the hairs on her body explode and a chill ran up her scalp.

Looking at the opposite side, Nie Changsui as well as Yang Chuan, all of them were filled with horror.

Time Ability, Immortal Body, Shadow Ability, Puppet Ability, King’s Anchor ……

These special and powerful psychic abilities, the human camp had them, so why did the fae camp also possess them?

The King’s Anchor psychic ability was very special.

It belongs to the spiritual system, but unlike “probing” and “mind-reading”, the King’s Anchor favors attack, and can be anchored to a location, can be locked from the spiritual level, kill, and naturally, can also be modified from the spiritual level.

Qi Lingmu’s ability was just like Sheng An’s Time Ability, and there were still many points that could be explored.

It was true that they possessed the super strength of their last life.

However, since they did not have the memories of their last life, their skillful use of their strength was far less than if they had realistically advanced to the same degree in their last life.

The tampering that M had done to their memories, the ability that was displayed …… was indeed like a King’s Anchor.

Long Tianyu was puzzled; “So, is it M who possesses multiple supernormal abilities? Or does he possess special psychic abilities?”

How does it feel like He can do everything?

Dr. Yan pursed his lips, “All are possible.”

Academician He sighed lightly and shook his head:

“M If it’s the possession of multiple special abilities, it’s understandable, the Fae are invading creatures, and their special abilities are also the direct effects brought about by the invasion, and the Fae know more about meteorite fragments than humans do, then it’s highly likely that the Lord of the Fae is mastering more special abilities.

“By the same token, He mastered special abilities possibility is also very high, Sheng group leader’s time, Qi team’s King’s Anchor, Qin Xuan’s prophecy, Zhuang Fan’s Speech Spirit …… these supernormal abilities are all very special, before determining that Sheng group leader possesses supernormal abilities, we can’t imagine that there is even someone who can control time. ”

Even the alien ability to control time has already appeared, what else is impossible?

Therefore, M is any situation, it is possible.

Group A’s Zuo Fan had a doubt: “If M is so strong, why didn’t he strike at us directly? Every time the plan was to do it indirectly.”

They had never even met M.

Academician He let out a breath and analyzed, “I guess there are two possibilities, first, as the Lord of the Fae, M is a sustenance in their eyes, He only wants to keep weakening us to keep providing us with sustenance, and is not prepared to drive us to extinction.”

Dr. Yan: “The second possibility, M is also jealous of something.”


Chief Base Chief looked at Sheng An: “Perhaps, it’s Team Leader Sheng’s ability.”

He looked at the despairing prophecy chart, and then at Sheng An, and all the fires beside her, with celebration and burning hope intertwined in the bottom of his eyes-

“Judging from the prophecy chart, the odds are that M has already won once, but Team Leader Sheng made the world reopen, and an ability like time is beyond imagination.”

There is no God.

But fortunately for humanity, there are “god-like” firebrands.

Only then did they have the possibility of winning the battle against the fae, and the possibility of not being overrun by the fae and not being slaughtered cleanly.

Long Tianyu and Lai Wan Yun looked at each other, neither of them said anything.

They felt the pressure.

However, when they looked at Sheng An again, she was still sitting there calmly, straightening her spine as if the wind and rain were not invading her.

The information provided by the research institute parsed out the cause of the rebirth and early awakening.

And Sheng An brought back an assessment of M.

Amidst the pressure and despair, there was still hope that existed in the cracks, and as long as they were adaptable enough, there was room for them to survive in any soil.

Just like–

Everyone looked at the mutant Folding Ear Root.

In such a scorched earth world, there were still green plants surviving, it was the hope of this land, and also the hope of the human beings who relied on the land to survive.

The Mutant Folded Ear Root was cowering in the corner, not realizing that everyone was looking at it.

At this moment, it was shaking its head.

However, the leaves inserted on it did not belong to it, and all of them fell off with a gentle shake, and there was still only one lonely, pitiful leaf.

Exasperated, Folding Ear Root stomped the leaf on the ground two times with its root system.

Crowd: “……”

The entire crowd withdrew their eyes.

Both the tight and combative atmosphere was stirred up and broken by it.

Jiang Yu subconsciously touched his head without touching the leaf.

Sheng An also calmly withdrew his line of sight and spoke calmly:

“We can’t be sure what exactly is M’s attitude, viewing as human sustenance in a teasing manner? Or is it scornful of us? But whichever it is, He is our enemy as the Lord of the Fae.”

The crowd withdrew their eyes and nodded slowly.

No matter how strong M was, it was an enemy they had to fight and could not back down.

Dr. Yan sighed, “From the current point of view, any kind of alien ability may appear in the Fae camp, what we have and are powerful, the Fae camp may have, but the powerful alien abilities that the Fae have, we may not have, next, we have to be more careful.”

Autumn Rain suddenly said, “If M manipulates a puppet and can attach an alien ability, M’s puppet ability is stronger than mine.”

Not only does it possess her abilities, it might also be stronger than her.

“Not necessarily.”

Qi Lingwu shook her head, “The reason why we didn’t use our full strength is because we lacked five years of memories from the end times, and we haven’t yet fully utilized our alien ability, when we are skilled at it, we may not necessarily lose with the same strength comparison.”

Sheng An was only strengthened by Song Lin Wei with Gu Qian Sheng’s supernatural ability, and was able to engage in a game of time with the “Time Fae”.

Later on, with the help of a large number of meteorite fragments to complete the time regression, she was not inferior to the “Time Fae” at all.

It dawned on Qiu Yu.

Yes, with the same strength, she might not necessarily lose!

Fae also had time powers, but the world still reopened once, fae also had the King’s Anchor, but there were still reborns and early-awakened fae.

M hadn’t succeeded in stopping Sheng An from their last life.

Dr. Yan’s eyes brightened, ”So, with the same powers, the fae can’t compare to humans! Then I can reasonably suspect that time, puppets, and immortality were all stolen from humans by the fae with M’s help!”

Therefore, they are no better than the ones who are supposed to have them.

Academician He: “Then, next, all of you should become more familiar with your powers and exert more strength, so that even if the fae steal abilities from you, they can’t win against you!”

Gu Chisheng: “Most of the fae are not difficult to deal with, the most terrifying one is still the mysterious M. The difficult fae we’ve encountered so far are all related to M.”

Hao Jingye nodded and snapped his fingers, “M has made a total of four strikes so far, the first time, Tuning Tiger, Illusionary Fae, Interference Fae, and Bouncing Fae, wanting to exterminate us as a group;

“Second time, Operation Godfall, Blood Pool Fae;

“Third time, Southwest Maze, same regimentation arrangement;

“The fourth time, or a tiger is still transferred to the mountain, attacking and killing Chu Lao, preventing the entry into the capital.”

Four strikes, a clear pulse.

Sheng An suddenly interjected, “Do you guys think that the fourth M’s strike, strange?”

The crowd froze.

Hao Jingye was puzzled, “The appearance of Cheng Bai Ruo’s supernormal ability and the appearance of the puppet, isn’t it M’s arrangement? What’s wrong with Chu Lao entering the capital and will find out the hidden Zhang Lao and other fae?”

Sheng An shook his head and fell into deep thought.

Song Linwei thought for a moment and shook his head, “There’s nothing wrong, there aren’t many people with high authority in the Special Intelligence Division, Zhang Lao has been replaced by a fae that can give real-time information to the fae, M definitely doesn’t want Zhang Lao to be dug up.”

They had wondered before that M was just too clear about the movements of the humans.

Now, everything was clear.

Sheng An curled his fingers around the edges of the information in front of him, vaguely feeling that it wasn’t reasonable enough.

Attacking and killing Chu Lao, noticing that there were fae in the upper echelons, and finding them out, everything was reasonable and smooth.

But what if someone wanted to mislead them?

For example–

Make them think that the one who had been providing the Special Intelligence Service with information was Elder Chu?

The Special Intelligence Service’s Team A assistant, Gu Cheng, suddenly made a speculation, “There is another possibility, M is not commanding the fae in real time, He only lays out the big picture, and normally, there is another layer of leadership among the fae.

“Elder Zhang has the highest status and holds countless information, it’s completely reasonable for him to have some control over the fae.”

After a pause, he continued, “M does not control and arrange in real time, perhaps, it is He who is not very convenient.

“The Time Fae that stayed in the Southwest are puppets, the Shadow Fae that attacked and killed Old Chu are also puppets, the Shadow Fae are placed outside, and Old Zhang has the right to mobilize them.”

Silence now fell once again, everyone was thinking.

Dr. Yan: “This possibility cannot be ruled out, we will continue to analyze.”

Sheng An lowered his eyes.

Whether it was a deliberate act by M to mislead them, or He wasn’t very convenient and allowed the other fae to command the fae, it all showed that – M still had secrets.

Academician He nodded in agreement, ”Leave the analysis to us, you can approach us with any doubts as well as information. And you Fire Breeds, you also still need to continue to improve yourselves and become proficient in your Fae abilities in order to increase your chances of winning.”

He laughed and joked to break the dull atmosphere, “At least don’t let Team Leader Sheng, Team Qi, and the lovely three-flowered cat shuffle us around and reopen the game once for nothing.”

Shanhua made a sound, “Meow!”

As if it was agreeing with the statement.

The exchange of information ended.

The Chief Base Chief looked at Sheng An and asked with his eyes, what else he wanted to say.

Sheng An thought for a moment and raised his head, “Regardless of whether M did it three times or four times, He does keep striking out at humans, and next, there will be a fifth and sixth time.”

The crowd pursed their lips and didn’t say anything.

The dull atmosphere that had been slightly broken was once again tightened.

However, Sheng An smiled slightly, a smile that did not reach the bottom of his eyes-

“I think, isn’t it time for us to take the initiative to find M?”

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