Chapter 277.

Release Date: 2024-08-05 13:59:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The sky was dark, with no moon or stars, only a vaguely ominous red light, and the base was brightly lit, with teams of patrolling aliens and military personnel weaving in and out.

Occasionally, there were ordinary people on the night shift, walking along the roads with relaxed and peaceful expressions.

If one didn’t look outside, no one would think that this was the end times.

And this tranquility required countless sacrifices to guard, those one urns placed inside the grids, their battle after battle.

Sheng An took a deep breath and raised his eyes, his eyes calm: “Collect first, don’t put it together.”

The silence on the roof was broken.

Song Linwei nodded, “Okay.”

The others nodded similarly, staring at the box with serious eyes.

–They would never question any of Sheng An’s decisions when they entrusted this major decision to her.

–The right to decide was not a transfer of responsibility, Sheng An’s decision was their joint decision.

From today, from this moment onwards, they would start going all out to collect the fragments.

At this moment.

The sound of “gargling” rang out from the surroundings.

The crowd was instantly alerted, and fiercely followed the sound to the side.

A leaf trembled, poked out from the side, and then, the root system climbed up to the eaves, a little bit, hard to climb up ……

It’s the mutated Folding Ear Root, Academician Zhou’s “treasure”.

Li Xin was surprised: “Why are you here?”

Other people also all look over, very surprised, all know that it this time to consume serious, Zhou academician heartache tight, did not expect to find over.

Mutant Folding Ear Root pulled its entire body up from below.

God knows a small folded ear root of energy overdraft, in the end how can it be difficult to climb up to such a high roof.

After climbing up, it moved over with a huff.

It originally wanted to hold on to its magnificent body and wait for them to come back, so that they, especially that woman, could see its ability with their own eyes, but unfortunately it didn’t hold on and became paralyzed.

Later, it waited and waited at the institute, but it didn’t wait for the woman to fulfill her promise.

The mutant folding ear root was furious.

It sought it out on its own.

Its leaves were desperately shaking towards them, trembling and trembling, and even if one didn’t understand the language of the plant, one could still clearly perceive through its movements-

It was currently cursing at the moment.

However, they could only know that it was “cursing”, they did not know what it was cursing, and after an output, it was paralyzed on the roof, and raised its leaves towards them in an exasperated manner.

Everyone looked at Wu Buye.

The corner of Wu Buye’s mouth twitched, “It came to find us to fulfill its promise.”

Song Linwei suddenly realized and hurriedly said, “By the way, Academician Zhou said that he would let Sister Sheng go to the research institute to look for him tomorrow, it has something to do with the Mutant Folded Ear Root, and the base chief mentioned that because the Folded Ear Root made a big achievement this time, they agreed to one of its requests.”

The Mutant Folding Ear Root shook its leaves in agreement.

Immediately afterward, it raised its leaves up, “pride” written all over its body.

The conditions that it had exchanged with its ability, it was justified in honoring them, and it was very confident.

The crowd was speechless, the corners of their mouths twitching.

Jiang Yu looked sideways, Sheng An expression is very calm, there is still time to carry Shan Hua over to jerk the cat, Shan Hua cooing, happy.

“Sister Sheng, aren’t you curious about what conditions it’s going to make?” Jiang Yu was surprised.

Sheng An was expressionless: “Left is just for bald hair, oh, bald leaves.”

Folding Ear Root: “……”

Its body steeply drew up, I don’t know where the strength came from, the leaves desperately shaking, a moment without stopping, a burst of output.

At this moment, Wu Buye was glad that he could only barely hear its words.

This is a completely not worse than Zhuang Fan chatterbox, “talk” density is comparable to a machine gun, muttering, listening to Wu WuYuYe dizziness.

Think of how much he loved gossip a “fake social terrorism”, alive by Zhuang Fan this “real social terrorism” inner drama forced to do not want to use mind-reading, do not want to eat melon.

If there is another variant of the earwig,…….

Wu Buye shivered, he would go crazy.

“What the hell is it saying?” Li Xin was at a loss.

Without the need for Wu Buye to translate, Sheng An summarized, “Let me make sure to fulfill my promise to give it countless thick leaves on its head, which is the payment it deserves, and demanded that I fulfill it immediately.”

The trembling leaves did not move, the blades gently pointing as if in agreement with Sheng An’s words.

However, Sheng An’s next sentence made it break its defense-

“Your leaf was gone when the time layers intersected, thrown inside one of the collapsed time levels, even if I could backtrack, there is no way for me to return your leaf to the state it was in at that moment.”

It’s not hard to understand.

A long backtrack required an anchor point, and that time layer had collapsed, and there was no anchor point left.

She’d have to go back to that time layer and backtrack further.

It couldn’t be done.

Just like there is absolutely no way she can change what happened before her last life (time back) now.

In other words–

This hair, ah no, this foliage can’t thicken a bit.

Mutant Folding Ear Root: “???”

After a brief moment of silence, it falls to the ground and sits on the roof, the leaf stiffens for a moment, shakes violently, and above it, a few dewdrops appear.

Crowd: “……”

Ji Yani rounded her eyes and spoke tentatively, “Is this crying?”

Jiang Yu reaches out her hand and gently pokes its leaves, shaking the dewdrops off of it, and soon two more appear, before the leaves shake desperately at her.

Wu Buye: “It’s cursing you.”

Jiang Yu: “…… I can see that.”

Folding Ear Root really broke a big defense, harboring hopes, and now her hopes are dashed and she is grieving.

Jiang Ling has some sympathy, everyone present, probably only she can understand its mood, she softly consoled: “Think about it, you’re a plant, just one leaf is one leaf, it can’t be backtracked, and there’s no way to force it.”

Above the mutant folding ear root leaves, dew drops clattered off.

Wu Buye: “It scolded you for growing your own hair well, so you don’t care about other people’s deaths and lives, not being a human being, if you lost your hair, you’d definitely be even more forced than it is.”

Jiang Ling: “…… You don’t have to translate everything, I don’t really want to know how a plant scolds me.”

As she spoke, she instinctively stroked her hair, not daring to imagine what would happen if she lost it.

Almost as a subconscious reaction, she looked over at Zhuang Fan.

I’ve heard that programmers and netizen authors are at high risk of losing their hair, and this guy has such thick hair?

Wu Buye looked at Zhuang Fan: “She said that you have such thick hair, you were more than likely a little puffer and pigeonholer in the beginning.”

Zhuang Fan: “???”

Wu Buye looked to Jiang Ling: “He said you’re insulting his character, you can say he’s a pouncer, but you can’t say he doesn’t work hard, he’s not a pigeonholer!”

After saying that, he was busy translating the words of the Mutant Folding Ear Root, “It says that all of you with a lot of hair are not pleasing to the eye, and that sooner or later you’ll lose it all.”

Jiang Ling: “You can curse me to death, you can’t curse me to have no hair!”

Wu Buye translates, “She says she’s a hair alien and will never run out of hair, but you only have one leaf, little baldie.”

Not knowing what was going on, a curse war opened above the roof.

Wu Buye was translating happily.

Gu Qiansheng: “……”

He reasonably suspected that this guy was adding fuel to the fire.

Song Linwei rubbed his head with a great headache and a helpless face, “What kind of people are in the Special Intelligence Division.”

Originally, Group B was a gathering place for oddballs, and then Group A also showed signs of this, and now that the two groups were fused and muddled together, there weren’t many normal people.

He looked to Sheng An for help.

Sheng An handed over the mountain flower to Qi Ling Mu, thinking of what Folding Ear Root had given, and scooped it up, gleaning away the leaves on top of its head with great speed.

Folding Ear Root froze.

Jiang Ling sucked in a mouthful of cold air and clutched her hair tightly, and Zhuang Fan touched his head, his eyes vaguely horrified.

Thus, the scolding ended.

And Sheng An unleashed his supernatural ability, Time Rewind.

Gathering away, backtracking, five times in a row.

His hand gently and deftly weaved five leaves together, and when Folding Ear Root didn’t react, he put the five leaves on top of its one.

On top of its head, it had six identical leaves.

Sheng An patted it, “Six and six, auspicious.”

Crowd: “……”

Isn’t this just wearing a wig?

Isn’t it too much of an insult to the “fold”?

The Folded Root froze for a long time, then touched its head with its root system, shook it, and the leaf stuck tightly to the one it was on and didn’t fall off.

The folding ear root violently pulled up its body and brought the leaf over.

Wu Buye: “…… It says it wants more, more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more.”

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