Chapter 256.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:58:15
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Stone City.

Looking outside, Long Tianyu snapped his fingers, gulped, and asked softly, “Today is the first few days we stayed at the Stone City Meteorite Research Institute? Did I get the time wrong?”

Lai Wan Yun: “You’re not mistaken, 12 days, the acid rain is about to stop.”

Sure enough, it was like answering her voice.

Outside, the acid rain, which had already gotten smaller, pattered and gradually stopped.

–The acid rain that lasted for a month officially ended.

Long Tianyu raised his hand, touching his face and then his heart, as if he was determining something.

Hao Jingye pushed his gold-rimmed glasses, “Yes, you’re still alive, not dead.”

“Ah…” Long Tianyu transformed into a screaming chicken.

Almost instinctively, he turned around, pouncing on Sheng An, wanting to hang onto her.

Qi Lingmu reached out, wrapping Sheng An into her arms with one hand, the other holding the gun against him.

The one used was the muzzle end of the gun.

Long Tianyu: “……”

Without hesitation, he turns around, hugs Hao Jingye tightly, and continues to scream, “Ahhhhh I’m still alive, the acid rain stopped, haha! I knew I wouldn’t die that easily!!!”

Hao Jingye was dumbfounded, his ears went deaf for a moment, except for the eardrum-shattering screams, he couldn’t hear anything, and his brain was buzzing.

His expression stiffened.

Song Linwei couldn’t stand it and dragged Long Tianyu down.

Lai Wan Yun’s face was filled with disgust, then she looked at Sheng An: “Sister Sheng, the acid rain has stopped, the fae may have given up their original plan for Long Tianyu because of the prophecy.”

Gu Qian Sheng sighed, “Doesn’t that mean even more that M is in the Special Intelligence Division?”

Qin Xuan’s prophecy was something that was about to happen.

When they knew in advance, M also knew, so they stopped their actions, the acid rain ended, and Long Tianyu was intact.

Ji Yani touched Qin Xuan’s head, “This time, Xuan Xuan takes the credit, Long Tianyu you can be nicer to Xuan Xuan, they kind of saved your life.”

Long Tianyu picks up Qin Xuan, throws him up and catches him again, laughing-

“Hahahaha, little guy this time a big merit, you brother Long I remember your love, later gathers you auntie Lai space of things to throw feed you!”

Brother Dragon? Auntie Li?

Li Wan Yun: “????”

She cursed, “Long Tianyu you are really looking for death! Are you sorry that you didn’t die? Old Auntie can personally send you on your way!”

Long Tianyu’s good mood was all over his face.

Qin Xuan was thrown up and had a great time, laughing.

Because the oppression brought about by M was briefly respited at this moment, the tightness relieved, everyone smiled, and Sheng An’s brows gentled down.

She raised her hand and snapped her fingers:

“Alright, pack up and prepare to return to the capital base.”

With Wu Buye not present and Qiu Yu temporarily under control, Qu Yi Flight couldn’t bring anyone with him.

They chose to drive back.

Specialized military vehicles, Li Xin’s reinforcement, even so, all the way forward was still difficult, originally they rebuilt good roads, all destroyed in this acid rain.

Potholes everywhere, the stumps that could still be seen before, completely disappeared.

The soil of the hill was almost completely lost, and the exposed rocks were black and pitted, revealing a sense of desperate decay.

If there was life in the world before.

Now it was just mottled, depressing colors, devoid of life.

Meteorites, earthquakes, acid rain, the world after a catastrophe had completely turned black and white, and the hidden red was also the color of blood that symbolized ominousness.

Humans were the only living beings in this world, but because of the existence of the Fae, even they were in danger.

The car was traveling in the middle of such a world, and even they, who had seen worse images in the Southwest, couldn’t help but feel a chill in their hearts.

When they were in the southwest, they knew that only the southwest was like this.

But now, they also knew that the whole world was like this.

“How desperate.” Jiang Yu muttered.

She turned back to Sheng An, “Sister Sheng, even if we win, are we going to survive in a world like this in the future?”

Sheng An also looked out the window.

The world of potholes left behind countless pools, the ground was still wet, and the acidic rain that the car pressed over the ground, splashed up and landed on the car, immediately leaving behind countless small pits.

Li Xin had to reinforce it from time to time, otherwise the car wouldn’t be able to get through at all.

Even the modified metal tires couldn’t hold up, they had to be constantly reinforced, and as a result, it was bumpy all the way, and the speed couldn’t get up fast enough.

And the departure of this acid rain was not a declaration that the acid rain was completely over.

In the rainy season, the acid rain would come back.

A world like this was gradually becoming unsuitable for human survival.

Sheng An: “There will always be a new way to survive.”

Humans will always find a way to live in the middle of the cracks, even if they can only live in the base in the future, and can no longer be distributed throughout the world and see different landscapes like before…….

Hao Jingye looked at Jiang Yu: “Little fish space is the last pure land, right? If you still want to see vibrant images, I’m afraid you can only go to Little Fish Space.”

Jiang Yu propped her chin up, the small flower on her head swaying as she muttered, “If only my space was bigger, preferably as big as the entire world, we could have a new home!”

Hao Jingye knocked her and said helplessly, “Your space has to come out once every 24 hours, moreover, it’s attached to your body, how can it fit all humans?”

Jiang Yu rubbed her head and let out a long sigh.

Once again, she thought, if only the space could detach from her.

What was once a golden finger that she was dead set on and was uniquely her own had now turned into an expectation that she could detach and benefit humanity.

Sheng An flashed a smile.

She jerked her head and said softly, “It’s good to put away the space and still keep a piece of pure land for humanity.”

Sheng An hadn’t rubbed her head like a cat in a long time, and Jiang Yu revealed a bright smile.

The others avert their eyes and don’t have eyes to see.

–But wherever Shanhua is here, high and low give her a kick.

The car then returned to the capital base in slow motion.

After being away for a whole month, the capital base had changed a lot.

But right now, they had no intention of caring about the changes in the capital base, Sheng An and his group had just returned, when they were stopped by Wu Buye, Zhang Kun and Shan Hua, behind them, there was also the base chief, academician Zhou, dean Wang and Dr. Yan.

Wu Buye: “You guys are finally back!”

Zhang Kun hugged them one by one.

Separated for ten days, very unaccustomed, two people live in the villa inside, always feel empty, even if 0 team Yu Feng and Jiang also book they often come to see, but also still feel cold.

Sheng sister they finally came back, the backbone came back!

Sheng An nodded towards them, indicating that she would say something later, and she looked towards Dr. Yan and the others.

Dr. Yan tugged at the corner of his mouth, and then looked grave: “I know that you guys just came back, and there are still a lot of things you need to understand, but before that, we must first complete the most important thing.”

After a pause, he looked behind the crowd, “Where is Team Leader Qiu?”

Behind the crowd, Xiang Hanfang and Jiang Ling stood on either side of Qiu Yu on the left and right, while she was still bound by handcuffs, revealing her wrists with old wounds.

She didn’t speak, her expression was calm, her attire was neat, but anyone could tell that she wasn’t in a good mood.

Chief Base Chief took a deep breath and slowly commanded, “Sheng An, from today onwards, the Special Intelligence Division AB group are all under your control, and all matters in Qiu Yu’s hands are all transferred to your hands.”

Qiu Yu looked up sharply, her eyes stern.

Sheng An pursed his lips and only asked, “I would like to know the country’s next arrangement for Team Leader Qiu.”

Qiu Yu looked at Elder Li.

Elder Li was also looking at her, his eyes skeptical and tangled, and after a moment, he withdrew his gaze and looked at Sheng An:

“Team Leader Qiu has the suspicion of M. Before the suspicion is ruled out, she must be supervised and can no longer have command of the Special Intelligence Division, and is temporarily detained at the Institute for Alien Bio Research.”

Qiu Yu’s hand clenched into a fist and quickly loosened again.

Fae were such terrifying existences.

What you obviously see is still the same person, he/she might still have the same emotions, the same reactions, but it is no longer the same person ……

They have to guard against everything.

Today, if it wasn’t Autumn Rain, it would be the same arrangement if it was anyone else.

Dr. Yan looked grave: “Team Leader Qiu will be temporarily detained at the Institute of Alien Biology to undergo investigation and research, and at the same time, the entire staff of the Special Intelligence Division will be subjected to an investigation.”

Sheng An nodded.

After a pause, she emphasized, “Who M is cannot be determined yet.”

Dr. Yan understood her meaning and nodded, “Don’t worry, we won’t treat Team Leader Qiu poorly.”

Autumn Rain did not speak.

She was quiet, pursed her lips stubbornly, lowered her head, and like a prisoner who needed to be guarded, she followed the people who were “escorting” her away into the place where she was being held.

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